107 research outputs found

    Sustainable user interface generation for digital devices: A case study

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    The internet has become an integral part of people’s lives. However, any digital activity results in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, which are the prime drivers of global warming and climate change. The environmental cost calls for the practice of sustainable web design or green human-computer interaction. While there is substantial research on ways to reduce the energy consumption of the back-end information systems, such as data centers, few studies focus on the front-end information systems, such as web design. This study aims to analyze the impact of web design on energy consumption by conducting a case study on an institutional website. A set of major web tracking and performance metrics tools will be adopted to collect data upon web hosting, performance optimization, web design, and user experience. Descriptive analysis of the data will help generate actionable insights into environmentally friendly user interface design strategies for digital devices

    Sustainable User Interface Generation for Digital Devices: A Case Study

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    The internet has become an integral part of people’s lives. However, any digital activity results in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, which are the prime drivers of global warming and climate change. The environmental cost calls for the practice of sustainable web design or green human-computer interaction. While there is substantial research on ways to reduce the energy consumption of the back-end information systems, such as data centers, few studies focus on the front-end information systems, such as web design. This study aims to analyze the impact of web design on energy consumption by conducting a case study on an institutional website. A set of major web tracking and performance metrics tools will be adopted to collect data on energy consumption, web performance optimization, web design, and user experience. Descriptive analysis of the data will help generate actionable insights into environmentally friendly user interface design strategies for digital devices.Master of Science in Information Scienc

    Chasm in Hegemony: Explaining and Reproducing Disparities in Homophilous Networks

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    In networks with a minority and a majority community, it is well-studied that minorities are under-represented at the top of the social hierarchy. However, researchers are less clear about the representation of minorities from the lower levels of the hierarchy, where other disadvantages or vulnerabilities may exist. We offer a more complete picture of social disparities at each social level with empirical evidence that the minority representation exhibits two opposite phases: at the higher rungs of the social ladder, the representation of the minority community decreases; but, lower in the ladder, which is more populous, as you ascend, the representation of the minority community improves. We refer to this opposing phenomenon between the upper-level and lower-level as the \emph{chasm effect}. Previous models of network growth with homophily fail to detect and explain the presence of this chasm effect. We analyze the interactions among a few well-observed network-growing mechanisms with a simple model to reveal the sufficient and necessary conditions for both phases in the chasm effect to occur. By generalizing the simple model naturally, we present a complete bi-affiliation bipartite network-growth model that could successfully capture disparities at all social levels and reproduce real social networks. Finally, we illustrate that addressing the chasm effect can create fairer systems with two applications in advertisement and fact-checks, thereby demonstrating the potential impact of the chasm effect on the future research of minority-majority disparities and fair algorithms


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    Bu çalışmada, esmolol ile oluşturulmuş kontrollü hipotansif anestezinin trombosit fonksiyonlarına etkisinin, PFA-100 sisteminde normotansif desfluranremifentanil anestezisi ile karşılaştırılması amaçlandı. Çalışmaya fakülte etik kurul onayı alındıktan sonra, bilgilendirilen ve yazılı onayları alınan ASA I-II risk grubundan 30 orta kulak cerrahisi uygulanacak hasta dahil edildi. Anestezi indüksiyonunda, 0.5 mg.kg&#8211;1 lidokain hidroklorür, 0.5 &#956;g.kg-1 remifentanil, 5&#8211;7 mg.kg&#8211;1 Na-tiyopental ve 0.6 mg.kg&#8211;1 roküronyum iv yoldan verildi. İndüksiyonla eş zamanlı olarak 0.1 &#8465;g.kg-1 dk-1 hızında remifentanil infüzyonuna başlandı. Entübasyondan sonra hemodinamik stabilizasyon elde edildiğinde, hipotansif grupta (Grup H), cerrahi insizyondan önce 0.5 mg kg-1 iv bolusu takiben 50-300 &#956;g.kg-1dk-1 doz aralığında esmolol infüzyonu ile hedef OAB (55-65 mmHg) düzeyleri elde edildi. Esmolol infüzyonu mikroskopik işlem bittikten sonra durduruldu. Kontrol normotansif grupta (Grup N), OAB 80-90 mmHg aralığında sürdürüldü ve tüm olgularda idamede desfluran-remifentanil anestezisi uygulandı. Peroperatif hemodinamik değişkenler, istenmeyen etkiler ve saatlik idrar miktarları kaydedildi. PFA-100 Kol/ADP ve KoL/Epi süreleri indüksiyon öncesi, cerrahi ve hipotansiyonun 60. dk&#8217;sı ve cerrahi sonunda çalışıldı. Arteriyel kan gazı değerlendirmesi indüksiyon sonu, cerrahinin 60.dk&#8217;sı ve cerrahi sonunda çalışılarak Hb ve Htc değerleri kaydedildi. İstatistiksel değerlendirmede p<0.05 anlamlı kabul edildi. Gruplar arasında hasta ile ilgili özelliklerde, preoperatif hematolojik testlerde, Hb ve Htc değerlerinin 3 ölçüm zamanındaki ortalamasında istatistiksel farklılık saptanmadı. Toplam kullanılan remifentanil miktarı, ortalama remifentanil dozu ve saatlik idrar miktarı Grup H&#8217;de anlamlı olarak düşük bulundu. Grup H&#8217;de cerrahi/esmolol 1. dk ve ekstübasyon öncesi arasındaki tüm ölçüm zamanlarında SAB, DAB, OAB ve KAH&#8217;da anlamlı fark vardı (p<0.05). Kol/ADP değerleri; 60. dk ve cerrahi sonunda Grup H&#8217; de Grup N&#8217; den belirgin olarak uzun bulundu (p < 0.05). Kol/Epi değerleri, 60. dk ve cerrahi sonunda Grup H&#8217; de Grup N&#8217; den belirgin olarak uzun bulundu (sırasıyla p<0.001, p< 0.01 ) Grup N&#8217;de cerrahi sonunda Kol/ADP süresi kontrole göre azalmıştı (p<0.01). Grup H&#8217; de 60. dk Kol/ADP süresi, kontrol değerine göre belirgin uzamış olarak bulundu ( p<0.001), Grup H&#8217; de Grup N&#8217; den belirgin olarak daha iyi cerrahi alan görünümü sağlandı. Kan kaybı miktarı Grup H&#8217; de Grup N&#8217; den belirgin olarak düşük bulundu (p<0.001). Genel durumu iyi, kanama bozukluğu olmayan, herhangi bir ilaç kullanmayan hastalarda yaptığımız bu hemostaz çalışmasında; desfluran-remifentanil normotansif anestezisine esmolol eklenerek oluşturulan hipotansif anestezinin, trombosit fonksiyonlarında geri dönüşümlü olarak inhibisyon yaptığını saptadık. Bu nedenle intraoperatif kanama riski taşıyan olgularda hipotansif anestezi yerine desfluran remifentanil normotansif anestezisinin uygun bir seçim olacağını, ancak postoperatif tromboz için yüksek risk taşıyan olgularda esmolollü hipotansif anestezi uygulamasının uygun olacağını düşünmekteyiz.This study aimed to compare the effect of controlled hypotensive anesthesia using esmolol upon platelet functions with normotension desfuranremifentanil anesthesia in the PFA-100 system. After receiving the approval of the faculty ethics committee, 30 ASA I-II risk status patients to be undergoing middle ear surgery, who were informed and from whom written consent was received, were included in the study. General anesthesia was induced by 0.5 mg.kg&#8211;1 lidokain hydrochloride, 0.5 &#956;g.kg-1 remifentanil, 5&#8211;7 mg.kg&#8211;1 Na-tiyopental and 0.6 mg.kg&#8211;1 rocuronium intravenously, and maintained after endotracheal intubation with desflurane and remifentanil in all patients. After intubation when hemodynamic stabilization was sustained, the target mean arterial pressure (MAP) (55-65 mmHg) levels were obtained in the hypotensive group (Group H) with the infusion of esmolol, the doses of which ranged between 50-300 &#956;g.kg-1dk-1, before surgery and after 0.5 mg iv bolus. The infusion of esmolol was ended after the microscopic process was finished. In the control normotensive group (Group N), MAP was continued between 80-90 mmHg and in all patients desflurane-remifentanil anesthesia was administered for the maintenance. Peroperative hemodynamic variables, unwanted effects and hourly urine quantities were recorded. PFA-100 Collogen/ADP and Collogen/Epinephrine durations before induction, at the 60th minute of surgery and hypotension and after surgery were examined. An analysis was made of arterial blood gas at the end of induction, at the 60th minute of hypotension and surgery and at the end of surgery, and the Hb and Htc values were recorded. In statistical analyses p<0.05 was regarded significant. No statistical difference was observed between the groups regarding patient characteristics and presurgical hematological tests. The total amount of remifentanil used, the average remifentanil dose and hourly urine quantity were found significant in Group H. In between-group analysis, there was significant difference in systolic-diastolic-mean blood pressure, and heart rate at all measurment during the observation period. The average Hb and Htc values at 3 measurement times were found to show similarity between the groups. When PFA-100 closure times were compared at the 60th minute and at the end of the surgery, the Collogen/ADP durations in Group H was observed to be significantly longer than that in Group N (p <0.05). The Collogen/Epi durations in Group H was observed to be significantly longer than that in Group N at the 60th minute and at the end of the surgery (p<0.001, p< 0.01,respectively). The Collogen/ADP durations in Grup H was observed to be significantly longer than that in control at the 60th minute of the surgery ( p<0.001) and at the end of the surgery it was lower in Group N compared to control (p<0.01). The amount of blood loss in Group H was found to be significantly lower than that in Group N (p<0.001). When the appearance of the surgical sites were compared, in 10 out of 15 patients (66.7%), there was bad surgical site appearance, and in the remaining 5 patients (33.7%) a good surgical site appearance was obtained. There was no difference between two groups for patient satisfaction. In this homeostasis study carried out on patients whose general health conditions was good, who did not have bleeding disorders and who were not using any drugs, we found that hypotensive anesthesia, formed by adding esmolol to desfluran-remifentanil normotensive anesthesia, caused reflexive inhibition in platelet functions. Consequently, we believe that desflurane remifentanil normotensive anesthesia, instead of hypotensive anesthesia, would be a more appropriate preference in patients under the risk of intraoperative bleeding risk; however, in patients under the high risk of thrombosis, it would be appropriate to administer hypotensive anesthesia with esmolol

    Modificări și completări aduse infracțiunilor prevăzute în legea nr. 78/2000 prin legea nr. 161/2003 privind unele măsuri pentru asigurarea transparenței în exercitarea demnităților

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    The present article aims to analyze the modification of the legislation regarding the prevention, the discovery and the punishment of the corruption acts provided by the Law no 161/2003. The author structures her analysis into five distinct segments, analyzing the new corruption offences, the new category of persons who can be active subject of the corruption offences, the new offences in direct connection with the corruption offences, and the new offences against the European Community financial interests. These modifications represent, in the author’s view, a step forward toward the harmonization of the Romanian legislation with the European law, answering the demands of the admission process. These modifications can give Romania credibility on the international level.</p

    Infracțiuni săvârșite de personalul administrației publice

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    The present article aims to analyze, from the point the view of criminal law and administration law, a number of aspects related to the issue of criminal responsibility of the public administration personnel. The author structures her analysis into three distinct levels. First, the distinction between the content of the notion of civil servant in the criminal law and in the administrative law is emphasized. Then, the autor presents a list of offences which can have the civil servent as their active subject, emphasizing the main problems which are raised in connection with these offences. Finally, the author analyzes a very actual regulation regarding the problem of preventing, combating and sanctioning the acts of corruption.</p