35 research outputs found

    Influence of UV curing varnish coating on surface properties of paper

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    U svrhu postizanja boljih svojstava tiskovne je podloge moguće oplemenjivati na različite načine. U ovom radu analizira se mogućnost oplemenjivanja s različitom povrÅ”inskom pokrivenoŔću lakova koji se suÅ”e UV zračenjem, pri čemu su koriÅ”tena tri karakteristična papira (papir za umjetnički tisak gloss, offsetni papir i kalandriran papir). Primijenjene metode su bazirane na mjerenju optičkih svojstava lakom impregnirane povrÅ”ine (obojenje, sjaj i glatkoća), kao i na određivanju fizikalnog svojstva upojnosti. Dvojne osobine papirnih podloga dobivaju se nanosom UV laka koji suÅ”i LED svjetloŔću. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se kod gloss premazanog papira upojnost smanjuje nanosom UV laka, dok se kod nepremazanih papira (offsetni, kalandrirani) upojnost povećava. Nanos laka s manjom povrÅ”inskom pokrivenoŔću (33 % UV laka) nije relevantntna za upojnost i optička svojstva naravnih papira. Značajne promjene u hrapavosti i optičkim svojstava postižu se 66 % nanosom, Å”to je posebice vidljivo kod papira za umjetnički tisak.In order to achieve better properties of the printing substrates their improving is possible in various ways. In this article the possibility of the substrate improving is analyzed with different surface coverage of varnishes cured by UV radiation, where three characteristic kinds of paper were used (fine art glossy paper, offset paper and calendered paper). The applied methods are based on measuring the optical properties with the varnish impregnated surface (colouring, gloss, smoothness), as well as determining the physical property of absorbency. Double properties of the printing substrates are obtained by the layer of UV varnish which is cured by LED light. The investigation results show that the absorbency decreases on gloss coated paper by the application of UV varnish coating, while it increases on uncoated paper (offset and calendered paper). The varnish coating with smaller coverage (33 % UV varnish) is not relevant for the absorbency and for optical properties of the natural paper. Important changes in roughness and optical properties are achieved with 66 % coating which is especially visible on fine art paper

    Light permanence wrap prints produced with CMYK UV inkjet inks

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    Nowadays, Inkjet technology has become one of the most widespread printing technologies in car industry (car wrapping = printing and wrapping the whole vehicle or a part of a vehicle in printed foil). Printed wrap foils are, after the wrapping process, exposed to the same conditions as a lacquered vehicle: intensive sunlight, high and low temperatures, rainfall, snow, ice, particles or bugs that the vehicle encounters while driving, etc. In this paper we tested different types of wrapping foils (Orajet, 3M Scotchcal and 3M Controltac) and solvent inkjet inks to investigate the influence of different types of wrap foils on the real reproduction of UV ink jet coloured imprints, as well as their stability fluctuations during ageing. The inkjet prints age faster under the influence of UV light (Xenon lamp in SolarBox) in a period of 240 hours. The results show that the 3M Scotchcal foil has the best CMYK stability

    Stability of wide format ink jet prints for outdoor application

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    U ovom radu se prikazuju rezultati istraživanja otpornosti na vremenske uvjete inkjet otisaka velikog formata dobivenih piezo-električnom tehnologijom s bojilima na osnovi pigmenata i UV suÅ”ećim bojilima. Uzorci su izlagani stvarnim vanjskim uvjetima. Prikazuju se promjene optičkih karakteristika podloge kao i razlika obojenja te volumen gamuta otisaka u odnosu na globalno i difuzno zračenje, temperaturu i vlagu zraka. Rezultati pokazuju da Ī”E* za žuto i crno bojilo na otisku s UV suÅ”ećim bojilom eksponiranom ljeti, je manje u periodu kada se utvrđuje povećanje volumena gamuta tijekom izlaganja, između ostalog i radi većeg globalnog zračenja. Volumen gamuta otiska s UV suÅ”ećim bojilima se povećava tijekom zimskog izlaganja, kao i do određenog vremenskog intervala u ljetnom izlaganju, da bi se nakon toga s daljnjim izlaganjem smanjivao. Međutim, volumen gamuta otisaka s bojilima na osnovi pigmenta smanjuje se tijekom izlaganja, a Ī”V za ljetno izlaganje je 37 % veće u odnosu na zimsko.In this paper the research results of the weather resistance of the Ink Jet wide format prints obtained by piezoelectric technology with pigment-based and UV curable inks are presented. The samples were exposed to the real outdoor conditions. Changes in the optical characteristics of the substrate as colour difference and gamut volume of prints in relations to the global and diffusion radiation, air temperature and humidity are presented. The results show that Ī”E* for yellow and slightly less for the black on prints with UV curable inks exposed in summer is less in the period when gamut volume increases with time of exposure due to global radiation increase. Gamut volume of prints with UV curable inks increases during winter, as well as in the specific time interval in summer to subsequently reducing with further exposing. However, the gamut volume of prints with pigment-based ink is reduced during exposing, and Ī”V for daylight exposing is 37 % higher compared to winter

    Outputand perfomance based road maintenance contracting ā€“ case study Serbia

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    U radu se opisuju glavne karakteristike ugovora o održavanju i popravku cesta prema Output and Performance-Based Contracting for Roads (OPBC). Daje se pregled iskustava u primjeni takvih ugovora. Agencije za održavanje cesta koje su prihvatile OPBC pristup uÅ”tedjele su od 10 % do 40 % u cijeni radova u usporedbi s radovima ugovorenim po tradicionalnoj metodi. U razdoblju od 2004. do 2008. u Srbiji je bio primijenjen način ugovaranja prema Output Performance-based Maintenance Contract (OPBC) za pilot projekt u okviru Transport Rehabilitation Project-a financiranog od Svjetske banke. Prikazani su glavni rezultati i zaključci.The paper describes the main features of contract work for road maintenance and improvement under the Output and Performance-Based Contracting for Roads (OPBC). Experiences in the application of such contracts for the roads are reviewed. Road agencies that have adopted an OPBC approach have achieved cost savings from 10 % to 40 % compared to traditional method-based contracts. During the period 2004 Ć· 2008 Serbia implemented the Output Performance-based Maintenance Contract (OPBC) for routine road maintenance pilot project within Transport Rehabilitation Project financed by World Bank. The main results and conclusions are presented

    Outputand perfomance based road maintenance contracting ā€“ case study Serbia

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    U radu se opisuju glavne karakteristike ugovora o održavanju i popravku cesta prema Output and Performance-Based Contracting for Roads (OPBC). Daje se pregled iskustava u primjeni takvih ugovora. Agencije za održavanje cesta koje su prihvatile OPBC pristup uÅ”tedjele su od 10 % do 40 % u cijeni radova u usporedbi s radovima ugovorenim po tradicionalnoj metodi. U razdoblju od 2004. do 2008. u Srbiji je bio primijenjen način ugovaranja prema Output Performance-based Maintenance Contract (OPBC) za pilot projekt u okviru Transport Rehabilitation Project-a financiranog od Svjetske banke. Prikazani su glavni rezultati i zaključci.The paper describes the main features of contract work for road maintenance and improvement under the Output and Performance-Based Contracting for Roads (OPBC). Experiences in the application of such contracts for the roads are reviewed. Road agencies that have adopted an OPBC approach have achieved cost savings from 10 % to 40 % compared to traditional method-based contracts. During the period 2004 Ć· 2008 Serbia implemented the Output Performance-based Maintenance Contract (OPBC) for routine road maintenance pilot project within Transport Rehabilitation Project financed by World Bank. The main results and conclusions are presented

    Sezamoiditis - radioloŔka dijagnostika i konzervativno liječenje

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    Sesamoid bones play an essential role in first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint biomechanics, together with other articular surfaces, joint capsule, plantar fascia, ligaments and tendons. They are prone to different acute and chronic injuries, such as acute fracture, stress fractures, chondromalacia, avascular necrosis, bursitis degenerative changes, inflammation etc., all of which clinically manifest as a painful condition and are often diagnosed under a broad term called sesamoiditis. The mechanism of injury is most commonly associated with overuse of the anterior part of the sole of the foot accompanied by excessive dorsiflexion of the great toe. Sesamoiditis presents with pain and localized swelling in the projection of the tibial sesamoid bone, which is affected more frequently than the fibular one. Diagnostic radiology plays a key role in determination of etiology of the disease, as well as in planning of itā€™s treatment. Typical radiological examination includes weight-bearing dorsoplantar, lateral, oblique medial and oblique lateral radiographs of the foot, together with a direct axial radiograph of sesamoid bones. Computerized tomography is used for distinction of acute fractures and early stage of stress fractures from other pathological conditions. Magnetic resonance imaging allows differentiation between bony pathology and soft tissue conditions. Sesamoiditis management is primarily conservative and it depends on duration and severity of the condition. Orthotic insoles customized according to pedobarographic findings may be useful for solving biomechanical deformities that could have led to development of sesamoiditis. Specific pads placed under the first MTP joint in order to prevent the great toe from dorsiflexion proved to be a very effective conservative treatment option. Surgical treatment is considered if conservative methods fail to provide sufficient management of the condition.Sezamske kosti u području metatarzofalangealnog zgloba nožnog palca (hallux) dio su anatomsko-biomehaničkog kompleksa kojeg čine zglobna tijela, čahura, plantarna fascija, sveze i tetive miÅ”ića. U sklopu navedenog komplek- sa sezamske kosti podložne su raznim akutnim i kroničnim oÅ”tećenjima u smislu prijeloma, stres prijeloma, hon- dromalacije, avaskularne nekroze, burzitisa, degenerativnih promjena, upala itd., a Å”to se sve klinički očituje kao bolno stanje i sve se podvodi pod Å”iroki pojam sesamoiditisa. Mehanizam koji dovodi do sesamoiditisa najčeŔće je vezan uz prenaprezanje prednjeg dijela stopala praćenog ekscesivnom dorzifleksijom nožnog palca. U kliničkoj sli- ci sesamoiditisa najčeŔći simptom je bol i lokalizirana oteklina i to u području tibijalne sezamske kosti koja je dale- ko čeŔće zahvaćena u odnosu na fibularnu sezamsku kost. RadioloÅ”ka dijagnostika je značajna kako u otkrivanju etiologije tako i u planiranju liječenja sesamoiditisa. Standardna radioloÅ”ka pretraga obuhvaća antero-posteriornu snimku pod opterećenjem stopala, lateralnu snimku, kose snimke te aksijalnu snimku sezamskih kostiju. Komp- juterizirana tomografija pokazala se korisnom za razlikovanje akutnog prijeloma i ranog stadija stres prijeloma sezamske kosti od drugih patologija koje mogu zahvatiti sezamske kosti. MRI omogućuje diferencijaciju između koÅ”tanih promjena i promjena na mekom tkivu. Liječenje sezamoiditisa je prvenstveno konzervativno i uvelike ovisno o uznapredovalosti promjena u području cijelog metatarzofalangealnog kompleksa. Ortopedski uloÅ”ci nakon pedobarografske analize opterećenja stopala mogu otkloniti biomehaničke deformacije koje su potencijalno pridonijele razvoju sesamoiditisa. Posebni podloÅ”ci ispod metatarzofalangealnog zgloba palca u smislu sprečavanja dorzifleksije palca su vrlo korisni i efikasni u konzervativnom liječenju sesamoiditisa. KirurÅ”ko liječenje može biti preporučeno nakon neuspjelog konzervativnog liječenja

    The influence of ink concentration and layer thickness on yellow colour reproduction in liquid electrophotography toner

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    U elektrofotografiji s tekućem tonerom, kolornigamut je često smanjen u žutom području Å”to vodi do problema pri realizaciji otisaka fotografske kvalitete. Poznato je da koncentracija čestica pigmenta u tiskarskom bojilu i debljina nanosa na papirnatoj podlozi utjeću na konačnu kvalitetu otiska. U ovom radu varirana su upravo ta dva parametara, primjenjujući pritom žuto ElectroInk procesno bojilo te elektrofotografski tiskarski stroju HP Indigo. Za kolorimetrijsku i slikovnu analizu primjenjena je ECI tiskovna forma koja sadrži 378 definiranih polja. Dobiveni rezultati statistički su obrađeni metodom dvosmjerne analize varijacija. Studija je prikazana pomoću volumena kolornog gamuta, te povrÅ”inske pokrivenost rasterskih elemenata (točkica). U radu je utvrđeno je da na kvalitetu obojenja prvenstveno utječe debljina nanosa žutog bojila, dok je utjecaj koncentracije žutih pigmenata minoran. Povećanje nanosa bojila sa jedanog na dva imalo je mnogo jači učinak od onog koji je realiziran povećanjem sa dva sloja na tri sloja.In liquid toner electrophotography, colour gamut is often diminished in the yellow region leading to problems with photo quality prints. It is known that the concentration of pigment particles in the printing ink and its thickness when applied on a paper substrate decisively influence final print quality. Variation of these two parameters for the yellow process ink was performed by modifying the printing process of the electrophotographic printer HP Indigo S1000. Printed colour patches of ECI test chart were analysed colorimetrically and using image analysis approach. Two-way analysis of variance was implemented to statistically assess the obtained results. Both studied responses ā€“ colour gamut volume and area coverage of halftone dots ā€“ were found to be primarily influenced by the yellow ink layer thickness and much less by the ink concentration. Increase from one to two ink layers had a significantly stronger effect on each of the two responses when compared to an additional increase from two to three layers

    Prikaz slučaja 17-godiŔnje djevojke s okluzijom lijeve poplitealne i desne radijalne arterije

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    This is a case of a 17-year old girl with right radial and left popliteal arterial occlusion. This was diagnosed with clinical examination, arterial colour doppler and pletismography. For further evaluation this girl was refered to KBC Zagreb, Pediatric clinic and Clinic for heart and coronary deseases where she was diagnosed with antiphospholipidal syndrome. Her laboratory parameters tested positive for lupus anticoagulant. Digital subtraction angiography confirmed the colour dopler results


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    Ganglions (hygromas) are cystic tumors of soft tissue filled with jelly like substance. Most often they are localized on hands and feet. Very rarely they are localized in other sites.A very rare localization of the ganglion has been presented here found on the lateral side of the left lower leg starting from the proximal tibiofibular joint

    Analysis of the hydraulic binder use for base strengthening in pavement constructions

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    The paper presents the application of cement stabilization in the world and in our country. In addition to the literature review, basic physical - mechanical tests of the pavement base without the use of hydraulic binder and with the use of hydraulic binder with different percentages of participation (3, 5, and 7%) were given. The hydraulic binder of the manufacturer LaFarge HRB 12.5 was used as a binder, and the material on which this binder was tested is a clay material taken from Subotica. Using this binder, it was concluded that any percentage of binder leads to significant improvement of the placenta and thus improves the load-bearing capacity of the pavement structurePublishe