6 research outputs found

    Risk Assessment Offloading Kapal FLNG ke Kapal Shuttle Tanker

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    Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG) adalah bangunan terapung yang berfungsi sebagai fasilitas eksploitasi, produksi dan pencairan gas alam. LNG dicairkan dengan suhu -160 °C pada tekanan 14,7 psi sehingga volumenya tereduksi 1/600 fasa gas. FLNG memerlukan proses transfer, untuk memindahkan LNG ke kapal shuttle tanker. penelitian ini melakukan identifikasi bahaya, penilaian risiko, mitigasi dan rekomendasi terhadap sistem transfer offloading kapal FLNG. Identifikasi bahaya menggunakan Hazard Identification (HAZID) dengan membagi sistem transfer untuk memudahkan proses identifikasi bahaya. Initiating event komponen diperoleh dari data process release frequencies untuk perhitungan Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) sedangkan data ignition probabilities digunakan untuk mendapatkan frekuensi kegagalan setiap skenario pada perhitungan Event Tree Analysis (ETA), kedua data tersebut berasal dari International Association Oil and Gas Producers (OGP) Standard. Analisa konsekuensi menggunakan fire modelling pada tiap skenario. Risiko akan direpresentasikan ke dalam f-N Curve yang mengacu pada UK HSE Standard. Analisa frekuensi dan konsekuensi dilakukan pada kebocoran 50 mm, 100 mm dan 200 mm pada skenario jetfire, gas dispersion, flash fire dan explosion, untuk mengetahui frekuensi (f) dan korban (N) pada setiap skenario. Pada skenario jetfire pada sub-sistem Storage & Loading kebocoran 50 mm berada pada area ALARP, dapat dilakukan mitigasi dengan mengurangi nilai frekuensi atau konsekuensi, atau menjaga nilai frekuensinya dengan perawatan berkala dan menggunakan komponen berkualitas agar risiko tidak naik ke area Intolerable. Sedangkan skenario lainnya berada pada daerah Acceptable, dimana kondisi risiko pada fasilitas offloading kapal FLNG dapat diterima. ======================================================================================================= Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG) is a floating structure which has main function as an LNG production, liquefaction, storage and offloading. The natural gas will be liquified at -160 oC and at pressure of 14.7 Psi until the volume decreased to 1/600 of its gas phase. FLNG requires cargo transfer process, in order to transfer the LNG from the FLNG storage tank to the cargo containment space of the shuttle tanker. This research has been conducted in a sequence of hazard identification, risk assessment, mitigation and recomendation of the LNG offloading transfer system. The hazard identification was carried out by HAZID method, in which the cargo offloading system was divided into several subsystem in order to simplify it. Initiating event for the components is obtained by means of analysis from the release process frequencies fault treen analiysis (FTA) calculation and ignition probablities used to get failure frequency to calculate event tree analysis (ETA) each scenario, both of data is derived based on the Standard Association Oil and Gas Producers (OGP). The consequence analysis was carried out by fire modelling of several leakage scenarios. The result of frequency and consequence analysis was then plotted in f-N Curve which refer to UK HSE Standart. Several simulations were conducted at a leakage scenario of 50 mm, 100 mm and 200 mm in the form of jetfire modelling. Gas dispersion, as well as flash fire and explosion, to know frequency (f) and casualty (N) for each scenario. This research found that the jetfire scenario in subsystem storage and offloading by leakage of 50 mm attained at As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) zone, and some mitigation efforts was then required by reducing the frequency or censequence or at least by maintaining the level of the frequency, for example: by conducting scheduled maintenance or using high quality component in order to prevent the risk not to shift to Intolerable Area. The other scenarios are eventually arrived at Acceptable zone, where the risk of the FLNG Ship offloading facility can be technically accepted


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    Abstrak - Rumput laut merupakan salah satu komoditas utama masyarakat di Indonesia Timur karena cocok terhadap ekosisitem di daerah indonesia timur khususnya NTT. Metode pengeringan yang digunakan masyarakat pada umumnya masih menggunakan metode pengeringan yang sederhana dengan menjemur langsung dibawah sinar matahari dengan beralaskan terpal. Metode pengeringan tradisional ini membutuhkan waktu pengeringan selama 3 sampai 4 hari dan hasil pengeringan memiliki kualitas yang kurang baik. Alat pengering rumput laut sederhana ini masih menggunakan panas matahari tetapi memaksimalkan panas matahari yang diperoleh dan mempercepat pengeringan dengan memanfaatkan sistem Arduino untuk menurunkan Humidity sehingga waktu pengeringan semakin cepat. Hasil yang diperoleh dengan Alat Pengering rumput laut sederhana ini dapat mempercepat proses pengeringan menjadi 1,5 hingga maksimal 2 hari dan kualitas rumput laut hasil pengeringan lebih baik karena terlindung dari debu dan kotoran sekitar. Kata Kunci : Alat Pengering, Humidity, Rumput Laut,   Abstract - Seaweed is one of the main commodities of people in Eastern Indonesia because it is suitable for ecosystems in eastern Indonesia, especially NTT. The drying method used by the community in general still uses a simple drying method by drying it directly in the sun on a tarpaulin. This traditional drying method requires 3 to 4 days of drying time and the drying results are of poor quality. This simple seaweed dryer still uses solar heat but maximizes the sun's heat obtained and speeds up drying by utilizing the Arduino system to reduce Humidity so that the drying time is faster. The results obtained with this simple seaweed dryer can speed up the drying process to 1.5 to a maximum of 2 days and the quality of the dried seaweed is better because it is protected from surrounding dust and dirt. Keywords : Seaweed dryer, Humidity, Seaweed &nbsp


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    Abstrak - Faktor yang mempengaruhi mengapa negara sangat bergantung dengan lautan adalah kurang lebih 70% wilayah di dunia adalah laut. Kedua 90% jalur perdagangan menggunakan transportasi laut. Ketiga, pada garis pantai banyak terdapat kota dan pemukiman besar dalam radius 200 km. keempat Hukum internasional memberikan kebebasan untuk mengelola sumber daya laut. Jika Indonesia tidak segera mambangun kemampuan sea power akan mengakibatkan ketidakmampuan negara untuk menjaga dan mengendalikan perairan laut Indonesia, seperti ancaman sengketa perbatasan laut, gangguan keamanan laut, pelanggaran hukum laut, perebutan sumber daya alam dan mineral. Salah satu upaya meningkatkan pertahanan dan keamanan dilaut membutuhkan industri perkapalan yang mandiri untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Alutsista matra laut. Pertanyaan penelitian (1) Bagaimana hubungan kerjasama industri perkapalan dan industri pendukung perkapalan. (2) Bagaimana konsep industri perkapalan nasional untuk meningkatkan daya saing dalam mendukung keamanan maritim Indonesia. Teori dan konsep penelitian menggunakan Teori Daya Saing, Teori Pemberdayaan, Konsep Maritime Security Sector Reform dan Konsep Klaster Industri Perkapalan. Metodologi penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriktif. Hasil Penelitian, (1) Kerjasama  industri perkapalan dan industri pendukung perkapalan memerlukan perubahan regulasi terkait pengelolaan manajemen industri perkapalan. Perubahan tersebut untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pemerintah dan produsen industri perkapalan. Dalam Undang-undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2012 Tentang Industri Pertahanan dan  Perpres. Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan, ditekankan pemanfaatan industri nasional dalam pemenuhan Alutsista. Sehingga memerlukan pengelolaan menejemen industri pertahanan dengan industri pendukung lainnya. (2) Konsep pengembangan klaster terbagi dua berdasarkan jenis  kepemilikannya yaitu industri swasta dengan konsep pengeloalan klaster industri perkapalan. Sedangkan industri BUMN menggunakan konsep holding industri National Shipbuilding and Heavy Indrustries.Kata Kunci : Industri Perkapalan, Klaster Industri Perkapalan, Keamanan Maritim. Abstract - The factor that affects why the country depends heavily on the oceans is that approximately 70% of the world's territory is the sea. Second, 90% of trade routes use sea transportation. Third, on the coastline there are many cities and large settlements within a 200 km radius. the four international Laws provide freedom to manage marine resources. If Indonesia does not immediately develop the ability of sea power will result in the inability of the state to maintain and control the marine waters of Indonesia, such as the threat of sea border disputes, maritime security disturbances, violations of the law of the sea, the seizure of natural resources and minerals. One effort to improve the defense and security of the sea requires an independent shipping industry to meet the needs of marine Alutsista. Research Questions (1) What is the relationship of shipbuilding industry and shipping support industry. (2) What is the concept of the national shipping industry to enhance competitiveness in supporting Indonesian maritime security. Theory and concept of research using Competitiveness Theory, Empowerment Theory, Maritime Security Sector Reform Concept and Concept of Cluster of Shipping Industry. Qualitative research methodology with descriptive method. Research Result, (1) Shipbuilding industry cooperation and shipping support industry require regulation change related to management of shipping industry management. The change is to address the problems faced by the government and shipping industry manufacturers. In Undang-undang No. 16 of 2012 on Defense Industry and Perpres. Defense Industry Policy Committee, emphasized the utilization of national industry in the fulfillment of Alutsista. So it requires management of defense industry management with other supporting industries. (2) Cluster development concept is divided into two types based on the type of ownership that is private industry with the concept of cluster of shipping industry. While the state-owned industry uses the concept of industrial holding National Shipbuilding and Heavy Industries.Keywords: Shipbuilding Industry, Shipbuilding Industry Cluster, National Shipbuilding and Heavy Industries, and Maritime Securit


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    The vessel's operation can run smoothly supported by reliable machines and can run effectively and efficiently. This reliability can be achieved through maintenance efforts, the right technology, and good fuel usage. Putra Makmur 86 vessel is one of the fishing vessels owned by PT. Matsyaraja Arnawa Satambhapura and operates in East Nusa Tenggara. This ship uses diesel fuel to support the performance of its engines. The use of this fuel is used to drive the main engine and two generators. Optimal use of fuel will of course have an impact technically and economically. The importance of the need for fuel on the ship's engine and the lack of information about the performance of the engines on the ship, so in this paper, an attempt is made to analyze the use of fuel and the performance of the main engine and generator during operation. The methods that were used in this study are observation, interviews, and analysis of fuel calculations are used in this study. Based on the results of operating activities for 32 days, the use of fuel on the Putra Makmur 86 Ship during its operation was very effective and efficient. Savings in the use of diesel fuel can be achieved by as much as 2.76% (0.21 Tons). This can be seen from the difference between direct observation and calculation of fuel consumption. The cause of this difference is the influence of good weather and currents during operation, shipping routes, engine conditions that are still good, payload, and good driving style so that fuel consumption is not too much

    Analisis Konsumsi Energi Listrik dan Bahan Bakar KMP. XYZ Dalam Mendukung Operasi Pelayaran di Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    The generation and use of good electrical energy on a commercial ship will provide a sense of comfort and safety for everyone who uses the facility. The XYZ ship is one of the commercial ships in East Nusa Tenggara which operates to serve crossings from Kupang to Rote. This ship uses 3 generators to meet its electrical energy needs. This study aims to determine the consumption of energy and fuel used during shipping activities and to determine the condition of the generator used. The results of the analysis show that the percentage of generator loading on the ship's electrical load is still sufficient, with an average of 8.76%. The fuel consumption of the generator in one operation is 200.34 Liters/day, which is still appropriate and sufficient for the capacity of the fuel chamber on the ship. The use of generators is also carried out effectively and efficiently with alternating scheduling so that each generator can work optimally for a long time to avoid overheating.Pembangkitan dan pemanfaatan energi listrik yang baik pada sebuah kapal niaga akan memberikan rasa nyaman dan aman terhadap semua orang yang menggunakan fasilitas tersebut. Kapal XYZ merupakan salah satu kapal niaga di Nusa Tenggara Timur yang beroperasi untuk melayani penyeberangan dari Kupang menuju Rote. Kapal ini menggunakan 3 buah generator untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi listriknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsumsi energi dan bahan bakar yang dipergunakan selama melakukan kegiatan pelayaran dan mengetahui kondisi generator yang dipergunakan. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa presentase pembebanan generator terhadap beban listrik kapal masih cukup memenuhi, dengan rata-rata sebesar 8,76%. Konsumsi bahan bakar generator dalam sekali operasi sebesar 200,34 Liter/hari, masih sesuai dan mencukupi dari kapasitas ruang bahan bakar pada kapal. Pemakaian generator juga dilakukan secara efektif dan efisien dengan penjadwalan yang bergantian agar setiap generator dapat bekerja secara maksimal dalam waktu yang lama untuk menghindari overheat