172 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this contribution is to discuss what roles the different economic sectors, and in particular services activities (the tertiary sector) play in regional development, understood as growth in production, incomes and employment in weakly developedregions. This question is approached in two ways. The contribution first contains a – primarily theoretical – re-examination of the so-called economic base model, which states that services play a passive role in regional development. The discussion leads to substantial modifications of the model. The second approach is more empirical. It will take as its point of departure the proposition – often heard, but rarely examined – that since service activities are more concentrated in big cities than other activities and in recent decades have shown higher growth rates than other economic activities, it follows that the economic development is now pulled towards big city regions. Examined by way of a statistical analysisin Denmark and France, this proposition could not be verified

    Skills in Services:A Study in Denmark

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    Befolkningsudviklingen i landdistrikterne i Vestjylland og Sydsjælland, 1860-1960

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    The Functions of Danish Towns

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    Kontaktmønstre i Københavnsregionen i tiden omkring 1965—70

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    Der var en fejl i figur 9 i afhandlingen. Den rigtige udgave findes i erratum-filen

    Innovation og kompetenceudvikling i rengøring:Case-rapport om ISS

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