799 research outputs found

    Are we seeing the beginnings of Inflation?

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    Phantom Cosmology provides an unique opportunity to "connect" the phantom driven (low en- ergy meV scale) dark energy phase to the (high energy GUT scale) inflationary era. This is possible because the energy density increases in phantom cosmology. We present a concrete model where the energy density, but not the scale factor, cycles through phases of standard radiation/matter domi- nation followed by dark energy/inflationary phases, and the pattern repeating itself. An interesting feature of the model is that once we include interactions between the "phantom fluid" and ordinary matter, the Big rip singularity is avoided with the phantom phase naturally giving way to a near exponential inflationary expansion.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur

    A numerical study of the correspondence between paths in a causal set and geodesics in the continuum

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    This paper presents the results of a computational study related to the path-geodesic correspondence in causal sets. For intervals in flat spacetimes, and in selected curved spacetimes, we present evidence that the longest maximal chains (the longest paths) in the corresponding causal set intervals statistically approach the geodesic for that interval in the appropriate continuum limit.Comment: To the celebration of the 60th birthday of Rafael D. Sorki

    Decrypting Integrins by Mixed-Solvent Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    Integrins are a family of α/β heterodimeric cell surface adhesion receptors which are capable of transmitting signals bidirectionally across membranes. They are known for their therapeutic potential in a wide range of diseases. However, the development of integrin-targeting medications has been impacted by unexpected downstream effects including unwanted agonist-like effects. Allosteric modulation of integrins is a promising approach to potentially overcome these limitations. Applying mixed-solvent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to integrins, the current study uncovers hitherto unknown allosteric sites within the integrin α I domains of LFA-1 (αLβ2; CD11a/CD18), VLA-1 (α1β1; CD49a/CD29), and Mac-1 (αMβ2, CD11b/CD18). We show that these pockets are putatively accessible to small-molecule modulators. The findings reported here may provide opportunities for the design of novel allosteric integrin inhibitors lacking the unwanted agonism observed with earlier as well as current integrin-targeting drugs.</p

    Force and energy dissipation variations in non-contact atomic force spectroscopy on composite carbon nanotube systems

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    UHV dynamic force and energy dissipation spectroscopy in non-contact atomic force microscopy were used to probe specific interactions with composite systems formed by encapsulating inorganic compounds inside single-walled carbon nanotubes. It is found that forces due to nano-scale van der Waals interaction can be made to decrease by combining an Ag core and a carbon nanotube shell in the Ag@SWNT system. This specific behaviour was attributed to a significantly different effective dielectric function compared to the individual constituents, evaluated using a simple core-shell optical model. Energy dissipation measurements showed that by filling dissipation increases, explained here by softening of C-C bonds resulting in a more deformable nanotube cage. Thus, filled and unfilled nanotubes can be discriminated based on force and dissipation measurements. These findings have two different implications for potential applications: tuning the effective optical properties and tuning the interaction force for molecular absorption by appropriately choosing the filling with respect to the nanotube.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Evidence for shape coexistence in 98^{98}Mo

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    A γγ\gamma\gamma angular correlation experiment has been performed to investigate the low-energy states of the nucleus 98^{98}Mo. The new data, including spin assignments, multipole mixing ratios and lifetimes reveal evidence for shape coexistence and mixing in 98^{98}Mo, arising from a proton intruder configuration. This result is reproduced by a theoretical calculation within the proton-neutron interacting boson model with configuration mixing, based on microscopic energy density functional theory. The microscopic calculation indicates the importance of the proton particle-hole excitation across the Z=40 sub-shell closure and the subsequent mixing between spherical vibrational and the γ\gamma-soft equilibrium shapes in 98^{98}Mo.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables; published in Phys. Rev.

    Adsorbate/absorbate interactions with organic ferroelectric polymers

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    We discuss the interactions of adsorbates with the organic ferroelectric copolymer poly(vinylidene fluoride (PVDF)–trifluoroethylene (TrFE)). Range of molecular adsorbates is discussed from the smaller polar molecules like water, which is small enough to both adsorb and absorb, to the larger macrocyclic metal–organic metal phthalocyanines. The changes in local dipole orientation may affect the strength of the coupling between adsorbate or absorbate and the copolymer poly(vinylidene fluoride–trifluoroethylene). The interface dipole interactions may also affect device properties. The dipole interactions are implicated at the interface between copper phthalocyanine and poly(vinylidene fluoride with trifluoroethylene) affecting the band offsets and the diode properties

    Testing the magnetotail configuration based on observations of low‐altitude isotropic boundaries during quiet times

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    We investigate the configuration of the geomagnetic field on the nightside magnetosphere during a quiet time interval based on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Polar Orbiting Environment Satellites Medium Energy Proton and Electron Detector (NOAA/POES MEPED) measurements in combination with numerical simulations of the global terrestrial magnetosphere using the Space Weather Modeling Framework. Measurements from the NOAA/POES MEPED low‐altitude data sets provide the locations of isotropic boundaries; those are used to extract information regarding the field structure in the source regions in the magnetosphere. In order to evaluate adiabaticity and mapping accuracy, which is mainly controlled by the ratio between the radius of curvature and the particle’s Larmor radius, we tested the threshold condition for strong pitch angle scattering based on the MHD magnetic field solution. The magnetic field configuration is represented by the model with high accuracy, as suggested by the high correlation coefficients and very low normalized root‐mean‐square errors between the observed and the modeled magnetic field. The scattering criterion, based on the values of k=Rcρ ratio at the crossings of magnetic field lines, associated with isotropic boundaries, with the minimum B surface, predicts a critical value of kCR∼33. This means that, in the absence of other scattering mechanisms, the strong pitch angle scattering takes place whenever the Larmor radius is ∼33 times smaller than the radius of curvature of the magnetic field, as predicted by the Space Weather Modeling Framework.Key PointsWe tested the threshold condition for strong pitch angle scattering based on the MHD magnetic fieldSWMF model suggests a threshold condition for strong pitch angle scattering of k = 33For quiet time, the k parameter varies within 2 orders of magnitudePeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135070/1/jgra52310.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135070/2/jgra52310_am.pd

    Determination of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in dietary sources using a spectrophotometric method

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    Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are a class of toxic compounds found in the composition of more than 6000 plants. People can be exposed to PAs by consuming phytotherapeutic products, food from crops contaminated with seeds of some species with high content of PAs, and/ or contaminated animal products like bee products. For this reason we developed and validated a method for quantitative determination of PAs, from the most frequently contaminated food sources, honey and flour. Colorimetric Ehrlich reagent method was used with standard addition (1mg/kg senecionine). The extraction solvent was methanol 50% acidified with citric acid to pH 2-3, as this solvent can be used for alkaloids and N-oxides. We found that, in extracting the alkaloid only once from the dietary sources, the percent of recovery is low (52.5% for honey, and 45.75% for flour). Using successive extractions, three times with the same solvent, the senecionine retrieval percentage increased to 86.0% for honey and 76.0% for flour. The method was validated using the following parameters: selectivity, linearity (0,25- 20 mg/ mL senecionine), accuracy (average recovery 93.5 - 107.93%) and precision (RSD 3,26-4.55%.). The calculated limit of quantification (0.174 mg/ mL) makes this method applicable for determining Pas occurring at toxic levels for consumers

    Methods of Age Estimation by Dentition in Sus scrofa ferus sp.

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    In this study we present the practical method of age estimation by dentition in European wild boar Sus scrofa ferus. The dentition age estimation at this species is extremely important for establishing correlations between it and aspects of the body conformation and trophy value, in a strong linkage with the area bonitation, with the population genetic value and veterinary health status. We present the deciduous and permanent teeth aspect, at different ages: four months, six months, one year, one and a half years, two years, two and a half years, three years, five years, seven years, nine years and more. There are illustrated the aspects of incisors, canines, premolars and molars. Those aspects were confirmed by estimations made on 234 wild boars collected from Transylvania, in 2008 and 2009