18 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTThis study was conducted to isolate and identify Pseudomonas isolated from Manado Bay seawater and to determine the rate of mercury (Hg) reduction produced by isolated strains of Pseudomonas. A 500 ml seawater sample was collected from Tondano River and Manado Bay along the beach of the reclamation site, placed into container and taken to the laboratory for further analysis. Water samples were homogenized by hand shaking and 1 ml water sample was pipetted and then transferred to each 7 ml of Tryptic Soy Broth (pH 7.4) and Alkaline Peptone Water (pH 7.4), separately. After incubation period of 24h at 35oC, these were transferred with ose and streaked on Pseudomonas F Agar, followed by incubation at 35oC for 24h. Free growing colonies were then transferred to slant agar and kept at 4oC as stock culture. Results found that isolated Pseudomonas were chemoorganotrophic and chemoautolithotrophic, Almost all isolated Pseudomonas showed their ability in mercury ions reduction, but some of them did in mercury oxidation. Isolated chemooragnotrophic Pseudomonas tended to reduce mercury ions, but the chemoautolithotrophic one tended to oxidize it. Based on these results, it was found that the rate of Hg reduction was dependent upon the strain type.ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah mengisolasi dan mengidentifikasi Pseudomonas dari air laut Teluk Manado serta menentukan laju reduksi merkuri (Hg) yang diproduksi oleh strain Pseudomonas terisolasi tersebut. Sampel air laut sebanyak 500 ml dikumpulkan dari Danau Tondano dan sepanjang pantai dari daerah reklamasi Teluk Manado, lalu dibawa ke laboratorium untuk dianalisa lebih lanjut. Sampel air dihomogenkan secara manual, dan 1 ml sampel air dipipet dan kemudian dipindahkan secara terpisah ke 7 ml Tryptic Soy Broth (pH 7,4) dan Alkaline Peptone Water (pH 7,4). Sete-lah masa inkubasi 24 jam pada suhu 35oC, sejumlah sampel dipindahkan ke Pseudomonas F Agar, kemudian diinkubasi pada suhu 35oC selama 24 jam. Koloni yang tumbuh bebas kemudian dipindahkan ke agar miring dan disimpan pada suhu 4oC sebagai kultur stok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pseudomonas terisolasi bersifat chemoorganotrophic dan chemoautolithotrophic. Hampir semua Pseudomonas terisolasi menunjukkan kemampuan dalam penguraian ion merkuri, tetapi beberapa diantaranya dapat juga mengoksidasi merkuri. Pseudomonas yang bersifat chemooragnotrophic cenderung untuk mengurangi ion merkuri, tapi yang bersifat chemoautolithotrophic cenderung mengoksidasinya. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa laju reduksi-Hg oleh Pseudomonas tergantung pada jenis strainnya

    Karakteristik Bakteri Pereduksi Merkuri (Escherichia Coli) Diisolasi dari Perairan Pantai Teluk Manado

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    In the environment like seawater, mercury can be oxidized by some bacteria, such as Thiobacillus, to produce Hg ions which are soluble in water and toxic to marine organisms, such as bacteria, algae, and so on. On the other hand, the occurrence of Pseudomonas, as E. coli, is believed can reduce the number of Hg ions in the environment. An experiment was conducted to count total coliform and total E. coli, to isolate, to identify E. coli isolated from Manado Bay seawater, and to determine the ability of E. coli isolates to do reduction and or oxidation of mercury ions. Seawater samples were collected from the reclamation area, especially close to Tondano River, Sario River and Bahu River around Manado Bay. As a control, some water samples were taken from Bunaken Island waters at Liang and Muka Kampung area. An amount of 500 ml water samples was taken from the sampling site and placed into container, then brought to the laboratory for further analysis, such as total coliform, total E. coli. In addition, some biochemical tests were also carried out in order to identify the isolate. The results showed that nearly all isolates of E. coli (83.3%) exhibited their ability in mercury ions oxidation, while the isolates that can reduce ion mercury were 13.3% only. The highest Hg-ions reduction was influenced by the characteristic of isolates, and mercury ions oxidation was also dependent upon the strain type

    Komposisi Mikroorganisme Pada Beberapa Depot Air Minum Isi Ulang Di Kota Manado [Composition Microorganisms in Some Water Depot Refill in Manado City]

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    Drinking Water Refill (AMIU) the price is relatively cheaper, but not all drinking water refill depot in the city of Manado guaranteed security products. This is because there are many depot refill drinking water that has not been officially registered in the Ministry of Trade and Industry, only 20 of 130 registered depot depot there and have not been routinely tested water quality. This study analyzes the goal of microorganisms on a depot refill drinking water, water tank transporters and the source of raw water in the city of Manado which include, pH, temperature, total plate number, E.coli and yeast to get a refill drinking water quality that meets the requirements . The results for total plate count 13 depots (39%), 1 tank (20%), there are three sources of raw water (27%) who do not meet the requirements, the total coliform in the depot there are 19 (58%), water tank transporter 3 (60%) of raw water sources there were 6 (55%) who do not meet the requirements, there are 8 depot E. coli (24%), water tank transporter 1 (20%), source of raw water 7 (64%) who do not meet the requirements, for mushrooms in the depot 300 and pH at all sample points in both depots, tank and all water sources to meet the requirements, for the temperature at the depot, there were 12 (36%), the tank 1 (20%), 3 raw water sources (27%) who do not meet the requirements. Results of this study concluded that the quality of drinking water in the depot, tank and raw water sources, there are still 60.20% - 67.35% which is satisfactory from a microorganism, and for the physical parameters of temperature are 67.35 % while meeting the requirements of the chemical parameters pH 100% compliant

    Characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated Smoked Fish Pinekuhe from Traditionally Processed from Sangihe District

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    Pinekuhe  is the local name for smoked scad fish (Decapterus sp.), a traditionally processed fish product from Sangihe Islands whose taste, aroma and form are typical and unique. In this research aims of physiological and biochemical characteristics with pathogenicity isolated S. aureus which the isolated from the product smoked scad fish (Decapterus rusellii) Pinekuhe it was produce and prepared by the local fisherman in Sangihe Island Regency. The isolated that have gathered from this researched was 111 product isolate from the smoke fish Pinekuhe which grown from media MSA. Its had isolated already through thetest of physiological comprise, Gram staining and from the test of biochemical e.g., from the test Catalase, Voges-Proskauer, and Fermentation carbohydrate tests (Glucose and Manitol). The characteristics of pathogenicity S. aureus had been done and used by making of Coagulase, Nuklease Thermostabil productionand deoksiribonuklease (DNase). The result of this research showing that had still 111 isolating strains that still ingroup which consists of 108 isolated Staphylococcus and from 108 strains to 68 strains that had been test in identifying, as of Staphylococcus aureus with characteristics of Gram positif coccus, catalase positif,Voges-Proskauer positif, and to Fermentation Glucose and Manitol. The 68 isolate S. aureus that characterize from Phatogen principles product Coagulase test, Nuklease Thermostabil and deoksiribonuklease (DNase). S. aureus is dominant (62%) contaminate smoked fish Pinekuhe processed traditional of Sangihe island

    Characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated Smoked Fish Pinekuhe from Traditionally Processed from Sangihe District

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    Pinekuhe  is the local name for smoked scad fish (Decapterus sp.), a traditionally processed fish product from Sangihe Islands whose taste, aroma and form are typical and unique. In this research aims of physiological and biochemical characteristics with pathogenicity isolated S. aureus which the isolated from the product smoked scad fish (Decapterus rusellii) Pinekuhe it was produce and prepared by the local fisherman in Sangihe Island Regency. The isolated that have gathered from this researched was 111 product isolate from the smoke fish Pinekuhe which grown from media MSA. Its had isolated already through the test of physiological comprise, Gram staining and from the test of biochemical e.g., from the test Catalase, Voges-Proskauer, and Fermentation carbohydrate tests (Glucose and Manitol). The characteristics of pathogenicity S. aureus had been done and used by making of Coagulase, Nuklease Thermostabil production and deoksiribonuklease (DNase). The result of this research showing that had still 111 isolating strains that still ingroup which consists of 108 isolated Staphylococcus and from 108 strains to 68 strains that had been test in identifying, as of Staphylococcus aureus with characteristics of Gram positif coccus, catalase positif, Voges-Proskauer positif, and to Fermentation Glucose and Manitol. The 68 isolate S. aureus that characterize from Phatogen principles product Coagulase test, Nuklease Thermostabil and deoksiribonuklease (DNase). S. aureus is dominant (62%) contaminate smoked fish Pinekuhe processed traditional of Sangihe island


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    Ikan asap Pinekuhe merupakan produk perikanan yang diolah secara tradisional oleh nelayan Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe. Staphylococcus epidermis merupakan bakteri patogen yang bersifat oportunistik yaitu menyebabkan infeksi pada manusia yang imunitasnya lemah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bakteri S. epidermis yang diisolasi dari ikan asap Pinekuhe. Empat puluh isolat sampel dibiakan pada media Manitol salt Agar, dan terduga diuji terhadap pewarnaan Gram, Katalase, Motility dan Koagulase. Terdapat 13 isolat yang teridentifikasi sebagai S. epidermis, yang memiliki karakteristik sebagai Gram positif, berbentuk bulat, bergerombol, berdiameter 0,5μm-1μm, non motil, katalase positif dan tidak memfermentasi Manitol. Dengan demikian, terdapat 32,5% S. epidermis yang mengkontaminasi produk ikan asap Pinekuhe.</p


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    インドネシアの北セレベス地方で造られている、伝統的魚醤の微生物相と化学的性質について検討した。好気性菌、嫌気性菌、乳酸菌、大腸菌群、胞子形成菌、ブドウ球菌についてそれぞれの菌数を調べた。そして、分離菌株についで同定を行った。その結果、大腸菌群は何れの試料からも見い出せなかった。しかし、ブドウ球菌は全ての試料から多く見い出された。その菌数は4.70~5.69(log cfu/ml)であった。また、主として、Staphylococcus 属及び Lactobacillus 属の細菌が存在していた。一般に伝統的な方法で造られたバカサンのpHは低く、グルタミン酸、フェニールアラニン、イソロイシンなどのアミノ酸が多く存在していた。The microflora and chemical properties of bakasang, a traditional fermented fish sauce which originated in North Celebes, Indonesia was investigated. Total aerobic and anaerobic, lactic acid bacteria (LAB), total coliform (TC), spore forming bacteria (SFB) and staphylococcal counts were determined and the isolate microorganisms from each media were identified. The coliform bacteria were not detected in all samples, but the total staphylococcal count was high in all samples; it ranged from 4.70 to 5.59 (log cfu/ml). Staphylococcus sp. and Lactobacillus sp., were the predominant bacteria isolated from traditional bakasang samples. Generally, traditionally-produced bakasang has a low pH and is relatively high in nutritive value. Glutamic acid, phenylalanine, and isoleucine were predominant amino acids

    Characteristics of Aeromonas Hydrophila Isolated From Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus)

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    Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Karakteristik Aeromonas hydrophila yang di isolasi dari ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) Information related to bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila that infects almost all freshwater fish and brackish water fish with low salinity that causes significant losses to fish farmers is highly needed. Thus this study aimed to characterize some isolates of A. hydrophila from several farms. The method used in this research was the exploratory-description method. The isolates used in this study were from Denpasar, Luwuk and Manado. The isolates were then identified using a series of microbiological test which included test motility, gram test, haemolysis test and a series of biochemical tests. The results showed that haemolysis test of isolates of A. hydrophila in hemolysis from Manado was α type weheras Denpasar and Luwuk were β-type. Catalase test and oxidase test were positive all isolates. TSI test showed Acid-Alkaline for Manado and Luwuk isolates but Acid-acid for Denpasar isolates. Indol and MR test twere positive for Manado and Denpasar isolates, whereas Luwuk was negative. Vp, Citrate and Urea tests were negative for all siolates and OF test was fermentative. Gelatinase and DNase test were positive for all isolates. Test NaCl 4% for isolates Manado and Denpasar Positive, negative Luwuk. 6% NaCl third test negative isolates. The incubation temperature at 37% was positive for Manado isolates, Denpasar and Luwuk were negative.The motility test was positive for Manado and Denpasar isolates, whereas Luwuk isolate was negative. The gas glucose test was negative for Manado isolates, Denpasar and Luwuk isolates were positive. Sugars test on Glucose was positive for all isolates, lactose-negative, Sucrose was negative Manado but positive for Denpasar Luwuk; whereas in Inositol and Raffinosa tests, all isolates were negative and KCN test was positive for all. From the results of this study it can be concluded that A. hydrophila isolated from some areas have slightly different characteristics from one another. Informasi yang berhubungan dengan bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila yang menyerang hampir semua ikan air tawar dan ikan yang dipelihara di tambak dengan salinitas rendah dan menyebabkan kerugian yang cukup berarti bagi pembudidaya ikan sangat dibutuhkan. Untuk itu tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengikarakterisasi beberapa isolat A. hydrophila yang berasal dari beberapa lokasi budidaya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metoda eksploratif-deskripsi. Isolat yang digunakan berasal dari Denpasar, Luwuk dan Manado. Isolat yang ada selanjutnya diidentifikasi dengan menggunakan serangkian test mikrobiologi yang meliputi test motilitas, uji gram, uji hemolisis dan serangkaian uji biokimia. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa isolat A. hydrophila pada uji hemolisis bertipe α (Manado), bertipe β (Denpasar, Luwuk), Uji Katalase dan oksidase ketiga isolat positif, Uji TSIA untuk Manado dan Luwuk Asam-Alkali tetapi untuk Denpasar Asam-Asam. Uji Indol dan MR Untuk Manado dan Denpasar Positif sedangkan Luwuk negatif. Uji Vp, Citrat dan Urea Ketiga isolat negatif; dan Uji OF ketiganya Fermentatif. Uji Gelatinase dan DNase ketiganya positif. Uji NaCl 4% untuk isolat Manado dan Denpasar Positif, Luwuk negatif. Uji NaCl 6% ketiga isolat negatif. Suhu inkubasi pada 37% Manado positif, Denpasar dan Luwuk negatif. Untuk Uji Motilitas, isolat Manado dan Denpasar positif, sedangkan isolat Luwuk negatif. Uji Gas glukosa, isolat Manado negatif, isolat Denpasar dan Luwuk positif. Uji gula-gula pada Glukosa ketiganya positif, laktosa Negatif, pada Sukrosa Manado negatif Denpasar dan Luwuk positif, sedangkan pada Inositol dan Raffinosa ketiganya negatif dan Uji KCN ketiganya positif. Dari hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bawah Isolat A. hydrophila yang diisolasi dari beberapa lokasi ini memiliki karakteristik yang sedikit berbeda satu dengan yang lainnya