127 research outputs found

    Aspects épidémiologique et itinéraire thérapeutique de la Comorbidité Hypertension artérielle et Diabète dans le Département du Littoral au Benin en 2023

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    Introduction : L'Afrique continue de souffrir du fardeau impressionnant de maladies infectieuses et fait face Ă  une explosion de maladies non transmissibles (MNT) depuis des dĂ©cennies. Au BĂ©nin, des Ă©tudes sur l’HTA et la diabète ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es, mais aucune d’elles n’a abordĂ© en profondeur le cas de la survenue d’une comorbiditĂ©. Il existe peu de donnĂ©es Ă©pidĂ©miologiques dĂ©taillĂ©es sur les comorbiditĂ©s hypertension-diabète permettant de dĂ©terminer clairement l'Ă©tendue de ces troubles. L’objectif de notre recherche est d’étudier les aspects Ă©pidĂ©miologique, clinique et itinĂ©raire thĂ©rapeutique de la comorbiditĂ© de l’hypertension artĂ©rielle et du diabète dans le dĂ©partement du littoral au BĂ©nin en 2023. MĂ©thodes : Une Ă©tude transversale descriptive en population gĂ©nĂ©rale a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e du de trois (03) mois allant 10 avril au 10 juillet 2023 auprès de 543 sujets âgĂ©s de 18 ans et plus dans le dĂ©partement du Littoral ayant ou non un antĂ©cĂ©dent d’HTA et/ou de diabète.  Un Ă©chantillonnage probabiliste avec la technique de sondage par grappes de l’OMS a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es Ă  l'aide du logiciel R 3.6.1 avec l'environnement RStudio. Les variables quantitatives ont Ă©tĂ© exprimĂ©es en moyenne avec leur Ă©cart type et les variables qualitatives en proportion. RĂ©sultats : L’âge moyen de la population Ă©tait de 57 ans ± 8. La population Ă©tudiĂ©e Ă©tait Ă  prĂ©dominance fĂ©minine (56,2%). Sur les 543 sujets enquĂŞtĂ©s un total de 48 souffrait Ă  la fois du diabète et d’HTA soit une prĂ©valence de comorbiditĂ© de 8,8%. La plupart des sujets comorbides ont une consommation de fruits et lĂ©gumes entre 1 et 4 portions par jour et la majoritĂ© (75,0%) estime consommer juste la bonne quantitĂ© de sel tandis-que 10,4% environ reconnait en consommer trop. Pour la prĂ©paration des repas, l’huile vĂ©gĂ©tale est la matière grasse la plus utilisĂ©e Ă  95,9% par les sujets comorbides. Sur plan des activitĂ©s physique, plus de la moitiĂ© (56,2%) des sujets comorbides  pratiquaient une activitĂ© physique lĂ©gère et le niveau habituel d’activitĂ© physique Ă©tait inactif chez 64,6%. Dans l’itinĂ©raire thĂ©rapeutique des sujets comorbides, environ 15% des sujets avaient dĂ©jĂ  vu un guĂ©risseur traditionnel pour la prise en charge d’au moins une des deux affections. Conclusion : Cette Ă©tude a permis d’observer une forte prĂ©valence de la comorbiditĂ© HTA diabète dans une population adulte de Cotonou au BĂ©nin. Cette comorbiditĂ© nĂ©cessite donc une intensification de la prĂ©vention de l’HTA et du diabète notamment une bonne hygiène de vie.   Introduction: Africa continues to suffer from an impressive burden of infectious diseases and has been facing an explosion of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) for decades. In Benin, studies on hypertension and diabetes have been carried out, but none of them has looked in depth at the occurrence of comorbidity. There is little detailed epidemiological data on hypertension-diabetes comorbidities to clearly determine the extent of these disorders. The aim of our study is to investigate the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects of co-morbidity of hypertension and diabetes in the coastal department of Benin in 2023. Methods: A general population descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted over a period of three (03) months from 10 April to 10 July 2023 among 543 subjects aged 18 years and over in the Littoral department with or without a history of hypertension and/or diabetes.  Probability sampling using the WHO cluster sampling technique was used. The data were analysed using R 3.6.1 software with the RStudio environment. Quantitative variables were expressed as the mean with standard deviation, and qualitative variables as a proportion. Results: The mean age of the population was 57 ± 8 years. The study population was predominantly female (56.2%). Of the 543 subjects surveyed, a total of 48 suffered from both diabetes and hypertension, representing a comorbidity prevalence of 8.8%. Most of the comorbid subjects consumed between 1 and 4 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, and the majority (75.0%) felt that they consumed just the right amount of salt, while around 10.4% admitted to consuming too much. For meal preparation, vegetable oil is the fat most commonly used by co-morbid subjects (95.9%). In terms of physical activity, more than half (56.2%) of co-morbid subjects were engaged in light physical activity, while 64.6% were inactive. In the therapeutic itinerary of co-morbid subjects, around 15% had already seen a traditional healer for the treatment of at least one of the two conditions. Conclusion: This study revealed a high prevalence of co-morbidity of hypertension and diabetes in an adult population in Cotonou, Benin. This co-morbidity therefore calls for intensified prevention of hypertension and diabetes, in particular good lifestyle habits

    Aspects épidémiologique et itinéraire thérapeutique de la Comorbidité Hypertension artérielle et le Diabète dans le Département du Littoral au Benin en 2023

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    Introduction : L'Afrique continue de souffrir du fardeau accablant de maladies infectieuses et fait face Ă  une explosion de maladies non transmissibles (MNT) depuis des dĂ©cennies. Au BĂ©nin, des Ă©tudes sur l’HTA et le diabète ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es, mais aucune d’elles n’a abordĂ© en profondeur le cas de la survenue d’une comorbiditĂ©. Il existe peu de donnĂ©es Ă©pidĂ©miologiques dĂ©taillĂ©es sur la comorbiditĂ© hypertension-diabète permettant de dĂ©terminer clairement l'Ă©tendue de la liaison entre ces troubles. L’objectif de notre recherche est d’étudier les aspects Ă©pidĂ©miologique, clinique et itinĂ©raire thĂ©rapeutique de la comorbiditĂ© de l’hypertension artĂ©rielle et du diabète dans le dĂ©partement du littoral au BĂ©nin en 2023. Cadre et mĂ©thodes d’étude : Une Ă©tude transversale descriptive en population gĂ©nĂ©rale a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e sur trois (03) mois allant du 10 avril au 10 juillet 2023 auprès de 543 sujets âgĂ©s de 18 ans et plus dans le dĂ©partement du Littoral ayant ou non un antĂ©cĂ©dent d’HTA et/ou de diabète.  Un Ă©chantillonnage probabiliste avec la technique de sondage par grappes de l’OMS a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es Ă  l'aide du logiciel R 3.6.1 avec l'environnement RStudio. Les variables quantitatives ont Ă©tĂ© exprimĂ©es en moyenne avec leur Ă©cart type et les variables qualitatives en proportion. RĂ©sultats : L’âge moyen de la population Ă©tait de 57 ans ± 8. La population Ă©tudiĂ©e Ă©tait Ă  prĂ©dominance fĂ©minine (56,2%). Sur les 543 sujets enquĂŞtĂ©s un total de 48 souffrait Ă  la fois du diabète et de l’HTA soit une prĂ©valence de comorbiditĂ© de 8,8% (IC 95% [6,3%      11,3]). La plupart des sujets comorbides ont une consommation de fruits et lĂ©gumes entre 1 et 4 portions par jour et la majoritĂ© (75,0%) estime consommer juste la bonne quantitĂ© de sel tandis-que 10,4% environ reconnaĂ®t en consommer trop. Pour la prĂ©paration des repas, l’huile vĂ©gĂ©tale est la matière grasse la plus utilisĂ©e Ă  95,9% par les sujets comorbides. Sur plan des activitĂ©s physique, plus de la moitiĂ© (56,2%) des sujets comorbides pratiquaient une activitĂ© physique lĂ©gère et le niveau habituel d’activitĂ© physique Ă©tait inactif chez 64,6%. Dans l’itinĂ©raire thĂ©rapeutique des sujets comorbides, environ 15,0% des sujets avaient dĂ©jĂ  vu un guĂ©risseur traditionnel pour la prise en charge d’au moins une des deux affections. Conclusion : Cette Ă©tude a permis d’observer une forte prĂ©valence de la comorbiditĂ© HTA-diabète dans une population adulte de Cotonou au BĂ©nin. Cette comorbiditĂ© nĂ©cessite donc une intensification de la prĂ©vention de l’HTA et du diabète notamment une bonne hygiène de vie Introduction: Africa continues to suffer from the burden of infectious diseases and has been facing an explosion of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) for decades. In Benin, studies on hypertension and diabetes have been carried out, but none of them addressed in depth the case of the occurrence of a comorbidity. There is little detailed epidemiological data on hypertension-diabetes comorbidity to clearly determine the extent of the between these disorders. The aim of our research is to investigate the epidemiological, clinical, and therapeutic route of the comorbidity hypertension and diabetes in the littoral department of Benin in 2023. Methods: Study setting and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted over three (03) months from April 10 to July 10, 2023, among 543 subjects aged 18 and over in the Littoral department with or without a history of hypertension and/or diabetes. diabetes.  Probability sampling with the WHO cluster sampling technique was used. The data were analyzed using R 3.6.1 software with the RStudio environment. Quantitative variables were expressed as mean with standard deviation and qualitative variables as proportions. Results: The mean age of the population was 57 ± 8 years. The study population was predominantly female (56.2%). Of the 543 subjects surveyed, a total of 48 suffered from both diabetes and hypertension, i.e. a prevalence of comorbidity of 8.8% (95% CI [6.3% 11.3]). Most of the comorbid subjects consumed between 1 and 4 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, and the majority (75.0%) felt they consumed just the right amount of salt, while around 10.4% admitted to consuming too much. For meal preparation, vegetable oil is the fat most commonly used (95.9%) by co-morbid subjects. In terms of physical activity, more than half (56.2%) of co-morbid subjects were engaged in light physical activity, while 64.6% were inactive. In the therapeutic itinerary of comorbid subjects, around 15.0% had already seen a traditional healer for the management of one of the two conditions. Conclusion: This study revealed a high prevalence of hypertension-diabetes comorbidity in an adult population in Cotonou, Benin. This comorbidity calls for intensified prevention of hypertension and diabetes, in particular a healthy lifestyle

    Aspects épidémiologique et itinéraire thérapeutique de la Comorbidité Hypertension artérielle et Diabète dans le Département du Littoral au Benin en 2023

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    Introduction : L'Afrique continue de souffrir du fardeau impressionnant de maladies infectieuses et fait face Ă  une explosion de maladies non transmissibles (MNT) depuis des dĂ©cennies. Au BĂ©nin, des Ă©tudes sur l’HTA et la diabète ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es, mais aucune d’elles n’a abordĂ© en profondeur le cas de la survenue d’une comorbiditĂ©. Il existe peu de donnĂ©es Ă©pidĂ©miologiques dĂ©taillĂ©es sur les comorbiditĂ©s hypertension-diabète permettant de dĂ©terminer clairement l'Ă©tendue de ces troubles. L’objectif de notre recherche est d’étudier les aspects Ă©pidĂ©miologique, clinique et itinĂ©raire thĂ©rapeutique de la comorbiditĂ© de l’hypertension artĂ©rielle et du diabète dans le dĂ©partement du littoral au BĂ©nin en 2023. MĂ©thodes : Une Ă©tude transversale descriptive en population gĂ©nĂ©rale a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e du de trois (03) mois allant 10 avril au 10 juillet 2023 auprès de 543 sujets âgĂ©s de 18 ans et plus dans le dĂ©partement du Littoral ayant ou non un antĂ©cĂ©dent d’HTA et/ou de diabète.  Un Ă©chantillonnage probabiliste avec la technique de sondage par grappes de l’OMS a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es Ă  l'aide du logiciel R 3.6.1 avec l'environnement RStudio. Les variables quantitatives ont Ă©tĂ© exprimĂ©es en moyenne avec leur Ă©cart type et les variables qualitatives en proportion. RĂ©sultats : L’âge moyen de la population Ă©tait de 57 ans ± 8. La population Ă©tudiĂ©e Ă©tait Ă  prĂ©dominance fĂ©minine (56,2%). Sur les 543 sujets enquĂŞtĂ©s un total de 48 souffrait Ă  la fois du diabète et d’HTA soit une prĂ©valence de comorbiditĂ© de 8,8%. La plupart des sujets comorbides ont une consommation de fruits et lĂ©gumes entre 1 et 4 portions par jour et la majoritĂ© (75,0%) estime consommer juste la bonne quantitĂ© de sel tandis-que 10,4% environ reconnait en consommer trop. Pour la prĂ©paration des repas, l’huile vĂ©gĂ©tale est la matière grasse la plus utilisĂ©e Ă  95,9% par les sujets comorbides. Sur plan des activitĂ©s physique, plus de la moitiĂ© (56,2%) des sujets comorbides  pratiquaient une activitĂ© physique lĂ©gère et le niveau habituel d’activitĂ© physique Ă©tait inactif chez 64,6%. Dans l’itinĂ©raire thĂ©rapeutique des sujets comorbides, environ 15% des sujets avaient dĂ©jĂ  vu un guĂ©risseur traditionnel pour la prise en charge d’au moins une des deux affections. Conclusion : Cette Ă©tude a permis d’observer une forte prĂ©valence de la comorbiditĂ© HTA diabète dans une population adulte de Cotonou au BĂ©nin. Cette comorbiditĂ© nĂ©cessite donc une intensification de la prĂ©vention de l’HTA et du diabète notamment une bonne hygiène de vie.   Introduction: Africa continues to suffer from an impressive burden of infectious diseases and has been facing an explosion of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) for decades. In Benin, studies on hypertension and diabetes have been carried out, but none of them has looked in depth at the occurrence of comorbidity. There is little detailed epidemiological data on hypertension-diabetes comorbidities to clearly determine the extent of these disorders. The aim of our study is to investigate the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects of co-morbidity of hypertension and diabetes in the coastal department of Benin in 2023. Methods: A general population descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted over a period of three (03) months from 10 April to 10 July 2023 among 543 subjects aged 18 years and over in the Littoral department with or without a history of hypertension and/or diabetes.  Probability sampling using the WHO cluster sampling technique was used. The data were analysed using R 3.6.1 software with the RStudio environment. Quantitative variables were expressed as the mean with standard deviation, and qualitative variables as a proportion. Results: The mean age of the population was 57 ± 8 years. The study population was predominantly female (56.2%). Of the 543 subjects surveyed, a total of 48 suffered from both diabetes and hypertension, representing a comorbidity prevalence of 8.8%. Most of the comorbid subjects consumed between 1 and 4 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, and the majority (75.0%) felt that they consumed just the right amount of salt, while around 10.4% admitted to consuming too much. For meal preparation, vegetable oil is the fat most commonly used by co-morbid subjects (95.9%). In terms of physical activity, more than half (56.2%) of co-morbid subjects were engaged in light physical activity, while 64.6% were inactive. In the therapeutic itinerary of co-morbid subjects, around 15% had already seen a traditional healer for the treatment of at least one of the two conditions. Conclusion: This study revealed a high prevalence of co-morbidity of hypertension and diabetes in an adult population in Cotonou, Benin. This co-morbidity therefore calls for intensified prevention of hypertension and diabetes, in particular good lifestyle habits


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    Key to the species of Phytoseiulus treated in this paper 1 Setae j 5 and S 5 absent, JV 4 present ................................................................................. P. longipes Evans - Setae j 5 and S 5 present, JV 4 absent............................................................................................................ 2 2 Ventrianal shield with 1 pair of preanal setae ............................................................. P. macropilis (Banks) - Ventranal shield without preanal setae............................................................. P. persimilis Athias-HenriotPublished as part of De, Gilberto J., Zannou, Ignace D. & Ueckermann, Eddie A., 2007, Phytoseiid mites of the tribes Afroseiulini, Kampimodromini and Phytoseiulini, and complementary notes on mites of the tribes Euseiini and Neoseiulini (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from sub-Saharan Africa, pp. 1-22 in Zootaxa 1628 on page 15, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17933

    Paragigagnathus namibiaensis Ueckermann & Loots

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    Paragigagnathus namibiaensis (Ueckermann & Loots) Amblyseius (Amblyseius) namibiaensis Ueckermann & Loots, 1988: 118. Paragigagnathus namibiaensis, Chant & McMurtry, 2003 a: 44; Moraes et al., 2004: 159. Remarks: This species was described from specimens collected in Gobabeb, Namibia, on Tamarix sp. (Tamaricaceae). No additional specimens were collected in the present study. World distribution. Namibia.Published as part of De, Gilberto J., Zannou, Ignace D. & Ueckermann, Eddie A., 2007, Phytoseiid mites of the tribes Afroseiulini, Kampimodromini and Phytoseiulini, and complementary notes on mites of the tribes Euseiini and Neoseiulini (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from sub-Saharan Africa, pp. 1-22 in Zootaxa 1628 on page 19, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17933

    Paraamblyseiulella transmontanus Ueckermann & Loots

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    Paraamblyseiulella transmontanus (Ueckermann & Loots) Amblyseius (Paraphytoseius) transmontanus Ueckermann & Loots, 1987: 223. Paraamblyseiulella transmontanus, Chant & McMurtry, 2003 b: 199; Moraes et al., 2004: 156. Remarks: This species was described from specimens collected in a location between Napier and Bredasdorp, Cape Province, South Africa, on Rhus pyroides (Anacardiaceae). No additional specimens were collected in the present study. World distribution. South Africa.Published as part of De, Gilberto J., Zannou, Ignace D. & Ueckermann, Eddie A., 2007, Phytoseiid mites of the tribes Afroseiulini, Kampimodromini and Phytoseiulini, and complementary notes on mites of the tribes Euseiini and Neoseiulini (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from sub-Saharan Africa, pp. 1-22 in Zootaxa 1628 on page 7, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17933

    Paragigagnathus Amitai & Grinberg

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    Paragigagnathus Amitai & Grinberg Paragigagnathus Amitai & Grinberg, 1971: 327; Chant & McMurtry, 2003 a: 39; Moraes et al., 2004: 158. Afrogigagnathus Yousef, 1974: 381 (synonymy, Chant & McMurtry 2003 a). Amblyseius (Pamiroseius), Karg, 1983: 313. (Chant & McMurtry 2003 a). Ansaria Chaudhri, Akbar & Rasool, 1979: 63 (synonymy, Chant & McMurtry 2003 a). Pamiroseius Wainstein, 1973: 954 (synonymy, Chant & McMurtry 2003 a). Phytocerus Amitai & Swirski, 1978: 124 (synonymy, Chant & McMurtry 2003 a). Key characteristics of species in this genus are: dorsal shield strongly sclerotized, often strongly ornamented; idiosomal setal pattern 10 A: 9 B/JV- 3:ZV; peritreme reaching or almost reaching level of j 1; sternal shield as long as wide, with posterior margin variable, ST 3 inserted on or off the shield; genital shield with posterior margin truncate; ventrianal shield much longer than wide, usually sole-shaped, with 2 or 3 pairs of preanal setae, with seta JV 2 well posterior to JV 1; seta ZV 2 close to longitudinal line between bases of JV 1 and JV 2; spermatheca with atrium usually bulbous and calyx cup-, dish-or funnel-shaped; fixed cheliceral digit with 1 – 3 apical teeth; primary metapodal shield usually long, narrow; legs without macrosetae or with a single macroseta on basitarsus IV.Published as part of De, Gilberto J., Zannou, Ignace D. & Ueckermann, Eddie A., 2007, Phytoseiid mites of the tribes Afroseiulini, Kampimodromini and Phytoseiulini, and complementary notes on mites of the tribes Euseiini and Neoseiulini (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from sub-Saharan Africa, pp. 1-22 in Zootaxa 1628 on page 19, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17933

    Kampimoseiulella altusus

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    Kampimoseiulella altusus (Van der Merwe) Amblyseius (Proprioseius) altusus Van der Merwe, 1968: 163. Kampimoseiulella altusus, Chant & McMurtry, 2003 b: 199; Moraes et al., 2004: 96. Remarks: This species was described from specimens collected in Golden Gate Highland National Park, Free State Province (former Orange Free State), South Africa, on Berkheya sp. (Asteraceae). No additional specimens were collected in the present study. World distribution. South Africa.Published as part of De, Gilberto J., Zannou, Ignace D. & Ueckermann, Eddie A., 2007, Phytoseiid mites of the tribes Afroseiulini, Kampimodromini and Phytoseiulini, and complementary notes on mites of the tribes Euseiini and Neoseiulini (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from sub-Saharan Africa, pp. 1-22 in Zootaxa 1628 on page 6, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17933

    Kampimodromus alettae Ueckermann & Loots

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    Kampimodromus alettae (Ueckermann & Loots) Amblyseius (Kampimodromus) alettae Ueckermann & Loots, 1985: 199. Kampimodromus alettae, Chant & McMurtry, 2003 b: 196; Moraes, et al., 2004: 95. Remarks: This species was described from specimens collected in Rustenburg Nature Reserve, Transvaal, North-West Province, South Africa, on Tapinanthus natalitius (Loranthaceae). No additional specimens were collected in the present study. This species is unique in that leg IV is devoid of macrosetae, the ventrianal shield bears only two pairs of preanal setae (JV 1 on opisthogastric cuticle) and genua II and IV have 8 and 9 setae, respectively. World distribution. South Africa.Published as part of De, Gilberto J., Zannou, Ignace D. & Ueckermann, Eddie A., 2007, Phytoseiid mites of the tribes Afroseiulini, Kampimodromini and Phytoseiulini, and complementary notes on mites of the tribes Euseiini and Neoseiulini (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from sub-Saharan Africa, pp. 1-22 in Zootaxa 1628 on page 4, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17933

    Paraphytoseius orientalis Narayanan, Kaur & Ghai

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    Paraphytoseius orientalis (Narayanan, Kaur & Ghai) (Fig. 4) Typhlodromus (Amblyseius) orientalis Narayanan, Kaur & Ghai, 1960: 394. Paraphytoseius orientalis, Chant & McMurtry, 2003 b: 220; Moraes et al., 2004: 162. Amblyseius ipomeai Narayanan, Kaur & Ghai, in El-Banhawy (1984): 126; Amblyseius (Paraphytoseius) narayanani Ehara & Ghai, in Ehara (1967): 77; Paraphytoseius multidentatus Swirski & Shechter, 1961: 114 (synonymy, Chant and McMurtry 2003 b). FEMALE (Specimens measured. Burundi: 1; Kenya: 2; Rwanda: 1; Hong Kong: 1 paratype of P. multidentatus). Dorsum (Fig. 4 A). Dorsal shield 291 (280–304) [306] long and 159 (149–168) [165] wide, with lateral striae, a pair of incisions at level of s 4 and a pair of large pores mesad of z 5. Setae j 1 32 (29–37) [36], j 3 83 (72–90) [81], j 4 3 (2–3) [4], j 5 3 (2–3) [4], j 6 6 (5–6) [6], J 5 4 (3–5) [5], z 2 9 (8–10) [9], z 4 9 (8–10) [11], z 5 5 [3], Z 1 7 (6–8) [8], Z 4 72 (67–77) [71], Z 5 96 (90–101) [94], s 4 117 (110–126) [118], r 3 42 (38–46) [45], R 1 28 (26–30) [25]. Peritreme (Fig. 4 A). Extending to level of j 1. Venter (Fig. 4 B). Sternal shield smooth, posterior margin waved; distances between ST 1 –ST 3 64 (61–66) [66], ST 2 –ST 2 65 (62–67) [66]. Genital shield smooth; distance between ST 5 –ST 5 82 (80–85) [79]. Ventrianal shield subpentagonal, smooth, anterior margin almost straight and lateral margin with light constriction, 99 [97] long, 61 (56–64) [52] wide at level of ZV 2 and 59 (56–62) [55] wide at level of anus. Caudoventral setae smooth, except JV 4 and JV 5, lightly serrate. Chelicera (Fig. 4 C). Movable digit 28 long, with 2 teeth; fixed digit 26 long, with 7 – 8 teeth and a pilus dentilis. Spermatheca (Fig. 4 D). Calyx dish-shaped, 3 long, 13 (13–14) in diameter; atrium nodular. Legs (Fig. 4 E). Macrosetae stout and spatulate on legs II and IV, except that on telotarsus IV, knobbed; sharp-tipped on genu and tibia of leg III; with a distinctly stout, spatulate and short seta on genu I, 1 stout, knobbed or blunt seta on femur IV, 1 or 2 similar seta(e) on genu IV, 1 similar seta on tibia IV and on basitarsus IV; spatulate seta on genu I 8 [6], Sge II 12 (11–13) [13], Sge III 13 (11–14) [13], Sti III 13 (11–14) [14], Sge IV 28 (24–32) [25], Sti IV 34 (33–37) [35], Sbt IV 41 (40–42) [43], Stt IV 38 (35–40) [36]. Chaetotaxy: genu II: 2 - 2 / 0, 2 / 0-1; genu III: 1-2 / 1, 2 / 0-1. MALE. Not encountered in this study. Specimens examined. Burundi: Murongwe, on unknown plant, 25 -V- 1990, J.S. Yaninek. Kenya: 13 km W Kwale, Coastal Province, on Terminalia catappa (Combretaceae), 29 -XI- 1989, J.S. Yaninek; 13 km N Sigya, Nyanza Province, on unknown plant, 2 -XII- 1989, J.S. Yaninek. Mozambique: Mitilili, Zambezia Province, on Cajanus cajan (Fabaceae), 25 -IV- 2001, B. Agboton. Rwanda: ISAR Station, Rubosa, Butare, on Solanum sp. (Solanaceae), 6 -XII- 1989, J.S. Yaninek. Hong Kong: (paratype) on Urena lobata (Malvaceae), 23 -VIII- 1960, E. Swirski. Remarks. There is a controversy in relation to the status of several species of Paraphytoseius (Chant & McMurtry, 2003 b). Denmark et al. (1999) and Matthysse & Denmark (1981) considered P. horrifer to be a junior synonym of P. orientalis (= multidentatus), but Chant & McMurtry (2003 b) preferred to consider them different species until the respective type specimens are compared side by side. Our examination of the holotype of P. horrifer and of a paratype of P. multidentatus at different times indicates that the major differences between them are that the former has longer (ca. 20 %) Z 4, Z 5 and s 4, and lacks: a distinctly short, thick, spatulate seta on genu I; macrosetae on leg III; and a short, thick, blunt or knobbed seta on both genu and tibia IV. The specimens of P. horrifer collected in the present study have a short blunt seta on basitarsus IV and sometimes on femur IV (both apparently absent in the holotype of P. horrifer). World distribution. Benin, Brazil, Burundi, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guadeloupe, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Martinique, New Caledonia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Reunion Island, Rwanda, Taiwan and Venezuela.Published as part of De, Gilberto J., Zannou, Ignace D. & Ueckermann, Eddie A., 2007, Phytoseiid mites of the tribes Afroseiulini, Kampimodromini and Phytoseiulini, and complementary notes on mites of the tribes Euseiini and Neoseiulini (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from sub-Saharan Africa, pp. 1-22 in Zootaxa 1628 on pages 11-13, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17933
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