660 research outputs found

    Comparison of bridge design in Malaysia between American codes and British codes

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    The design of a highway bridge, like most any other civil engineering project, is dependant on certain standards and criteria. Naturally, the critical importance of highway bridges in a modern transportation system would imply a set of rigorous design specifications to ensure the safety and overall quality of the constructed project. By general specifications, we imply an overall design code covering the majority of structures in a given transportation system.In the United States bridge engineers use AASHTO’s standard Specification for Highway Bridges and, in similar fashion or trends, German bridge engineer utilize the DIN standard and British and Malaysia designers the BS 5400 code. In general, countries like German and United Kingdom which have developed and maintained major highway systems for a great many years possess their own national bridge standards. The AASHTO Standard Specification, however, have been accepted by many countries as the general code by which bridges should be designed. In this research study, investigation and comparisons using codes of practices for bridge design in Malaysia is done . American codes has been choosen as an alternative to British codes in design of bridge, followed by comparison in term of structure component performance due to seismic loading. The purpose is to investigate the performance of existing bridge in Malaysia due to seismic resistant. Thus, the bridge performance over the safety condition and structure integrity while using both codes of practices, American and British Codes is identified

    Correlation between Microstructure and Microhardness of Nitrided Austenitic Stainless Steel

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    This paper will study on the effect of the duration of solution nitriding towards the microstructure and micro-hardness of AISI 316L stainless steel. The AISI 316L stainless steel will be exposed to the high temperature gas nitriding process at 1200oC by using the 50% of ammonia gas and 50% of nitrogen gas for different duration of 8, 15 and 20 hours. The nitrided AISI 316L was then undergone slow cooling process after the solution nitriding process. After that, the samples were polished and etched using Viella’s etchant in order to have a better image on the microstructure for the optical micrograph observation. It was observed that there were several formation of twins occurred on the microstructure of the nitrided samples. There were two types of twins indentified on the microstructure of the samples which were transgranular twin and suspended twin. It was also noted that the grain size is increasing with the increase of duration of nitriding due to the slow cooling process. Then, the nitrided samples were analyzed using the Electron Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) embedded in the Phenom ProX Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). From the EDS analysis, it was found that the nitrogen content in the nitrided austenitic stainless steel is increasing as the duration of solution nitriding is increase. The highest nitrogen content was located in the nitrided samples for 20 hour which have about 8.5 wt% of nitrogen. After that, the micro-hardness of the nitrided samples were investigated using the Vickers hardness testing machine. The microhardness test were conducted on the cross-sectional area of the nitrided samples. The highest reading were acquired on the surface of each nitrided samples and the reading is decreasing towards the center of all the nitrided samples. From the hardness test, it shown that the nitrided samples for 20 hours have the highest surface hardness of about 245.1 HV which is about 70% higher than the surface hardness of as-received sample. All the results obtained from all the experiments and tests conducted were analyzed to find the correlation between the microstructure and micro-hardness of the nitrided austenitic stainless steel

    Pemikiran Imran N. Hosein tentang Peperangan Yakjuj dan Makjuj di dalam An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in The Modern World Menurut Perspektif Hadis

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    Imran N. Hosein merupakan sarjana Islam kontemporari yang banyak membicarakan eskatologi Islam di dalam karya-karya yang menarik seperti An Islamic View Of Gog And Magog In The Modern World yang menyentuh tentang Yakjuj dan Makjuj. Walaubagaimanapun pemikiran beliau tentang perang Yakjuj dan Makjuj didapati tidak selari dengan pandangan ulama hadis. Oleh itu, artikel ini membincangkan mengenai pemikiran Imran N. Hosein tentang perang Yakjuj dan Makjuj yang akan berlaku di akhir zaman menurut perspektif hadis. Objektif penulisan ini adalah untuk mendedahkan kepada masyarakat Islam kemungkinan berlakunya salah faham dalam memahami hadis berkaitan Yakjuj dan Makjuj. Kesan daripada silap mengerti dan tafsiran yang tidak tepat terhadap hadis-hadis fitan menimbulkan persepsi keliru kepada umum. Metodologi kajian ini adalah berbentuk kualitatif melalui kaedah analisis kandungan buku An Islamic View Of Gog And Magog In The Modern World. Dalam pada itu juga, pengkaji menggunakan metode dokumentasi yang merujuk sepenuhnya kepada kitab-kitab syarah hadis, tesis, disertasi, jurnal, laman sesawang dan buku-buku rujukan yang berkaitan. Hasil dapatan merumuskan bahawa Perang Yakjuj dan Makjuj tidak dinyatakan di dalam teks hadis. Ia merupakan satu salah faham dan kesilapan dalam memahami hadis tentang Yakjuj dan Makjuj. Imran N. Hosein didapati menafsirkan hadis mengikut akal dan logik semata-mata selain terpengaruh dengan Isrā`īliyyāt. Kekeliruan ini berpunca daripada pengabaian salah satu kaedah memahami hadis fitan iaitu merujuk kepada mereka yang pakar di dalam ilmu hadis. Imran N. Hosein is a contemporary Islamic scholar who talks about Islamic eschatology in interesting works such as An Islamic View Of Gog And Magog In The Modern World, which touches on Yakjuj and Makjuj. However, his thoughts about the Yakjuj and Makjuj wars were inconsistent with the views of hadith scholars. Therefore, this article discusses Imran N. Hosein's thoughts about the battle of Yakjuj and Makjuj that will happen at the end of time according to the hadith perspective. This writing aims to reveal to the Muslim community the possibility of misunderstandings in understanding the hadith related to Yakjuj and Makjuj. The effects of misunderstandings and inaccurate interpretations of the fitan hadiths create a confused perception for the public. The methodology of this study is qualitative through the content analysis method of the book An Islamic View Of Gog And Magog In The Modern World. In the meantime, the researcher uses a documentation method that fully refers to hadith books, theses, dissertations, journals, websites, and related reference books. The findings concluded that the War of Yakjuj and Makjuj was not mentioned in the hadith text. It is a misunderstanding and mistake in understanding the hadith about Yakjuj and Makjuj. Imran N. Hosein was found to interpret the hadith according to common sense and logic in addition to being influenced by Isrā`īliyyāt. This confusion stems from the neglect of one of the methods of understanding hadith fitan, which refers to those who are experts in the science of hadith.       &nbsp

    Aspergillosis of the Sphenoid Sinus with the Involvement of the Clivus

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    Introduction: Fungal infections of the nose and paranasal sinuses are frequent in this part of the world. One aspect of the increased frequency is the improved clinical, radiological and pathological diagnostic methods that are now available. Aspergillus is the commonest infecting fungus of the nose and the paranasal sinus1 . It is mainly a saprophytic spore producing fungus and can cause invasive and non-invasive infections. The initial report of fungal paranasal infection largely dealt with immunocompromised individuals as distinct from the allergic fungal infection. Aspergillosis confined to the sphenoid sinus is uncommon with only 34 cases having been reported in the literature2,3. These were mostly seen in immunosuppressed patients. Isolated sphenoid sinusitis is uncommon and that due to fungal infection is rare4 . We report the case of aspergillosis of the sphenoid siiius where disease had extended into the upper part of the clivus bone

    The impact of demographic trends on economic growth ? productivity in Pakistan (1980-2007)

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    This paper seeks to examine the impact of demographic variables on economic growth in Pakistan. A long-run relationship between the variables has been found by applying Johanson?s Co-integration Technique after finding the series I(1). The Error Correction Model (ECM) has been applied to streamline the short-run and long- run impacts of the variables on economic growth. Population has a positive but decreasing impact on economic growth in the long run. Trade liberalisation and Human Capital Formation have a negative impact on globalisation in the long run and an insignificant impact in the short run. As a result of an increase in unemployment in the labour market in the short run, Life Expectancy, Labour Productivity Per Capita and Population Growth Rate have a negative impact on economic growth. This analysis will help decision makers in developing strategies and policies to accelerate economic growth, human capital formation and trade liberalisation in Pakistan

    Efektifitas Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Terhadap Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran IPA Biologi Siswa MTs Madani Alauddin Pao-Pao

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    Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah penggunaan media pembelajaran mahasiswa PPL jurusan pendidikan biologi pada mata pelajaran IPA biologi masuk dalam kategori sedang dengan skor rata-rata 86,35, hasil belajar siswa masuk dalam kategori sedang dengan skor rata-rata 80,41. Hasil analisis statistik inferensial diperoleh persamaan statistik penelitian yakni: Ŷ=43.36 + 0,442X). Sehingga hipotesis penelitian yang menyatakan bahwa efektif penggunaan media pembelajaran mahasiswa PPL jurusan pendidikan biologi terhadap hasil belajar siswa MTs Madani Alauddin Pao-Pao dinyatakan diterima


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan kinerja guru terhadap mutu sekolah pada SD Negeri di Kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Metode penelitian yang mengambil sampel dari suatu populasi dan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpulan data. 33 SD Negeri di Kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan penyebaran angket (kuesioner), dokumentasi dan kepustakaan. Lokasi penelitian ini dilakukan di SD Negeri Kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat dengan jumlah 111 Responden. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan 1) pengaruh kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap mutu sekolah berada pada kategori sedang, 2) pengaruh kinerja guru terhadap mutu sekolah berada pada kategori sedang, 3) pengaruh kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan kinerja guru terhadap mutu sekolah termasuk kategori dalam kategori sedang selebihnya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan kinerja guru berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap mutu sekolah. Implikasi pada penelitian ini jika kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan kinerja guru menjalankan peran dan fungsi dengan baik maka akan meningkatkan mutu sekolah. Rekomendasi pada penelitian ini yaitu terutama pada aspek fasilitatif, dimana sarana dan prasarana sekolah masih belum begitu lengkap, kepala sekolah harus terus berupaya melengkapinya guna untuk menunjang peningkatan proses belajar mengajar sehingga mutu sekolah dapat terus meningkat;---The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of the principal’s leadership and teacher’s performance on school quality in public elementary schools in Lembang subdistrict, West Bandung district. The method used in this study is descriptive method with a quantitative approach. This research take samples from a population and use questionnaires as a data collection tool. Data collected from 33 Public Schools in Lembang subdistrict, West Bandung district. Data collection techniques using in this research are questionnaires, documentation, and literature. The location of this study was conducted in all public elementary school in Lembang, West Bandung District with a total of 111 respondents. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that 1) the influence of the principal’s leadership on school qualitity is at medium level. 2) the effect of teacher performance on school quality is at medium level. 3) the effect of school leadership and teacher performance on school quality is at medium level is influenced by other factors. The results revealed that the leadership of the principal and the teacher’s performance had a significant and positive effect on the quality of the school. The implication in this study is that if the leadership of the principal and the performance of the teacher play a role and function properly, it will improve the quality of the school. The recommendations in this study are mainly on the facilitative aspects, where school facilities and infrastructures are still not complete, the principal must continue to work and equip them to support the improvement of the teaching and leraning process, so that the quality of schools can continue to increase

    Named data networking for efficient IoT-based disaster management in a smart campus

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    Disasters are uncertain occasions that can impose a drastic impact on human life and building infrastructures. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays a vital role in coping with such situations by enabling and integrating multiple technological resources to develop Disaster Management Systems (DMSs). In this context, a majority of the existing DMSs use networking architectures based upon the Internet Protocol (IP) focusing on location-dependent communications. However, IP-based communications face the limitations of inefficient bandwidth utilization, high processing, data security, and excessive memory intake. To address these issues, Named Data Networking (NDN) has emerged as a promising communication paradigm, which is based on the Information-Centric Networking (ICN) architecture. An NDN is among the self-organizing communication networks that reduces the complexity of networking systems in addition to provide content security. Given this, many NDN-based DMSs have been proposed. The problem with the existing NDN-based DMS is that they use a PULL-based mechanism that ultimately results in higher delay and more energy consumption. In order to cater for time-critical scenarios, emergence-driven network engineering communication and computation models are required. In this paper, a novel DMS is proposed, i.e., Named Data Networking Disaster Management (NDN-DM), where a producer forwards a fire alert message to neighbouring consumers. This makes the nodes converge according to the disaster situation in a more efficient and secure way. Furthermore, we consider a fire scenario in a university campus and mobile nodes in the campus collaborate with each other to manage the fire situation. The proposed framework has been mathematically modeled and formally proved using timed automata-based transition systems and a real-time model checker, respectively. Additionally, the evaluation of the proposed NDM-DM has been performed using NS2. The results prove that the proposed scheme has reduced the end-to-end delay up from 2% to 10% and minimized up to 20% energy consumption, as energy improved from 3% to 20% compared with a state-of-the-art NDN-based DMS