21 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Histologic Changes of Facet Joint Cartilage and Nerve at the Sheep Postradiofrequency 60 and 120 Seconds After Exposure for Immediate, Three and Six Weeks

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    Introduction. Facet joint, also known as zygapophyseal joint, is considered as an important structure to play role as one of source of pain in the back that had been recognized since fifth decade ago. Radio frequency is one of treatment modality based on minimal invasive technique for back pain due to pathology of facet joint. Unfortunately, radiofrequency does not give permanent result, so it must be repeated in certain time. The radiofrequency works by producing heat thus it denervates nerve at facet joint. This heat can also destroy surrounding tissues, such as cartilage of facet joint that will further lead to source of back pain. The purpose of this research to evaluate and compare histology changes of facet joint nerve and cartilage of sheep that performed radiofrequency for different time and exposure. Material and methods. This is an experimental study that uses six sheeps as animal trial test. Radiofrequency was applied for 60 and 120 seconds for immediate, three and six weeks. Towards euthanasia, these sheep were given good care and observed for the effect of radiofrequency. After six weeks, these sheep were performed euthanasia then was evaluated histologically using neuropathology score for the nerve and modified-mankins score for the cartilage. Results. This experimental study showed that neuropathology score differed significantly between groups but for modified-mankin score, no difference was found. Besides, there is no negative effect of radiofrequency to six sheeps such as infection and paralysis of extremity. Conclusions. Radiofrequency does not give rise in infection, paralysis of extremity and death either for exposure 60 and 120 seconds clinically. Radiofrequency does not influence facet joint cartilage, only nerve histologically

    Multiple myeloma presenting with acquired factor VIII inhibitor

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    An initial presentation of hematological malignancies associated with autoantibodies is not common, and there is only one documented case of multiple myeloma presenting with acquired FVIII inhibitor for multiple myeloma. In this paper, we describe a second case of multiple myeloma who presented with acquired FVIII inhibitor. A 43-year-old woman was referred to our hematology unit for anemia and an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Two months before her admission, she had undergone an operation at a local hospital because of ovarian cyst rupture complicated by severe postoperative bleeding. Because coagulation tests had revealed a prolonged partial thromboplastin time which could not be corrected by a mixing test and a decreased FVIII level, a diagnosis of acquired FVIII inhibitor had been made. The patient was hospitalized in our unit for further evaluation. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate was 110 mm/h, serum albumin level 2.5 g/dL, globulin level 5.6 g/dL, and C-reactive protein 47.8 mg/L (0-6). Serum IgG was high, and serum protein electrophoresis showed a monoclonal spike in the gamma region. An IgG-kappa paraprotein was identified by immunofixation of the urine and serum. X-ray films of the bones revealed lytic areas in the skull, pelvis, and lumbar vertebrae. Bone marrow aspiration showed normal cellularity with 40% plasma cell infiltration. The patient was diagnosed with the IgG kappa type of multiple myeloma associated with acquired FVIII inhibitor. In patients presenting with severe bleeding, autoantibodies against FVIII should be considered for the differential diagnosis of bleeding. Clinicians should be alert to the presence of rare underlying neoplastic diseases such as multiple myeloma, in patients with acquired FVIII inhibitor. © 2009 The Japanese Society of Hematology


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    Efficiency of cytogenetic and fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques in genetic evaluation of leukemia

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    Amaç: Lösemi hastalarının tanı alması aşamasında malign hücrenin kökeni, klinik özellikler ve tespit edilen genetik anomaliler önemli rol oynamaktadırlar. Genetik düzensizliğin tespiti tanıda ve hastalığın prognozunun takibinde önemli bilgiler verdiği için hassas ve uygun yöntemlerin kullanılması gereklidir. Çalışmamızda, lösemi hastalarında belirli genetik düzensizliklerin sitogenetik analiz ve Floresan In Situ Hibridizasyon (FISH) yöntemleri kullanarak araştırılması ve yöntemlerin etkinliğinin kar- şılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Çalışmamızda, 2003-2005 yılları arasında Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi Tıbbi Genetik Bilim Dalı’na, Hematoloji BD ve Çocuk Hastalıkları Hematoloji BD’larından refere edilen toplam 64 hastadan alınan kemik iliği örnekleri konvansiyonel sitogenetik ve FISH yöntemleri kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Sonuç: Kullanılan yöntemler içinde sitogenetik analizin sonuç vermede yüksek oranda yetersiz kalmasına karşın FISH yönteminin başarı oranının daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Tartışma: Sitogenetik analiz ile öngörülemeyen yeni anomalilerin bulunabilir olması bu yöntemin altın standart olarak çalışılmasını desteklemektedir. Diğer yandan, FISH yönteminin interfaz hücrelerinde bile çalışmaya olanak sağlaması sonuç elde etme şansını arttırmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, Lösemilerin genetik açıdan takibinde, kriptik anomalilerden şüphelenildiğinde, tanı ve takip bilgileri dikkate alınarak sitogenetik ve moleküler sitogenetik yöntemlerinin sıralı olarak amaca uygun bir şekilde kullanılmasının faydalı olacağı kanaatine varılmıştır.Objective: Genetic studies in leukemias are useful in giving accurate diagnosis, selecting appropriate therapy, monitoring the effect of therapy, detecting minimal residual disease, and determining overall prognosis. The goals of our study were to compare efficiency of cytogenetic analysis and Flourescent In Situ Hibridization (FISH) together or alone in detection of some genetic rearrangements in leukemia patients. Methods: 64 patients’ bone marrow samples from Gülhane Medical Academy (GATA) Department of Hematology and Department of Child Health and Diseases were studied by using conventional cytogenetic analysis and FISH methods in the GATA Department of Medical Genetics. Results: Our results showed that in cytogenetic evaluation of leukemia patients, conventional cytogenetic analysis has insufficient than FISH in some respects. Conclusion: Classical cytogenetic banding analysis is considered the gold standard for the detection of chromosome abnormalities in leukemias at diagnosis and prognosis. However, we found that FISH for known anomalies in remisson and relaps of patients and for the patients whose karyotype analysis failed, is more benefit than classic cytogenetic banding analysis. We suggest that conventional cytogenetic analysis and FISH methods should be used together for better diagnosis

    Efficiency of cytogenetic and fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques in genetic evaluation of leukemia

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    Amaç: Lösemi hastalarının tanı alması aşamasında malign hücrenin kökeni, klinik özellikler ve tespit edilen genetik anomaliler önemli rol oynamaktadırlar. Genetik düzensizliğin tespiti tanıda ve hastalığın prognozunun takibinde önemli bilgiler verdiği için hassas ve uygun yöntemlerin kullanılması gereklidir. Çalışmamızda, lösemi hastalarında belirli genetik düzensizliklerin sitogenetik analiz ve Floresan In Situ Hibridizasyon (FISH) yöntemleri kullanarak araştırılması ve yöntemlerin etkinliğinin kar- şılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Çalışmamızda, 2003-2005 yılları arasında Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi Tıbbi Genetik Bilim Dalı’na, Hematoloji BD ve Çocuk Hastalıkları Hematoloji BD’larından refere edilen toplam 64 hastadan alınan kemik iliği örnekleri konvansiyonel sitogenetik ve FISH yöntemleri kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Sonuç: Kullanılan yöntemler içinde sitogenetik analizin sonuç vermede yüksek oranda yetersiz kalmasına karşın FISH yönteminin başarı oranının daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Tartışma: Sitogenetik analiz ile öngörülemeyen yeni anomalilerin bulunabilir olması bu yöntemin altın standart olarak çalışılmasını desteklemektedir. Diğer yandan, FISH yönteminin interfaz hücrelerinde bile çalışmaya olanak sağlaması sonuç elde etme şansını arttırmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, Lösemilerin genetik açıdan takibinde, kriptik anomalilerden şüphelenildiğinde, tanı ve takip bilgileri dikkate alınarak sitogenetik ve moleküler sitogenetik yöntemlerinin sıralı olarak amaca uygun bir şekilde kullanılmasının faydalı olacağı kanaatine varılmıştır.Objective: Genetic studies in leukemias are useful in giving accurate diagnosis, selecting appropriate therapy, monitoring the effect of therapy, detecting minimal residual disease, and determining overall prognosis. The goals of our study were to compare efficiency of cytogenetic analysis and Flourescent In Situ Hibridization (FISH) together or alone in detection of some genetic rearrangements in leukemia patients. Methods: 64 patients’ bone marrow samples from Gülhane Medical Academy (GATA) Department of Hematology and Department of Child Health and Diseases were studied by using conventional cytogenetic analysis and FISH methods in the GATA Department of Medical Genetics. Results: Our results showed that in cytogenetic evaluation of leukemia patients, conventional cytogenetic analysis has insufficient than FISH in some respects. Conclusion: Classical cytogenetic banding analysis is considered the gold standard for the detection of chromosome abnormalities in leukemias at diagnosis and prognosis. However, we found that FISH for known anomalies in remisson and relaps of patients and for the patients whose karyotype analysis failed, is more benefit than classic cytogenetic banding analysis. We suggest that conventional cytogenetic analysis and FISH methods should be used together for better diagnosis