9 research outputs found
Determination of the biomethanic potential of corn grain
Although it is primarily grown as food, corn also represents a very good raw material for the production of biogas due to the favourable starch and fibre ratio that is the basis of its structure. In addition, an important fact is that there are large arable or potentially arable areas in our country that are triturated with different pollutants, so that the production of plant crops for dietary purposes on these surfaces is not possible.
The aim of this paper was to determine the biometric potential of various varieties of corn grain in laboratory conditions through a series of experimental measurements. The obtained results are based on the assessment of the possibility of applying energy plantations of corn grown on contaminated arable or recultivated surfaces in the production of biogas
Effect of Catalyst on Transesterification of Waste Vegetable Oils from Food Processing Facility
Converting waste vegetable oils from food processing facilities, restaurants and households to biodiesel by the transestrification reaction with methanol has important advantages for human health and environment. The transesterification reaction of waste vegetable oils is affected by free fatty acids and water content of oils and fats, type of alcohol, type and quantities of catalyst, reaction temperature and reaction time. Basic aim of this paper is to explore effect of type and quantities of catalyst on transesterification process of different waste vegetable oils from food processing facilities with methanol. Comparison of basic characteristics between produced biodiesel, industrially produced biodiesel and values from European standards for biodiesel fuel (EN14214) was made
Investigation of the influence of MgO and CaO content on the quality of technical ceramics
In this paper, the influence of MgO and CaO content on the quality of technical ceramics (which originally represents the Al2O3 - SiO2 - CaO - MgO system) has been investigated. Therefore, quality tests were performed on samples where the contents of CaO and MgO were taken as variable values. Based on the obtained test results and their analysis, certain characteristics of ceramics are defined with the different percentages of individual oxides content in 98.2 - 99% Al2O3
MoguÄnost primjene hidratiziranog vapna kao katalizatora u procesu metanolize suncokretova ulja
PostojeÄi komercijalni procesi dobivanja biodizela uglavnom se zasnivaju na homogenoj bazno kataliziranoj metanolizi biljnih ulja. NajÄeÅ”Äe se kao katalizatori primjenjuju NaOH i KOH i NaOCH3. U ovom radu istraživana je moguÄnost primjene hidratiziranog vapna, komercijalnog proizvoda koji se prije svega primjenjuje u graÄevinarstvu, kao katalizatora u procesu metanolize suncokretova ulja. Ispitivan je utjecaj procesnih parametara; mase katalizatora, omjera ulja i metanola te duljine trajanja na prinos metilnog estera i na osnovne karakteristike dobivenog biodizela. Rezultati dobiveni istraživanjima u okviru ovog rada pokazuju da se hidratizirano vapno može upotrebljavati kao uÄinkovit, jeftin i ekoloÅ”ki prihvatljiv katalizator za metanolizu suncokretova ulja
Recurrent water from slag and fly ash disposal ponds as a medium for carbon capture and storage
Due to the increased use of fossil fuels and industrial production, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, causing greenhouse effect and, consequently, climate change. Stationary CO2 sources like coal power plants produce the bulk of the worldās CO2 emissions. Electricity and heat plants and other fuel transformation activities account for 40% of total global CO2 emissions. Therefore, great interest in the possibilities of CCS systems to reduce CO2 emission is evident, either through removal or reduction measures. The experimental part of this paper deals with the determination of the potential of alternative media for use in CCS technologies, describing the lab-scale investigation. The role of alternative media in that context has been as-signed to recurrent water from fly ash and slag disposal pond Jezero II of Power Plant Tuzla. When choosing an alternative medium for CCS applications, the following features were considered: that the medium currently has a negative impact on the environment; that the medium is available in sufficient quantities; that the medium has a low price and that its final disposal causes costs. Hence, the ability of the selected media (recurrent water) for CO2 capture has been confirmed and its capacity in that context roughly determined
Influence of different organic fertilizers on the quality of lavender (lavandula officinalis chaix) seedlings
This paper presents results of study of the influence of 4 different organic fertilizers
(Chap liquid, Biofert, Guano and Stallatico jolly) on some of the most important
productive traits of lavender seedlings. All fertilizers were applied once, except Chap
Liquid which was applied twice. Two control variants were included in the
experiment: one that was not fertilized and the other one where the organic-mineral
fertilizer Sapro elixir was applied. The studies of influence of organic fertilizers at
the height of the stems, weight of the above ground part and the mass of roots of the
lavender seedlings was done in greenhouse. The highest average height of lavender
seedlings was measured on a control variant fertilized with organo-mineral fertilizer
Sapro elixir (25.5 cm) as well as variants where Chap fluid was applied twice - 24.8
cm and variant Biofert - 24.6 cm. Plants with the lowest stem height were measured
on non fertilized control - 19.6 cm. All variants where organic fertilizer was applied
had statistically significantly higher stem compared to plants grown in non fertilized
control. In the Biofert variant was measured the largest average weight of the above
ground part of the plant - 22.9 g, while the lowest was in non-fertilized control - 12.1
g. The average weight of the above ground part of the plant treated with organic
fertilizers was significantly higher than in non fertilized control. The weight of the
above ground part of the plant of lavender seedlings fertilized with Biofert was
statistically higher than all other fertilized variants, but also higher than control
variants fertilized with organo-mineral fertilizer
Recurrent water from slag and fly ash disposal ponds as a medium for carbon capture and storage
Due to the increased use of fossil fuels and industrial production, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, causing greenhouse effect and, consequently, climate change. Stationary CO2 sources like coal power plants produce the bulk of the worldās CO2 emissions. Electricity and heat plants and other fuel transformation activities account for 40% of total global CO2 emissions. Therefore, great interest in the possibilities of CCS systems to reduce CO2 emission is evident, either through removal or reduction measures. The experimental part of this paper deals with the determination of the potential of alternative media for use in CCS technologies, describing the lab-scale investigation. The role of alternative media in that context has been as-signed to recurrent water from fly ash and slag disposal pond Jezero II of Power Plant Tuzla. When choosing an alternative medium for CCS applications, the following features were considered: that the medium currently has a negative impact on the environment; that the medium is available in sufficient quantities; that the medium has a low price and that its final disposal causes costs. Hence, the ability of the selected media (recurrent water) for CO2 capture has been confirmed and its capacity in that context roughly determined
RužiÄka days : International conference 17th RužiÄka Days āToday Science ā Tomorrow Industryā : Proceedings
In front of you are the Proceedings of the International Conference 17th RužiÄka days: āToday Science ā Tomorrow Industryā that was held in Vukovar, Croatia at September 19-21, 2018. The main goal of this interdisciplinary conference is to promote excellence in science and engineering as well as application of up-to-date research results and technological achievements in industry. In its fifth issue (2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019) the Proceedings continues with publishing of quality scientific and professional full papers in sections Chemical Analysis and Synthesis (2), Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (3), Food Technology and Biotechnology (4), Medical Chemistry and Pharmacy (2), Environmental Protection (9) and Meeting of Young Chemists (4). All the papers were thoroughly reviewed from respectable evaluators, to whom we express our gratitude. We are also thankful to all the authors and participants of the RužiÄka days, and to all that support and contribute in its organization; especially our international coorganizers EuCheMS, EFFoST and EHEDG, the members of organizing and scientific committee, plenary and invited lecturers, sponsors, and of course our highly skilled and committed associates, which put a lot of effort in preparation of this book