135 research outputs found

    Physical and Mechanical Characteristics of Asphalt Concrete with Roofing Bitumen Chips

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    Секция I АРХИТЕКТУРА И СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВОУстановлено влияние кровельной битумной крошки на физико-механические свойства асфальтобетонов марки ПДг-III/2,0 и ЩМБг 20-III/2,0. Определено оптимальное соотношение битумной крошки в комплексном вяжущем на основе битума БНД 70/100. Показано, что асфальтобетон ПДг–III/2,0 с кровельной битумной крошкой в составе битумного вяжущего имеет показатель водонасыщения ниже на 0,21%, предел прочности при сдвиге выше на 5,1 %, предел прочности при сжатии выше на 18,4% по сравнению с показателями физико-механических свойств асфальтобетона марки ПДг-ΙIΙ/2,0 на битумном вяжущем.=The effect of roofing bitumen chips on the physical and mechanical properties of asphalt con-crete of PDg-III/2,0 and SHMBg 20-III/2,0 has been established. The optimal ratio of bitumen chips in a complex binder based on BND 70/100 bitumen has been determined. It is shown that asphalt concrete PDg-III/2,0 with roofing bitumen chips as part of a bituminous binder has a water saturation index lower by 0,21%, shear strength is higher by 5,1%, compressive strength is higher by 18,4% compared with the indicators of physical and mechanical proper-ties of asphalt concrete grade PDg-III/2,0 on a bitumen binder

    A compendium and functional characterization of mammalian genes involved in adaptation to Arctic or Antarctic environments

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    Many mammals are well adapted to surviving in extremely cold environments. These species have likely accumulated genetic changes that help them efficiently cope with low temperatures. It is not known whether the same genes related to cold adaptation in one species would be under selection in another species. The aims of this study therefore were: to create a compendium of mammalian genes related to adaptations to a low temperature environment; to identify genes related to cold tolerance that have been subjected to independent positive selection in several species; to determine promising candidate genes/pathways/organs for further empirical research on cold adaptation in mammals

    Prioritization of genes associated with the pathogenesis of leukosis in cattle

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    Selection by means of genetic markers is a promising approach to the eradication of infectious diseases in farm animals, especially in the absence of effective methods of treatment and prevention. Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is spread throughout the world and represents one of the biggest problems for the livestock production and food security in Russia. However, recent genome-wide association studies have shown that sensitivity/resistance to BLV is polygenic. The aim of this study was to create a catalog of cattle genes and genes of other mammalian species involved in the pathogenesis of BLV-induced infection and to perform gene prioritization using bioinformatics methods. Based on manually collected information from a range of open sources, a total of 446 genes were included in the catalog of cattle genes and genes of other mammals involved in the pathogenesis of BLV-induced infection. The following criteria were used to prioritize 446 genes from the catalog: (1) the gene is associated with leukemia according to a genome-wide association study; (2) the gene is associated with leukemia according to a case-control study; (3) the role of the gene in leukemia development has been studied using knockout mice; (4) protein-protein interactions exist between the gene-encoded protein and either viral particles or individual viral proteins; (5) the gene is annotated with Gene Ontology terms that are overrepresented for a given list of genes; (6) the gene participates in biological pathways from the KEGG or REACTOME databases, which are over-represented for a given list of genes; (7) the protein encoded by the gene has a high number of protein-protein interactions with proteins encoded by other genes from the catalog. Based on each criterion, a rank was assigned to each gene. Then the ranks were summarized and an overall rank was determined. Prioritization of 446 candidate genes allowed us to identify 5 genes of interest (TNF, LTB, BOLA-DQA1, BOLA-DRB3, ATF2), which can affect the sensitivity/resistance of cattle to leukemia

    The perspective soft spring wheat variety Semenovna is the result of international cooperation

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    The research is aimed at studying economically valuable traits and genetic control of resistance to leaf-stem diseases, photoperiodic reaction and short stemming of soft spring wheat variety Semenovna, created by scientists of the Omsk Agrarian Scientific Center (Russia) and the North Kazakhstan Agricultural Experimental Station (Kazakhstan). Using methods of state variety testing, molecular genetics and in vitro methods, morphological features of a new variety, features of its development have been described, the yield level at different ecological test points for three years (2015-2017) has been analyzed. The studies conducted at two ecological points made it possible to select a medium-sized promising line of soft spring wheat (Lutescens 354/04-6), which was transferred to the State Registration Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan and after two years of testing was included into the State Register of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the name Semenovna (patent No. 1023). In terms of grain quality, it was at the level of valuable wheat, exceeded the standard in protein content by 1-2 % and raw gluten by 3-4 %. The new medium-ripe Semenovna variety combines increased yield (2.73-4.40 t/ha) with resistance to drought (resistance index Ir = 0.57), brown and stem rust (IU = 0.00-0.23). The genotype of the variety contains wheat-rye translocation 1RS.1BL (with a cluster of Lr26/Sr31/Pm8/Yr9 genes). The medium-stem variety carries the Rht8b allele in its genotype (174 bp)  and is photosensitive to the length of the day (allele 414 bp). The parameters of ecological plasticity of the new variety are determined: linear regression coefficient (bi = 1.08), stability index (σd2 = 0.27)

    Laser-induced modification of the patellar ligament tissue: comparative study of structural and optical changes

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    The effects of non-ablative infrared (IR) laser treatment of collagenous tissue have been commonly interpreted in terms of collagen denaturation spread over the laser-heated tissue area. In this work, the existing model is refined to account for the recently reported laser-treated tissue heterogeneity and complex collagen degradation pattern using comprehensive optical imaging and calorimetry toolkits. Patella ligament (PL) provided a simple model of type I collagen tissue containing its full structural content from triple-helix molecules to gross architecture. PL ex vivo was subjected to IR laser treatments (laser spot, 1.6 mm) of equal dose, where the tissue temperature reached the collagen denaturation temperature of 60 ± 2°C at the laser spot epicenterin the first regime, and was limited to 67 ± 2°C in the second regime. The collagen network was analyzed versus distance from the epicenter. Experimental characterization of the collagenous tissue at all structural levels included cross-polarization optical coherence tomography, nonlinear optical microscopy, light microscopy/histology, and differential scanning calorimetry. Regressive rearrangement of the PL collagen network was found to spread well outside the laser spot epicenter (>2 mm) and was accompanied by multilevel hierarchical reorganization of collagen. Four zones of distinct optical and morphological properties were identified, all elliptical in shape, and elongated in the direction perpendicular to the PL long axis. Although the collagen transformation into a random-coil molecular structure was occasionally observed, it was mechanical integrity of the supramolecular structures that was primarily compromised. We found that the structural rearrangement of the collagen network related primarily to the heat-induced thermo-mechanical effects rather than molecular unfolding. The current body of evidence supports the notion that the supramolecular collagen structure suffered degradation of various degrees, which gave rise to the observed zonal character of the laser-treated lesion

    Хронические вирусные гепатиты и первичный рак печени в республике Саха (Якутия)

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    Study objective: identification of risk factors for the formation of cirrhosis and PLC in patients with chronic hepatitis B, C and D to develop a personalized, approach in treatment and prevention, of complications.Materials and. methods. The materials of the official statistics of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the infectious disease department for treating patients with viral hepatitis of the Yakutsk Clinical Hospital were studied. Complex clinical, serological, and. molecular biological studies with the genotyping of hepatitis B, C, and D viruses were conducted (n = 354).The results of the study. The prevalence of CVH B, C and. D in the territory of Yakutia is the primary cause of high, complications (such, as cirrhosis and. PLC) rate.The most significant risk factors for the formation of cirrhosis and. PLC in CVH among the population, living in various geographical areas of the republic are identified. Large-scale vaccination, against hepatitis B will not only significantly reduce the amount of deaths caused, by HBV infection, but also generally have a positive effect on the epidemiological situation in the region. The organizational model for assisting CVH patients in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) has been developed.Findings. Regions with the highest prevalence of hepatitis B, C and. D with the progressive course of the disease are identified. Risk factors for PLC in hepatitis B, C and. D are isolated.Цель: выявление факторов риска формирования цирроза и первичного рака печени у лиц с хроническими вирусными гепатитами В, С и D для разработки персонифицированного подхода в их лечении и профилактике осложнений.Материалы, и методы: изучены, материалы официальной статистики Управления Роспотребнадзора по Республике Саха (Якутия), инфекционного отделения для лечения больных вирусными гепатитами Якутской городской клинической больницы.. Проведены, комплексные общеклинические, серологические и молекулярнобиологические исследования с генотипированием вирусов гепатитов В, С и D (n=354).Результаты: широкая распространенность хронических вирусных гепатитов В, С и D на территории Якутии является первопричиной высокой выявляемости у больных таких осложнений, как цирроз и первичный рак печени.Определены, наиболее значимые факторы, риска формирования цирроза и первичного рака печени при хронических вирусных гепатитах среди населения, проживающего в различных географических зонах республики. Показано, что широкомасштабная вакцинация против гепатита В позволит, не только значительно сократить количество летальных исходов, вызванных HBV-инфекцией, но и в целом, благоприятно отразится на эпидемиологической ситуации в республике. Разработана организационная модель оказания помощи больным. хроническими вирусными гепатитами в Республике Саха (Якутия).Заключение: выявлены регионы, с наиболее высоким уровнем распространенности гепатитов В, С и D с прогрессирующим течением, заболевания, определены, факторы. риска при гепатитах В, С и D, при которых достоверно чаще развивается первичный рак печени

    Morphological substantiation of laser exposure parameters and modes for surgical treatment of intrauterine pathology

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    The aim of the investigation was to substantiate experimentally the optimum parameters and modes of diode laser radiation in the treatment of intrauterine pathology based on the study of morphological changes in the endometrium.Цель исследования – экспериментально обосновать оптимальные параметры и режимы излучения диодного лазера при лечения внутриматочной патологии на основании изучения морфологических изменений эндометрия


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    A method of producing melted composites by low-frequency treatment is presented. Some distinctive features of the process and the results of vibration treatment are unevident and require theoretical explanation. The factors, which hinder powder introduction into the melt, as well as the factors that influence the change in sizes of structural components in the process of low-frequency treatment have been examined. A new interpretation of the grinding and coagulation mechanism at low-frequency treatment followed by mathematical description and experimental verification is presented.Представлен метод получения литых композитов низкочастотным воздействием на расплав. Некоторые особенности процесса и результатов виброобработки не очевидны и требуют теоретического объяснения. Рассмотрены факторы, препятствующие введению порошков в объем расплава, и факторы, влияющие на изменение размеров структурных компонентов расплава в процессе низкочастотной обработки. Предложено новое толкование механизмов измельчения и коагуляции при низкочастотной обработке с математическим описанием и экспериментальным подтверждением

    Beyond technology: A research agenda for social sciences and humanities research on renewable energy in Europe

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    This article enriches the existing literature on the importance and role of the social sciences and humanities (SSH) in renewable energy sources research by providing a novel approach to instigating the future research agenda in this field. Employing a series of in-depth interviews, deliberative focus group workshops and a systematic horizon scanning process, which utilised the expert knowledge of 85 researchers from the field with diverse disciplinary backgrounds and expertise, the paper develops a set of 100 priority questions for future research within SSH scholarship on renewable energy sources. These questions were aggregated into four main directions: (i) deep transformations and connections to the broader economic system (i.e. radical ways of (re)arranging socio-technical, political and economic relations), (ii) cultural and geographical diversity (i.e. contextual cultural, historical, political and socio-economic factors influencing citizen support for energy transitions), (iii) complexifying energy governance (i.e. understanding energy systems from a systems dynamics perspective) and (iv) shifting from instrumental acceptance to value-based objectives (i.e. public support for energy transitions as a normative notion linked to trust-building and citizen engagement). While this agenda is not intended to be—and cannot be—exhaustive or exclusive, we argue that it advances the understanding of SSH research on renewable energy sources and may have important value in the prioritisation of SSH themes needed to enrich dialogues between policymakers, funding institutions and researchers. SSH scholarship should not be treated as instrumental to other research on renewable energy but as intrinsic and of the same hierarchical importance.acceptedVersio