74 research outputs found

    Analysis of fertility on the Merlot clones (Vitis vinifera L.), by applying the method of correlation

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    In this research were included seven clones of the variety Merlot (R-12, R-18, R-3, 181, 184, 348, 346). Fertility of each clone is determined by elements: fertility shoots per vine (%),absolute coefficient (number of clusters per fertile shoot), mass of bunch, and the yield expressed of unit area or kg/m2.The obtained results from this work were statistically processed using the SPSS statistical software package 19, from where it can be measure the frequency, the percentage share of data, measures of central tendency (median, standard deviation, dispersion, arithmetic mean), such as graphic representation of data (a histogram).The analysis showed than all clones had larger correlation coefficient or there exists a greater dependence between the mass of the cluster and yields. From all clones, only two of them (R18, 346) proved more than greater dependence or greater correlation coefficient between absolute coefficientand the percentage of fertility shoot. The Merlot clone 348 proved the highest correlation between the mass of the cluster and yields where correlation coefficient is 0.983 which is approximately the value of 1, which indicates a very high connectivity

    Effect of some technological parameters on the organoleptic characteristics of red wines from the region of Tikvesh

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    The influences of the temperature, inoculum and the recirculation of the must on the organoleptic profile of the wines were investigated by 3-factorial design experiment. The temperature ranges between 20 and 28 ° C, the inoculum - 2-4%, and the recirculation was 2 times, 4 times, 6 times for 24 hours. The inoculum had a slightly influence on the organoleptic characteristics. The temperature and the recirculation had a stronger influence on the taste of the wines. The higher recirculation rates lead to denser wine-body. The lower temperature leads to fresh fruit notes of cherry, raspberry, and at higher ripe fruit and spicy flavors in the wine aroma. The best combination was established at lower temperature and higher recirculation rate

    Сензорна и аналитичка евалуација на ладно - цедени масла од сончоглед

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    Составот на масните киселини, испарливите компоненти и сензорна евалуација на 16 ладноцедени сончогледови масла беа предмет на ова истражување. Низок удел на мононезаситена олеинска киселина и висок удел на полинезаситена линолеинска киселина (со удел преку 60%) може да предизвика брза оксидација на маслото во споредба со масла кои имаат висок удел на олеинска киселина и да предизвикаат „ужегнат“, „кисел“ или „горчлив“ вкус. Количеството на α-пинен може да служи како маркер при процесот на производство на ладноцедено сончогледово масло. Овој монотерпен е многу испарлив. Според тоа, екстремно ниски концентрации на овој монотерпен, како и други испитувани монотерпени укажуваат на незадоволителен квалитет на сончогледови зрна или несоодветен третман на зрната пред процесот на ладно цедење. Клучни зборови: ладноцедени сончогледови масла, испарливи компоненти, состав на масни киселини, сензорна евалуација

    Сензорна и аналитичка евалуација на ладно-цедени масла од сончоглед

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    Составот на масните киселини, испарливите компоненти и сензорната евалуација на на 16 ладно-цедени сончогледови масла беа предмет на ова истражување. Низок удел на мононезаситена олеинска киселина и висок удел на полинезаситена линолеинска киселина (со удел преку 60%) може да предизвика брза оксидација на маслото во спредба на масла кои имаат висок удел на олеинска киселина и да предизвикаат „ужегнат“, „кисел“ или „горчлив“ вкус. Количеството на алфа-пинен може да служи како маркер при производство на ладно-цедено сончогледово масло. Овој монотерпен е многу испралив. Според тоа, екстремно ниски концентрации на овој терпен како и на други испитувани монотерпени укажуваат на незадоволителен квалитет на сончогледови зрна или несоодветен третман на зрната при процесот на ладно-цедење

    Characteristics of Petit verdot grape variety (Vitis vinifera L.) grown in Tikveš vineyards

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    Research is being performed to the variety of Petit verdot. The vineyards are sited on the Lepovo-Tikveš vineyards, in the property of Bovin winery. Plantation is started in 2008 with certified plantation material, 2.4 m planting distance between rows, and 1.0 m distance between vines in a row. The training system is Guyot two arms, with 20 eyelets leaving the vine. Some optimal agro-technical and ampelo-technical measures are applied. The plantation is under drip irrigation system. During the research period (2011– 2012) the following items were included: yield (kg/vine), chemical composition of grape must (sugar, total acid, pH), and chemical analysis of wine. The results show considerable variation in yield interest (14.48), which is due to the age of the crop, whether it is in the second (2011) or in the third (2012) year of birth. The must contains 230 g/L sugar and 5.5 g/L total acids, average for the test period. The wine has a high content of extract (40 g/L) and 13.11% vol alcohol, which is due to selective grape harvesting and the way of vinification (winemaking)

    Antimicrobial activity of pomegranate peel extracts from "Karamustafa" and "Idzis" varieties

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    The aim of this study was determination of antimicrobial activity of pomegranate peel extracts from “Karamustafa” and “Idžis” varieties. For this purposes, the peel of the two varieties of pomegranates was dried, powdered and extracted three times by methanol: water solution (80:20). After evaporation, the extracts were investigated for their “in vitro” antibacterial and antifungal properties using a disk-diffusion method in Petri dishes. The pomegranate peel extracts were tested for antibacterial activity against one Gram-positive bacterial strain Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), and against one Gram-negative bacterial strain Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), and for antifungal activity using Candida albicans (ATCC 1023). In brief, each microorganism was suspended in Mueller Hinton (MH) broth and diluted approximately to 10E6 colony forming unit (cfu)/mL. Gentamicin (20 μg/well), nalidixic acid (30 μg/well), ciprofloxacine (5 μg/well) and erytromicine (15 μg/well) were used as positive control. The antibacterial activity is ranked from no activity (-: inhibition diameter < 10 mm), low (+: inhibition diameter between 10 and 15 mm), moderate (++: inhibition diameter between 15 and 20 mm) and high activity (+++: diameter inhibition ≥ 20 mm). All tests were performed in triplicate and clear halos greater than 10 mm were considered as positive results. Our results showed very high antimicrobial activity of the extracts from both variety against Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) with inhibition zone of 40 mm. The antifungal activity against Candida albicans (ATCC 1023) was very low with inhibition zone of 10 mm

    Cannabis-wine, a new world trend or story with a quick end

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    The combinations of herbs with alcohol and wine are as old as mankind. The need for sedatives and painkillers has long resulted from the mixing of herbs and alcohol, today's trend is a leap into another era of wine. The trend of popularizing cannabis as a medicine, as one of the plants that can be most persistent in the fight against climate change and described as a modern savior of the 21st century, results in a cannabis-infused wine product. The big jump in the cannabis industry globally, even in our country, are just one of the indicators of its progression. Will consumers' need for tasty and relaxing drinks make or break, will the trend of cannabis as a lifeline for the globe continue, are these conclusions real, proven, and most importantly needed, or is it just a momentary euphoria that will end quickly, we will leave this on the time. Legislation is being adapted in favor of cannabis all over the world, more and more cannabis infused products are appearing on the market. The story of cannabis has two sides, the side where the plant saves the world from climate change and pollution and the other where its cultivation requires huge resources of water, energy, use of pesticides, which in turn have a counter-effect. The trend called Cannabis-Wine needs to be thoroughly investigated deep to the roots, and explanation to be given. Our research has shown that with the current trend and progression in the cannabis industry in Macedonia, as well as the wine industry which is one of the main agricultural branches in the country provide an opportunity for development of this type of product. The development of this trend on a global level will be reflected in our region. Key words: cannabis, wine, trend, medicine, climate chang


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    Dairy product quality monitoring begins at the farm and ends in the hands of the consumer. Raw milk must also meet other quality standards; it should be free of drug residues, free of added water and free of sediment, contaminants and other abnormalities. In our researches, is taken somatic cells count, the number of bacteria and Aflatoxins as indicators of the quality of raw milk from the Ovče Pole region in the period January-June, 2018. For the needs of this research, an analysis was made of 1320 samples for the presence of bacteria in raw milk, determination of somatic cell count in 478 samples as well as identification and quantification of aflatoxin M1 in 60 samples.&nbsp; The results from this study indicated determination acceptable count of somatic cells in 95.5 % of the samples from raw milk while in 2 samples of raw milk, the amount of aflatoxin M1 was above limits with highest amount of 0.58 mg/kg raw milk. According to European milk quality standards, in the biggest part of the samples (89.55 %), presence of bacteria does not meet the standard. From the analyzes made by the milk producers that were the subject of analysis in this research, it can be concluded that they do not adhere to good agricultural practice, the level of milk contamination is high due to poor hygiene, improper handling of milk after milking and insufficient education of farmers for hygiene in primary production

    Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of XAD-7 extracts from lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.)

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    Vaccinium vitis-idaea is most commonly known as 'lingonberry' or 'cowberry’ belongs to the family Ericaceae-edible fruit. The collection of wild berries is very popular in northern, central and eastern Europe, notably in Nordic countries, the Baltic states, central and northern Europe. The berries are quite tart, so they are often cooked and sweetened before eating in the form of lingonberry jam, compote, juice, smoothie or syrup. The raw fruits are also frequently simply mashed with sugar, which preserves most of their nutrients and taste. Their consumption is strongly related to normalization of blood sugar levels, health hearth and eyes, kidney protection and lowering the risk of some types of cancers. The present study characterized and identified the most effective extract, only consisting of anthocyanins, copigments or a mixture of both, obtained from a lingonberry juice concentrate. An extract was generated by using a XAD-7 column followed by fractionation into anthocyanins and determination of antioxidant activity by cyclic voltammetry

    Влијание на сортата грозје и технологијата на производство врз хемискиот состав на маџун (меласа од грозје)

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    Зборот “MACUN“-густо сварен овошeн сок. Потекло – од 15 -19 век кога на Балканот е формирано Османлиското царство Прв пат е произведен во 1527 година по порачка од Султанот Сулејман Величенствениот како лек за закрепнување на неговата мајка Ајше Хафса која ја имала и титулата Валиде Султан. Затоа наредил денот – пролетна рамноденица да се посвети на маџунот и тој ден во престолнината да се раздели на сите семејства. И денес, во градот Маниса до Измир, се слави истиот ден, а маџунот се продава под името Manisa Mesir Macunu. Интернационално име e меласа од грозје –Grape molasse