The effect of chronic food restriction on liver acute phase protein response in female and male Wistar rats


The acute inflammatory response of the liver associated with chronic food restriction was examined in adult female and male Wistar rats. The changes in the levels of serum markers of liver injury, AST and ALT and the appearance of a serum marker of inflammation, the acute phase protein (APP) haptoglobin (Hp) were assessed following turpentine treatment of well-nourished (WN) controls and undernourished (UN) rats. Undernutrition was induced by food restriction during a six week period by offering chow equivalent to 50% of the normal food intake. In the female rats undernutrition significantly potentiated liver injury and increased their sensitivity to the toxic effects of turpentine, which was opposite to the results obtained for males. Differences in the basal levels of AST, ALT and Hp between females and males imply that the effects of chronic food restriction on protein synthesis in the liver are gender related.Ispitivan je akutni inflamatorni odgovor jetre odraslih ženki i mužjaka Wistar pacova u uslovima hroničnog izgladnjivanja. Praćene su promene koncentracije AST-a i ALT-a kao serumskih markera povrede jetre, i prisustvo akutno faznog proteina haptoglobina-serumskog markera inflamacije, nakon tretiranja normalno hranjenih (WN) i neuhranjenih pacova (UN) terpentinom. Neuhranjenost je bila indukovana restrikcijom hrane u periodu od šest nedelja količinom koja je za 50% bila manja od one koja se normalno uzima. Kod ženki pacova neuhranjenost je značajno potencirala inflamaciju jetre i povećava senzitivnost na toksične efekte terpentina što je suprotno od onog dobijenog za mužjake. Razlike u bazalnim nivoima AST-a, ALT-a i haptoglobina između ženki i mužjaka ukazuju da su efekti hroničnog izgladnjivanja na sistem za proteinsku sintezu u jetri specifični za pol.nul

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