697 research outputs found

    Scanning Electron Microscopic Studies of the Palatine Mucosa and Its Microvascular Architecture in the Rat

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    Detailed observations were made on the structure and microvasculature of the palatine mucosa of the rat by means of microvascular corrosion casts and epithelium-digested specimens using scanning electron microscopy. The rat palate was divided into four regions according to the characteristics of the palatine plicae. In the atrial region, no transverse palatine plicae were present, but there were longitudinal ridges and folds in the median area. These structures contribute to the transportation of rough and grainy foods with the assistance of the hairy buccal part. Capillary loops in the ridge and folds appeared as continuous, sagittally elongated loops. In the palatine fissure or antemolar region, only three typical transverse palatine plicae contribute to the regurgitation of food. Capillary loops appeared in variant forms on the top, and the anterior and posterior slopes of the plicae. Venous palatine plexus was observed only in the palatine fissure region. In the intermolar region, each of the five transverse plicae was composed of many wedges arranged sagittally. These plicae contribute to the transportation of food toward the larynx. Capillary loops in the plica were in the shape of complicated villi. Filiform protrusions or papillae were aggregated immediately posterior to the last plica. The capillary loops appeared as typical hairpins. They contribute to swallowing of food with active assistance from the epithelial eminence of the lingual dorsum. Palatine plicae showed considerable local differences, which may contribute to the prehension, transportation, and mashing of food

    Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Catfish Farming in Edo State, Nigeria

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    This study examined the technical efficiency (TE) of fish farming in Edo State, Nigeria. A multistage sampling technique was used to select 180 respondents from whom data was collected using well-structured questionnaire and interview schedules. These were analyzed using both descriptive statistics and stochastic frontier production function. The result showed that the TE of the farmers ranged from 0.46 to 0.99, with a mean of 0.95 at which 77% of them were operating. The efficiency was significantly (p<influenced positively by stocking rate and negatively by the farmers’ age, educational level as well as poor access to extension services. Serious constraints that affected optimum production include high cost of feed, limited capital, poor power supply, high cost of pond construction, disposal of effluents, increased fish price created by middlemen and inadequate water supply. Determination of efficiency of resource use revealed that pond size, fingerlings, feeds and  fixed cost of items were underutilized while labour and operating cost were over utilized.  Farmers’ access to suitable extension services and the implementation of policies aimed at tackling the detected constraints would help to increase the efficiency of fish farming in the state. Keywords: Technical efficiency, Fish farming, Pond, Resource use, Edo Stat

    Pengembangan Modul Fisikaberbasis Masalah Pada Materi Listrik Dinamis Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Siswasma

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui karakteristik modul fisika berbasis masalah pada materi listrikdinamis, (2) mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa setelah mengikuti pembelajaranmenggunakan modul fisika berbasis masalah pada materi listrik dinamis. Jenis penelitian ini adalah researchand development yang menggunakan model 4-D meliputi: define, design, develop, dan disseminate, untukmengembangkan modul fisika berbasis masalah. Teknik pengumpulan data dimulai dengan tahap prapenelitian; analisis siswa, kurikulum, dan materi; tujuan pengembangan modul; pemilihan formatberdasarkan kriteria modul; desain awal modul, validasi draf I, uji coba kecil, dan uji coba di kelas.Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket untuk validasi modul, silabus, RPP, kisi-kisi soal kemampuanberpikir kreatif, serta angket respon siswa dan guru. Pengembangan modul dinilai berdasarkan kelayakan isi,penyajian, dan bahasa oleh 2 dosen, 2 guru, dan 3 peer review. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) kualitas modulfisika berbasis masalah pada materi listrik dinamis yang dikembangkan berkategori baik, dan (2) kemampuanberpikir kreatif siswa setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran menggunakan modul fisika berbasis masalahpada materi listrik dinamis mengalami peningkatan

    Implication of Key Challenges of Talent Management in Recessive Economy

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    The study investigates the influence of mergers and acquisitions in the integration of business. In our society today organization witnessed the phenomenon they referred as merger-mania. The merger reflects the symbiotic relation while the acquisition mirrors the predator-prey relation. The human influence of it indicates the harder side of merger-phobia that warrant the employee resistance, sabotage, insecurity and high lay-off, faulty integration and dissatisfaction. Because of the inability of the organization to handle the human problems, cultural conflicts and lack of appropriate risk management strategies exert negative influence in the activities. All these problems in effect reduce the productivity of the organization. The study sought to determine the intents that satisfy shareholder in Relation to the MAs Integration Strategies Implementation in the Organization. Secondly, to ascertain the factors that influences MAs Integration in organization. The study made effort to design a satisfactory success measure to achieve effectiveness in MA's deal and its integration success. Descriptive survey design was adopted where questionnaire was the key instrument for data collection. A sample of 200 staff and management (respondents) of selected business organization was randomly selected with particular interest with those that had experienced merger and acquisition. The study discovered that the organization was satisfied to the MA's integration strategies implementation because it accelerates the transition, define integration strategy, focus on priority initiative, and communication with the stakeholders. The result also revealed that culture conflict, resistance, changing structure, and dissatisfaction are among factors that influence MA's integration of business organization. The study recommend that there should be opportunities to establish a comprehensive integration plan/framework that can be designed based on foreseeable challenges and calculated risk of acquisition. Also the organization should endeavour to build a good team –spirited employees that will be supported by a vibrant leader who can move the organization to the next level or sustain the potentials of them

    FISH FAUNA OF GUNUNG HALIMUN NATIONAL PARK REGION: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE UTILIZATION*[Fauna Ikan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun: Informasi Tambahan Tentang Pemanfaatannya]

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    Gunung Halimun National Park is known to be the area of headwaters of a number of rivers/streams originate. However,there is no information about the fishes living in these rivers systems. In this regard, a series of ichthyofauna study was conducted from 1996 to 2002 in Cikaniki, Cimaja/Cisarua, Cisukawayana, Ciberang, Cidurian and Cibareno that covered 94 sampling stations. Method that was used was Catch Per Unit of effort (CPU) where electric fishing gear (and) cast net, trap were used.Forty fish species belonging to 16 families and 26 genera have been found. Gobiidae, the diadromous fishes, was dominant, comprising 14 species or 35 %, followed by Cyprinidae comprising 5 species or 12.5 %.These Gobioid fishes were derived from Cisukawayana, Cimaja, and Cibareno River, where these rivers flow south to the Indian Ocean. It was found that Paray, Rasbora aprotaenia; Beunteur, Puntius binotatus; Bogo, Channa gachua; Lele, Clarias batrachus; Kehkel, Glyptothorax platypogon; Soro, Tor tambra; Bungkreng/ Ikan Seribu Poecilia reticulata and Paris, Xiphoporus helleri were found in common in rivers flowing north and south, and Lentipes as well as Schismatogobius marmoratus extend their range to Java (new record for Java). The utilization of fishes for food by local people is presented including Gobioid fishes, which are at the juvenile stage (called as impun) are utilized as a part of their food source

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Kasus De Quervain Syndrome Sinistra Di RSUD Salatiga

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    Background: De Quervain syndrome is the cause of most of the tendonopathy wrist. In these conditions there is inflammation of the tendons on the thumb tenosynovium dorsal part, abductor longus and extensor policis policis brevis. This tendon is under the extensor retinaculum located along the processus styloideus radii.. Problems of physiotherapy which can be found in the case of which is pain in the area of motion in the wrist and hand, decreased range of motion (LGS) at the metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP), decreased muscle strength, and functional limitation that functional limitations in ADL. Methods: method in handling such cases ultrasound (US) and exercise therapy, which was evaluated by measuring pain mete d out (VDS), the measurement of muscle strength (MMT), the measurement of LGS (goneometer) and ADL capability (WHDI). Objectives: the above method to determine the benefits of the therapy modalities and therapeutic exercise in the US to reduce pain, increase range of motion, increased muscle strength and increased ability ADL. Results: after 6 times treatment showed a decrease in pain, increase in LGS thumb the left, the left thumb MMT increase and the increased capacity of functional activity. Conclusion: US can reduce pain in such cases. While exercise therapy can improve the LGS, increase muscle strength and functional ability
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