18 research outputs found

    The flow of two zinc oxide-eugenol-based endodontic sealers

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    Background/Aim. Endodontic sealers (ES) for obturation are usually prepared with a slight variation of their components both on purpose or unintentionally. Considering that fact, as well as a frequent use of compaction techniques with the applied force to gutta-percha and ES of 1-3 kg, the aim of this study was to investigate the flow of two zinc-oxide eugenol ES in regard to the applied force and a variation of sealerā€™s components. Methods. The experimental group samples of both ES were prepared according to the manufacturerā€™s instructions, applied between pair of glass slabs and loaded by weights of 1 and 2 kg, respectively (American National Standard, Specification No. 57). Some samples of one ES were prepared as thick consistency with 10% more powder and some as thin mixture with 10% less powder than the standard prescription. These semples had been exposed to the load of 2 kg. The control group included samples of both ES prepared as standard prescription but exposed to the weight of one glass slab only. The spread ES appeared as a regular circle 10 min upon mixing and weighting. Measuring of the circle diameter was done by an orthodontic ruler. The flow of the used ES was considered the function of its spread diameter. Results. Application of 1 vs 2 kg load for both regularly mixed sealers in the scope of disk diameter (flow) was statistically insignificant (p > 0.05). This means that the stated null hypothesis that there would be no significant difference in flow rate among the regularly mixed sealers at the level of Ī± = 0.05 is accepted. The findings about difference in the disk diameter in regard to mixing variation of Endomethasone indicate that the null hypothesis that there would be no significant difference in flow rate between the regular and thick mixed mass at the level of Ī± = 0.05 is accepted. In the comparison of regular and thin mix a significant difference was noted and the null hypotesis is rejected (p < 0.01). The control group results displayed Roth 801 as less viscous than Endomethasone sealer (p < 0.01). Conclusion. Application of 1 or 2 kg pressure on the samples of both exposed sealers does not significantly affect the flow values as well as comparison of the regular to thick consistency of Endomethasone while comparison of its regular to thin mass shows a significant difference

    The application of MTA as apical plug for root canal obturation: In vitro study

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    Introduction Prognosis of endodontically treated tooth is directly correlated to the quality of apical obturation. Modern concept of endodontics in particular way points out the quality of apical filling. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of root canal obturation with MTA apical plug using the method of gas (argon) penetration. Material and Methods Sixty-six freshly extracted single rooted (single canal) teeth were divided into the two experimental (30 teeth) and one control group (6). All canals were instrumented using hand and rotary files in step-back technique and copious irrigation of 1%NaOCl. In the first experimental group teeth were obturated using different sealers: Gutta Flow (Roeko), AH Plus (DeTrey), Acroseal (Septodont) and mono gutta-percha cone (10 canals each). In the second experimental group obturation involved 3 mm of MTA-Angelus apical plug while the remaining canal space was filled with the same three sealers as in the first group. The rate of gas permeability by Leak detector-Edwards LD 416 was measured in all teeth. Results The best seal was found in teeth obturated with Gutta Flow and MTA plug with average diffusion rate of 264.4 sec while the worst quality of obturation was found with Acroseal (178.5 sec-the highest gas permeability). All samples with MTA plug exhibited significantly lower leakage than the samples filled without MTA apical plug. Conclusion Root canals filled with MTA apical plug exhibited statistically significant lower gas permeability in comparison to the ones filled with sealer and guttapercha cones only

    Fizičko-hemijske i bioloÅ”ke karakteristike dentalnih kalcijum silikatnih cemenata ā€“ Pregled literature

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    Dental cement materials have been developed with the aim to replace hard dental tissues. The first material used for pulp capping, root canal obturation, bifurcation perforation and apexification is calcium hydroxide (in 1920). A half century later, glass-ionomer cements began to suppress it as dentine substitutes. Finally, in the 1990s, calcium silicate (CS) material appeared in the dental research community as the most promising dentine substitute capable to adequately meet all clinical requirements. The aim of this paper is to present an overview of literature related to studies about CS materials taking into account their physical, chemical and biological properties and clinical applications. This review aims to discuss beneficial and adverse characteristics of CSs concerning interactions to the hard dentine and soft pulp/periodontal tissues. This review article deals with the literature data about currently commercially available CS concerning laboratory and clinical findings. 109 scientific articles were analyzed of which 62 references reported in vitro and 26 in vivo investigations while 21 references comprised reports, reviews and books dealing with both, in vitro and in vivo investigations. Although further data collection is necessary, CSs are promising materials that represent a gold standard for numerous dental clinical procedures. Ā© 2019, Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Serbia. All rights reserved

    Measuring of mandible bone density in dogs using/digital radiography/radiovisigraphy

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    Radiological diagnostics serves as one of the basic monitoring techniques in veterinary dental practice. The recent up-to-date literature data based on the findings of digital radiology/radiovisiography (RVG) in general dentistry inspired the authors to present its possible use in clinical veterinary dentistry. The digital radiography used in this study was RVG Trophy Radiologie SA 2001 device equipped with software for linear measurements (readings), densitometry, setting of contrast of radiography image, 3D image manipulation, zooming of detail and orientation handling. The aim of the study was to evaluate the bone mineral density of the alveolar part of the lower jaw in seven Scottish terriers. Bone mineral density measurement was performed around the central lower incisors by converting gray scale values into equivalent aluminum thickness (mm Al). The mean bone mineral density was in the range of 4.31-6.20 mm Al with no significant statistical difference between left and right incisors (p>0.01). Our results showed that the combination of RVG and aluminum step wedge etalon is a reliable tool to measure bone mineral density around the lower central incisors in dogs. This method can be considered as comfortable for manipulation in everyday use in clinical veterinary practice

    Investigation of antioxidant capacity of several luting cements processes by HPMC method

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    Background: Free radicals (FR) occur in oral cavity where lot of food was transferred to through entire life under specific saliva conditions. Many enzymes, microorganism, alcohol beverages, nicotine and other harmful or indifferent substances when in contact to oral tissues might provoke oxidation process under specific condition creating FR's. The similar role might have various dental materials. Aim of the study was to record the level of antioxidant (AO) activity of several permanent (P) luting cements alone or combined with quercetin AO substance. Materials/Methods: P cements were Zn-phosphate, Zn-polycarboxilate, GIC and composite resin cement. They were prepared as original prescription and their variant by 1% weight addition of quercetin. AO activity of cements was measured by HPMC test evaluated by Student t test. Results: There were statistically significant differences among Zn-phosphate, Zn-polycarboxilate and resin dental cements (p gt 0,05). GIC displayed significantly higher AO values (p lt 0,01) versus other three cements. There were no difference in AO capacity between sample of original P cements and their corresponding quercetin variants (p gt 0,05). Conclusions: Conventional GIC displayed the most powerful AO activity among P luting cements. Addition of 1% antioxidant quercetin did not improve AO capacity of investigated cements

    Application of radiovisiography (digital radiology) in dental clinical practice

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    Introduction. Radiovisiography (RVG) as the latest imaging technique in dentistry with the minimal radiation exposure of the patient and numerous possibilities to process the images has many advantages over classic radiography. Case report. We presented an interesting clinical endodontic case of primary posted diagnosis of traumatic periodontitis of upper right canine upon orthodontics treatment. As the patient previously had been exposed to alleged high dose of radiation the patient agreed to minimal exposition using digital RVG. The options of the tool bar of RVG Trophy device enabled the solving of ethiologic factor of presented periodontitis. The enigma of the symptoms on the ā€™overfilledā€™ root canal was solved zooming and 3-D analysis avoiding periapical surgery owing to the patience of the patient and the dentist in a couple of days. Conclusion. By applying RVG technique the time for diagnostic procedure is much shorter in comparison with traditional dental radiography enabling archiving and follow-up the presented case in the course of time

    Traditional knowledge about milkiness of domestic animals in Pirot district

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    Mnoge knjige koje obrađuju ovu problematiku sa razlogom počinju sličnim citatima kao Å”to je ovaj: ā€œLekovito bilje je najstariji lek svih naroda, na svim kontinentima i u svim epohamaā€. Cilj ovog velikog istraživanja je bio da se sakupi narodno bogatstvo u vezi lečenja životinja u regionima Srbije. Ovo bogatstvo je raznovrsno i mudro osmiÅ”ljeno, a preti mu zaborav, zbog toga Å”to novo vreme nosi nove savremene metode lečenja. Namera je takođe bila, da se utvrdi Å”ta je u narodnim receptima ispravno a nedovoljno primenjivano. U cilju sakupljanja podataka vezanih za zdravlje stoke i domaćih životinja, napravljen je upitnik (28 pitanja) i na toj osnovi su obrađeni podaci u vezi mlečnosti. Anketiranja su najčeŔće vrÅ”ena lično i direktno od ispitanika, najstarijih osoba iz obuhvaćenih sela i zaseoka. Ispitivani su takođe travari i potkivači stoke koji su se ujedno bavili i lečenjem. Baza ovog terenskog istraživanja je bila u ataru zaseoka Lužnica, opstina BabuÅ”nica. NajčeŔće pomenute biljke za spravljanje receptura (sa ili bez dodatih neorganskih sastojaka) bile su trubelj, zdravac, pelin, ovas, reska trava, lubeničan, djurdjevac, bokvica i trava Svetog Jovanča. Nedovoljno primenjivani narodni recepti mogli bi se nakon naučnih ispitivanja primeniti u savremenoj veterinarskoj praksi. Treba dati veći značaj biljkama iz nezagađenih područja čiji se aktivni sastojci joÅ” uvek nedovoljno koriste u veterinarskoj farmakologiji Å”to može predstavljati zahvalnu oblast za istraživanja

    Frequency of SARS-CoV-2 infection in dogs and cats: Results of a retrospective serological survey in Å umadija District, Serbia

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    It has long been known that coronaviruses cause various infectious diseases in animals. Although SARS-CoV-2 is genetically related to viruses isolated from Rhinolophus bats, the exact origin, mode of transmission, and how the human species has become the epidemiological reservoir of the virus have not yet been established with certainty. Although the main route of transmission is human-to-human, there are considerable numbers of reported cases of infection in animal species, predominantly among pet animals. The aim of this retrospective study was to assess SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity in dogs and cats during the COVID-19 pandemic in Å umadija District, Serbia. We used serology to identify household contacts of pet animals with infected pet owners and the degree of association. The study presented in this paper is also the first study of this type in Serbia. The results of a retrospective serosurvey, which was conducted in dogs and cats with different exposure risk factors, were analyzed to find the possible modes of transmission between humans and animals. The relative frequency of SARS-CoV-2 infection in dogs was 1.45% bounded with a 95% confidence interval (CI) of 0.0007ā€“7.73%, while in cats, it was 5.56% (95% CI: 0.77ā€“4.13%). The relative frequency of SARS-CoV-2 infection in pet owners was 11% (95% CI: 6.25ā€“18.63%). In pets that were in close contact with COVID-19 positive owners, the seropositivity was found to be 9%. Out of a total of five stray dogs and cats tested, seropositivity was observed in two animals. Detected SARS-CoV-2 infection in pets shows that these animals are susceptible to infection and that the most common means of virus transmission to pets is through contact with diseased owners. However, the presence of infection in stray dogs and cats is not clear and needs further research