252 research outputs found

    Parámetros de las técnicas físicas y mecánicas en la limpieza de materiales constructivos

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    Podeu consultar el document complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/47384En este trabajo se estudian los métodos físicos y mecánicos utilizados en la limpieza de materiales constructivos en Patrimonio Arquitectónico, y en concreto, los tratamientos con láser y con proyección de abrasivos, aunque a diferencia de las posiciones habituales, se ocupa de los parámetros específi cos de estas técnicas y de su infl uencia en el proceso

    Limpieza real de costra negra de contaminación en arenisca silícea con láser de elevado pulso de repetición: efectos morfológicos en la superficie

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    This research project studies the role of pulse repetition rate in laser removal of black soiling crust from siliceous sandstone, and specifically, how laser fluence correlates with high pulse repetition rates in cleaning practice. The aim is to define practical cleaning processes and determine simple techniques for evaluation based on end-users’ perspective (restorers). Spot and surface tests were made using a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser system with a wide range of pulse repetition rates (5–200 Hz), systematically analysed and compared by macrophotography, portable microscope, stereomicroscope with 3D visualizing and area roughness measurements, SEM imaging and spectrophotometry. The results allow the conclusion that for operation under high pulse repetition rates the average of total energy applied per spot on a treated surface should be attendant upon fluence values in order to provide a systematic and accurate description of an actual laser cleaning intervention.En este trabajo se estudia el papel de la frecuencia de repetición en la limpieza láser de costras de contaminación sobre una arenisca silícea, y concretamente, como se relaciona fluencia y frecuencias elevadas en una limpieza real. Se pretende definir un procedimiento práctico de limpieza y determinar técnicas sencillas de evaluación desde el punto de vista de los usuarios finales (restauradores). Para el estudio se realizaron diferentes ensayos en spot y en superficie mediante un equipo Q-switched Nd:YAG con un amplio rango de frecuencias (5–200 Hz), que se analizaron y compararon sistemáticamente mediante macrofotografía, microscopio portátil, estereomicroscopio con visualización 3D y mediciones de rugosidad en área, imágenes SEM y espectrofotometría. Los resultados permiten proponer que, al trabajar con altas frecuencias, la media de la energía total depositada por spot en la superficie debería acompañar los valores de fluencia para describir y comprender mejor una limpieza real con láser

    S wave velocity structure below central Mexico using high-resolution surface wave tomography

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    Shear wave velocity of the crust below central Mexico is estimated using surface wave dispersion measurements from regional earthquakes recorded on a dense, 500 km long linear seismic network. Vertical components of regional records from 90 well-located earthquakes were used to compute Rayleigh-wave group-velocity dispersion curves. A tomographic inversion, with high resolution in a zone close to the array, obtained for periods between 5 and 50 s reveals significant differences relative to a reference model, especially at larger periods (>30 s). A 2-D S wave velocity model is obtained from the inversion of local dispersion curves that were reconstructed from the tomographic solutions. The results show large differences, especially in the lower crust, among back-arc, volcanic arc, and fore-arc regions; they also show a well-resolved low-velocity zone just below the active part of the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) suggesting the presence of a mantle wedge. Low densities in the back arc, inferred from the low shear wave velocities, can provide isostatic support for the TMVB

    Influencia del ángulo de la proyección de abrasivos en la limpieza de materiales pétreos detríticos en Patrimonio Arquitectónico

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    In this research, the influence of the angle in abrasive blasting cleaning is studied on Montjuïc sandstone with black crust. After analyzing the properties of the soiling and the material, and their possible influence on the treatment, different cleaning tests were made at four different angles, keeping the complementary parameters constant. Taking the restorer’s perspective as a starting point, and in order to fulfill the practical requirements of an intervention —time and cost reduction—, tests were evaluated with USB digital microscope, stereomicroscope with 3D visualization and measurement, and colorimeter. From the results it is established that angles close to 75° minimize surface alteration, reducing differential erosion in the binding phases of detritic materials usually caused by this treatment.En este trabajo se estudia la influencia del ángulo de la proyección de abrasivos en la limpieza de una arenisca de Montjuïc con costra negra. Tras analizar las propiedades del material, de la suciedad y su posible influencia en el tratamiento, se realizan diferentes catas de limpieza con cuatro ángulos distintos manteniendo constantes el resto de parámetros de la proyección. Partiendo de la visión del conservador-restaurador y de un carácter práctico según las necesidades reales de una intervención —reducción de tiempos y costes—, los ensayos se evalúan con microscopio digital USB, microscopio estereoscópico con visualización y medición en 3D y colorímetro. De los resultados se puede determinar que ángulos cercanos a 75° minimizan la alteración de la superficie al reducir la erosión diferencial de las fases de unión que el tratamiento normalmente provoca en los materiales detríticos

    Ensayos sobre nuevas metodologías para la limpieza y consolidación de documento gráfico

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    Podeu consultar el document complet del congrès a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/58643Desde el año 2012, en el grupo Conservació-Restauració del Patrimoni de la Facultat de Belles Arts, Universitat de Barcelona (Grup de Recerca Consolidat 2014- 16 SGR 459G reconocido por la Generalitat de Catalunya), se está desa rrollando un proyecto de investigación sobre el uso de nuevos procedimientos de limpieza mecánica y consolidación de documento gráfico mediante fibras de celulosa. La limpieza mecánica más extendida en documento gráfico se realiza con gomas. El procedimiento, a pesar de habitual, comporta riesgos potenciales para el soporte y para los elementos sustentados al basarse en mecanismos de fricción y/o abrasión que pueden ultrapasar la suciedad. Así, modificación de textura y/o brillo (Pearlstein et al., 1982; Sterlini, 1995), cambios en las propiedades físicas (James & Cohn, 1997; Mclnnis, 1980) y alteraciones químicas y/o mecánicas a largo plazo (DaudinSchotte et al., 2010; Moffatt & Laver, 1981; Moy, 2007; Silverman & Irwin, 2009) son los riesgos habitualmente referidos en la literatura. Para minimizar estos inconvenientes y como posible alternativa, se está eva luando la limpieza con microproyección de fibras de celulosa como alternativa a las gomas. Una de las principales ventajas principales de este procedimiento radica en el hecho de que el agente de limpieza es altamente compatible con la obra ya que tiene una composición muy similar. Por lo tanto, su empleo podría reducir la posibilidad de afectar negativamente la estabilidad química de la pieza a corto o largo plazo. Hasta el momento se han realizado ensayos comparativos entre gomas y microproyección para la limpieza de grabados calcográficos con resultados satisfactorios en eficacia y preservación de la obra a corto y medio plazo (Iglesias-Campos et al., 2014a; Iglesias-Campos & Ruiz-Recasens, 2014 en prensa; Iglesias-Campos, et al., 2014 en prensa). Paralelamente se realizan ensayos de envejecimiento artificial con los que comparar los posibles efectos en el tiempo entre ambas técnicas

    USP49 deubiquitinase regulates the mitotic spindle checkpoint and prevents aneuploidy.

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    The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) is an essential mechanism that ensures the accurate chromosome segregation during mitosis, thus preventing genomic instability. Deubiquitinases have emerged as key regulators of the SAC, mainly by determining the fate of proteins during cell cycle progression. Here, we identify USP49 deubiquitinase as a novel regulator of the spindle checkpoint. We show that loss of USP49 in different cancer cell lines impairs proliferation and increases aneuploidy. In addition, USP49-depleted cells overcome the arrest induced by the SAC in the presence of nocodazole. Finally, we report new binding partners of USP49, including ribophorin 1, USP44, and different centrins.We thank A.P. Ugalde, D. Rodríguez, J.G. Pérez-Silva, Y. Español and F. Rodríguez for helpful comments and advice. We also thank S.A. Miranda, D. Álvarez-Puente and C. Garabaya for excellent technical assistance, as well as the staff of the scientific core facilities from the University of Oviedo (Unidad de Ensayos Biotecnológicos y Biomédicos, Servicios Científico-Técnicos). This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SAF2017-87655-R, PDI2020-118394RB-100 and PGC2018- 097019-B-I00), “la Caixa” Banking Foundation (project code HR17-00247), and the European Research Council (742067, DeAge). The IUOPA is funded by the Asturian Government and Fundación Cajastur-Liberbank.S

    Climate- and fire-smart landscape scenarios call for redesigning protection regimes to achieve multiple management goals

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    Integrated management of biodiversity and ecosystem services (ES) in heterogeneous landscapes requires considering the potential trade-offs between conflicting objectives. The UNESCO's Biosphere Reserve zoning scheme is a suitable context to address these trade-offs by considering multiple management zones that aim to minimise conflicts between management objectives. Moreover, in Mediterranean ecosystems, management and planning also needs to consider drivers of landscape dynamics such as wildfires and traditional farming and forestry practices that have historically shaped landscapes and the biodiversity they host. In this study, we applied a conservation planning approach to prioritise the allocation of management zones under future landscape and climate scenarios. We tested different landscape management scenarios reflecting the outcomes of climate-smart and fire-smart policies. We projected the expected landscape dynamics and associated changes on the distribution of 207 vertebrate species, 4 ES and fire hazard under each scenario. We used Marxan with Zones to allocate three management zones, replicating the Biosphere Reserves zoning scheme (“Core area”, “Buffer zone” and “Transition area”) to address the various management objectives within the Biosphere Reserve. Our results show that to promote ES supply and biodiversity conservation, while also minimising fire hazard, the reserve will need to: i) Redefine its zoning, especially regarding Core Areas, which need a considerable expansion to help mitigate changes in biodiversity and accommodate ES supply under expected changes in climate and species distribution. ii) Revisit current management policies that will result in encroached landscapes prone to high intensity, uncontrollable wildfires with the potential to heavily damage ecosystems and compromise the supply of ES. Our results support that both climate- and fire-smart policies in the Meseta Ibérica can help develop multifunctional landscapes that help mitigate and adapt to climate change and ensure the best possible maintenance of biodiversity and ES supply under uncertain future climate conditions.This study was supported by national funds - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the “FirESmart” project (PCIF/MOG/0083/2017), and the project UIDB/04033/2020. CCS is supported by the “Financiamento Programático” UIDP/04050/2020 funded by national funds through the FCT I.P. VH was funded by the Junta de Andalucía through an Emergia contract (EMERGIA20_00135). AR is supported by ‘Juan de la Cierva’ fellowship program funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (IJC2019-041033-I). ÂS received support from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through Ph.D. Grant SFRH/BD/132838/2017, funded by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, and by the European Social Fund - Operational Program Human Capital within the 2014–2020 EU Strategic Framework.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Climate- and fire-smart landscape scenarios call for redesigning protection regimes to achieve multiple management goals

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    Integrated management of biodiversity and ecosystem services (ES) in heterogeneous landscapes requires considering the potential trade-offs between conflicting objectives. The UNESCO's Biosphere Reserve zoning scheme is a suitable context to address these trade-offs by considering multiple management zones that aim to minimise conflicts between management objectives. Moreover, in Mediterranean ecosystems, management and planning also needs to consider drivers of landscape dynamics such as wildfires and traditional farming and forestry practices that have historically shaped landscapes and the biodiversity they host. In this study, we applied a conservation planning approach to prioritise the allocation of management zones under future landscape and climate scenarios. We tested different landscape management scenarios reflecting the outcomes of climate-smart and fire-smart policies. We projected the expected landscape dynamics and associated changes on the distribution of 207 vertebrate species, 4 ES and fire hazard under each scenario. We used Marxan with Zones to allocate three management zones, replicating the Biosphere Reserves zoning scheme (“Core area”, “Buffer zone” and “Transition area”) to address the various management objectives within the Biosphere Reserve. Our results show that to promote ES supply and biodiversity conservation, while also minimising fire hazard, the reserve will need to: i) Redefine its zoning, especially regarding Core Areas, which need a considerable expansion to help mitigate changes in biodiversity and accommodate ES supply under expected changes in climate and species distribution. ii) Revisit current management policies that will result in encroached landscapes prone to high intensity, uncontrollable wildfires with the potential to heavily damage ecosystems and compromise the supply of ES. Our results support that both climate- and fire-smart policies in the Meseta Ibérica can help develop multifunctional landscapes that help mitigate and adapt to climate change and ensure the best possible maintenance of biodiversity and ES supply under uncertain future climate conditions.This study was supported by national funds - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the “FirESmart” project (PCIF/MOG/ 0083/2017), and the project UIDB/04033/2020. CCS is supported by the “Financiamento Programatico” UIDP/04050/2020 funded by national funds through the FCT I.P. VH was funded by the Junta de Andalucía through an Emergia contract (EMERGIA20_00135). AR is supported by ‘Juan de la Cierva’ fellowship program funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (IJC2019-041033-I). AS ˆ received support from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through Ph.D. Grant SFRH/BD/132838/2017, funded by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, and by the European Social Fund - Operational Program Human Capital within the 2014–2020 EU Strategic Framework. We thank ZASNET European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation for providing us with data on the zonation of the RBTMI