10 research outputs found

    The effect of chronic food restriction on liver acute phase protein response in female and male Wistar rats

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    The acute inflammatory response of the liver associated with chronic food restriction was examined in adult female and male Wistar rats. The changes in the levels of serum markers of liver injury, AST and ALT and the appearance of a serum marker of inflammation, the acute phase protein (APP) haptoglobin (Hp) were assessed following turpentine treatment of well-nourished (WN) controls and undernourished (UN) rats. Undernutrition was induced by food restriction during a six week period by offering chow equivalent to 50% of the normal food intake. In the female rats undernutrition significantly potentiated liver injury and increased their sensitivity to the toxic effects of turpentine, which was opposite to the results obtained for males. Differences in the basal levels of AST, ALT and Hp between females and males imply that the effects of chronic food restriction on protein synthesis in the liver are gender related.Ispitivan je akutni inflamatorni odgovor jetre odraslih ženki i mužjaka Wistar pacova u uslovima hroničnog izgladnjivanja. Praćene su promene koncentracije AST-a i ALT-a kao serumskih markera povrede jetre, i prisustvo akutno faznog proteina haptoglobina-serumskog markera inflamacije, nakon tretiranja normalno hranjenih (WN) i neuhranjenih pacova (UN) terpentinom. Neuhranjenost je bila indukovana restrikcijom hrane u periodu od Å”est nedelja količinom koja je za 50% bila manja od one koja se normalno uzima. Kod ženki pacova neuhranjenost je značajno potencirala inflamaciju jetre i povećava senzitivnost na toksične efekte terpentina Å”to je suprotno od onog dobijenog za mužjake. Razlike u bazalnim nivoima AST-a, ALT-a i haptoglobina između ženki i mužjaka ukazuju da su efekti hroničnog izgladnjivanja na sistem za proteinsku sintezu u jetri specifični za pol.nul

    Isoelectrofocusing and PCR Amplification-Reverse Hybridization Assay in Evaluation of Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency

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    Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency is a potentially lethal genetic disorder, which has pulmonary and liver manifestations. The standardized biochemical and molecular diagnostic protocol for detection of clinically relevant alleles is needed. The paper summarizes current concepts about AATD, describes the potentials of isoelectric focusing and PCR amplification-reverse allele specific oligonucleotide hybridization assay in the detection of affected individuals and shortly presents our experiences in the evaluation of AATD. We conclude that the systematic clinical laboratory approach to AATD might be based on the combination of mentioned methods, coordinated by alpha-1-antritrypsin quantification. Additionally, its complete medical implementation is achieved through teamwork between clinical chemists, molecular biologists and clinicians

    The effect of chronic food restriction on liver acute phase protein response in female and male Wistar rats

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    The acute inflammatory response of the liver associated with chronic food restriction was examined in adult female and male Wistar rats. The changes in the levels of serum markers of liver injury, AST and ALT and the appearance of a serum marker of inflammation, the acute phase protein (APP) haptoglobin (Hp) were assessed following turpentine treatment of well-nourished (WN) controls and undernourished (UN) rats. Undernutrition was induced by food restriction during a six week period by offering chow equivalent to 50% of the normal food intake. In the female rats undernutrition significantly potentiated liver injury and increased their sensitivity to the toxic effects of turpentine, which was opposite to the results obtained for males. Differences in the basal levels of AST, ALT and Hp between females and males imply that the effects of chronic food restriction on protein synthesis in the liver are gender related.Ispitivan je akutni inflamatorni odgovor jetre odraslih ženki i mužjaka Wistar pacova u uslovima hroničnog izgladnjivanja. Praćene su promene koncentracije AST-a i ALT-a kao serumskih markera povrede jetre, i prisustvo akutno faznog proteina haptoglobina-serumskog markera inflamacije, nakon tretiranja normalno hranjenih (WN) i neuhranjenih pacova (UN) terpentinom. Neuhranjenost je bila indukovana restrikcijom hrane u periodu od Å”est nedelja količinom koja je za 50% bila manja od one koja se normalno uzima. Kod ženki pacova neuhranjenost je značajno potencirala inflamaciju jetre i povećava senzitivnost na toksične efekte terpentina Å”to je suprotno od onog dobijenog za mužjake. Razlike u bazalnim nivoima AST-a, ALT-a i haptoglobina između ženki i mužjaka ukazuju da su efekti hroničnog izgladnjivanja na sistem za proteinsku sintezu u jetri specifični za pol.nul

    Incidence of hyperhomocysteinemia and Mthfr C677T polymorphism among young patients with acute myocardial infarction

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    Hyperhomocysteinemia is considered an independent risk factor for premature cardiovascular disease. Mutation MTHFR C677T reduces the activity of methylenetetra-hydrofolatereductase and may cause hyperhomocysteinemia. Incidence of hyperhomocysteinemia (homocysteine above 12 mu mol/L), homocysteine level, and distribution of MTHFR C677T genotypes (C/C, C/T and T/T) are T/T) are compared between young patients with acute myocardial infarction and healthy persons, matched by age. Study involved 86 patients younger than 45 years (77 men and 9 women) and 35 controls. Homocysteine was measured by an HPLC method and the MTHFR C677T genotype determined using PCR amplification and digestion with Hinf I. Statistical analyses included chisquare and Mann-Whitney U tests. Hyperhomocysteinemia was present in 32.6% patients and 14.3% controls, revealing a significant difference (P = 0.038). Median homocysteine levels in patients (10.4 mu mol/L) and controls (9.6 mu mol/L) were significantly different (P=0.035). Among patients, 50.0% had C/C, 41.9% C/T and 8.1% T/T genotype, and the genotype had no influence on hyperhomocysteinemia incidence and homocysteine level. Genotype distribution in patients was not significantly different from the observed in controls. The conclusion is that young patients with acute myocardial infarction have higher incidence of hyperhomocysteinemia and higher homocysteine levels than healthy young adults, while there is no significant difference in the distribution of MTHFR C677T genotypes

    Story of the Almozlino and Roth families

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    "Istražujući podatke o porodici Almozlino, u vezi sa restitucijom, dobila sam ideju da mojoj deci i njihovoj deci, i deci njihove dece ostavim pisane podatke o njihovom poreklu. Nažalost, pretpostavljam iz straha i da bi nas, moju sestru i mene, zaÅ”titili od ponovljenog antisemitizma (predrasude o Jevrejima kao narodu i verskoj grupi), nisam saznala dovoljno od roditelja za vreme njihovog života, o njihovim porodicama, čiji su članovi stradali samo zbog svog porekla. Preko 200 ljudi bliskih rođaka moje majke Ree Almozlino-Rot i mog oca Nikole Rota, stradalo je za vreme Drugog svetskog rata (veći broj u koncentracionim logorima a manji broj u partizanima). Iznosim sve podatke do kojih sam doÅ”la tokom petogodiÅ”njeg prikupljanja podataka iz različitih dokumenata pohranjenih u muzejima, arhivama i knjigama, rukopisima moje majke i oca, sačuvanim člancima iz novina... Zapisala sam i svoja sećanja, iz malobrojnih razgovora sa roditeljima o njihovim stradalim. Moji roditelji su izbegavali ove razgovore, pogotovo mama koja je uvek sa dubokom tugom, ljubavi i poÅ”tovanjem pričala o svojima. Dugo ni sama nisam znala da sam drugačija, da sam jevrejskog porekla, Jevrejka koja živi u Srbiji. U doba mog odrastanja, kao da poreklo nije bilo važno ili se možda krilo. Danas, sve viÅ”e nailazim na podozrenje i ljude koji preda mnom, često ne znajući za moje poreklo, okrivljuju Jevreje za svu poÅ”ast ovoga sveta. Tada, ne znam da li da se suprotstavim tim idejama ili da branim neÅ”to Å”to je neodbranjivo u ovoj sredini. Možda će ova saga o porodicama koje su bile poÅ”tene, vredne, požrtvovane i odane otadžbini, dati najbolji odgovor...""Researching the data on the Almozlino family because of restitution, I got the idea to leave written information about their origin to my children and their children, and the children of their children. Unfortunately, I assume out of fear that they would protect us, my sister and me from repeated anti-Semitism (prejudices about Jews as a people and a religious group), I did not learn enough from my parents during their lives, about their families, whose members died only because of their origins. Over 200 people close relatives of my mother Ree Almozlino-Rot and my father Nikola Rot, died during the Second World War (a larger number in concentration camps and a smaller number in partisans). I present all the data which I found during the five years of collecting from various documents stored in museums, archives and books, manuscripts of my mother and father, preserved newspaper articles ... I also wrote down my memories, from a few conversations with parents about their victims. My parents avoided these conversations, especially my mother who always talked about her family with deep sadness, love and respect. For a long time, I didn't even know that I was different, that I was of Jewish origin, a Jew living in Serbia. At the time I was growing up, it was as if the origin didn't matter or maybe it was hidden. Today, I find more and more suspicion and people in front of me, often unaware of my origin, blame the Jews for all the scourge of this world. Then, I don't know whether to oppose those ideas or to defend something that is indefensible in this environment. Maybe this saga about families who were honest, hardworking, sacrificed and loyal to their homeland will give the best answer ...

    Autologous blood transfusion in total knee replacement surgery

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    Background/Aim. Total knee replacement (TKR) surgery is one of the most frequent and the most extensive procedures in orthopedic surgery, accompanied with some serious complications. Perioperative blood loss is one of the most serious losses, so it is vital to recognize and treat such losses properly. Autologous blood transfusion is the only true alternative for the allogeneic blood. The aim of this study was to to examine if autologous blood transfusion reduces usage of allogenic blood in total knee replacement surgery, as well as to examine possible effect of autologous blood transfusion on postoperative complications, recovery and hospital stay of patients after total knee replacement surgery. Methods. During the controlled, prospective, randomised study we compared two groups of patients (n = 112) with total prosthesis implanted in their knee. The group I consisted of the patients who received the transfusion of other peopleā€™s (allogeneic) blood (n = 57) and the group II of the patients whose blood was collected postoperatively and then given them [their own (autologous) blood] (n = 55). The transfusion trigger for both groups was hemoglobin level of 85 g/L. Results. In the group of patients whose blood was collected perioperatively only 9 (0.9%) of the patients received transfusion of allogeneic blood, as opposed to the control group in which 98.24% of the patients received the transfusion of allogeneic blood (p ā‰¤ 0.01). The patients whose blood was collected stayed in hospital for 6.18 days, while the patients of the control group stayed 7.67 days (p < 0.01). Conclusion. Autologous blood transfusion is a very effective method for reducing consumption of allogenic blood and thus, indirectly for reducing all complications related to allogenic blood transfusion. There is also a positive influence on postoperative recovery after total knee replacement surgery due to the reduction of hospital stay, and indirectly on the reduction of hospital costs

    Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in the evolution of stroke

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    Fibrinolytic activity in the acute stroke was examined by monitoring the level of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), as one of the indicators of fibrinolytic activity. Given the role of PAI-1 in the processes of atherogenesis and thrombogenesis, plasma PAI-1 level was measured in 59 patients (up to 50 years of age) with atherothrombotic stroke (verified by computed tomography scanning or magnetic resonance imaging of brain) in the period from 12 to 24 hours (I analysis) and 30 days after the onset of stroke (II analysis); then, it was correlated with plasma PAI-1 level in the control group (57 healthy subjects), which was 2.86Ā±0.70 U/ml. It was found that PAI-1 level was significantly higher in the acute stroke (I analysis: PAI-1 =4.10Ā±1.40 U/ml, p<0.001; II analysis: PAI-1 =3.64+0.90 U/ml, p<0.001), while fibrinolytic activity was lower, especially on the first day from the stroke that was not completely increased even after 30 days. There was no difference in PAI-1 levels between the subgroups of patients with infarction and lacunar cerebral ischemia (p>0.05), as well as between females and males (p>0.05). Along with significantly increased fibrinogen level (4.65Ā±1 g/l, in the controls - 2.83Ā±0.64 g/l, p<0.001), significantly higher triglycerides (2.04Ā±0.76 mmol/l, in the controls - 1.38+0.54 mmol/l, p<0.001) and lipoproteins(a) (0.405Ā±0.29 g/l, in the controls -0.172Ā±0.14 g/l, p<0.001) were found, correlating with higher plasma PAI-1 level in these patients. The increased plasma level of PAI-1 pointed to possibility of decreased fibrinolytic activity in pathogenesis of ischemie stroke, as well as, risk of reinsult, which had been the greatest after the onset of stroke and declined gradually within several weeks

    Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome and COVID-19

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    Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in patients with COVID-19 is triggered by various mechanisms and can significantly affect the patientā€™s further treatment and prognosis. The study aimed to investigate the characteristics, major complications, and predictors of mortality in COVID-19 patients with ACS. All consecutive patients hospitalized from 5 July 2020 to 5 May 2021 for ACS with confirmed SARS-Co-2 were prospectively enrolled and tracked for mortality until 5 June 2021. Data from the electronic records for age and diagnosis, matched non-COVID-19 and COVID-19 ACS group, were extracted and compared. Overall, 83 COVID-19 ACS patients, when compared to 166 non-COVID ACS patients, had significantly more prevalent comorbidities, unfavorable clinical characteristics on admission (acute heart failure 21.7% vs. 6.6%, p p p p p p < 0.01. Concomitant ACS and COVID-19 is linked to underlying comorbidities, adverse presenting features, and poor outcomes. Urgent strategies are needed to improve the outcomes of these patients