13 research outputs found

    Financial Support for Sustainable Development of Enterprises in the Real Sector of the Economy

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    The role and importance of financial support in the development of public production are revealed. A retrospective review of definitions of the concept “financial support” is given. Proceeding from the systems analysis of the concepts considered, the authors’ interpretation of this concept, based on formalization of the stages of the financial security process, is proposed. There considered components of the potential of financial support, which contribute to meeting the needs to finance investment and innovation projects. A scheme of the general approach to the process of financial support at various socio-economic levels of the economy is proposed, including the definition of policy of financial support for the industry, region, country; the development of a strategy as a system of measures to realize the general direction of investment support within the framework of the investment policy; the development of a financial support mechanism that includes consistent practical actions to find, attract and use financial resources. The criteria for assessing financial support for the reproduction of fixed assets of manufacturing enterprises are determined

    Measurement of residual stresses around the notch of tensile specimens of the high-Cr tempered martensitic steel F82H-mod

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    Residual elastic strains were measured by neutron diffraction using POLDI facility at PSI-Switzerland on pre-loaded notched flat tensile specimens made of the high-chromium tempered martensitic steel F82H-mod steel. To calculate the residual stresses using Hooke’s equation, three perpendicular components of the residual strain field were determined. The measured residual strains and stresses were compared with those deduced from finite element simulation calculations. A very good agreement was found for the strains in the loading plane of the specimen while a somewhat larger discrepancy was observed for the out-of-plane residual strain, which was tentatively attributed to an uncertainty in the initial lattice spacing in that directio

    Биомаркеры фиброза трансплантированной почки

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    Fibrosis is one of the causes of kidney allograft loss, especially late after transplantation (up to 65% incidence after 2 years). The purpose of this literature review is to analyze studies examining noninvasive monitoring techniques for renal graft fibrosis.Фиброз является одной из причин потери аллотрансплантата почки, особенно в поздние сроки после трансплантации (частота встречаемости – до 65% через 2 года). Целью данного обзора литературы является анализ исследований, изучающих методы неинвазивного мониторинга развития фиброза почечного трансплантата

    Place of Scientific and Technological Production Preparation in the Forming of Enterprise Competitiveness Strategy

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    The research considers the reasons for the loss of competitiveness of enterprises under its subspecies. Correlation of major functional competitiveness strategies occurred within the limits which implemented measures STPP strategies and higher levels. The influence innovation processes under STPP were considered as part of the production and technological strategies for achieving competitiveness

    On determination of the constitutive behavior of tempered martensitic steels from micro-indentations: Application to Eurofer97 steel

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    This paper proposes a simple but powerful approach to determine the constitutive equation of tempered martensitic steels from micro-hardness tests. Finite element simulations were used to investigate the plastic flow in the contact region between the tip and the specimen. The simulations were validated by experimental tests carried out on the tempered martensitic steel Eurofer97 using a simple constitutive Ludwik-type equation. A series of simulations using different constitutive behaviors representative of possible irradiation-induced changes were run. In all cases, a pile-up of material against the indenter tip was observed that is strongly dependent on the constitutive law. Considering the real contact height of the indenter with the material, it was shown that the hardness scales with an averaged value of the flow stress over 30% of plastic strain. In addition, the parameters of Ludwik equation were shown to be determinable from the two experimental quantities that are the hardness and the ratio between the contact height and the penetration depth of the tip. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Analytical determination of the constitutive behavior from micro-pillar testing: Application to a tempered martensitic steel

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    Micro-compression experiments were carried out on micro-pillars, with nominal diameter of 10 mu m and height 20 mu m, and fabricated from a high-chromium tempered martensitic steels developed for nuclear applications. An analytical method was proposed to calculate the imposed compressive displacement on the pillar that allows determining the constitutive behavior up to about 5% of plastic strain. The experimental micro-compression curves were showed to be adequately modeled by the finite element simulations, which were used to validate the main assumption considered for the analytical model development. (C) 2014 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

    The Conceptual Approach to Formation of Marketing Complexed Harmonization Mechanism for Financial Provision of Innovative Development of Agricultural Machine-Building

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    The article is aimed at improving the conceptual foundations of evolving a marketing complexed harmonization mechanism for financial support of innovative development of agricultural machine-building. The actions to solve problems of financial provision of innovative development of agricultural machine-building are proposed. It is substantiated, that efficiency of innovative development in this sphere depends on the ability to satisfy demand for the expected innovative production by carrying out marketing researches, and demands complex development of all components of the indicated sub-branch of machine-building – production program together with technical-technological base of production. A mechanism for financial support is proposed, which will facilitate a complex innovative development of agricultural machine-building on the basis of coordination of financing volumes

    Fracture toughness characterization in the lower transition of neutron irradiated Eurofer97 steel

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    This research investigated the evolution of tensile, hardness, and fracture properties of Eurofer97 tempered martensitic steel following neutron irradiation. The irradiation-hardening was measured with Vickers hardness tests on broken parts of sub-sized compact tension specimens as well as with tensile tests deformed at room temperature. The fracture toughness was measured with pre-cracked sub-sized 0.18T compact tension specimens. Two specimen sets were irradiated up to a nominal dose of about 0.35 dpa at two different temperatures, 423 and 623 K, in the experimental reactor at AEKI-KFKI in Budapest. The median fracture toughness-temperature curve K(T) was characterized in the lower to middle transition region for each irradiation condition using the master-curve method. The irradiation-induced temperature shifts of K(T) were determined by calculating the reference temperature T-0 at which the median toughness is 100 MPa m(1/2). A significantly larger shift was determined for Eurofer97 irradiated at 423 K than at 623 K. Indeed, an upper shift of 98 K was found for the 423 K irradiation while only 50 K was measured for the 623 K. On the one hand, that observation reflects the difference in the irradiation-hardening following those two irradiation temperatures. On the other hand, when compared with other published data, the Delta T-0 shift at 623 K irradiation was found to be greater than expected for the corresponding irradiation-hardening. Thus, it was suggested that non-hardening embrittlement mechanisms start to operate around 623 K. (C) 2013 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved


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    The article considers actual issues of economy dollarization classification, its nature, advantages, disadvantages, and consequences for specific economic conditions. It also reveals the possible determination methods of economy dollarization level in addition to the possible ways of economy de–dollarization. The economy dollarization evaluation method is based on studies of the structure of monetary aggregates. We also performed the SWOT–analysis of the Ukraine’s economy dollarization level and the results disclose its basic causes, as well as the opportunities and threats for the economy of Ukraine. Also, we show the possible ways to improve the monetary policy of the National Bank of Ukraine.В статье исследованы актуальные вопросы определения сущности и классификации долларизации экономики, определение ее преимуществ, недостатков и последствий для конкретных экономических условий, методики определения ее уровня и возможных путей дедолларизации экономики. Применен метод оценки уровня долларизации экономики на основе исследования структуры денежных агрегатов. Также выполнен SWOT–анализ долларизации экономики Украины, по результатам которого определены основные причины, возможности и угрозы для экономики Украины, а также разработаны направления совершенствования денежно–кредитной политики Национального банка Украины.У статті досліджено актуальні питання визначення сутності та класифікації доларизації економіки, визначення її переваг, недоліків та наслідків для конкретних економічних умов, методик визначення її рівня та можливих шляхів дедоларизації економіки. Застосовано метод оцінювання рівня доларизації економіки на основі дослідження структури грошових агрегатів. Також виконано SWOT–аналізування доларизації економіки України, за результатами якого визначено основні причини та можливості та загрози для економіки України, а також розроблено напрями удосконалення грошово–кредитної політики Національного банку України

    Effect of warm pre-stressing on fracture toughness of Eurofer97 steel

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    Experiments and finite element simulations have been carried out to assess the warm pre-stressing effects on the effective fracture toughness of the high-chromium reduced activation tempered martensitic steel Eurofer97. The experiments have been conducted on sub-sized compact tension specimens in the low ductile to brittle transition region. The specimens have been pre-loaded at room temperature before being tested at low temperature. A clear increase of fracture toughness measured after warm pre-stressing has been found that is discussed in the light of the finite element calculations. In particular, a discussion of the role of the residual compressive stress field, triaxiality level and accumulated equivalent plastic strain respectively on the fracture toughness increase after warm pre-stressing is analyzed. It is shown that a change of the local criterion for fast-fracture has to be considered, which results from the pre-deformation. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved