1,089 research outputs found

    Zugkraftmessungen beim knöchernen Segmenttransport – in vivo Untersuchungen am Menschen

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    Bone transport applying the principle of distraction osteogenesis makes it possible to reconstruct long bone defects caused by trauma or resection of bone tumors. The method employing a central cable, developed in Munich, is especially suitable for such applications. The main bone fragments are stabilized by an external fixateur, and bone transport is effected with a single central cable fixed to the tip of the segment, and driven by an external, programmable motor. In 15 patients the tractive forces during the entire bone transport were measured with a strain gauge incorporated within the cable. On the basis of the force profiles characteristics normal bone transport (forces between 150 - 250 N) can be distinguished from a critical transport (forces > 250 N) with the risk of premature consolidation. There is some evidence that at a very high level of force, just before premature consolidation a very effective form of bone transport with good bone neoformation can be achieved. Transport systems employing a central cable allow this special form of distraction osteogenesis, since there is continuous force monitoring, and there is the option of employing the traction force as a control factor in a loop

    Zentrale Zugseilsysteme – vollautomatische, kontinuierliche Kallusdistraktion zur Behandlung langstreckiger Knochendefekte

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    Distraction osteogenesis involving bone transport enables the reconstruction of large bone defects. The main bone fragments are usually stablilised externally, an intermediate bone segment is separated and moved through the defect at a rate of about 1 mm/day. New high-quality bone is built up in the constantly enlarging osteotomy gap. A major problem associated with the method is the fact that the fixation pins are also moved over the same distance, and cut through the soft tissue, often resulting in painful pin tract infections and ugly scars. An automatic motorized bone transport system employing a single central cable now eliminates this problem. The system can be combined with any external fixateur, since the relevant implanted parts for bone transport are independent of the external stabilizer. The surgical procedure, which is easy on the patient, consists of bone segment separation, central cable fixation, and stabilisation of the main fragments, and requires the use of numerous special tools. The distraction itself results in significantly less soft tissue irritation and pain. Pin tract infections are rare, so that changeover to internal fixation after completion of bone transport carries little risk of infection. This article details the technical features of the stabilizing system and the transport and the control systems, and describes the clinical application in a patient


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    The history of transport in Russia: Textbook. Ed. by T. L. Pashkova. Moscow, Federal State Budgetary  Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education «Training Methodological Center for Railway Education», 2019, 380 р. ISBN 978-5-907055-03-2. The peer-reviewed textbook is dedicated to the history of origination and development of all modes of transport in Russia. Its main goal is to show evolution historical process of development of technological progress in the transport sector. It is intended for the 1st and 2nd year students of higher education institutions training personnel for transport industry. The publication may be useful to researchers, Ph.D. students, employees of ministries and departments, as well as to a wide circle of readers, whose attention is drawn to the history of transport and of the transport industry. История транспорта России: Учебник / Под общ. ред. Т. Л. Пашковой. – М.: УМЦ по образованию на железнодорожном транспорте, 2019. – 380 с. – ISBN 978-5-907055-03-2.Рецензируемый учебник посвящён истории становления и развития всех видов транспорта России. Его главная цель – показать эволюционный процесс исторического развития технического прогресса в транспортной сфере.Учебник предназначен для студентов и курсантов, обучающихся на 1-м и 2-м курсах образовательных учреждений высшего образования, осуществляющих подготовку кадров для транспортной отрасли.Издание может быть полезно научным работникам, аспирантам, работникам министерств и ведомств, а также широкому кругу читателей, проявляющих интерес к истории транспорта и транспортной отрасли

    Человек книги Тимофей Иванович Райнов

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    There is considered the activity of the outstanding historian of science Timofey I. Rainov (1890—1958) as bibliographer and librarian. In the work, based on the archival materials, for the first time introduced into scientific circulation, there is reconstructed the first period of his work as bibliographer, which took place in 1923—1935 in Moscow in the Library of Socialist/Communist Academy. At that time he accomplished several major bibliographic projects, including those published as separate book editions “Bibliographic Materials on the Heavy Industry Second Five-Year Plan with inclusion of the Materials on the 1932 Year Plan. Annotated index” (Moscow, 1933) and “The Ural-Kuznetsk Industrial Complex. Issue 1: Abstract Bibliography of the Literature, 1927—31” (Moscow, 1933).Рассмотрена деятельность выдающегося историка науки Тимофея Ивановича Райнова (1890—1958) как библиографа и библиотекаря. В работе, основанной на архивных материалах, впервые вводимых в научный оборот, реконструируется первый период его работы как библиографа, который проходил с 1923 по 1935 г. в Москве в Библиотеке Социалистической (Коммунистической) академии. В это время им были выполнены несколько крупных библиографических проектов, в том числе опубликованные отдельными изданиями «Библиографические материалы по второму пятилетнему плану тяжелой промышленности со включением материалов по плану 1932 г. Аннотированный указатель» (Москва, 1933) и «Урало-Кузнецкий комбинат. Вып. 1: Реферативная библиография литературы, 1927—31 гг.» (Москва, 1933). 

    “Geografia generalʹnaa” Bernharda Varena: 300 let pervoj publikacii v Rossii

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    „Geographia generalis” (Geografia powszechna) Bernharda Vareniusa (1622–1650) stanowi klasyczną pra-cę z dziedziny geografii. Izaak Newton wykładał geografię w uniwersytecie w Cambridge na podstawie książki Va-reniusa i dwukrotnie pod własną redakcją, z uzupełnieniami, wydał ją w Anglii. Szeroki oddźwięk naukowy i niezły-kła popularność „Geographia generalis” w Anglii spowodowały, że Piotr I, opierając się na rekomendacji J. Bru-ce’a, zdecydował o wyborze tego dzieła jako podręcznika. Wydanie w 1718 roku „Geographia generalis” B. Va-reniusa odegrało wielką rolę w rozwoju wiedzy geograficznej w Rosji i jej nauczaniu

    The effect on the extracellular matrix of the deep fascia in response to leg lengthening

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Whereas the alterations of diverse tissues in cellular and molecular levels have been investigated during leg lengthening via microscopy and biochemical studies, little is known about the response of deep fascia. This study aims to investigate the changes of the extracellular matrix in deep fascia in response to leg lengthening.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Animal model of leg lengthening was established in New Zealand white rabbits. Distraction was initiated at a rate of 1 mm/day and 2 mm/day in two steps, and preceded until increases of 10% and 20% in the initial length of tibia had been achieved. Alcian blue stain and picrosirius-polarization method were used for the study of the extracellular matrix of deep fascia samples. Leica DM LA image analysis system was used to investigate the quantitative changes of collagen type I and III.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Alcian blue stain showed that glycosaminoglycans of fascia of each group were composed of chondroitin sulphate and heparin sulphate, but not of keratan sulphate. Under the polarization microscopy, the fascia consisted mainly of collagen type I. After leg lengthening, the percentage of collagen type III increased. The most similar collagen composition of the fascia to that of the normal fascia was detected at a 20% increase in tibia length achieved via a distraction rate of 1 mm/d.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The changes in collagen distribution and composition occur in deep fascia during leg lengthening. Although different lengthening schemes resulted in varied matrix changes, the most comparable collagen composition to be demonstrated under the scheme of a distraction rate of 1 mm/day and 20% increase in tibia length. Efficient fascia regeneration is initiated only in certain combinations of the leg load parameters including appropriate intensity and duration time, e.g., either low density distraction that persist a relatively short time or high distraction rates.</p

    Impact of leg lengthening on viscoelastic properties of the deep fascia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite the morphological alterations of the deep fascia subjected to leg lengthening have been investigated in cellular and extracellular aspects, the impact of leg lengthening on viscoelastic properties of the deep fascia remains largely unknown. This study aimed to address the changes of viscoelastic properties of the deep fascia during leg lengthening using uniaxial tensile test.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Animal model of leg lengthening was established in New Zealand white rabbits. Distraction was initiated at a rate of 1 mm/day and 2 mm/day in two steps, and preceded until increases of 10% and 20% in the initial length of tibia had been achieved. The deep fascia specimens of 30 mm × 10 mm were clamped with the Instron 1122 tensile tester at room temperature with a constant tensile rate of 5 mm/min. After 5 load-download tensile tests had been performed, the specimens were elongated until rupture. The load-displacement curves were automatically generated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The normal deep fascia showed typical viscoelastic rule of collagenous tissues. Each experimental group of the deep fascia after leg lengthening kept the properties. The curves of the deep fascia at a rate of 1 mm/day with 20% increase in tibia length were the closest to those of normal deep fascia. The ultimate tension strength and the strain at rupture on average of normal deep fascia were 2.69 N (8.97 mN/mm<sup>2</sup>) and 14.11%, respectively. The increases in ultimate tension strength and strain at rupture of the deep fascia after leg lengthening were statistically significant.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The deep fascia subjected to leg lengthening exhibits viscoelastic properties as collagenous tissues without lengthening other than increased strain and strength. Notwithstanding different lengthening schemes result in varied viscoelastic properties changes, the most comparable viscoelastic properties to be demonstrated are under the scheme of a distraction rate of 1 mm/day and 20% increase in tibia length.</p

    Ilizarov Treatment of Congenital Pseudarthrosis of the Tibia: A Multi-Targeted Approach Using the Ilizarov Technique

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    Congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia (CPT) is one of the most challenging problems in pediatric orthopaedics. The treatment goals are osteosynthesis, stabilization of the ankle mortise by fibular stabilization, and lower limb-length equalization. Each of these goals is difficult to accomplish but regardless of the surgical options, the basic biological considerations are the same: pseudarthrosis resection, biological bone bridging of the defect by stable fixation, and the correction of any angular deformity. The Ilizarov method is certainly valuable for the treatment of CPT because it can address not only pseudarthrosis but also all complex deformities associated with this condition. Leg-length discrepancy can be managed by proximal tibial lengthening using distraction osteogenesis combined with or without contralateral epiphysiodesis. However, treatment of CPT is fraught with complications due to the complex nature of the disease, and failure is common. Residual challenges, such as refracture, growth disturbance, and poor foot and ankle function with stiffness, are frequent and perplexing. Refracture is the most common and serious complication after primary healing and might result in the re-establishment of pseudarthrosis. Therefore, an effective, safe and practical treatment method that minimizes the residual challenges after healing and accomplishes the multiple goals of treatment is needed. This review describes a multi-targeted approach for tackling these challenges, which utilizes the Ilizarov technique in atrophic-type CPT