29 research outputs found

    Palliative embolization arteries or veins for a recurrent pelvic chondrosarcoma

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    Chondrosarcoma is a malignant bone tumor characterized by the formation of cartilage structures of varying degrees of ma-turity. They account for approximately 20 % of malignant skele-tal tumors. Chondrosarcoma most often affects the pelvis (iliac bone), the proximal femur and humerus, ribs. The chondrosar-coma of the pelvis has a low response to chemo- and radiation therapy, so they are usually resected by standard hemipelvec-tomy. New surgical reconstructive techniques allow surgeons to perform major reconstructions, thereby improving patients' quality of life. Clinical case: male, 64 years old, with complains of the left thigh pain for 6 months. The patient was made a com-prehensive examination \u2014 standard X-rays, MRI and CT scan of the pelvis, biopsy of the pathological formation. Diagnosis: chondrosarcoma II clinical group, stage IIB. Primary sur-gery \u2014 wide-field excision and reconstruction with a massive bone allograft was performed and bipolar hip replacement. Two major local recurrences were detected in 3 years. Due to inef-ficiency of chemo- and radiation therapy, refusal of the patient from amputation, high degree of tumor vascularization, arterial embolization was applied. A selective study of both the medial and lateral femoral arteries was performed using a uroangio-graphic contrast medium. The achievement of complete devas-cularization of the greatest lesion was confirmed angiographi-cally. After 20 days due to partial revascularization, re-emboli-zation of the lateral circular femoral artery was made. The final embolization of all arterial branches that fed the tumor was performed after 3 months with acrylic (n-butyl 2-cyanoacrylate) glue for larger-sized vessels and microparticles of polyvinyl al-cohol (150\u2013 250 \u3bcm) for the smallest branches. Conclusion: em-bolization can be effectively used as a palliative treatment for highly vascularized pelvic chondrosarcoma. Key words: chond-rosarcoma, pelvis, embolization, palliative, polyvinyl alcohol microparticles

    A Unique Case of Cervical Myelopathy in an Adult Patient with Scheie Syndrome.

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    INTRODUCTION: Scheie syndrome is an extremely rare systematic disease that represents the most attenuated form of mucopolysaccharidosis Type I disorder. Although associated with a variety of manifestations, Scheie syndrome leading to the development of cervical myelopathyis yet to be reported. Our purpose was to present a unique case of a Scheie syndrome patient, who underwent surgery due to cervical myelopathy, and to discuss the clinical and imaging findings, as well as the challenges and outcomes of surgical treatment. CASE REPORT: A 33-year-old man with Scheie syndrome presented with neck and radicular pain, upper extremity weakness, and insecure gait. The workup studies revealedcervical spine stenosis at multiple levels, caused by accumulation of soft tissue, within the cervical spinal canal. D espite the high risks of anesthesia, and the patient's inherent poor bone quality that could lead to failure of spinal fusion, we decided to proceed with surgery; indeed, decompressive laminectomies combined with C1-7 posterior stabilization led to immediate pain relief. Despite counter advised, the patient returned to sports rather early, and 6months after index procedure neck pain relapsed, while screw breakage and cutout occurred at the level of C7. Consequently, the initial instrumentation was revised and extended at T2 level. At 2years follow-up, the patient remained continuously pain-free and ambulatory. CONCLUSION: Although cervical myelopathy in Scheie syndrome represents an extremely rare entity, it can make a severe impact on patients' quality of life. If timely managed though, these patients can be offered a significant relief from symptoms. Surgery is rather challenging and treating physicians should be aware of the high risks of anesthesia. Especially spine surgeons should be aware of the nature of the disease, since it may not allow for fusion, causing instrumentation to fail

    Паліативна емболізація артерій і вен у разі рецидивів хондросаркоми таза

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    Chondrosarcoma is a malignant bone tumor characterized by the formation of cartilage structures of varying degrees of maturity. They account for approximately 20 % of malignant skeletal tumors. Chondrosarcoma most often affects the pelvis (iliac bone), the proximal femur and humerus, ribs. The chondrosarcoma of the pelvis has a low response to chemo-and radiation therapy, so they are usually resected by standard hemipelvectomy. New surgical reconstructive techniques allow surgeons to perform major reconstructions, thereby improving patients' quality of life. Clinical case: male, 64 years old, with complains of the left thigh pain for 6 months. The patient was made a comprehensive examination — standard X-rays, MRI and CT scan of the pelvis, biopsy of the pathological formation. Diagnosis: chondrosarcoma II clinical group, stage IIB. Primary surgery — wide-field excision and reconstruction with a massive bone allograft was performed and bipolar hip replacement. Two major local recurrences were detected in 3 years. Due to inefficiency of chemo-and radiation therapy, refusal of the patient from amputation, high degree of tumor vascularization, arterial embolization was applied. A selective study of both the medial and lateral femoral arteries was performed using a uroangiographic contrast medium. The achievement of complete devascularization of the greatest lesion was confirmed angiographically. After 20 days due to partial revascularization, re-embolization of the lateral circular femoral artery was made. The final embolization of all arterial branches that fed the tumor was performed after 3 months with acrylic (n-butyl 2-cyanoacrylate) glue for larger-sized vessels and microparticles of polyvinyl alcohol (150–250 μm) for the smallest branches. Conclusion: embolization can be effectively used as a palliative treatment for highly vascularized pelvic chondrosarcoma.Хондросаркома (ХС) — это злокачественная опухоль костей, характерной чертой которой является образование хрящевых структур разной степени зрелости. На них приходится около 20 % злокачественных опухолей скелета. Чаще всего ХС поражает таз (подвздошную кость), проксимальный отдел бедренной и плечевой костей, ребра. ХС малого таза имеют низкую реакцию на химио- и лучевую терапии, следовательно, как правило, их резецируют с помощью стандартной гемипельвэктомии. Новые хирургические реконструктивные методы позволяют хирургам проводить крупные реконструкции, улучшая тем самым качество жизни пациентов. Клинический случай: мужчина, 64 года, с жалобами на боли в левом бедре в течение 6 мес. Пациенту выполнено комплексное обследование — стандартную рентгенографию, МРТ и КТ малого таза, биопсию патологического образования. Установлен диагноз: ХС II клинической группы, IIB стадии. Первичное хирургическое вмешательство — иссечение с широкими полями и реконструкция массивным костным аллотрансплантатом, установка биполярного эндопротеза бедра. Через 3 года выявлены два большие локальные рецидивы. Из-за неэффективности химио- и лучевой терапий, отказа пациента от ампутации, высокой степени васкуляризации опухоли выполнена артериальная эмболизация. Проведено селективное исследование как медиальной, так и боковой бедренных артерий с помощью уроангиографической контрастной среды. Достижение полной деваскуляризации крупнейшего поражения подтверждено ангиографически. Через 20 дней вследствие частичной реваскуляризации выполнена повторная эмболизация боковой циркулярной бедренной артерии. Окончательную эмболизацию всех артериальных ветвей, питающих опухоль, провели через 3 мес. с помощью акрилового (н-бутил-2 цианоакрилатного) клея для сосудов большего диаметра и микрочастиц поливинилового спирта (150–250 мкм) для самых маленьких веток. Вывод: эмболизацию можно эффективно использовать как паллиативное лечение високоваскуляризованых ХС таза.Хондросаркома (ХС) — це злоякісна пухлина кісток, характерною рисою якої є утворення хрящових структур різного ступеня зрілості. На них припадає приблизно 20 % злоякісних пухлин скелета. Найчастіше ХС вражає таз (клубову кістку), проксимальний відділ стегнової та плечової кісток, ребра. ХС малого таза мають низьку реакцію на хіміо- та променеву терапії, отже, зазвичай, їх резектують за допомогою стандартної геміпельвектомії. Нові хірургічні реконструктивні методи дозволяють хірургам проводити великі реконструкції, покращуючи тим самим якість життя пацієнтів. Клінічний випадок: чоловік, 64 роки, зі скаргами на болі в лівому стегні протягом 6 міс. Пацієнту виконано комплексне обстеження — стандартну рентгенографію, МРТ та КТ малого таза, біопсію патологічного утворення. Встановлено діагноз: ХС ІІ клінічної групи, IIB стадії. Первинне хірургічне втручання — висічення з широкими полями та реконструкція масивним кістко­вим алотрансплантатом, встановлення біполярного ендопротеза стегна. Через 3 роки виявлено два великі локальні рецидиви. Через неефективність хіміо- та променевої терапій, відмову пацієнта від ампутації, високий ступінь васкуляризації пухлини виконано артеріальну емболізацію. Проведено селективне дослідження як медіальної, так і бічної стегнових артерій за допомогою уроангіографічного контрастного середовища. Досягнення повної деваскуляризації найбільшого ураження підтверджено ангіографічно. Через 20 днів у наслідок часткової реваскуляризації виконано повторну емболізацію бічної циркулярної стегнової артерії. Остаточну емболізацію всіх артеріальних гілок, які живлять пухлину, провели через 3 міс. за допомогою акрилового (н-бутил-2- ціаноакрилатного) клею для судин більшого діаметра та мікрочастинок полівінілового спирту (150– 250 мкм) для найменших гілок. Висновок: емболізацію можна ефективно використовувати як паліативне лікування високоваскуляризованих ХС таза

    Sonication Improves the Diagnosis of Megaprosthetic Infections

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    Limited data are available for the diagnosis of patients with tumors with infected endoprosthetic reconstructions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether sonication is effective for the diagnosis of infection and to compare it with tissue cultures. The files of 58 patients who underwent revision surgery for suspected infected endoprosthetic reconstructions were reviewed. Cultures were performed on 5 tissue samples obtained from each patient and on fluid obtained by sonication of the megaprosthesis. The sensitivity, specificity, and negative and positive predictive values of tissue and sonication fluid cultures were evaluated. Overall, tissue and sonication fluid cultures confirmed an infection in 42 of the 58 patients. In 36 of the 42 infected endoprosthetic reconstructions, tissue and sonication fluid cultures identified the same bacterial isolate. In 5 cases, a bacterial isolate was identified only in sonication fluid cultures, and in 1 case, a bacterial isolate was identified only in tissue cultures. The sensitivity and negative predictive value of sonication fluid cultures were statistically significantly better than those of tissue cultures, while the specificity and positive predictive value were not different between the 2 culture types. Compared with tissue cultures for the diagnosis of infected megaprostheses in patients with tumors, sonication fluid cultures are associated with a better sensitivity and negative predictive value and a similar specificity and positive predictive value. Therefore, sonication should be considered a useful adjunct for the optimal diagnosis and management of these patients. [Orthopedics. 201x; xx(x):xx-xx.]

    Rib Hump Deformity Correction in Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Comparison of Three Spinal Fusion Systems.

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    The aim of the present study is to control the hypothesis that the rib hump deformity can be adequately corrected when applying vertebral derotation. We retrospectively studied patients treated with full pedicle screw systems (group A), hybrid constructs (group B), and Harrington rod instrumentation (group C). No costoplasties were performed in the patients included in our study. Derotation was applied in groups A and B. The rib hump deformity was assessed on lateral radiographic studies by rib index (RI). Of the 72 patients that were finally included in our study, 30 patients (24 females and 6 males; mean age, 14.5 ± 2.2 years) were treated with a full pedicle screw system, 23 patients (19 females and 4 males; mean age, 13.8 ± 1.9 years) were treated with a hybrid construct, and 19 patients (16 females and 3 males; mean age, 14.3 ± 2 years) received the Harrington rod instrumentation. In all groups RI was significantly corrected after surgery. Before surgery no difference in RI was found among groups; however, after surgery RI was found significantly higher in group C as compared to groups A and B. The between-group analysis revealed that the correction of RI, and thereby the rib hump deformity correction, did not significantly differ among the three patient groups. In conclusion, it cannot be suggested based on the present study that vertebral derotation alone can offer an adequate correction of the rib hump deformity. Further, the development of rib cage deformity and its degree of interdependence with the scoliotic spinal deformity has to be further investigated and assessed, as it seems that it may not necessarily result directly from the primary vertebral deformity

    Rare aneurysmal bone cysts: multifocal, extraosseous, and surface variants

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    Multifocal, extraosseous, and surface aneurysmal bone cysts are rare variants of the primary lesions. The clinicopathological features are similar, and the optimal treatment is surgical. Although local recurrences may occur, the prognosis is excellent. This review article introduces the readers to a rare diagnosis which they may have been previously unfamiliar with, presents the clinicopathological and imaging features of these rare aneurysmal bone cyst variants, and discusses their diagnosis and treatment. The clinicians who treat patients with aneurysmal bone cysts should be familiar with these uncommon entities and their differential diagnosis

    Complications of spine surgery for metastasis

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    The spinal column represents the third most common site for metastases after the lungs and the liver, and the most common site for metastatic bone disease. With life-extending advances in the systemic treatment of cancer patients, the surgical proce-dures performed for spinal metastases will increase, and their related complications will increase unavoidably. Furthermore, considering the high complication rates reported in the spinal literature regarding spine surgery overall, it becomes clear that a better understanding of complications that the cancer patients with spinal metastases may experience is necessary. This article aims to summarize and critically examine the current evidence for complications after spine surgery for metastatic spinal disease, in both the perioperative and postoperative period. This paper would be useful for the treating physicians of these patients in their clinical practic