3 research outputs found

    Physiological responses to hypoxia and manganese in eucalyptus clones with differential tolerance to Shoot Dieback of Eucalyptus in Vale do Rio Doce

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    A Seca de Ponteiros do Eucalipto do Vale do Rio Doce (SPEVRD) é uma anomalia que afeta cultivos de eucalipto em várias regiões do Brasil, cujas causas ainda não são completamente entendidas. Os sintomas deste distúrbio ocorrem na época de transição do período chuvoso para o seco, em maior incidência em áreas com drenagem deficiente e elevação do lençol freático quando precedidos por uma intensa época chuvosa. Em adição, o acúmulo de Mn também parece estar relacionado à SPEVRD, observando-se teores mais elevados deste nutriente nas folhas das plantas com sintomas. Assim, a presente proposta teve como objetivo compreender as possíveis causas iniciais da SPEVRD bem como identificar possíveis mecanismos fisiológicos, enzimáticos e, ou, fermentativos de tolerância superior do clone de Eucalyptus 2719 a esta anomalia, em relação ao clone sensível híbrido de urograndis 1213. Foi conduzido um experimento em hidroponia, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 2 com dois clones (2719 e 1213), duas concentrações de O2 (8 e 4 mg L-1) e duas de Mn (1,39 e 300 mg L-1), utilizando-se três repetições em delineamento em blocos casualisados. Foram utilizadas mudas com aproximadamente 40 dias de idade mantidas em solução nutritiva de Clark por mais 30 dias e em seguida foram aplicados os tratamentos por 11 dias. Ao final, avaliaram-se as trocas gasosas das plantas e amostras de folhas e raízes foram coletadas. Ambos os clones tiveram reduções na produção de matéria seca de raízes por efeito da hipóxia, mas apenas o tolerante (2719) suspendeu o crescimento das folhas, mantendo a proporção entre folhas e raízes semelhante independente do tratamento, enquanto o sensível (1213) teve um aumento dessa relação devido à queda de produção de raízes e manutenção do crescimento aéreo. O clone sensível acumulou mais Mn nas folhas novas em relação ao clone tolerante. Em ambos os clones, a taxa fotossintética e a condutância estomática foram reduzidas pela hipóxia, sendo que a concentração interna de carbono manteve-se alta, indicativo de limitações bioquímicas à fotossíntese. Em função da manutenção dos teores de clorofilas danos celulares podem acontecer caso a energia absorvida não seja dissipada corretamente. Estes danos foram comprovados pela elevação dos teores de malonaldeído (MDA) nas folhas do clone sensível, fato não observado no tolerante. Em folhas, embora a atividade da superóxido dismutase (SOD) tenha sido superior no clone tolerante, tanto a atividade da catalase quanto a capacidade antioxidante total foram similares entre os clones, evidenciando que o clone tolerante provavelmente evita os danos por mecanismos preventivos à formação das espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) e não apenas desintoxicando-as. Nas raízes, os teores de MDA foram também superiores no clone sensível, especialmente no tratamento com excesso de Mn. O clone tolerante teve uma maior atividade da SOD e maior capacidade antioxidante nas raízes. As atividades da álcool desidrogenase (ADH), da alanina transaminase (AlaT) e da aspartato transaminase (AspT) elevaram-se sob hipóxia, com maior elevação da ADH no clone sensível, que demostra possuir um metabolismo mais intenso, o que explica ao menos parcialmente, os maiores danos. O clone tolerante ativa respostas características de quiescência, traduzindo-se em maior sobrevivência de raízes profundas em condições de hipóxia. Tomados em conjunto, essa resposta deve conferir ao clone tolerante à SPEVRD maior tolerância também ao déficit hídrico, evitando danos e desordens nutricionais que podem levar ao surgimento dos sintomas da SPEVRD. Por outro lado, o clone sensível possui respostas de escape à hipóxia, que em campo podem lhe conferir maior susceptibilidade ao déficit hídrico, como também ao excesso de Mn nas folhas e iniciar possíveis danos e processos que provoquem esta anomalia.The Shoot Dieback of Eucalyptus in Vale do Rio Doce (Seca de Ponteiros do Eucalipto do Vale do Rio Doce - SPEVRD) is a physiological disorder which affects eucalyptus plantations in several regions of Brazil, whose causes are still not fully understood. The symptoms of this disorder occur in the transition from the rain season to the dry season, with higher incidence in areas with poor drainage and higher water table when preceded by an intense rainy season. In addition, the accumulation of Mn also seems to be related to SPEVRD, observing higher levels of this nutrient in plant leaves with symptoms. Thus, this proposal was aimed at understanding the possible initial causes of SPEVRD as well as identify possible physiological, enzymatic and, or, fermentation mechanisms that confer greater tolerance of Eucalyptus clone 2719 to this anomaly in relation to sensitive clone hybrid urograndis 1213. A hydroponic experiment was conducted with a factorial 2 x 2 x 2 with two clones (2719 and 1213), two concentrations of O2 (8 e 4 mg L-1) and two Mn (1,39 e 300 mg L-1) using three replicates in randomized block design. Seedlings around 40 day old were maintained in Clark nutrient solution for 30 days and then treatments were applied for 11 days. At the end, it was evaluated gas exchange rate and leaves and roots were collected. The hypoxia affected both clones reducing root dry matter production, but only the tolerant clone suspended leaf growth, keeping the proportion between leaves and roots similar regardless the treatment, while the sensitive clone had an increase in this ratio due to the decrease production of roots and maintenance of leaf growth. The sensitive clone had higher concentrations of Mn in young leaves compared to the tolerant one. In both clones, the photosynthesis rate and stomatal conductance were reduced by hypoxia, but the internal carbon concentration remained high, indicating biochemical limitations to photosynthesis. Due to the maintenance of chlorophyll contents, cellular damage can occur if the absorbed energy is not properly dissipated. These damages were proven by higher levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) in sensitive clone leaves, which increase was not observed in tolerant leaves. In leaves, although the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was higher in tolerant clone, both catalase activity and total antioxidant capacity were similar between clones, indicating that the tolerant clone probably has preventive mechanisms to avoid damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and not only detoxifing them. In roots, MDA levels were also higher in sensitive clone, especially in the treatment with excess of Mn. The tolerant one had a higher SOD activity and increased antioxidant capacity in roots. The activity of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), alanine transaminase (AlaT) and aspartate transaminase (AspT) were increased under hypoxia, with the highest elevation of ADH in the sensitive clone which demonstrates to have an increased metabolism, which explains, at least partially, the greater damage. The tolerant clone activates characteristic responses of quiescence, resulting in greater survival of deep roots in hypoxic conditions. Taken together, this response of the tolerant clone to SPEVRD may also increase tolerance to drought, avoiding damage and nutritional disorders that can lead to appearance of symptoms of SPEVRD. On the other hand, the sensitive clone has escape responses to hypoxia, which can confer increased susceptibility to drought, as well as to excess of Mn in leaves and potential damage that can initiate processes which cause this anomaly.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológic

    Physiological Responses to Hypoxia and Manganese in Eucalyptus Clones with Differential Tolerance to Vale do Rio Doce Shoot Dieback

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT: Vale do Rio Doce shoot dieback (VRDSD) is an anomaly whose cause seems to be associated with hypoxic conditions and their consequences (excess Mn and Fe) triggered by elevation of the water table in areas with poor drainage. Different plants have distinct survival strategies under this form of stress. The objective of this study was to understand the physiological responses involved in the differential tolerance of eucalyptus clones to VRDSD and their relationship to hypoxia and excess Mn. A hydroponic experiment was carried out using a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement, two eucalyptus clones with different levels of tolerance to VRDSD (sensitive Urograndis hybrid - 1213; and the tolerant Rio Claro hybrid - Eucalyptus grandis x unknown - 2719), two concentrations of O2 (8 and 4 mg L-1), and two Mn concentrations (1.39 and 300 mg L-1) in a randomized block design (RBD) with three replicates. Forty-day-old clones were maintained in Clark nutrient solution for 30 days. After this period, the treatments were applied for 11 days. Plant gaseous exchange shoot and root production, and the quantity of enzymes related to oxidative stress in leaves and roots were evaluated. In the tolerant clone, reactive oxygen species (ROS) were produced under hypoxic conditions, accompanied by reduction in production of dry matter, malondialdehyde (MDA), and in activity of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). However, this clone had greater production of superoxide dismutase (SOD) under these conditions, an enzyme responsible for detoxification of ROS, which acts as part of the Low Oxygen Quiescence Syndrome (LOQS). In contrast, sensitive clones did not exhibit expressive reductions in growth or changes in the leaf/root ratio. These clones formed large quantities of adventitious roots and had high levels of MDA and ADH and low levels of SOD. Therefore, sensitive clones appear not to be prepared for detoxification of ROS and other toxic metabolites, but rather adopt morphological escape mechanisms, the Low Oxygen Escape Syndrome (LOES), in response to hypoxia. Thus, the period of soil waterlogging may cause the death of large numbers of roots in sensitive clones, limiting their ability to absorb water and nutrients and culminating in the death of these plants. Excess Mn seems to aggravate the damage caused by hypoxia, but it is not the causal agent of VRDSD.</p></div