671 research outputs found

    Point-like inclusion interactions in tubular membranes

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    We analytically study membrane mediated interactions between inclusions embedded in a tubular membrane. We model inclusions as constraints coupled to the curvature tensor of the membrane tube. First, as special test cases, we analyze the interaction between ring and rod shaped inclusions. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we further show how point-like inclusions interact to form linear aggregates. Our results reveal that depending on the hard-core radius of the inclusions, they arrange into either lines or rings to globally minimize the curvature energy of the membrane.Comment: 5 + 4 pages, 4 + 3 figure

    Improving oncolytic viral therapy for glioma

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    Vandertop, W.P. [Promotor]Dirven, C.M.F. [Promotor]Lamfers, M.L.M. [Copromotor]Beusechem, V.W. van [Copromotor

    Active particle dynamics beyond the jamming density

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    Many biological systems form colonies at high density. Passive granular systems will be jammed at such densities, yet for the survival of biological systems it is crucial that they are dynamic. We construct a phase diagram for a system of active particles interacting via Vicsek alignment, and vary the density, self-propulsion force, and orientational noise. We find that the system exhibits four different phases, characterized by transitions in the effective diffusion constant and in the orientational order parameter. Our simulations show that there exists an optimal noise such that particles require a minimal force to unjam, allowing for rearrangements.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    The many shapes of medieval Chinese plays : How texts are transformed to meet the needs of actors, spectators, censors, and readers

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    When Voltaire's L'Orphelin de la Chine (1755) is mentioned nowadays in general histories of Western theater, it is not because of its eminent literary qualities, even though, like practically everything by Voltaire, the play is written with wit and flair. It is rather mentioned for its influence on one particular aspect of performance: costume. L'Orphelin de la Chine was in its own day an extremely popular play that was performed, in French and in translation, all over Europe by actors and actresses in "authentic costume." Until well into the eighteenth century, actors in tragedy performed all plays in a limited set of costumes, but in L'Orphelin de la Chine they tried to dress as Chinese--to the best of their knowledge. As with every change in performance practice, this daring innovation had its detractors at the time. One Dutch observer noted that the heavily perspiring performers of the Dutch version of Voltaire's tragedy in their oriental draperies looked more like "Armenian merchants" than anything Chinese (Hartnoll 1968:158-59, Worp 1908:268).Issue title: Performance Literature II

    Sub-pixel techniques to improve spatial resolution

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    Image acquisition using a scene sampling device generally results in a loss of fidelity in the acquired image, particularly if the scene contains high frequency features. Acquired images are also degraded by the blurring effects of acquisition filtering, image reconstruction, and additive noise effects. to compensate for these degradations, a digital restoration filter that attempts to partially eliminate the blurring while avoiding amplification of the noise effects is needed. In addition, to compensate for undersampling, a subpixel technique known as microscanning is required. This dissertation provides research into the spatial resolution enhancement of digital images based on subpixel techniques that will help to minimize the impact of these degradations. Subpixel techniques investigated include microscanning and estimation of the function that measures the amount of blurring incurred during acquisition. These techniques will be used in conjunction with a constrained least squares restoration filter to achieve the best possible representation of the original scene

    CASA translation

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    The CASA translation competition is sponsored annually for the beststudent translation from, or into, either Latin or Classical Greek

    Mining in the National Forest: Conflicts and Confusion

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    Transmission of gender-role values in Turkish-German migrant families: the role of gender, intergenerational and intercultural relations

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    'In dieser Studie wird untersucht, wie die Geschlechtsrollenvorstellungen türkisch-deutscher Jugendlicher sowohl durch intergenerationale als auch interkulturelle Beziehungen geprägt werden. Als Teil einer größeren Befragung von Einwandererfamilien in Deutschland (Nauck 2000) wurden Eltern-Kind-Dyaden gleichen Geschlechts (N=405) getrennt voneinander über ihre Geschlechtsrollenvorstellungen, Sozialisationsziele und Erziehungsstile in den Eltern-Kind-Beziehungen, sowie über das Ausmaß von Akkulturation und wahrgenommener Diskriminierung in den interkulturellen Beziehungen befragt. Die Diskrepanz zwischen den Generationen unterschied sich je nach Geschlecht dahingehend, dass bei den Töchtern ein signifikanter Schub in Richtung egalitärer Wertvorstellungen auftrat, während die Söhne so konservativ wie ihre Väter blieben. Um die Annahme egalitärer vs. konservativer Geschlechtsrollenvorstellungen durch türkische Heranwachsende zu erklären wurden soziodemographische, intergenerationale und interkulturelle Faktoren als unabhängige Variablen in Kovarianzanalysen einbezogen, wobei die Wertvorstellungen der Heranwachsenden als abhängige Variable angesehen wurde. Wie erwartet waren im höhere Maße akkulturierte Heranwachsende - was durch die Selbsteinschätzung der Kenntnisse in der deutschen Sprache gemessen wurde - egalitärer eingestellt. Darüber hinaus waren die egalitärsten Wertvorstellungen bei denjenigen Töchtern anzutreffen, die Mütter mit höherer Bildung und egalitären Wertvorstellungen hatten. Umgekehrt verstärkten die väterlichen Ziele im Bereich der religiösen Sozialisation und Diskrimierungswahrnehmungen konservative Wertvorstellungen bei den Söhnen. Die Ergebnisse legen ein geschlechtsspezifisches Transmissionsmuster nahe, bei dem die Mutter die unmittelbare Kulturvermittlerin ist, der Vater aber über die normative Bezugnahme auf religiöse Autorität Einfluss ausübt. Am wichtigste ist jedoch, dass angespannte interkulturelle Beziehungen mit konservativen Geschlechterrollenvorstellungen bei den Söhnen der türkischen Migranten assoziiert sind.' (Autorenreferat)'This study investigates how gender-role values of Turkish-German adolescents are shaped by intergenerational as well as intercultural relations. As part of a major survey of migrant families in Germany (Nauck, 2000), Turkish same-sex parent-child dyads (N=405) were each asked separately about their gender-role values, about socialisation goals and styles in parent-child relations, and about degrees of acculturation and perceived discrimination in intercultural relations. Intergenerational discrepancies differed across gender. in that second-generation daughters showed a significant shift towards more egalitarian values, but sons remained as conservative as their fathers. To explain the adoption of egalitarian vs. conservative gender role values by Turkish adolescents, sociodemographic, intergenerational and intercultural factors were entered as independent variables in analyses of covariance with adolescents' values as a dependent variable. As expected, adolescents who are more acculturated, as indicated by self-reported German language proficiency, are more egalitarian. In addition, we find most egalitarian values among daughters of more highly educated and more egalitarian mothers. Conversely, father's religious socialisation goals and the perception of discrimination reinforce conservative values in sons. The findings suggest a gendered transmission pattern, where the mother is the direct cultural transmitter and the father exerts influence through normative reference to religious authority. Most importantly, tense intercultural relations are associated with conservative gender-role values among the sons of Turkish migrants.' (author's abstract

    Factors that Influence Persistence of Biology Majors at a Hispanic-Serving Institution

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    To promote diversity within the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce, we must identify factors that influence or hinder historically underrepresented minority (URM) students’ persistence to degrees in STEM. We documented potential factors that influence students’ persistence in an undergraduate biology program and created a 14-item, Likert-scale instrument. We recruited 137 undergraduate biology majors at a Hispanic-serving institution in Texas to report which factors they found influential in their decision to remain enrolled in their degree programs. We used a modified social cognitive career theory model of career choice to guide interpretation of the reported influences and identify patterns in responses. We documented three highly influential factors for all students: personal motivation, potential learning experiences, and job opportunities with the job opportunities showing a significant difference (P=0.036) between White and URM student groups. We also found a trend (P=0.056) indicating White students were more influenced by role models and mentors than URM students. Our findings suggest that personal motivation and potential job opportunities are the most influential factors driving students to seek educational opportunities that could lead to STEM careers. However, access to a diverse pool of role models also has the potential to provide positive impacts on student persistence in STEM
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