64 research outputs found

    Garden restoration in Russia: St Petersburg Summer Garden as a case study

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    Since the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) Russia has developed a very strong scientific school of restoration and reconstruction of historic gardens. This paper discusses the main concept and principles of this garden restoration school, called the St. Petersburg Garden Restoration School, using the case study of the Summer Garden, the oldest garden in St. Petersburg

    Biodiverse green infrastructure for the 21st century: from “green desert” of lawns to biophilic cities

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    Modern urban green infrastructures are following globalisation trends and contribute to homogenization at all levels of green areas from the master plan to the finest scale. We discuss the place and role of three principal urban living spaces, the “skeleton” of green infrastructures: lawns, green walls and green roofs. This “trio” of modern GI elements provide significant ecosystem services, it contributes to biodiversity and social values; and have environmental and economic impact. The main goal of our approach to sustainable GI is to introduce a new landscape architecture style – biodiversinesque – as an alternative to the existing global homogenised picturesque-gardenesque. This new approach will combine the best achievements of innovative and alternative landscape design solutions (biodiverse lawns, pictorial meadows, walls and green roofs) and implement them on three major scales: city, intermediate neighborhood and the small biotope level

    Ponovno razmatranje Stanislavskog: Meiningenovci

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    It seems to me vitally important to re-evaluate the Meiningens influence upon Stanislavsky and the further development of Russian directing in general. Under the Meiningens\u27 influence, Stanislavsky explored stage tropes and learned how to overcome the stage limitations with the help of sound and light effects; how to re- and de-construct the stage, how to trigger remote associations in the audience; how to use actors as one of the tools in creating the overall powerful poetic images of the play. In the elaboration of the stage effects, the Duke foreshadowed the era of radio and film, as well as the computerized effects of our time.Čini mi se kako je nužno provesti reevaluaciju utjecaja Meiningenovaca na Stanislavskog I daljnji razvoj ruske režije. Pod utjecajem Meiningenovaca, Stanislavski je istraživao scenske trope i učio kako prevladati scenska ograničenja uz pomoć svjetlosnih i zvučnih efekata; kako rekonstruirati I dekonstruirati scenu, kako potaknuti asocijacije kod publike; kako koristiti glumce kao jedan od alata za stvaranje snažnih poetskih odraza. U elaboraciji scenskih efekata grof je nagovijestio eru radija i filma kao i kompjuterizirane efekte našeg vremena

    Alternativ till gräsmatta i Sverige - från teori till praktik

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    Målet med den här handboken är att dela en vision om gräsmattor som är ett resultat av det transdisciplinära forskningsprojektet ”LAWN - Gräsmattan som ekologiskt och kulturellt fenomen: på spaning efter hållbara gräsmattor i Sverige” (2013-2016) finansierat av Formas. Inledningsvis presenterar vi resultaten från forskningsprojektet och diskuterar befintliga alternativ till konventionella gräsmattor från Europa och Nordamerika. Sedan analyserar och diskuterar vi erfarenheter från Sverige, inklusive våra egna försök på Campus Ultuna vid SLU i Uppsala. Vi bidrar också med praktiska råd om hur man kan etablera och förvalta olika slags alternativ till gräsmatta som är lämpliga för svenska förhållanden

    Ängslika alternativ till konventionell bruksgräsmatta

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    Gräsmattan är ett av de mest dominerande inslagen i urbana grönområden världen över. De konventionella gräsmattorna levererar ekosystemtjänster, samtidigt är de dyra i drift och medför att ändliga resurser förbrukas. I detta Movium Fakta sammanfattas en nyligen utgiven handbok, som bygger på resultat inom forskningsprojektet LAWN. Där beskrivs teori och praktik kring alternativa lösningar, till exempel etablering av naturliga gräsmarker där gräs och örter kan växa tillsammans och bli en viktig resurs för människor och vilda djur


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    Autorica osam hrvatskih drama prevedenih na engleski i tiskanih u antologiji Different Voices (Zagreb, 2003.) sagledava s povijesnoga stajališta, u nakani da iz njih iščita način na koji naraštaj autor(ic)a rođenih u šezdesetim godinama prošloga stoljeća shvaća sebe i dramatične promjene u Hrvatskoj u devedesetim godinama. Teorijsko joj uporište daje knjiga Marvina Carlsona The Haunted Stage: Theatre as Memory Machine (Ann Arbor, 2003.), koja tematizira slojevitost skupnoga pamćenja u dramskoj književnosti i kazalištu, a razumijevanje dramskih tekstova nastalih u kulturnoj sredini koju nedovoljno poznaje olakšava pripadnost istom naraštaju i usporedivost njezina iskustva odrastanja i kazališnog obrazovanja u Sovjetskom Savezu i, nakon povijesnih promjena, Rusiji s iskustvima autor(ic)a zastupljenih u antologiji. Kao ključnu razliku utvrđuje, dakako, hrvatsko ratno iskustvo koje prožima i suvremeno hrvatsko dramsko pismo. U članku najveću pozornost posvećuje dvjema dramama, Posljednjoj karici Lade Kaštelan i Cigli Filipa Šovagovića, u kojima sjećanje na zbivanja u prošlom stoljeću najdublje prožimaju i kazališnu naraciju i kazališni žanr. Dramu Lade Kaštelan žanrovski određuje kao »dramu sjećanja« (usporedivu s dramom Staklena menažerija Tennesseeja Williamsa, rodonačelnika tog žanra) u kojoj je način na koji se likovi sjećaju prošlih događaja jednako važan kao i ono čega se sjećaju. Ističe višestruko neprepoznavanje žena koje glavni lik, Ona, uz pomoć mistične Sluškinje, posrednice između realnoga i irealnoga iz dvaju prošlih razdoblja, naime Drugoga svjetskog rata i Hrvatskoga proljeća, priziva u sadašnjost, a to je vrijeme Domovinskoga rata. U neprepoznavanju i neprihvaćanju triju naraštaja pripadnica iste obitelji, na djelu je s jedne strane ironiziranje, prije svega dramskih žanrova koji se temelje na prepoznavanju, a s druge strane metafora mnogo složenije i šire shvaćene nesposobnosti međuljudskoga prihvaćanja, slušanja, razumijevanja. Likovi se okupljaju na irealnom ženskom rođendanskom slavlju, a kao darove pripadnice triju naraštaja iste obitelji jedna s drugom dijele iste ili slične traume (smrt, supruga, raskid s ljubavnikom, smrt majke, neželjena trudnoća). Neke potankosti u drami autoricu priopćenja podsjećaju na film Europa, Europa Agniezske Holland. Neprihvaćanje članova različitih naraštaja prožima i Šovagovićevu dramu Cigla, u kojoj su razvidni odjeci epskoga teatra Bertolda Brechta i njegova »efekta očuđenja«, primjerice u izravnom obraćanju publici te komentiranju situacija i u žurnalističkom portretiranju likova. Dok je drama Lade Kaštelan izrazito ženska, s muškim likovima na margini, u središtu drame Filipa Šovagovića muški su likovi, redom gubitnici i žrtve rata, odnosno tranzicije, a dva su ženska lika potisnuta ustranu. Posebnu pozornost autorica posvećuje glavnom liku, Cigli, koji je, usprkos neprekidnu ironiziranju vlastite patnje, poput mitskoga junaka žrtvovan za dobrobit zajednice te, kao i mitski junaci, neobjašnjivo iščezava u trenutku kad je ispunio svoju funkciju. Na kraju se izriče sud da antologija Different Voices kazališnim praktičarima omogućuje dobar uvid u suvremenu hrvatsku dramu u kojoj su, uza svu žanrovsku i tematsku raznolikost, naglašeno prisutni nepovezanost i nemogućnost povezivanja ljudi i sjećanja, ljudi i okoline, pripadnika različitih naraštaja

    Lawns in Cities: From a Globalised Urban Green Space Phenomenon to Sustainable Nature-Based Solutions

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    This opinion paper discusses urban lawns, the most common part of open green spaces and urban green infrastructures. It highlights both the ecosystem services and also disservices provided by urban lawns based on the authors’ experience of working within interdisciplinary research projects on lawns in different cities of Europe (Germany, Sweden and Russia), New Zealand (Christchurch), USA (Syracuse, NY) and Australia (Perth). It complements this experience with a detailed literature review based on the most recent studies of different biophysical, social, planning and design aspects of lawns. We also used an international workshop as an important part of the research methodology. We argue that although lawns of Europe and the United States of America are now relatively well studied, other parts of the world still underestimate the importance of researching lawns as a complex ecological and social phenomenon. One of the core objectives of this paper is to share a paradigm of nature-based solutions in the context of lawns, which can be an important step towards finding resilient sustainable alternatives for urban green spaces in the time of growing urbanisation, increased urban land use competition, various user demands and related societal challenges of the urban environment. We hypothesise that these solutions may be found in urban ecosystems and various local native plant communities that are rich in species and able to withstand harsh conditions such as heavy trampling and droughts. To support the theoretical hypothesis of the relevance of nature-based solutions for lawns we also suggest and discuss the concept of two natures—different approaches to the vision of urban nature, including the understanding and appreciation of lawns. This will help to increase the awareness of existing local ecological approaches as well as an importance of introducing innovative landscape architecture practices. This article suggests that there is a potential for future transdisciplinary international research that might aid our understanding of lawns in different climatic and socio-cultural conditions as well as develop locally adapted (to environmental conditions, social needs and management policies) and accepted nature-based solutions.Peer Reviewe

    An alternative urban green carpet: How can we move to sustainable lawns in a time of climate change?

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    Lawns are a global phenomenon. They green the urban environment and provide amenable public and private open spaces. In Sweden, 52% of the urban green areas are lawns. In the United States, lawns cover 1.9% of the country’s terrestrial area and lawn grass is the largest irrigated nonfood crop. Assuming lawn would cover 23% of cities globally [on the basis of data from the United States and Sweden], it would occupy 0.15 million to 0.80 million km2 (depending on urban definitions) - that is, an area bigger than England and Spain combined or about 1.4% of the global grassland area. Yet, lawns exact environmental and economic costs, and given the environmental and economic impacts of climate change, it is time to consider new alternative “lawnscapes” in urban planning as beneficial and sustainable alternatives