189 research outputs found

    Roles of sorcin in drug resistance in cancer: one protein, many mechanisms, for a novel potential anticancer drug target

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    The development of drug resistance is one of the main causes of failure in anti-cancer treatments. Tumor cells adopt many strategies to counteract the action of chemotherapeutic agents, e.g., enhanced DNA damage repair, inactivation of apoptotic pathways, alteration of drug targets, drug inactivation, and overexpression of ABC (Adenosine triphosphate-binding cassette, or ATP-binding cassette) transporters. These are broad substrate-specificity ATP-dependent efflux pumps able to export toxins or drugs out of cells; for instance, ABCB1 (MDR1, or P-glycoprotein 1), overexpressed in most cancer cells, confers them multidrug resistance (MDR). The gene coding for sorcin (SOluble Resistance-related Calcium-binding proteIN) is highly conserved among mammals and is located in the same chromosomal locus and amplicon as the ABC transporters ABCB1 and ABCB4, both in human and rodent genomes (two variants of ABCB1, i.e., ABCB1a and ABCB1b, are in rodent amplicon). Sorcin was initially characterized as a soluble protein overexpressed in multidrug (MD) resistant cells and named “resistance-related” because of its co-amplification with ABCB1. Although for years sorcin overexpression was thought to be only a by-product of the co-amplification with ABC transporter genes, many papers have recently demonstrated that sorcin plays an important part in MDR, indicating a possible role of sorcin as an oncoprotein. The present review illustrates sorcin roles in the generation of MDR via many mechanisms and points to sorcin as a novel potential target of different anticancer molecules

    Pathogenesis of Age-Related Osteoporosis: Impaired Mechano-Responsiveness of Bone Is Not the Culprit

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    BACKGROUND: According to prevailing understanding, skeletal mechano-responsiveness declines with age and this apparent failure of the mechano-sensory feedback system has been attributed to the gradual bone loss with aging (age-related osteoporosis). The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the capacity of senescent skeleton to respond to increased loading is indeed reduced as compared to young mature skeleton. METHODS AND FINDINGS: 108 male and 101 female rats were randomly assigned into Exercise and Control groups. Exercise groups were subjected to treadmill training either at peak bone mass between 47-61 weeks of age (Mature) or at senescence between 75-102 weeks of age (Senescent). After the training intervention, femoral necks and diaphysis were evaluated with peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) and mechanical testing; the proximal tibia was assessed with microcomputed tomography (microCT). The microCT analysis revealed that the senescent bone tissue was structurally deteriorated compared to the mature bone tissue, confirming the existence of age-related osteoporosis. As regards the mechano-responsiveness, the used loading resulted in only marginal increases in the bones of the mature animals, while significant exercise-induced increases were observed virtually in all bone traits among the senescent rats. CONCLUSION: The bones of senescent rats displayed a clear ability to respond to an exercise regimen that failed to initiate an adaptive response in mature animals. Thus, our observations suggest that the pathogenesis of age-related osteoporosis is not attributable to impaired mechano-responsiveness of aging skeleton. It also seems that strengthening of even senescent bones is possible--naturally provided that safe and efficient training methods can be developed for the oldest old

    Structure and metal-binding properties of PA4063, a novel player in periplasmic zinc trafficking by Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    The capability to obtain essential nutrients in hostile environments is a critical skill for pathogens. Under zinc-deficient conditions, Pseudomonas aeruginosa expresses a pool of metal homeostasis control systems that is complex compared with other Gram-negative bacteria and has only been partially characterized. Here, the structure and zinc-binding properties of the protein PA4063, the first component of the PA4063-PA4066 operon, are described. PA4063 has no homologs in other organisms and is characterized by the presence of two histidine-rich sequences. ITC titration detected two zinc-binding sites with micromolar affinity. Crystallographic characterization, performed both with and without zinc, revealed an α/β-sandwich structure that can be classified as a noncanonical ferredoxin-like fold since it differs in size and topology. The histidine-rich stretches located at the N-terminus and between β3 and β4 are disordered in the apo structure, but a few residues become structured in the presence of zinc, contributing to coordination in one of the two sites. The ability to bind two zinc ions at relatively low affinity, the absence of catalytic cavities and the presence of two histidine-rich loops are properties and structural features which suggest that PA4063 might play a role as a periplasmic zinc chaperone or as a concentration sensor useful for optimizing the response of the pathogen to zinc deficiency

    Identification of MOR-positive B cell as possible innovative biomarker (Mu lympho-marker) for chronic pain diagnosis in patients with fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis diseases

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    Fibromyalgia (FM) diagnosis follows the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria, based on clinical evaluation and written questionnaires without any objective diagnostic tool. The lack of specific biomarkers is a tragic aspect for FM and chronic pain diseases in general. Interestingly, the endogenous opioid system is close to the immune one because of the expression of opioid receptors on lymphocytes membrane. Here we analyzed the role of the Mu opioid receptor on B lymphocytes as a specific biomarker for FM and osteoarthritis (OA) patients. We enrolled three groups of females: FM patients, OA patients (chronic pain control group) and healthy subjects (pain-free negative control group). We collected blood samples to apply immunophenotyping analysis. Written tests were administrated for psychological analysis. Data were statistically analyzed. Final results showed that the percentage of Mu-positive B cells were statistically lower in FM and OA patients than in pain-free subjects. A low expression of Mu-positive B cell was not associated with the psychological characteristics investigated. In conclusion, here we propose the percentage of Mu-positive B cells as a biological marker for an objective diagnosis of chronic pain suffering patients, also contributing to the legitimacy of FM as a truly painful disease

    Physical activity associates with subarachnoid hemorrhage risk– a population-based long-term cohort study

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    Benefit of physical activity in prevention of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is unclear. We aimed to clarify this by studying how different types of physical activity associate with SAH risk. By following 65 521 population-based FINRISK participants prospectively from medical and autopsy registries since 1972 until 2014, we detected 543 incident SAHs. At baseline, we measured leisure-time physical activity (LTPA), occupational physical activity (OPA), and commuting physical activity (CPA) levels. The Cox model adjusted for all well-known SAH risk factors and for socioeconomic status, provided hazard ratios (HRs) for physical activity variables. Every 30-minute increase in weekly LTPA decreased SAH risk linearly in men and women HR = 0.95 (95% CI = 0.90–1.00). CPA reduced SAH risk as well, but the association diminished as participants retired. In contrast, individuals with moderate (1.41, 1.04–1.92) and high OPA (1.34, 0.99–1.81) had elevated SAH risk. Protective association of LTPA persisted in all age and hypertension groups, and was even greater in current smokers 0.88 (0.81–0.96) than non-smokers (p = 0.04 for difference). Commuting and leisure time physical activity seem to reduce SAH risk in men and women and is most beneficial for smokers. Future intervention studies should investigate whether physical activity can reduce the rupture risk of intracranial aneurysms.Peer reviewe

    Recent Pharmacological Options in Type 2 Diabetes and Synergic Mechanism in Cardiovascular Disease

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    Diabetes Mellitus is a multifactorial disease with a critical impact worldwide. During prediabetes, the presence of various inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress will lead to the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, insulin resistance and chronic hyperglycemia will lead to micro- and macrovascular complications (cardiovascular disease, heart failure, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and atherosclerosis). The development through the years of pharmacological options allowed us to reduce the persistence of chronic hyperglycemia and reduce diabetic complications. This review aims to highlight the specific mechanisms with which the new treatments for type 2 diabetes reduce oxidative stress and insulin resistance and improve cardiovascular outcomes

    Known drugs identified by structure-based virtual screening are able to bind sigma-1 receptor and increase growth of huntington disease patient-derived cells

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    Huntington disease (HD) is a devastating and presently untreatable neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressively disabling motor and mental manifestations. The sigma-1 receptor (σ1R) is a protein expressed in the central nervous system, whose 3D structure has been recently determined by X-ray crystallography and whose agonists have been shown to have neuro-protective activity in neurodegenerative diseases. To identify therapeutic agents against HD, we have implemented a drug repositioning strategy consisting of: (i) Prediction of the ability of the FDA-approved drugs publicly available through the ZINC database to interact with σ1R by virtual screening, followed by computational docking and visual examination of the 20 highest scoring drugs; and (ii) Assessment of the ability of the six drugs selected by computational analyses to directly bind purified σ1R in vitro by Surface Plasmon Resonance and improve the growth of fibro-blasts obtained from HD patients, which is significantly impaired with respect to control cells. All six of the selected drugs proved able to directly bind purified σ1R in vitro and improve the growth of HD cells from both or one HD patient. These results support the validity of the drug repositioning procedure implemented herein for the identification of new therapeutic tools against HD

    Deregulated expression of the imprinted DLK1-DIO3 region in glioblastoma stemlike cells: Tumor suppressor role of lncRNA MEG3

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    Background: Glioblastoma (GBM) stemlike cells (GSCs) are thought to be responsible for the maintenance and aggressiveness of GBM, the most common primary brain tumor in adults. This study aims at elucidating the involvement of deregulations within the imprinted delta-like homolog 1 gene type III iodothyronine deiodinase gene (DLK-DIO3) region on chromosome 14q32 in GBM pathogenesis. Methods: Real-time PCR analyses were performed on GSCs and GBM tissues. Methylation analyses, gene expression, and reverse-phase protein array profiles were used to investigate the tumor suppressor function of the maternally expressed 3 gene (MEG3). Results: Loss of expression of genes and noncoding RNAs within the DLK1-DIO3 region was observed in GSCs and GBM tissues compared with normal brain. This downregulation is mainly mediated by epigenetic silencing. Kaplan-Meier analysis indicated that low expression of MEG3 and MEG8 long noncoding (lnc)RNAs significantly correlated with short survival in GBM patients. MEG3 restoration impairs tumorigenic abilities of GSCs in vitro by inhibiting cell growth, migration, and colony formation and decreases in vivo tumor growth, reducing infiltrative growth. These effects were associated with modulation of genes involved in cell adhesion and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Conclusion: In GBM, MEG3 acts as a tumor suppressor mainly regulating cell adhesion, EMT, and cell proliferation, thus providing a potential candidate for novel GBM therapies

    Complex karyotype in unfit patients with CLL treated with ibrutinib and rituximab: the GIMEMA LLC1114 phase 2 study

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    In chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the presence of a complex karyotype, as defined by ≥3 chromosomal abnormalities in the neoplastic clone, has been shown to confer an adverse prognosis in retrospective series of untreated patients and in patients treated with chemoimmunotherap