5 research outputs found

    The redox-associated adaptive response of brain to physical exercise.

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are continuously generated during metabolism. ROS are involved in redox signaling, but in significant concentrations they can greatly elevate oxidative damage leading to neurodegeneration. Because of the enhanced sensitivity of brain to ROS, it is especially important to maintain a normal redox state in brain and spinal cord cell types. The complex effects of exercise benefit brain function, including functional enhancement as well as its preventive and therapeutic roles. Exercise can induce neurogenesis via neurotrophic factors, increase capillarization, decrease oxidative damage, and enhance repair of oxidative damage. Exercise is also effective in attenuating age-associated loss in brain function, which suggests that physical activity-related complex metabolic and redox changes are important for a healthy neural system

    Master athletes have higher miR-7, SIRT3 and SOD2 expression in skeletal muscle than age-matched sedentary controls.

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    Regular physical exercise has health benefits and can prevent some of the ageing-associated muscle deteriorations. However, the biochemical mechanisms underlying this exercise benefit, especially in human tissues, are not well known. To investigate, we assessed this using miRNA profiling, mRNA and protein levels of anti-oxidant and metabolic proteins in the vastus lateralis muscle of master athletes aged over 65 years and age-matched controls. Master athletes had lower levels of miR-7, while mRNA or protein levels of SIRT3, SIRT1, SOD2, and FOXO1 levels were significantly higher in the vastus lateralis muscle of master athletes compared to muscles of age-matched controls. These results suggest that regular exercise results in better cellular metabolism and antioxidant capacity via maintaining physiological state of mitochondria and efficient ATP production and decreasing ageing-related inflammation as indicated by the lower level of miR-7 in master athletes

    Comparison of running performances and prevalence of overweight and obesity in Hungarian and Ukrainian adolescents

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    The 20-m shuttle run (20-mSRT) is a widely used field test to estimate peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) and thus to assess aerobic fitness of adolescents (11). The purpose of this study was to analyse differences in basic anthropometric measurements (stature, body mass, percent body fat, BMI) and in aerobic fitness of Hungarian and Ukrainian adolescent boys and girls. We examined gender differences in maximal speed (km h−1), in peak VO2 (mL kg−1 min−1) and maximal heart rate (HRmax min−1). Two hundred ninety-two Ukrainian (mean age=16.5±0.5) and 374 (mean age=16.5±0.5) Hungarian adolescents volunteered to participate in this study. Differences were analysed using factorial analysis of the variance (ANOVA) and Student’s t-test. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Hungarian boys and girls were significantly taller, heavier and had higher percent body fat than their Ukrainian counterparts. Altogether 10% of Hungarians and 7% of Ukrainians were classified overweight or obese according to Cole’s BMI classification (4). VO2peak of Ukrainians (mean=49.44±5.29 mL kg−1 min−1) were significantly higher than that of Hungarians (mean=41.93±8.40 mL kg−1 min−1). Maximal heart rate also differed significantly (Ukrainians mean=201.12±8.43 min−1 vs. Hungarians mean=185.38±18.38 min−1).In conclusion, aerobic fitness of the Ukrainian adolescents was significantly higher than that of the Hungarians independently of BMI or gender

    The changing faces of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis

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