20 research outputs found


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    It was established in order to ensure better management of a reference to the relevant current operations performing organizations advisable to divide the project into phases, the totality of which is the project life cycle. Based on the concept of life cycle projects possible timing, resource and organizational synchronization of all processes and stages of implementation. That lifecyclical approach allows us to consider the processes of project management and how to dynamicallysynchronized system. It was established that the construction of high-tech project life cycle (to species which include the building-energy projects) in most cases carried out in two main approaches - predictive and adaptive. It analyzes the main lifecyclical models and methods of these approaches and formed the conceptual and mathematical models of the life cycle of building-energy project, it was given the structure of the functional elements of its phases.Установлено, что построение жизненного цикла высокотехнологичного проекта (к которым относятся строительно-энергетические проекты) в большинстве случаев осуществляется в рамках двух основных подходов -прогнозирующего и адаптивного. Были проанализированы основные життециклични модели и методики этих подходов и сформированы концептуальная и математическая модели жизненного цикла строительно-энергетического проекта, приведена структура функциональных элементов его фаз.Встановлено, що побудова життєвого циклу високотехнологічного проекту (до виду яких відносяться будівельно-енергетичні проекти) у більшості випадків здійснюється в рамках двох основних підходів – прогнозуючого й адаптивного. Було проаналізовано основні життєциклічні моделі і методики цих підходів та сформовано концептуальну й математичну моделі життєвого циклу будівельно-енергетичного проекту, наведено структуру функціональних елементів його фаз

    The low-temperature germinating spores of the thermophilic Desulfofundulus contribute to an extremely high sulfate reduction in burning coal seams

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    Burning coal seams, characterized by massive carbon monoxide (CO) emissions, the presence of secondary sulfates, and high temperatures, represent suitable environments for thermophilic sulfate reduction. The diversity and activity of dissimilatory sulfate reducers in these environments remain unexplored. In this study, using metagenomic approaches, in situ activity measurements with a radioactive tracer, and cultivation we have shown that members of the genus Desulfofundulus are responsible for the extremely high sulfate reduction rate (SRR) in burning lignite seams in the Altai Mountains. The maximum SRR reached 564 ± 21.9 nmol S cm−3 day−1 at 60°C and was of the same order of magnitude for both thermophilic (60°C) and mesophilic (23°C) incubations. The 16S rRNA profiles and the search for dsr gene sequences in the metagenome revealed members of the genus Desulfofundulus as the main sulfate reducers. The thermophilic Desulfofundulus sp. strain Al36 isolated in pure culture, did not grow at temperatures below 50°C, but produced spores that germinated into metabolically active cells at 20 and 15°C. Vegetative cells germinating from spores produced up to 0.738 ± 0.026 mM H2S at 20°C and up to 0.629 ± 0.007 mM H2S at 15°C when CO was used as the sole electron donor. The Al36 strain maintains significant production of H2S from sulfate over a wide temperature range from 15°C to 65°C, which is important in variable temperature biotopes such as lignite burning seams. Burning coal seams producing CO are ubiquitous throughout the world, and biogenic H2S may represent an overlooked significant flux to the atmosphere. The thermophilic spore outgrowth and their metabolic activity at temperatures below the growth minimum may be important for other spore-forming bacteria of environmental, industrial and clinical importance

    Удосконалення процесів управління вартістю в будівельно-енергетичних проектах

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    The processes of the cost management of construction-energy projects were improved by expanding the existing set of tools of project management by the method of planning the cost of construction-energy projects. The basis for developing the method is a hypothesis about specific features of the given projects being their structural complexity, significant resource intensity and duration, as well as a large number of stakeholders. This leads to a change in the costs of resources in the period of implementation of the project, and consequently, creates deviations towards its increase over its planned budget. These deviations can be forecasted and considered by using the developed method of planning the cost of construction- energy projects. This method, in contrast to the existing ones, is based on the theory of changeability in the costs of resources over time and it also considers investment and time constraints of the project.A verification of the proposed method was conducted, it was revealed that its results are more realistic, i.e., they are more in line with the actual data than the results, obtained by application of classical methods of planning the cost of projects. The developed method of planning the cost of construction-energy projects can be used for the projects in different directions provided they are long-term and expensive resources comprise a considerable share of their budget. Исследованы процессы управления стоимостью строительно-энергетических проектов. Выявлена недостоверность результатов применения классических методов для планирования их стоимости. Обоснована необходимость создания таких методов планирования стоимости, которые будут учитывать специфику данных проектов. Сформирован метод планирования стоимости строительно-энергетических проектов, который учитывает изменение стоимости ресурсов во времени, инвестиционные и временные ограничения проектаДосліджено процеси управління вартістю будівельно-енергетичних проектів. Виявлено недостовірність результатів застосування класичних методів для планування їх вартості. Обґрунтовано необхідність створення таких методів планування вартості, які будуть враховувати специфіку даних проектів. Сформовано метод планування вартості будівельно-енергетичних проектів, який враховує зміну вартості ресурсів з часом, інвестиційні та часові обмеження проект

    Effect of the CRAC Peptide, VLNYYVW, on mPTP Opening in Rat Brain and Liver Mitochondria

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    The translocator protein (TSPO; 18 kDa) is a high-affinity cholesterol-binding protein located in the outer membrane of mitochondria. A domain in the C-terminus of TSPO was characterized as the cholesterol recognition/interaction amino acid consensus (CRAC). The ability of the CRAC domain to bind to cholesterol led us to hypothesize that this peptide may participate in the regulation of mitochondrial membrane permeability. Herein, we report the effect of the synthetic CRAC peptide, VLNYYVW, on mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) opening. It was found that the CRAC peptide alone prevents the mPTP from opening, as well as the release of apoptotic factors (cytochrome c, AIF, and EndoG) in rat brain mitochondria (RBM). Co-incubation of CRAC, together with the TSPO drug ligand, PK 11195, resulted in the acceleration of mPTP opening and in the increase of apoptotic factor release. VLNYYVW did not induce swelling in rat liver mitochondria (RLM). 3,17,19-androsten-5-triol (19-Atriol; an inhibitor of the cholesterol-binding activity of the CRAC peptide) alone and in combination with the peptide was able to stimulate RLM swelling, which was Ca2+- and CsA-sensitive. Additionally, a combination of 19-Atriol with 100 nM PK 11195 or with 100 µM PK 11195 displayed the opposite effect: namely, the addition of 19-Atriol with 100 µM PK 11195 in a suspension of RLM suppressed the Ca2+-induced swelling of RLM by 40%, while the presence of 100 nM PK 11195 with 19-Atriol enhanced the swelling of RLM by 60%. Taken together, these data suggest the participation of the TSPO’s CRAC domain in the regulation of permeability transition

    A Population of Bona Fide Intermediate Mass Black Holes Identified as Low Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei

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    International audienceNearly every massive galaxy harbors a supermassive black hole (SMBH) in its nucleus. SMBH masses are millions to billions of solar mass, and they correlate with properties of spheroids of their host galaxies. While the SMBH growth channels, mergers, and gas accretion are well established, their origin remains uncertain: they could have emerged either from massive “seeds” (105–106 M ⊙) formed by direct collapse of gas clouds in the early universe or from smaller (100 M ⊙) BHs, end products of first stars. The latter channel would leave behind numerous intermediate-mass BHs (IMBHs, 102–105 M ⊙). Although many IMBH candidates have been identified, none are accepted as definitive; thus, their very existence is still debated. Using data mining in wide-field sky surveys and applying dedicated analysis to archival and follow-up optical spectra, we identified a sample of 305 IMBH candidates having masses , which reside in galaxy centers and are accreting gas that creates characteristic signatures of a type I active galactic nucleus (AGN). We confirmed the AGN nature of 10 sources (including five previously known objects that validate our method) by detecting the X-ray emission from their accretion disks, thus defining the first bona fide sample of IMBHs in galactic nuclei. All IMBH host galaxies possess small bulges and sit on the low-mass extension of the scaling relation, suggesting that they must have experienced very few if any major mergers over their lifetime. The very existence of nuclear IMBHs supports the stellar-mass seed scenario of the massive BH formation

    Some Results of Photometric Measurements of Ionospheric Artificial Airglow at 557.7 and 630 nm Lines of Atomic Oxygen Caused by High-Frequency Radio Emission of the SURA Facility during Development of Sporadic E Layer

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    The results of analysis of the experimental data collected on 5 September 2021 on 557.7 and 630 nm artificial airglow of the ionosphere induced by powerful HF radio waves at the SURA facility are presented. For optical measurements, a photometric suite located directly next to the SURA facility was used. Fast variations in the atmospheric emission intensity at 557.7 nm, 630 nm, and 391.4 nm with a three-channel photometer and spatial–temporal variations in the 557.7 nm with a CCD camera were measured. An ionospherically reflected pump wave and the stimulated electromagnetic emission (SEE) were recorded. Background ionospheric conditions were registered with ionosonde. For the first time, an increase in the 557.7 nm emission intensity induced by the SURA facility radiation was found concurrently with a partial blocking ionosphere in the F-region and suppression HF-induced phenomena in the F-region (the 630 nm airglow increase and SEE generation, powerful radio wave anomalous absorption) during the sporadic E-layer (Es) development. Additionally, we managed to obtain images showing moving spots of the SURA-induced 557.7 nm emission increased intensity at the Es layer heights