56 research outputs found

    Electronic Health Records on the Top of Medical Device Incident Reports

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI) and IOS Press.Medical Device incident reporting is a legal obligation for professional users in Finland. We analyzed all medical device incident reports recorded into the national incident repository from January 2014 to August 2021. Almost 30% of the total of 5,897 recorded incidents were caused by top ten devices, of which electronic health records were the most common (332 incidents). High number of incidents caused by electronic health records arouses safety concerns. A further analysis is required to explore the causes of findings.Peer reviewe

    Medical Device Incident Reports by Professional Users in Finland 2014 2021

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The authors and IOS Press.Medical Device incident reporting is a legal obligation for professional users in Finland. We analyzed all medical device incident reports recorded into the national incident repository from January 2014 to August 2021. Among the total 5,897 records, annual numbers of incident reports varied between 463 and 1,190. Approximately 80% of the medical device incident reports were near misses, 18.7% were person injuries and 1.3% deaths. The number of annual medical device incident reports between hospital districts varied more than expected when related to the population of catchment area. There was a tendency towards lesser reports per population from smaller hospital districts. In conclusion, medical device incident reporting activity of the professional user varied both annually and geographically. A high number of incidents caused person injuries or even death, which arouses safety concerns. A further analysis is required to explore the causes behind our findings.Peer reviewe

    Sijoitettujen lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointi ja palvelukokemukset : Kouluterveyskyselyn tuloksia

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuottaa tutkimukseen perustuva kuva erityisissä oloissa kasvavien, vanhempiensa kodista pois sijoitettujen lasten ja nuorten hyvinvoinnista ja kokemuksista ja sen pohjalta ehdottaa toimenpiteitä sijoitettujen lasten oikeuksien toteutumisen vahvistamiseksi ja hyvinvoinnin parantamiseksi. Tutkimus toteutettiin keväällä 2019 osana Kouluterveyskyselyä. Tutkimuksessa verrataan sijoitettuna asuvien lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointia muulla tavoin asuvien ikätovereiden hyvinvointiin ja raportoidaan myös sijoitetuille lapsille ja nuorille tarkoitetun Kouluterveyskyselyn lisämoduulin tulokset. Tuloksien mukaan sijoitettuna asuvien lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointi eroaa monelta osin muulla tavoin asuvien ikätovereiden hyvinvoinnista. He olivat vähemmän yleisesti tyytyväisiä elämäänsä ja kokivat muita yleisemmin terveydentilansa keskinkertaiseksi tai huonoksi. Mielen hyvinvointiin liittyvät pulmat olivat sijoitetuilla lapsilla ja nuorilla muita yleisempiä. Tupakkatuotteiden ja päihteiden käyttö oli erityisesti yläkouluikäisillä sijoitetuilla nuorilla huomattavan yleistä. Väkivaltakokemukset olivat huomattavan yleisiä sijoitetuilla nuorilla. Noin puolet sijoitetuista lapsista ja nuorista oli tyytyväisiä asumiseensa nykyisessä sijoituspaikassaan. Noin puolet lastensuojelulaitoksissa asuvista nuorista kertoi kokeneensa liikkumisvapauden rajoittamisen tai yhteydenpidon rajoittamisen ja joka kolmas kiinnipitämisen. Kaikista sijoitetuista yläkouluikäisistä nuorista joka kolmas oli kokenut rangaistuksen, josta ei tiennyt mistä se johtuu tai joukkorangaistuksen. Joka viides oli jätetty ilman ruokaa rangaistuksena jostakin. Yleisimpiä luvattomien rangaistusten kokemukset olivat lastensuojelulaitoksissa asuvilla nuorilla. Noin viidennes nuorista ei tiennyt, kuka on heidän sosiaalityöntekijänsä tällä hetkellä. Tulokset osoittavat että sekä sijoitettujen lasten hyvinvoinnin tukemisessa että lasten oikeuksien toteutumisessa on vielä paljon tehtävää

    COVID-19 koetteli turvallisuuskäytäntöjä

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    Koronakevät oli koetus terveydenhuoltojärjestelmälle. Ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi syntyi uusia henkilöstön turvallisuuskäytäntöjä, ja tietoisuus turvallisuus­menettelyistä vahvistui. Myös yhteistyön ja tiedon nopean jakamisen tärkeys korostui

    Minkä ikäisinä lohenpoikaset kannattaa istuttaa Kymijokeen?

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    Advances in Informatics, Management and Technology in Healthcare

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    Medical Device incident reporting is a legal obligation for professional users in Finland. We analyzed all medical device incident reports recorded into the national incident repository from January 2014 to August 2021. Among the total 5,897 records, annual numbers of incident reports varied between 463 and 1,190. Approximately 80% of the medical device incident reports were near misses, 18.7% were person injuries and 1.3% deaths. The number of annual medical device incident reports between hospital districts varied more than expected when related to the population of catchment area. There was a tendency towards lesser reports per population from smaller hospital districts. In conclusion, medical device incident reporting activity of the professional user varied both annually and geographically. A high number of incidents caused person injuries or even death, which arouses safety concerns. A further analysis is required to explore the causes behind our findings

    Surface Water Intrusion, Land Use Impacts, and Bacterial Community Composition in Shallow Groundwater Wells Supplying Potable Water in Sparsely Populated Areas of a Boreal Region

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    Rural communities often rely on groundwater for potable water supply. In this study, untreated groundwater samples from 28 shallow groundwater wells in Finland ( IMPORTANCE Standard physicochemical water quality analyses and microbial indicator analyses leave much of the (largely uncultured) complexity of groundwater microbial communities unexplored. This study combined these standard methods with additional analyses of stable water isotopes, bacterial community data, and environmental data about the surrounding areas to investigate the associations between physicochemical and microbial properties of 28 shallow groundwater wells in Finland. We detected impaired groundwater quality in some wells, identified potential land use impacts, and revealed indications of surface water intrusion which were negatively correlated with bacterial alpha diversity. The potential influence of surface water intrusion on groundwater wells and their bacterial communities is of particular interest and warrants further investigation because surface water intrusion has previously been linked to groundwater contamination, which is the primary cause of waterborne outbreaks in the Nordic region and one of the major causes in the United States and Canada.Peer reviewe

    Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli in poultry meat products on the Finnish retail market

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    Background: Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli bacteria (ExPEC) exist as commensals in the human intestines and can infect extraintestinal sites and cause septicemia. The transfer of ExPEC from poultry to humans and the role of poultry meat as a source of ExPEC in human disease have been discussed previously. The aim of the present study was to provide insight into the properties of ExPEC in poultry meat products on the Finnish retail market with special attention to their prevalence, virulence and phylogenetic profiles. Furthermore, the isolates were screened for possible ESBL producers and their resistance to nalidixic acid and ciprofloxacin was tested. Methods: The presence of ExPEC in 219 marinated and non-marinated raw poultry meat products from retail shops has been analyzed. One E. coli strain per product was analyzed further for phylogenetic groups and possession of ten virulence genes associated with ExPEC bacteria (kpsMT K1, ibeA, astA, iss, irp2, papC, iucD, tsh, vat and cva/cv) using PCR methods. The E. coli strains were also screened phenotypically for the production of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) and the susceptibility of 48 potential ExPEC isolates for nalidixic acid and ciprofloxacin was tested. Results: E. coli was isolated from 207 (94.5%) of 219 poultry meat products. The most common phylogenetic groups were D (50.7%), A (37.7%), and B2 (7.7%). Based on virulence factor gene PCR, 23.2% of the strains were classified as ExPEC. Two ExPEC strains (1%) belonged to [O1] B2 svg+ (specific for virulent subgroup) group, which has been implicated in multiple forms of ExPEC disease. None of the ExPEC strains was resistant to ciprofloxacin or cephalosporins. One isolate (2.1%) showed resistance to nalidixic acid. Conclusions: Potential ExPEC bacteria were found in 22% of marinated and non-marinated poultry meat products on the Finnish retail market and 0.9% were contaminated with E. coli [O1] B2 svg+ group. Marinades did not have an effect on the survival of ExPEC as strains from marinated and non-marinated meat products were equally often classified as ExPEC. Poultry meat products on the Finnish retail market may have zoonotic potential