54 research outputs found

    The Challenges for Peace and Solidarity

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    I like to think like this: human beings have always tried to organize themselves to better face the various challenges, to solve the various problems of survival, depending on the circumstances, applying criteria of collaboration or competition for resources that can be limited or renewable, material or immaterial. I mean, human beings are characterized by a spontaneous connatured tendency to improve their condition – (otherwise, I suppose, we wouldn’t be here today, since out ancestors would be already perished in some merciless tribal vendetta). In this way, since the primordial times, the societies have gone from an economy of mere exploitation of resources, human and natural, from a commandeering economics, from a predatory politics, in which the war for resources is a way to survive, to a more efficient life, developing gradually codes, techniques, values, ways of communicate, which allow an economy of collaboration, innovation, value creation, inducing and requiring increasingly complex relationships, specialization, work understood as a commitment, not as the mere execution of a task

    \u201eInnovative identities\u201c? The issue of cultural and linguistic fragmentation in Montagna Friulana (north eastern Italy)

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    The current globalization realty is characterized by the constant coming up of new identities, that are appearing at any scale, almost as a side-effect of parallel phenomena signifying increasingly cultural indeterminateness. This paper argues that this phenomenon is connected to a condition of periphericity, namely to a sense of vulnerability that arise outside the umbrella once provided by modern state; furthermore this paper argues that this phenomenon is indifferently affecting any culture, not considering ethnic and linguistic derivation. Such situation figures out a sort of paradox of the globalization, which, while extending the hegemony of a uniform code, would induce per reaction the flourishing of local cultures, sometimes evidencing a self-referential character, other times configuring the main stain for a new territorial consciousness

    Slovenes in Italy: a fragmented minority

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    The study examines the Slovenian-speaking minority in the northern Italian autonomous region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. It explores the spatial fragmentation in the Slovenian settlement area in Italy and analyzes the socio-economic and demographic processes that exert influence on the minority. The work is based on the critical evaluation of the current status of research, of statistical data from the state censuses and results of own research on site. The Slovenian-language population in the entire region is currently estimated at about 46,000 people. The main settlement area is the eastern border region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, which is characterized by different cultural and regional identities. While the Slovenian-speaking population of Friuli focuses more on its cultural and regional distinctions, the majority of the Slovenian-language group in Venezia Giulia considers itself a \u201cnational minority.\u201

    The Case of Gorizia/Gorica: A Sequence of Missed Geo-political and Geo-economic Opportunities

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    The town was founded in a unique position, having the possibility during the centuries of taking advantage of a set of favourable circumstances. In the last century it developed in a particular way, being today difficult to be described following a twin city schema, or better that of a divided town, or of a multipolar pattern. Today the situation of the town may be considered stagnant, or even regressing, in any sense (politically and economically), giving the impression that the city as a whole is not capable of taking advantage of the geopolitics offered to it

    The Case of Gorizia/Gorica: A Sequence of Missed Geo-political and Geo-economic Opportunities

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    The town was founded in a unique position, having the possibility during the centuries of taking advantage of a set of favourable circumstances. In the last century it developed in a particular way, being today difficult to be described following a twin city schema, or better that of a divided town, or of a multipolar pattern. Today the situation of the town may be considered stagnant, or even regressing, in any sense (politically and economically), giving the impression that the city as a whole is not capable of taking advantage of the geopolitics offered to i

    L’uso della forza nelle relazioni tra gli stati: teoria ed evoluzioni nella prassi geo-politica

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    The use of force in interstate relations: theory and evolutions in geo-political practice. – The use of force in relations between states and other players on the world stage: theory, practice and developments in political geography. Based on the experiences of the twentieth century (world wars, genocides, ideological-totalitarian degenerations, de-colonization processes), the geopolitical thought of late modernity, starting from the 1960s, essentially develops in a “critical” sense. Then it assumes, among its favorite themes, the discussion on the essence of power (whether or not it is intrinsically “bad”), of the state and of politics (if they inevitably have to rely on the use of force); then it starts the development of a method targeted to regulation and prevention of conflicts, based on a process of deconstruction of alleged “false” ideas of power, to prevent the effects of escalation that have led the whole of humanity to the risk of destruction and self-destruction. These needs are translated operationally into the search for the so-called “insider” factors, that is, those that, in a certain scenario, beyond an immanent and self-evident “casus belli”, cause effects of permanent and out of control conflict, to the point of making war an element that justifies itself (an end, rather than a means). Effects that confuse any causal chain, which make it difficult to identify links and motivations, and therefore the search for a solution, and with it the pacification of crisis scenarios (which in fact tend to perpetuate themselves in areas of “endemic” conflictuality. All this proceeding on the basis of a neo-Enlightenment (possibly neo-liberal) assumption, which almost deterministically assumes the affirmation of an open society, refractory to violence, and the assimilation of “evil” to the mechanisms of democratization, to open market and capitalist prosperity. All this in a context of multilateral policy development, the establishment of international organizations, and the consolidation of a trans-national geo-economic apparatus, of civil society as an “answer to war”, with the aim of progressively limiting, up to cancel the same occasions of conflict; and this to the point that an idea of war as something obsolete spreads (perhaps in an illusory way). The latest events, however, and recent developments, seem to contradict this trend, re-proposing themes and tensions that geographic-political theory seemed to have abandoned for some time. A fact made even more evident by the current invasion of Ukraine, which leaves you dismayed, like aggression to troglodytic times, when the invasion did not need to have a justification; it seems to cause deliberate violence and destruction on a large scale, so much so as to question the entire “critical” paradigm. Putin 24th February discourse deliberately denies the right of Ukraine to survive as a national human community. Evolutions that make it necessary to rethink the practices of limitation and regulation, of the intervention and prevention devices of war, and of the same method of study of the scenarios; perhaps a return to models that, just until a few months ago, were considered outdated

    Tra conservazione e rischio di estinzione: La minoranza etno-linguistisca slovena in Italia

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    The study analyzes the spatial fragmentation in the Slovenian settlement area in Italy and highlights assimilation and demographic processes that exert influence on the Slovenian-speaking minority. The work builds on the current status of research and is based on official data, their evaluation through qualitative investigations as well as on further results of own research on site. The Slovenian-language population in Friuli Venezia Giulia is currently estimated at about 46,000 people. The main settlement area is the eastern border zone of this region, which is characterized by different cultural and regional identities. While the Slovenian-speaking population of Friuli (Val Canale and Slavia) focuses more on its cultural and regional distinctions, the majority of the Slovenian-language group in Venezia Giulia considers itself a \u201cnational minority.\u201d Thus, the overall assessment of the possible future of the Slovenian-language group varies thus from region to region

    Il Distretto di Manzano per l'industria della sedia

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    Il Distretto di Manzano per l'industria della sedi


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    Inteso nella sua dimensione dinamica - come complesso di comportamenti che si sviluppano nel tempo e nello spazio, in un contesto sociale e tecnologico - il genere di vita tradizionale diventa un oggetto di studio ancor pi\uf9 significativo. In realt\ue0, come risulta dalla letteratura, pi\uf9 spesso il lavoro della ricerca assume gli aspetti "statici" del paesaggio e produce quindi i quadri materiali di una certa cultura. Si tratta di tecnologia e risorse, usi e costumi, folclore o fenomenologia della comunicazione o dell'interazione sociale in genere. E' un fatto comprensibile e forse inevitabile, considerando che le metodologie pi\uf9 diffuse intraprendono quelle ricostruzioni assumendo elementi reali, ovvero testimonianze e monumenti e in generale la struttura economica ed ecologica di una comunit\ue0, in un certo ambito o di un certo strato etnografico
