156 research outputs found

    A Workflows Roadmap for the Geosciences

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    The EarthCube Workflows Community Group was formed in March 2012 as part of the NSF EarthCube initiative in response to initial discussions in EarthCube that occurred during 2011. Workflows are used to manage complex computations that have many steps or use large data. Workflow systems assist scientists to select models appropriate for their data, configure them with appropriate parameters, and execute them efficiently. The EarthCube community saw great value in workflow technologies for the future of geosciences. The goal of the EarthCube Workflows Community Group was to begin to elicit requirements for workflows in geosciences, ascertain the state of the art and current practices, identify current gaps in both the use of and capabilities of current workflow systems in the earth sciences through use case studies, and identify grand challenges for the next decade along with the possible paths to addressing those challenges. The group was asked to produce a roadmap for workflows in geosciences. Three other Community Groups were formed (Data, Semantics and Ontologies, and Governance), and each was asked to create a roadmap in their area. The group held a series of virtual and face-to-face workshops to solicit participation from the geosciences community and other relevant researchers. The EarthCube Workflows Community Group set up a public web site where all their activities were made open for participation from the community and all documents were posted for public access and editing (https://sites.google.com/site/earthcubeworkflow/). Presentations and discussions were recorded and posted on the site. A key result of the work of the EarthCube Workflows Community Group activities in Spring and Summer 2012 was the creation of a workflows roadmap for the geosciences. An initial roadmap document for the EarthCube community that was first released in June 2012 and presented to the EarthCube community. A revised roadmap was delivered to the community in August 2012. The roadmap serves as a living document created as a group effort with provisions and a process to update and extend it over time.This document represents the final roadmap of the NSF EarthCube Community Group for workflows in the geosciences. Community feedback is always welcome, as the roadmap will be revised and extended while EarthCube activities continue.This work was supported through National Science Foundation under grant # EAR-1238216 as part of the NSF EarthCube initiative. EarthCube is an innovative and longterm cross-directorate initiative of the US National Science Foundation

    Annelerin 0-24 Aylık Çocuklarını Besleme Davranışları: Kırıkkale İli Örneği

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, Kırıkkale İl sınırları içinde yaşayan 0 -24 aylık çocukların anne sütü alma ve ek besinlere başlama duru-munda annelerin davranışlarını belirlemektir.Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı tipte olan bu çalışma, Kırıkkale İli merkez ve köylerinde yaşayan, 0-24 aylık çocuğu olan ve araştırmaya katılma-yı kabul eden 200 anneye 36 soru ve 5 bölümden oluşan bir anket formu uygulanmıştır.Bulgular: Annelerin %52’si kent merkezinde yaşamaktadır. Araştır-maya katılan annelerin %72.5’inin doğum sonrası ilk besin olarak bebeğine anne sütü verdiği, %57.5’inin çocuklarına ilk 6 ay anne sütü verdiği, annelerin %92.5’i anne sütü hakkında bilgi aldığı sap-tanmıştır. Annelerin %47.5’nin hemşire/ebelerden bilgi aldığı be-lirlenmiştir. Annelerin %36’sının 6 ay ve üzeri zamanda ek gıdaya başladığı saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, annelerin yarıdan fazlasının çocuklarına ilk altı ay sadece anne sütü verdiği, 6. aydan sonra ek gıdalara başla-dığı saptanmıştır

    The effects of overwork on occupational health and safety

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    Fazla çalışma, işçinin sağlığına, sosyal çevresi ile olan ilişkilerine, işyerindeki verimine ve devletin istihdam politikalarına etki eden yönleri ile hem İş Hukukunda hem de İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Hukukunda önemli bir yere sahiptir. Mevzuatlarda fazla çalışma yasaklarına ve sınırlarına yer verilmesine rağmen uygulamada yasal düzenlemelere aykırı çalışmaların yapıldığı sık rastlanan bir durumdur. Nitekim iş kazaları ve meslek hastalıklarına ilişkin istatistiki verilerde de iş kazalarının başlıca nedenleri arasında uzun saatlerle yapılmış çalışmalara bağlı yorgunluk ve dikkatsizlik gelmektedir. Son on yılda artan çalışmalar fazla mesai ve uzun çalışma programlarının hipertansiyon, kardiyovasküler hastalık, yorgunluk, stres, depresyon, kas-iskelet sistemi bozuklukları, kronik enfeksiyonlar gibi çalışan sağlığı üzerindeki zararlı etkilerini ortaya koymaktadır. Giderek artan kanıtlar, uzun çalışma saatlerinin çalışanların sağlık ve esenliğini olumsuz yönde etkilediğini ve çalışanların çeşitli sağlık sorunlarına maruz kalmaya karşı, savunmasız olduklarını göstermektedir.Overtime has an important place in both Labor Law and Occupational Health and Safety Law, with its aspects affecting the health of the worker, his relations with his social environment, his efficiency in the workplace and the employment policies of the state. Despite the prohibitions and limits of overtime work in the legislation, it is a common situation that works contrary to legal regulations are carried out in practice. As a matter of fact, in the statistical data on work accidents and occupational diseases, fatigue and carelessness due to long hours of work are among the main causes of work accidents. Increasing studies in the last decade reveal the harmful effects of overtime and long work programs on employee health such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, fatigue, stress, depression, musculoskeletal system disorders, and chronic infections. Increasing evidence shows that long working hours negatively affect the health and well-being of workers and that workers are vulnerable to exposure to a variety of health problems

    Functions of Identity Scale: Turkish Validity and Reliability

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    The aim of the present study was to test the factor structure, convergent validity, and reliability of the Functions of Identity Scale (FIS) on a Turkish college sample. FIS is a 15-item, self-report instrument consisting of five scales. In line with the original version, both the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis revealed a five-factor structure, each representing distinct functions of identity formation. Convergent validity of the instrument was proved via bivariate correlations with theoretically comparable scales. Finally, internal consistency coefficients, test-retest values, and item-total correlations demonstrated the reliability of FIS for Turkish use. Overall, the findings suggest that the Turkish version of FIS is a useful instrument to assess the diverse functions of identity among Turkish college students

    The Development and Current State of Youth Research in Turkey: An Overview

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    This article aims to provide an overview of youth research in Turkey, from the building years of the Turkish nation-state to the present. It discusses two broad traditions of youth research in Turkey, namely, sociocultural research and psycho-pedagogical research. In particular, it addresses the representative scholarly discourses and the main research lines of Turkish youth research, with specific attention to domestic social context. Adopting a comparative perspective, it also aims to address how Turkish youth research relates to broader trends. Finally, it takes a closer look at the current state of youth research in Turkey