54 research outputs found

    Piled Kopler-steelgrid embankment

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    The piled steelgrid embankment is best suited for soil reinforcement of consolidating yards, where we can get the most use of its competitivity. Yards that consolidate are a national and an economical problem. Soil settlement generates large additions to use and repair costs. Well made surface strutures are ruined if the soil consolidates. There is a need for developing new soil construction methods. The soil reinforcement of large yards is quite expensive so more and more attention will progressively be used for soil construction in the near future. In Finland, Steelgrids are being used under highways to equalize soil consolidations, but they haven´t been directly used as a georeinforcement with the piled embankment. In this master´s thesis we analyse the use of steelgrid as a soil reinforcement method for a piled embankment. The thesis includes the steps of development, the measurement of the reinforcement method, the risk control of the method and the analysis of the experimental structure. The experimental structure that was built in association with the thesis is located in Vanttila, Espoo and it is used as a parking area for a local school. The structure was instrumentated and these results are analysed in this thesis. We found out that the structure is working mechanically. Advantages for this method are a short building time and low consolidation. Disadvantages should include poor repairbility under the steelgrid. The optimization of the method is not finished.Paalutettu teräsverkkopenger soveltuu parhaiten painuvien pihojen pohjanvahvistukseen, jossa sen kilpailukyvystä saadaan irti suurin hyöty. Painuvat pihat ovat kansantaloudellinen ongelma Suomessa. Maapohjan painuminen aiheuttaa suuria lisäyksiä käyttö- ja korjauskustannuksiin. Hyvin tehdyt pintarakenteet menevät aina piloille, jos pohjamaa painuu. Pihojen pohjanvahvistaminen nykyisillä menetelmillä on suhteellisen kallista, joten pihojen pohjarakentamiseen tullaan lähitulevaisuudessa kiinnittämään etenevästi huomiota. Teräsverkkoja käytetään Suomessa usein väylien alla tasaamassa painumia, mutta teräsverkkoja ei ole suoranaisesti aiemmin käytetty paalutetun penkereen yhteydessä geovahvisteena. Tässä diplomityössä käsitellään teräsverkkojen käyttöä paalutetun penkereen pohjanvahvisteena. Työ sisältää Tammet Oy:n kehityshankkeen vaiheet, pohjanvahvistusmenetelmän mitoituksen, menetelmän riskienhallinnan sekä koerakenteen analyysin. Diplomityön yhteydessä rakennettu koerakenne sijoittui Espoon Vanttilaan koulun parkkialueen pohjanvahvistukseksi. Koerakenne instrumentoitiin ja instrumentointituloksia analysoidaan tässä työssä. Koerakentamisesta selvisi, että menetelmän toimivuus mekaanisesti on hyvä. Menetelmän etuina voisi pitää lyhyttä rakennusaikaa ja pieniä painumia. Haasteena on verkkojen kunnallistekniikan yms. yhdistäminen. Rakenteen optimointi on vielä kesken

    Enzymes – Key Elements of the Future Biorefineries

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    The biorefinery concept in its modern meaning has emerged after it has become apparent that biofuel production from non-food biomass is struggling for economic viability. Lignocellulosic biomass is more recalcitrant and more complex than the starch-based feedstocks used for food. The former, therefore, calls for a more complex approach to its utilization. This chapter reflects MetGen’s vision of the future development of biorefineries. We will discuss the zero-waste approach to lignocellulosic biomass utilization and various ways to valorize the resulting streams to boost the economic viability of the biorefinery. We will mostly explore the relevant enzyme-based approaches and will make a special focus on lignin valorization. Enzymatic and cell-based approaches to sugar valorization will be discussed as well

    An impedimetric study of DNA hybridization on paper-supported inkjet-printed gold electrodes

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    In this study, two different supramolecular recognition architectures for impedimetric detection of DNA hybridization have been formed on disposable paper-supported inkjet-printed gold electrodes. The gold electrodes were fabricated using a gold nanoparticle based ink. The first recognition architecture consists of subsequent layers of biotinylated self-assembly monolayer (SAM), streptavidin and biotinylated DNA probe. The other recognition architecture is constructed by immobilization of thiol-functionalized DNA probe (HSDNA) and subsequent backfill with 11mercapto1undecanol (MUOH) SAM. The binding capacity and selectivity of the recognition architectures were examined by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) measurements. SPR results showed that the HSDNA/MUOH system had a higher binding capacity for the complementary DNA target. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements showed that the hybridization can be detected with impedimetric spectroscopy in picomol range for both systems. EIS signal indicated a good selectivity for both recognition architectures, whereas SPR showed very high unspecific binding for the HSDNA/MUOH system. The factors affecting the impedance signal were interpreted in terms of the complexity of the supramolecular architecture. The more complex architecture acts as a less ideal capacitive sensor and the impedance signal is dominated by the resistive elements

    Structural and Functional Dynamics of Staphylococcus aureus Biofilms and Biofilm Matrix Proteins on Different Clinical Materials

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    Medical device-associated staphylococcal infections are a common and challenging problem. However, detailed knowledge of staphylococcal biofilm dynamics on clinically relevant surfaces is still limited. In the present study, biofilm formation of the Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 strain was studied on clinically relevant materials-borosilicate glass, plexiglass, hydroxyapatite, titanium and polystyrene-at 18, 42 and 66 h. Materials with the highest surface roughness and porosity (hydroxyapatite and plexiglass) did not promote biofilm formation as efficiently as some other selected materials. Matrix-associated poly-N-acetyl-beta-(1-6)-glucosamine (PNAG) was considered important in young (18 h) biofilms, whereas proteins appeared to play a more important role at later stages of biofilm development. A total of 460 proteins were identified from biofilm matrices formed on the indicated materials and time points-from which, 66 proteins were proposed to form the core surfaceome. At 18 h, the appearance of several r-proteins and glycolytic adhesive moonlighters, possibly via an autolysin (AtlA)-mediated release, was demonstrated in all materials, whereas classical surface adhesins, resistance- and virulence-associated proteins displayed greater variation in their abundances depending on the used material. Hydroxyapatite-associated biofilms were more susceptible to antibiotics than biofilms formed on titanium, but no clear correlation between the tolerance and biofilm age was observed. Thus, other factors, possibly the adhesive moonlighters, could have contributed to the observed chemotolerant phenotype. In addition, a protein-dependent matrix network was observed to be already well-established at the 18 h time point. To the best of our knowledge, this is among the first studies shedding light into matrix-associated surfaceomes of S. aureus biofilms grown on different clinically relevant materials and at different time points.Peer reviewe

    Structural and Functional Dynamics of Staphylococcus aureus Biofilms and Biofilm Matrix Proteins on Different Clinical Materials

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    Medical device-associated staphylococcal infections are a common and challenging problem. However, detailed knowledge of staphylococcal biofilm dynamics on clinically relevant surfaces is still limited. In the present study, biofilm formation of the Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 strain was studied on clinically relevant materials—borosilicate glass, plexiglass, hydroxyapatite, titanium and polystyrene—at 18, 42 and 66 h. Materials with the highest surface roughness and porosity (hydroxyapatite and plexiglass) did not promote biofilm formation as efficiently as some other selected materials. Matrix-associated poly-N-acetyl-β-(1-6)-glucosamine (PNAG) was considered important in young (18 h) biofilms, whereas proteins appeared to play a more important role at later stages of biofilm development. A total of 460 proteins were identified from biofilm matrices formed on the indicated materials and time points—from which, 66 proteins were proposed to form the core surfaceome. At 18 h, the appearance of several r-proteins and glycolytic adhesive moonlighters, possibly via an autolysin (AtlA)-mediated release, was demonstrated in all materials, whereas classical surface adhesins, resistance- and virulence-associated proteins displayed greater variation in their abundances depending on the used material. Hydroxyapatite-associated biofilms were more susceptible to antibiotics than biofilms formed on titanium, but no clear correlation between the tolerance and biofilm age was observed. Thus, other factors, possibly the adhesive moonlighters, could have contributed to the observed chemotolerant phenotype. In addition, a protein-dependent matrix network was observed to be already well-established at the 18 h time point. To the best of our knowledge, this is among the first studies shedding light into matrix-associated surfaceomes of S. aureus biofilms grown on different clinically relevant materials and at different time points

    Depolymerisation of Kraft Lignin by Tailor-Made Alkaliphilic Fungal Laccases

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    Lignins released in the black liquors of kraft pulp mills are an underutilised source of aromatics. Due to their phenol oxidase activity, laccases from ligninolytic fungi are suitable biocatalysts to depolymerise kraft lignins, which are characterised by their elevated phenolic content. However, the alkaline conditions necessary to solubilise kraft lignins make it difficult to use fungal laccases whose activity is inherently acidic. We recently developed through enzyme-directed evolution high-redox potential laccases active and stable at pH 10. Here, the ability of these tailor-made alkaliphilic fungal laccases to oxidise, demethylate, and depolymerise eucalyptus kraft lignin at pH 10 is evidenced by the increment in the content of phenolic hydroxyl and carbonyl groups, the methanol released, and the appearance of lower molecular weight moieties after laccase treatment. Nonetheless, in a second assay carried out with higher enzyme and lignin concentrations, these changes were accompanied by a strong increase in the molecular weight and content of β–O–4 and β–5 linkages of the main lignin fraction, indicating that repolymerisation of the oxidised products prevails in one-pot reactions. To prevent it, we finally conducted the enzymatic reaction in a bench-scale reactor coupled to a membrane separation system and were able to prove the depolymerisation of kraft lignin by high-redox alkaliphilic laccase

    Alcohol Co-Administration Changes Mephedrone-Induced Alterations of Neuronal Activity

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    Mephedrone (4-MMC), despite its illegal status, is still a widely used psychoactive substance. Its effects closely mimic those of the classical stimulant drug methamphetamine (METH). Recent research suggests that unlike METH, 4-MMC is not neurotoxic on its own. However, the neurotoxic effects of 4-MMC may be precipitated under certain circumstances, such as administration at high ambient temperatures. Common use of 4-MMC in conjunction with alcohol raises the question whether this co-consumption could also precipitate neurotoxicity. A total of six groups of adolescent rats were treated twice daily for four consecutive days with vehicle, METH (5 mg/kg) or 4-MMC (30 mg/kg), with or without ethanol (1.5 g/kg). To investigate persistent delayed effects of the administrations at two weeks after the final treatments, manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging brain scans were performed. Following the scans, brains were collected for Golgi staining and spine analysis. 4-MMC alone had only subtle effects on neuronal activity. When administered with ethanol, it produced a widespread pattern of deactivation, similar to what was seen with METH-treated rats. These effects were most profound in brain regions which are known to have high dopamine and serotonin activities including hippocampus, nucleus accumbens and caudate-putamen. In the regions showing the strongest activation changes, no morphological changes were observed in spine analysis. By itself 4-MMC showed few long-term effects. However, when co-administered with ethanol, the apparent functional adaptations were profound and comparable to those of neurotoxic METH.Peer reviewe

    Personalised interactive music systems for physical activity and exercise: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    The use of Personalised Interactive Music Systems (PIMS) may provide benefits in promoting physical activity levels. This systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted to assess the overall impact of PIMS in physical activity and exercise domains. Separate random effects meta-analyses were conducted for outcomes in physical activity levels, physical exertion, rate of perceived exertion(RPE), and affect. In total, 18 studies were identified. Of these, six studies (with17 total intervention arms) reported data on at least one outcome of interest, from which an effect size could be calculated. PIMS were significantly associated with beneficial changes in physical activity levels (g = 0.49, CI [0.07, 0.91], p = 0.02,k = 4, n = 76) and affect (g = 1.68, CI [0.15, 3.20], p = 0.03, k = 4, n = 122).However, no significant benefit of PIMS use was found for RPE (g = 0.72, CI [-0.14, 1.59], p = 0.10, k = 3, n = 77) or physical exertion (g = 0.79, CI [-0.64,2.10], p = 0.28, k = 5, n = 142). Overall, results support the preliminary use of PIMS across a variety of physical activities to promote physical activity levels and positive affect

    Use of a Novel Extremophilic Xylanase for an Environmentally Friendly Industrial Bleaching of Kraft Pulps

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    Xylanases can boost pulp bleachability in Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) processes, but their industrial implementation for producing bleached kraft pulps is not straightforward. It requires enzymes to be active and stable at the extreme conditions of alkalinity and high temperature typical of this industrial process; most commercial enzymes are unable to withstand these conditions. In this work, a novel highly thermo and alkaline-tolerant xylanase from Pseudothermotoga thermarum was overproduced in E. coli and tested as a bleaching booster of hardwood kraft pulps to save chlorine dioxide (ClO2) during ECF bleaching. The extremozyme-stage (EXZ) was carried out at 90 °C and pH 10.5 and optimised at lab scale on an industrial oxygen-delignified eucalyptus pulp, enabling us to save 15% ClO2 to reach the mill brightness, and with no detrimental effect on paper properties. Then, the EXZ-assisted bleaching sequence was validated at pilot scale under industrial conditions, achieving 25% ClO2 savings and reducing the generation of organochlorinated compounds (AOX) by 18%, while maintaining pulp quality and papermaking properties. Technology reproducibility was confirmed with another industrial kraft pulp from a mix of hardwoods. The new enzymatic technology constitutes a realistic step towards environmentally friendly production of kraft pulps through industrial integration of biotechnology.This work was supported by WoodZymes project funded by the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) under GA 792070. The BBI JU received support from the EU’s H2020 research and innovation programme and the Bio Based Industries Consortium.Peer reviewe

    Extremozymes for wood-based building blocks: from pulp mill to board and insulation products – WoodZymes project

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    4 páginas.- 4 referencias.- Comunicación oral presentada en el 16th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp (EWLP) Gothenburg, Sweden, June 28 – July 1, 2022Enzymes can substitute harsh and energy-demanding chemical treatments for production of bio-based building blocks and products from wood processing. However, their properties need to be adapted to the extreme operation conditions (such as high T and pH) commonly used by these industries. Here, we summarize the main results obtained during the WoodZymes European Project (www.woodzymes.eu), which aimed to provide tailor-made extremozymes and extremozyme-based processes never assayed before in wood biorefineries. Novel extremophilic enzymes active on kraft lignin (laccases) and xylan (xylanases) were developed and produced at pilot or industrial scales. The enzymatic fractionation of kraft lignins using the METNINTM lignin refining technology, and the extremozyme-aided delignification and bleaching of kraft pulps were demonstrated at pilot scale. The resulting lignin and hemicellulose derived compounds were chemically characterized and applied as components of phenol-(lignin)-formaldehyde resins for wood panels and of polyurethane foams, or as papermaking additives. The new extremozymes were also applied to improve some of the latter applications. The techno-economic and environmental assessment of the new materials and processes, developed in WoodZymes project, showed that extremozyme-based processes led to clear benefits in energy savings during the refining of pulp or wood fibres, enabled lower addition of harsh chemicals (e.g. ClO2 during pulp bleaching), and resulted in a lower carbon footprint of the new bio-based products by substitution of fossil-derived components.WoodZymes project was funded by the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) under GA 792070. The BBI JU received support from the EU’s H2020 research and innovation programme and the Bio Based Industries ConsortiumN