15 research outputs found

    Состояние и Перспективы Инновационного и Научно-Технологического Развития Региональной Промышленности России

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    Results of the analysis of innovation-driven, scientific and technological development of Russian regions are provided in the article, which allow to identify regional leaders in this area, estimate their potential for the country's economic growth, and understand possibilities of the regions lagging behind in innovation-driven, scientific and technological development for their establishment as new landmarks of scientific and technological progress. Content of the scientific approach to assessing the level of innovation-driven growth of the Russian economy sectors is described in detail based on characteristics of the four innovative archetypes of sectors: performance, engineering, scientific, and consumer. The unevenness of the sectoral development is shown both within one innovation archetype and in the whole sector, based on the calculation of the relative market share index for the Russian economy sectors. Description of the specifics and success factors of the innovation process for each of the innovative archetypes of sectors is provided. It is emphasized that the criticality ranking for success factors associated with the demand for innovation and the innovation proposals is defined by the archetype of innovations, each requiring a special approach from the state and private business. Results of a comparative analysis of possible scenarios for the innovation-driven growth of the national economy and their forecast results are provided, with due consideration for the leading trends in economic development in the national and global markets. The necessity of the scientific and technological modernization of the Russian economy towards the model of innovation-driven growth is substantiated. Conclusions are made about the inevitability of Russia’s transition to a new technological paradigm, which requires the formation of a new scientific, innovation-driven and industrial policy focused on innovation and technological renewal of the entire economic landscape, making the economy truly innovative.El artículo presenta los resultados del análisis de la innovación y el desarrollo científico y tecnológico de las regiones rusas, lo que permite identificar líderes regionales en esta área y evaluar su potencial para el crecimiento económico del país, así como para comprender las posibilidades de las regiones que se encuentran rezagadas en materia de innovación, desarrollo científico y tecnológico. Como nuevos puntos de progreso científico y tecnológico. El contenido del enfoque científico para evaluar el nivel de desarrollo innovador de las ramas de la economía rusa se describe en detalle sobre la base de las características de los cuatro arquetipos innovadores de industrias: eficiencia, ingeniería, ciencia y consumo. Sobre la base del cálculo del índice de la cuota de mercado relativa de los sectores de la economía rusa, la desigualdad del desarrollo sectorial se muestra dentro de los límites de un arquetipo de innovación y en toda la industria. Se proporciona la descripción de los aspectos específicos y los factores de éxito del proceso de innovación para cada uno de los arquetipos innovadores de las industrias. Se enfatiza que el grado de criticidad de los factores de éxito asociados con la demanda de innovación y con la propuesta de innovaciones está determinado por el arquetipo de innovaciones, cada uno de los cuales requiere un enfoque especial por parte de las empresas estatales y privadas. Se presentan los resultados de un análisis comparativo de posibles escenarios para el desarrollo innovador de la economía nacional y sus resultados de previsión, teniendo en cuenta las principales tendencias del desarrollo económico en los mercados nacional y mundial. Se justifica la necesidad de la modernización científica y tecnológica de la economía rusa en el camino hacia el modelo de desarrollo innovador. Se concluye sobre la inevitabilidad de la transición de Rusia a un nuevo orden tecnológico, que requiere la formación de una nueva política científica, innovadora e industrial, centrada en la innovación y la renovación tecnológica de todo el panorama económico, dando a la economía un carácter verdaderamente innovador.В статье приводятся результаты анализа инновационного и научно-технологического развития российских регионов, дающего возможность выявить в этой сфере региональных лидеров и оценить их потенциал для экономического роста страны, а также осмыслить возможности отстающих в инновационно-научно-технологическом развитии регионов в становлении их в качестве новых точек научно-технического прогресса. Обстоятельно раскрывается содержание научного подхода к оценке уровня инновационного развития отраслей российской экономики на основе характеристик четырех инновационных архетипов отраслей – эффективности, инженерного, научного, потребительского. На основе расчета индекса относительной рыночной доли отраслей российской экономики показана неравномерность отраслевого развития как в границах одного инновационного архетипа, так и в целом по отраслям. Приводится описание специфики и факторов успеха инновационного процесса для каждого из инновационных архетипов отраслей. Подчеркивается, что степень критичности факторов успеха, связанных со спросом на инновации и с предложением инноваций, определяется архетипом инноваций, для каждого из которых требуется особый подход со стороны государства и частного бизнеса. Представлены результаты сравнительного анализа возможных сценариев инновационного развития национальной экономики и их прогнозных результатов с учетом ведущих трендов экономического развития на национальном и глобальном рынках. Обосновывается необходимость научно-технологической модернизации российской экономики на пути к модели инновационного развития. Делается вывод о неизбежности перехода России к новому технологическому укладу, требующему формирования новой научной, инновационной и промышленной политики, ориентированной на инновационно-технологическое обновление всего хозяйственного ландшафта, придающего экономике действительно инновационный характер

    Hysteresis of the Contact Angle of a Meniscus Inside a Capillary with Smooth, Homogeneous Solid Walls

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    This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Langmuir: the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids and the definitive published version is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b00721.A theory of contact angle hysteresis of a meniscus inside thin capillaries with smooth, homogeneous solid walls is developed in terms of surface forces (disjoining/ conjoining pressure isotherm) using a quasi-equilibrium approach. The disjoining /conjoining pressure isotherm includes electrostatic, intermolecular, and structural components. The values of the static receding θr, advancing θa , and equilibrium θe contact angles in thin capillaries were calculated on the basis of the shape of the disjoining/conjoining pressure isotherm. It was shown that both advancing and receding contact angles depend on the capillary radius. The suggested mechanism of the contact angle hysteresis has a direct experimental confirmation: the process of receding is accompanied by the formation of thick β-films on the capillary walls. The effect of the transition from partial to complete wetting in thin capillaries is predicted and analyzed. This effect takes place in very thin capillaries, when the receding contact angle decreases to zero

    A community effort in SARS-CoV-2 drug discovery.

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    peer reviewedThe COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose a substantial threat to human lives and is likely to do so for years to come. Despite the availability of vaccines, searching for efficient small-molecule drugs that are widely available, including in low- and middle-income countries, is an ongoing challenge. In this work, we report the results of an open science community effort, the "Billion molecules against Covid-19 challenge", to identify small-molecule inhibitors against SARS-CoV-2 or relevant human receptors. Participating teams used a wide variety of computational methods to screen a minimum of 1 billion virtual molecules against 6 protein targets. Overall, 31 teams participated, and they suggested a total of 639,024 molecules, which were subsequently ranked to find 'consensus compounds'. The organizing team coordinated with various contract research organizations (CROs) and collaborating institutions to synthesize and test 878 compounds for biological activity against proteases (Nsp5, Nsp3, TMPRSS2), nucleocapsid N, RdRP (only the Nsp12 domain), and (alpha) spike protein S. Overall, 27 compounds with weak inhibition/binding were experimentally identified by binding-, cleavage-, and/or viral suppression assays and are presented here. Open science approaches such as the one presented here contribute to the knowledge base of future drug discovery efforts in finding better SARS-CoV-2 treatments.R-AGR-3826 - COVID19-14715687-CovScreen (01/06/2020 - 31/01/2021) - GLAAB Enric

    Scientific requirements for future spatially resolved white-light and broad-band high-cadence observations of the Sun

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    International audienceSeveral important issues are open in the field of solar variability and they wait their solution which up to now was attempted using critical ground-based instrumentations. However, accurate photometric data are attainable only from space. New observational material should be collected with high enough spatial and spectral resolution, covering the whole visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum as well infrared and ultraviolet to reconstruct the total solar irradiance: (1) the absolute contributions of different small-scale structural entities of the solar atmosphere from the white light flares and from micro-flares are still poorly known; (2) we do not know the absolute contributions of different structural elements of the solar atmosphere to the long-term and to the cyclic variations of the solar irradiance, including features of the polar regions of the Sun; (3) the variations of the chromospheric magnetic network are still poorly evaluated; (4) only scarce information is available about the spectral variations of different small-scale features in the high photosphere. Variability of the Sun in white light can be studied with higher spectral, spatial and time resolution using space-born telescopes, which are more appropriate for this purpose than ground based observatories because of better seeing conditions, no interference of the terrestrial atmosphere and a more precise calibration procedure. Scientific requirements for such observations and the possible experimental tools proposed for their solution. Suggested solar studies have broader astrophysical importance

    Magnetic field sector structure and origins of solar wind streams in 2012

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    The origins of the solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field sector structure in the beginning of the magnetic polarity reversal of 24th solar cycle were investigated using the Wilcox Solar Observatory magnetic field measurements and their products as well as the solar wind data from ACE and the SDO/AIA EUV images. The dominance of the quadrupole harmonics in the solar magnetic field in this period resulted in a four-sector structure of the interplanetary magnetic field. The dominating source of recurrent high-speed solar wind stream was a large trans-equatorial coronal hole of negative polarity evolving in the course of the polarity reversal process. The contribution of ICMEs to the high-speed solar wind did not exceed 17% of the total flux. The solar wind density flux averaged over the year amounted to 1 × 108 cm−2 s−1 which is considerably lower than the typical long-term value (2–4 × 108 cm−2 s−1). The slow-speed component of solar wind density flux constituted in average more than 68% of the total flux, the high-speed component was about 10%, reaching the maximum of 32% in some Carrington rotations

    Influence of coronal mass ejections on parameters of high-speed solar wind: a case study

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    We investigate the case of disagreement between predicted and observed in-situ parameters of the recurrent high-speed solar wind streams (HSSs) existing for Carrington rotation (CR) 2118 (December 2011) in comparison with CRs 2117 and 2119. The HSSs originated at the Sun from a recurrent polar coronal hole (CH) expanding to mid-latitudes, and its area in the central part of the solar disk increased with the rotation number. This part of the CH was responsible for the equatorial flank of the HSS directed to the Earth. The time and speed of arrival for this part of the HSS to the Earth were predicted by the hierarchical empirical model based on EUV-imaging and the Wang-Sheeley-Arge ENLIL semi-empirical replace  model and compared with the parameters measured in-situ by model. The predicted parameters were compared with those measured in-situ. It was found, that for CR 2117 and CR 2119, the predicted HSS speed values agreed with the measured ones within the typical accuracy of ±100 km s−1. During CR 2118, the measured speed was on 217 km s−1 less than the value predicted in accordance with the increased area of the CH. We suppose that at CR 2118, the HSS overtook and interacted with complex ejecta formed from three merged coronal mass ejections (CMEs) with a mean speed about 400 km s−1. According to simulations of the Drag-based model, this complex ejecta might be created by several CMEs starting from the Sun in the period between 25 and 27 December 2011 and arriving to the Earth simultaneously with the HSS. Due to its higher density and magnetic field strength, the complex ejecta became an obstacle for the equatorial flank of the HSS and slowed it down. During CR 2117 and CR 2119, the CMEs appeared before the arrival of the HSSs, so the CMEs did not influence on the HSSs kinematics

    Influence of coronal mass ejections on parameters of high-speed solar wind: a case study

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    We investigate the case of disagreement between predicted and observed in-situ parameters of the recurrent high-speed solar wind streams (HSSs) existing for Carrington rotation (CR) 2118 (December 2011) in comparison with CRs 2117 and 2119. The HSSs originated at the Sun from a recurrent polar coronal hole (CH) expanding to mid-latitudes, and its area in the central part of the solar disk increased with the rotation number. This part of the CH was responsible for the equatorial flank of the HSS directed to the Earth. The time and speed of arrival for this part of the HSS to the Earth were predicted by the hierarchical empirical model based on EUV-imaging and the Wang-Sheeley-Arge ENLIL semi-empirical replace  model and compared with the parameters measured in-situ by model. The predicted parameters were compared with those measured in-situ. It was found, that for CR 2117 and CR 2119, the predicted HSS speed values agreed with the measured ones within the typical accuracy of ±100 km s−1. During CR 2118, the measured speed was on 217 km s−1 less than the value predicted in accordance with the increased area of the CH. We suppose that at CR 2118, the HSS overtook and interacted with complex ejecta formed from three merged coronal mass ejections (CMEs) with a mean speed about 400 km s−1. According to simulations of the Drag-based model, this complex ejecta might be created by several CMEs starting from the Sun in the period between 25 and 27 December 2011 and arriving to the Earth simultaneously with the HSS. Due to its higher density and magnetic field strength, the complex ejecta became an obstacle for the equatorial flank of the HSS and slowed it down. During CR 2117 and CR 2119, the CMEs appeared before the arrival of the HSSs, so the CMEs did not influence on the HSSs kinematics