9 research outputs found

    Canine eosinophilic gastroenteritis: retrospective analysis of diagnosis in 14 dogs and comparison of two different diagnostic methods in endoscopic biopsies

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    Köpeklerde eozinofilik gastroenterit’in (EGE) klinik ve laboratuvar bulguları hastalık için spesifik değildir. Gastrointestinal kanalda histolojik olarak eozinofillerin belirlenmesi ise zordur. Bu retrospektif çalışmanın amacı EGE’nin klinik ve bazı laboratuvar bulgularının değerlendirilmesi ve dokularda eozinofillerin belirlenmesinde kullanılan iki tekniği karşılaştırmaktı. Bu amaçla EGE’li 14 köpeğin medikal raporları ve biyopsi sonuçları tekrar değerlendirildi. Eozinofil peroksidaz monoklonal antikoru (Epx mAb) ile immunohistokimyasal (IHC) ve hematoksilen eozin (H&E) ile boyanan EGE’li köpeklerin mide ve duodenal kesitlerinde eozinofiller sayıldı. Bütün köpeklerde en yaygın gastrointestinal semptomlar kusma ishal, kilo kaybı iken en yaygın laboratuvar bulgusu hipoalbuminemi ve eozinofili idi. EPX ile saptanan eozinofillerin sayısı H&E ile saptananlara oranla istatistiksel olarak yüksek bulundu (p≤0.05). Bu çalışma EGE’li köpeklerde kusma ishal, kilo kaybı, hipoalbünemi ve eozinofili görülmesine rağmen doğru tanının histopatolojik yöntemle konulması gerektiğini, Epx mAb ile eozinofillerin saptanmasıda H&E boyama yöntemine göre daha güvenilir olduğunu gösterdi.Clinical manifestations and laboratory findings of eosinophilic gastroenteritis (EGE) in dogs are nonspecific. Identification of eosinophils in the GI tract of dogs with EGE, by histological evaluation is challenging. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinic and laboratory findings and compare two different methods used to detect eosinophils in order to diagnose the disease. Medical records and biopsies from 14 dogs with EGE were retrospectively reviewed. Sections were immunolabeled with monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against the eosinophil granule protein eosinophil peroxidase (Epx) and stained by H&E. The number of eosinophils were manually quantified. The most common observed gastrointestinal symptoms were vomiting, diarrhea and weight lost. The most common laboratory findings were hypoalbunemia and hypereosinophilia. The number of eosinophils detected in Epx mAb-labeled stomach and duodenal sections was significantly higher compared with that in H&E-stained sections (p≤0.05). The result of this study suggests that clinical findings may not be enough for the diagnosis of eosinophilic gastroenteritis in dogs. The diagnosis of canine EGE requires histopathological evaluation of GI biopsy. Immunohistochemical detection of Epx provides a more precise method to detect GI tract eosinophils compared to H&E staining and could be used as an alternative and reliable diagnostic tool for EGE

    Regulation of eosinophilia and allergic airway inflammation by the glycan-binding protein galectin-1

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    Galectin-1 (Gal-1), a glycan-binding protein with broad antiinflammatory activities, functions as a proresolving mediator in autoimmune and chronic inflammatory disorders. However, its role in allergic airway inflammation has not yet been elucidated. We evaluated the effects of Gal-1 on eosinophil function and its role in a mouse model of allergic asthma. Allergen exposure resulted in airway recruitment of Gal-1-expressing inflammatory cells, including eosinophils, as well as increased Gal-1 in extracellular spaces in the lungs. In vitro, extracellular Gal-1 exerted divergent effects on eosinophils that were N-glycan- And dose-dependent. At concentrations ≤0.25 μM, Gal-1 increased eosinophil adhesion to vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, caused redistribution of integrin CD49d to the periphery and cell clustering, but inhibited ERK(1/2) activation and eotaxin-1-induced migration. Exposure to concentrations ≥1 μM resulted in ERK(1/2)- dependent apoptosis and disruption of the F- Actin cytoskeleton. At lower concentrations, Gal-1 did not alter expression of adhesion molecules (CD49d, CD18, CD11a, CD11b, L-selectin) or of the chemokine receptor CCR3, but decreased CD49d and CCR3 was observed in eosinophils treated with higher concentrations of this lectin. In vivo, allergen-challenged Gal-1-deficient mice exhibited increased recruitment of eosinophils and CD3+ T lymphocytes in the airways as well as elevated peripheral blood and bone marrow eosinophils relative to corresponding WT mice. Further, these mice had an increased propensity to develop airway hyperresponsiveness and displayed significantly elevated levels of TNF-α in lung tissue. This study suggests that Gal-1 can limit eosinophil recruitment to allergic airways and suppresses airway inflammation by inhibiting cell migration and promoting eosinophil apoptosis.Fil: Ge, Xiao Na. University of Minnesota; Estados UnidosFil: Ha, Sung Gil. University of Minnesota; Estados UnidosFil: Greenberg, Yana G.. University of Minnesota; Estados UnidosFil: Rao, Amrita. University of Minnesota; Estados UnidosFil: Bastan, Idil. University of Minnesota; Estados UnidosFil: Blidner, Ada Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Rao, Savita P.. University of Minnesota; Estados UnidosFil: Rabinovich, Gabriel Adrián. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Sriramarao, P.. University of Minnesota; Estados Unido

    Regulation of eosinophil recruitment and allergic airway inflammation by heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) modifying enzymes.

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    BACKGROUND:HSPGs are glycoproteins containing covalently attached heparan sulfate (HS) chains which bind to growth factors, chemokines, etc., and regulate various aspects of inflammation including cell recruitment. We previously showed that deletion of endothelial N-acetylglucosamine N-deacetylase-N-sulfotransferase-1 (Ndst1), an enzyme responsible for N-sulfation during HS biosynthesis, reduces allergic airway inflammation (AAI). Here, we investigated the importance of O-sulfation mediated by uronyl 2-O-sulfotransferase (Hs2st) in development of AAI relative to N-sulfation. METHODS:Mice deficient in endothelial and leukocyte Hs2st (Hs2stf/fTie2Cre+) or Ndst1 (Ndst1f/fTie2Cre+) and WT mice were challenged with Alternaria alternata and evaluated for airway inflammation. Trafficking of murine eosinophils on lung endothelial cells was examined in vitro under conditions of flow. RESULTS:Exposure to Alternaria decreased expression level of Hs2st in WT mice while level of Ndst1 remained unchanged. Compared to WT mice, Alternaria-challenged Hs2stf/fTie2Cre+ mice exhibited significantly increased eosinophils in the bone marrow, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid [BALF] and lung tissue associated with persistent airway hyperresponsiveness, airway mucus hypersecretion and elevated Th2 cytokines. In contrast, Alternaria-challenged Ndst1f/fTie2Cre+ mice exhibited a marked reduction in airway eosinophilia, mucus secretion and smooth muscle mass compared to WT counterparts. While BALF eotaxins were lower in Alternaria-challenged Hs2stf/fTie2Cre+ relative to WT mice, they were not reduced to background levels as in allergen-challenged Ndst1f/fTie2Cre+ mice. Trafficking of murine eosinophils under conditions of flow in vitro was similar on Hs2st-deficient and WT endothelial cells. Expression of ZO-1 in Hs2st-deficient lung blood vessels in control and allergen-challenged mice was significantly lower than in WT counterparts. CONCLUSIONS:Our study demonstrates that allergen exposure reduces expression of Hs2st; loss of uronyl 2-O-sulfation in endothelial and leukocyte HSPG amplifies recruitment of eosinophils likely due to a compromised vascular endothelium resulting in persistent inflammation whereas loss of N-sulfation limits eosinophilia and attenuates inflammation underscoring the importance of site-specific sulfation in HSPG to their role in AAI