7 research outputs found


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    In this paper we present an approach to compute arbitrarily sized meshes of large scale environments. The meshes can be reconstructed from laser-scanned point clouds or existing high-resolution meshes. The algorithm automatically builds a level of detail hierarchy in the Cesium 3D Tiles format using an octree partition. The main contribution of this paper is a method that ensures that the generated meshes for each level-of-detail stage are computed in a consistent manner to minimize visual artifacts between different detail levels during rendering. Furthermore, both the reconstruction and simplification algorithm are designed to constrain the memory consumption, which enables to process even very large data sets on consumer-grade hardware. The export into the Cesium 3D Tiles format allows to render such large meshes efficiently in all web-based viewers that support this format. In our experiments we evaluate the method on different datasets and assess the visual quality during the rendering process and analyze the memory footprint as well as the runtime behaviour

    A Precision Measurement of pp Elastic Scattering Cross Sections at Intermediate Energies

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    We have measured differential cross sections for \pp elastic scattering with internal fiber targets in the recirculating beam of the proton synchrotron COSY. Measurements were made continuously during acceleration for projectile kinetic energies between 0.23 and 2.59 GeV in the angular range 30θc.m.9030 \leq \theta_{c.m.} \leq 90 deg. Details of the apparatus and the data analysis are given and the resulting excitation functions and angular distributions presented. The precision of each data point is typically better than 4%, and a relative normalization uncertainty of only 2.5% within an excitation function has been reached. The impact on phase shift analysis as well as upper bounds on possible resonant contributions in lower partial waves are discussed.Comment: 23 pages 29 figure

    Determining beam parameters in a storage ring with a cylindrical hodoscope using elastic proton-proton scattering

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    The EDDA-detector at the cooler-synchrotron COSY/Julich has been operated with an internal CH2 fiber target to measure proton-proton elastic scattering differential cross-sections. For data analysis knowledge of beam parameters, like position, width and angle, are indispensable. We have developed a method to obtain these values with high precision from the azimuthal and polar angles of the ejectiles only, by exploiting the coplanarity of the two final-state protons with the beam and the kinematic correlation. The formalism is described and results for beam parameters obtained during beam acceleration are given. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Radiation damage of polypropylene fiber targets in storage rings

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    Thin polypropylene fibers have been used for internal experiments in storage rings as an option for hydrogen targets. The change of the hydrogen content due to the radiation dose applied by the circulating proton beam has been investigated in the range 1 X 10(6)- 2 x 10(8) Gy at beam momenta of 1.5-3 GeV/c by comparing the elastic pp-scattering yield to that from inelastic p-carbon reactions. It is found that the loss of hydrogen as a function of applied dose receives contributions from a fast and a slow component. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved