Financial Support for Sustainable Development of Enterprises in the Real Sector of the Economy


The role and importance of financial support in the development of public production are revealed. A retrospective review of definitions of the concept “financial support” is given. Proceeding from the systems analysis of the concepts considered, the authors’ interpretation of this concept, based on formalization of the stages of the financial security process, is proposed. There considered components of the potential of financial support, which contribute to meeting the needs to finance investment and innovation projects. A scheme of the general approach to the process of financial support at various socio-economic levels of the economy is proposed, including the definition of policy of financial support for the industry, region, country; the development of a strategy as a system of measures to realize the general direction of investment support within the framework of the investment policy; the development of a financial support mechanism that includes consistent practical actions to find, attract and use financial resources. The criteria for assessing financial support for the reproduction of fixed assets of manufacturing enterprises are determined

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