266 research outputs found

    On-site early-warning system for bishkek (Kyrgyzstan)

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    <p>In this work, the development of an on-site early warning system for Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) is outlined. Several low cost sensors equipped with MEMS accelerometers are installed in eight buildings distributed within the urban area. The different sensing units communicate each other via wireless links and the seismic data are streamed in real-time to the data center using internet. Since each single sensing unit has computing capabilities, software for data processing can be installed to perform decentralized actions. In particular, each sensing unit can perform event detection task and run software for on-site early warning. If a description for the vulnerability of the building is uploaded in the sensing unit, this piece of information can be exploited to introduce the expected probability of damage in the early-warning protocol customized for a specific structure.</p

    Versatile and non-cytotoxic GelMA-xanthan gum biomaterial ink for extrusion-based 3D bioprinting

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    Extrusion-based 3D bioprinting allows the 3D printing of bioinks, composed of cells and biomaterials, to mimic the complex 3D hierarchical structure of native tissues. Successful 3D bioprinting requires bioinks with specific properties, such as biocompatibility, printability, and biodegradability according to the desired application. In the present work, we aimed at developing a new versatile blend of gelatin methacryloyl-xanthan gum (GelMA-XG) suitable for extrusion-based 3D bioprinting with a straightforward process. To this end, we first optimized the process of gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) synthesis by investigating the impact of different buffer solutions on the degree of functionalization, swelling degree, and degradation rate. The addition of xanthan gum (XG) enabled further tuning of biodegradability and an improvement of GelMA printability. Specifically, an optimal concentration of XG was found through rheological characterization and printability tests. The optimized blend showed enhanced printability and improved shape fidelity as well as its degradation products turned out to be non-cytotoxic, thus laying the foundation for cell-based applications. In conclusion, our newly developed biomaterial ink is a promising candidate for extrusion-based 3D bioprinting

    Caratteristiche dei dati accelerometrici registrati durante la sequenza sismica aquilana

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    I dati accelerometrici relativi alla sequenza sismica de L’Aquila, iniziata con l’evento del 6 Aprile alle ore 1.32 (MW 6.3), provengono dalla rete Rete Accelerometrica Nazionale (RAN), gestita dal Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (DPC) e da una rete temporanea installata il giorno dopo la scossa principale ad opera dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV MI-PV). I dati del DPC sono scaricabili dalla banca dati accelerometrica italiana ITACA (http://itaca.mi.ingv.it), mentre quelli dell'INGV sono accessibili dal sito Internet http://accel.mi.ingv.it/statiche/ABRUZZO-2009/main.html. Il terremoto de L’Aquila è il terzo evento più forte che abbia prodotto registrazioni accelerometriche in Italia, dopo i terremoti dell’Irpinia (1980, MW 6.9) e del Friuli (1976, MW 6.4). Questo evento, insieme alle 12 repliche più forti (MW > 4.0) ha fornito un insieme di dati accelerometrici unico in Italia, in particolare per la presenza di un numero consistente di registrazioni in zona epicentrale ("campo vicino"). Il data set è composto da circa 300 accelerogrammi digitali (di cui 270 provenienti dalla RAN), con un ottimo rapporto segnale/rumore, registrati da circa 70 stazioni, installate in varie condizioni di sito, a distanze comprese fra 0 e 300 km. L'importanza di questo data set, non solo a livello nazionale, è legato al contributo significativo che fornisce nel colmare una lacuna nella distribuzione magnitudo-distanza dei dati strong motion italiani e mondiali, soprattutto per quanto riguarda gli eventi con meccanismo di faglia normale (Ameri et al.; 2009). I dati registrati in campo vicino provengono da un transetto composto da 6 stazioni installato dalla Protezione Civile nel 2001 nella Alta Valle dell’Aterno, con lo scopo di investigare la variabilità del moto sismico rispetto alle condizioni geologiche locali, dalla stazione AQK, installata in prossimità del centro urbano e da una stazione (AQU) appartenente alla rete broad band Mednet (http://mednet.rm.ingv.it/data.php), situata nel castello de L’Aquila. Queste stazioni distano meno di 5 km dall’epicentro dell’evento principale, ricadendo all’interno della proiezione superficiale del piano di rottura. A queste si aggiungono le registrazioni delle repliche, ottenute dalle stazioni della rete temporanea INGV, installata in area epicentrale. In questo lavoro si presenta un resoconto delle principali caratteristiche dello scuotimento del suolo verificatosi durante la sequenza sismica aquilana, attraverso l’analisi dei dati accelerometrici relativi alla scossa principale e alle due repliche più forti. Si discutono in particolare la dipendenza di diversi parametri strong motion dalla distanza, dall’azimuth e dalle condizioni di sito, e l'effetto delle caratteristiche del moto in campo vicino sulla risposta strutturalePublished57-684.1. Metodologie sismologiche per l'ingegneria sismicaN/A or not JCRreserve

    Prolonged podocyte depletion in larval zebrafish resembles mammalian focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis

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    Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a histological pattern frequently found in patients with nephrotic syndrome that often progress to end-stage kidney disease. The initial step in development of this histologically defined entity is injury and ultimately depletion of podocytes, highly arborized interdigitating cells on the glomerular capillaries with important function for the glomerular filtration barrier. Since there are still no causal therapeutic options, animal models are needed to develop new treatment strategies. Here, we present an FSGS-like model in zebrafish larvae, an eligible vertebrate model for kidney research. In a transgenic zebrafish strain, podocytes were depleted, and the glomerular response was investigated by histological and morphometrical analysis combined with immunofluorescence staining and ultrastructural analysis by transmission electron microscopy. By intravenous injection of fluorescent high-molecular weight dextran, we confirmed leakage of the size selective filtration barrier. Additionally, we observed severe podocyte foot process effacement of remaining podocytes, activation of proximal tubule-like parietal epithelial cells identified by ultrastructural cytomorphology, and expression of proximal tubule markers. These activated cells deposited extracellular matrix on the glomerular tuft which are all hallmarks of FSGS. Our findings indicate that glomerular response to podocyte depletion in larval zebrafish resembles human FSGS in several important characteristics. Therefore, this model will help to investigate the disease development and the effects of potential drugs in a living organism

    [Methotrexate in the treatment of peripheral arthritis in ulcerative colitis]

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    Objective: To evaluate efficacy of methotrexate treatment in peripheral arthritis of ulcerative colitis. Methods: We studied 18 patients (10/8 M/F; mean age: 38.90 yrs; range: 21-65 yrs), with peripheral arthritis (14 with polyarticular, 4 with oligoarticular subset) associate ulcerative colitis. Methotrexate 20 mg/week was administered in our patients, who were already receiving mesalazina for inflammatory bowel disease. At baseline, after 3 (T1), 6 (T2) and 12 months (T3) serological parameters (ESR and CRP), functional status (HAQ) and disease activity (VAS, GH, Ritchie articular index) were evaluated. Results: During the therapy a significant improvement was observed in disease activity, functional status and serological parameters since T1. ESR and CRP did not change at T2 and T3. Instead VAS, GH, Ritchie articular index and HAQ had a significant and gradual improvement from T1 to T3. Conclusion: Methotrexate treatment was efficacious in the treatment of peripheral arthritis associate ulcerative colitis. This drug induced improvement in disease activity, functional status and serological parameters after 3 months of therapy

    Dysregulation of principal cell miRNAs facilitates epigenetic regulation of AQP2 and results in nephrogenic diabetes insipidus

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    Background MicroRNAs (miRNAs), formed by cleavage of pre-microRNA by the endoribonuclease Dicer, are critical modulators of cell function by post-transcriptionally regulating gene expression. Methods Selective ablation of Dicer in AQP2-expressing cells (DicerAQP2Cre1 mice) was used to investigate the role of miRNAs in the kidney collecting duct of mice. Results The mice had severe polyuria and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, potentially due to greatly reduced AQP2 and AQP4 levels. Although epithelial sodium channel levels were decreased in cortex and increased in inner medulla, amiloride-sensitive sodium reabsorption was equivalent in DicerAQP2Cre1 mice and controls. Small-RNA sequencing and proteomic analysis revealed 31 and 178 significantly regulated miRNAs and proteins, respectively. Integrated bioinformatic analysis of the miRNAome and proteome suggested alterations in the epigenetic machinery and various transcription factors regulating AQP2 expression in DicerAQP2Cre1 mice. The expression profile and function of three miRNAs (miR-7688-5p, miR-8114, and miR-409-3p) whose predicted targets were involved in epigenetic control (Phf2, Kdm5c, and Kdm4a) or transcriptional regulation (GATA3, GATA2, and ELF3) of AQP2 were validated. Luciferase assays could not demonstrate direct interaction of AQP2 or the three potential transcription factors with miR-7688-5p, miR-8114, and miR-409-3p. However, transfection of respective miRNA mimics reduced AQP2 expression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays demonstrated decreased Phf2 and significantly increased Kdm5c interactions at the Aqp2 gene promoter in DicerAQP2Cre1 mice, resulting in decreased RNA Pol II association. Conclusions Novel evidence indicates miRNA-mediated epigenetic regulation of AQP2 expression

    Research needs towards a resilient community: Vulnerability reduction, infrastructural systems model, loss assessment, resilience-based design and emergency management

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    Most of the literature on resilience is devoted to its assessment. It seems time to move from analysis to design, to develop the tools needed to enhance resilience. Resilience enhancement, a close relative of the less fashionable risk mitigation, adds to the latter, at least in the general perception, a systemic dimension. Resilience is often paired with community, and the latter is a system. This chapter therefore discusses strategies to enhance resilience, endorses one of prevention rather than cure, and focuses in the remainder on the role played by systemic analysis, i.e. the analysis of the built environment modelled beyond a simple collection of physical assets, with due care to the associated interdependencies. Research needs are identified and include challenges in network modelling, the replacement of generic fragility curves for components, how to deal with evolving state of information
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