45 research outputs found


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    Bolabasket dimainkan oleh dua tim yang masing-masing terdiri dari lima pemain. Tujuan dari masing tim adalah mencetak angka ke keranjang lawan dan berusaha mencegah tim lawan mencetak angka. Penggunaan model pembelajaran yang variatif dan sesuai sangat dibutuhkan. Masalah dalam penelitian ini sejauh mana pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri terhadap hasil belajar bermain bolabasket dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani pada siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakulikuler bolabasket di SMAN 1 Baleendah. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen dengan desain Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakulikuler bolabasket di SMAN 1 Baleendah sebanyak 16 siswa. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan dibagi menjadi dua kelompok dengan diundi menggunakan koin 500 rupiah dengan ketentuan mendapatkan angka akan menjadi anggota kelompok model pembelajaran inkuiri dan jika mendapatkan gambar garuda, menjadi kelompok kontrol. Instrumen pengambilan data dengan tes hasil bermain bolabasket dari Nurhasan. Hasil pengolahan data dan pengujian hipotesis menunjukan peningkatan hasil pembelajaran pada siswa yang mengikuti kelompok model pembelajaran inkuiri untuk menggiring bola (dribble) diperoleh t hitung = 3,22 > 1,7, mengoper bola (passing) diperoleh t hitung 3,33 > 1,7, menembak (shooting) diperoleh t hitung sebesar 3,64 > 1,7 dengan taraf nyata (α) = 0,05. Sedangkan siswa dengan kelompok kontrol untuk menggiring bola (dribble) diperoleh t hitung = 1,29 < 1,7, mengoper bola (passing) diperoleh t hitung 1,49 < 1,7, menembak (shooting) diperoleh t hitung sebesar 1,52 < 1,7. Kesimpulannya model pembelajaran inkuiri memberikan pengaruh terhadap hasil belajar bolabasket dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani pada siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakulikuler bolabasket di SMAN 1 Baleendah. Kata kunci : Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri, Hasil Belajar Bermain Bolabasket. Basketball is played by two teams wuthin five players on each team. The aim of this game is to set score to rival’s basket and defended the basket from team rival. The use of various and appropriate learning model is needed. The issue of this reasearch is to want extend the effect of inquiry learning model on basketball learning outcome of students who join basketball extracurricular in SMAN 1 Baleendah. The method used is this research was experimental design using Pre-test and Postt-test Control Grup Design. The sample was taken using coint 500 rupiah by dividing the group into two teams which condition number for Inquiry learning model group and bicture for control group. The research instrument was adapted from Nurhasan. According to the data analysi and hypotesis test, it is showed that the learning outcome of students who were in inquiry group increased in dribble with following assessment t = 3,22 > 1,7; passing t = 3,33 > 1,7; shooting t = 3,64 > 1,67 alpha = 0,05. Meanwhile, for control group the result is dribble t = 1,29 < 1,67; passing t = 1,49 < 1,7; shooting t = 1,52 < 1,7. The conclusion is inquiry learning model affect Basketball learning outcome of student who join extracurricular basketball in SMAN 1 Baleendah. Keywords: Inquiry Learning Model, Result of Learning Basketball

    Winter maintenance in Sweden : Compiled for COST 344 "Improvements to Snow and Ice Control on European Roads". Task Group "Best practice", 27 March 2002

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    This report has been compiled for Task group 3: Best practice, within COST Action 344. It covers mainly the winter maintenance on the Swedish state roads. The winter maintenance in the municipalities is only briefly mentioned in some chapters. The winter maintenance on private roads is not covered at all. Contents: 1. Fundamental issues : Climatic conditions, Standards, General standards ; 2. Strategic organisation of winter maintenance: General, Information provision, Methods, Equipment, Materials, Manpower, training and privatisation, Training and education, Privatisation ; 3. Operational organisation of winter maintenance: Getting information, Methods, equipment and materials for snow control, Methods, equipment and materials for ice control, Methods, equipment and materials for special problems, Measurements of efficiency ; 4. Information to road user

    The influence of road surface condition on traffic safety

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    During the latest years VTI has carried out research within a project called "The impact of road surface on traffic" on commission by the Swedish National Road Administration (SNRA). The objective of the project is to improve and supplement the road user effect models in the SNRA pavement management system (PMS). Studies have been/are being carried out on the impact of road surface on vehicle speed, ride comfort, fuel consumption, noise properties and safety. The main objective with this study has been to provide new models describing the relation between traffic safety and the road surface condition. In the accident cost model used today the only road surface parameter included is rut depth and only ruts deeper than 10 mm are considered to have any influence on traffic safety. The relation is then linear and the accident cost increases with increasing rut depth. The investigation that has been carried out is based on data from the road surface measurements done by SNRA on the state roads during the period 1992 - 1998 and accidents reported by the police during the same period. Also data on precipitation has been used. Regression analyses have mainly been used. Dependent Y-variable has been accident ratio (accidents/ 100 million axles pair kilometres). Independent X-variables have been rut depth (mm) and/or unevenness given in the measure of unevenness called International Roughness Index (IRI in mm/m). The material has been divided into several different classes such as traffic flow and precipitation classes.Reprint from 6th InternationalConference on Managing Pavements, 19–24 October 2004</p

    The effect of road equipment on traffic safety, accessibility and comfort - A driving simulator study regarding the effect of centre line and guide posts respectively

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    The background to this project is that the Swedish Road Administration has put forward a suggestion that there should be no centre line on roads with a width less than 6,5 m. Furthermore, the suggestion also is that one should stop cleaning the guide posts on roads equipped with these, i.e. the reflexes on the guide posts will in principle not be functioning during winter and in darkness. To investigate the effect for the road users during driving in darkness of removing the centre line and having guide posts that in principle are not visible in darkness, respectively, a driving simulator study has been carried out. The two above mentioned road types, i.e. an 8 m wide road with/without guide posts and with posted speed limit 90 km/h and a 6 m wide road with/without centre line and with posted speed limit 70 km/h, respectively, have been studied in two separate driving tests. A total of 30 subjects have driven both road types during darkness under conditions corresponding to both dry and wet road surface, alternatively new and worn road markings, i.e. with road markings that are visible on a long distance or only on a short distance. The study showed among other things that when the road markings fulfil the requirements for visibility given in the regulations the speed is only slightly influenced by whether there are guide posts or not. On the other hand, if the visibility of the road markings is poor one uses the visual guidance from the guide posts to be able to drive at a higher speed. In the former case the mean speed was about 2 km/h lower without guide posts while the corresponding speed reduction was about 10 km/h in the latter case. Furthermore, the mean speed was about 6 km/h lower when the road didn't have a centre line than when it had a centre line. The mean speed was the lowest when the road had no centre line and the visibility of the edge line at the same time was poor. The test subjects also "reeled" more across the roadway, consciously or not, when the road didn't have a centre line than when it was provided with a centre line

    Effekt av rillning på rullbanors friktionsegenskaper och behov av kemisk halkbekämpning

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    Test and evaluation of alternative deicing methods and materials in Sweden

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    Road users' requirements on road surface condition : final summary report

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    De statliga vägarnas tillstånd följs regelmässigt upp med hjälp av vägytemätningar. Dessutom genomförs enkäter bland privatbilister och yrkesförare för att ta reda på hur nöjda eller missnöjda de är med underhållet av de statliga vägarna. I korthet kan sägas att överensstämmelsen mellan de objektiva mätningar som görs av vägarnas tillstånd (eller snarare de tillståndsmått man använder) och trafikanternas betyg enligt enkäterna inte är särskilt god. Flera delstudier har därför genomförts inom detta projekt för att dels att ge uppslag till hur man bör ställa frågor om vägars tillstånd för att få så bra subjektiva data som möjligt, dels ge uppslag till vilka objektiva data man i framtiden bör samla in för att överensstämmelsen mellan subjektiva och objektiva data skall bli bättre. De olika delstudierna är en litteraturstudie, en fokusgruppsstudie, en enkätstudie samt en körsimulatorstudie. En del slutsatser avseende utformning av frågor i trafikantenkäter redovisas. Dessutom redovisas några rekommendationer avseende kompletterande vägtillståndsmått för att fånga trafikanternas upplevelse av komfort och säkerhet. Detta innebär att tillståndsmåttet spår som används idag inte är tillräckligt för att fånga trafikantens upplevelse av vägytan.The road condition on all state roads is routinely assessed by road surface condition measurements. Surveys among private motorists and professional drivers are also conducted to find out how satisfied or dissatisfied users are with the operation and maintenance of the state´s roads. In short, the correlation between the objective measurements, carried out to assess the road surface condition (or rather, the road condition indicators used) - and road user's opinions are not particularly good. A number of sub-studies have been carried out within this project to provide ideas on how to ask questions about the road condition to obtain the best possible subjective data. The sub-studies also gave impetus to which objective data should be gathered in future to help improve the correlation between subjective and objective data. The sub-studies included a literature study, a focus group study, a questionnaire study and a driving simulator study

    The influence of road surface condition on traffic safety and ride comfort

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    During the most recent years VTI has carried out research within a project called The impact of road surface on traffic on commission by the Swedish National Road Administration (SNRA). Several studies have been carried out within the main project in order to determine the impact of road surface condition on vehicle speed, traffic safety, ride comfort, fuel consumption and noise properties. Two separate studies on traffic safety and ride comfort are presented in this paper

    Vägytans inverkan på fordonshastigheter : data från 1992-1999

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    På uppdrag av Vägverket har sambandet mellan fordonshastigheter och spårdjup samt ojämnheter (IRI, mm/m) undersökts. Syftet har varit att ta fram underlag för revidering av transportkostnadsmodellen i Vägverkets beslutstödssystem för underhåll av belagda vägar (PMS). Hastighetsdata från Vägverkets samtliga mätpunkter för uppföljning av trafikarbetets förändring samt data om vägytans ojämnhet från Laser-RST mätningar har använts i en multipel linjär regressionsmodell. Analysen baseras på data från 1992-1999. Analyser utfördes för tre fordonstyper; personbil, lastbil samt lastbil med släp, dels för hela mätdygnet och dels för den ljusa delen av dygnet kl. 9.00-15.00. Dessutom studerades inverkan av nederbörd på fordonshastigheten genom att datamaterialet indelades i tre nederbördsklasser. Flertalet av Vägverkets mätpunkter ligger på vägar med spårdjup mindre än 15 mm och IRI mindre än 2,5 mm/m. De erhållna resultaten kan därför inte antas gälla för mycket ojämna och spåriga vägar. För personbilar var inverkan av spårdjup mycket liten. Ett ökat spårdjup med 10 mm gav en hastighetssänkning på mindre än 1 km/h. Inte heller stora nederbördsmängder, >10 mm/dygn, innebar någon nämnvärd hastighetssänkning vid ökat spårdjup. En ökning av IRI med en enhet gav en hastighetssänkning på ca 2 km/h och vid stora nederbördsmängder en hastighetssänkning med ytterligare 0.5 km/h. Inte heller för lastbilar erhölls någon större hastighetssänkning med ökat spårdjup. Hastighetssänkningen var även i detta fall ca 1 km/h då spårdjupet ökade med 10 mm. Stora nederbördsmängder gav ingen ytterligare hastighetssänkning. En ökning av IRI med en enhet gav en hastighetssänkning på ca 2 km/h och vid stora nederbördsmängder en ytterligare sänkning med ca 0.5 km/h