117 research outputs found

    Computational models for the simulation of turbulent poly-dispersed flows: Large Eddy Simulation and Quadrature-Based Moment Method

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    This work focuses on the development of efficient computational tools for the simulation of turbulent multiphase polydispersed flows. In terms of methodologies we focus here on the use of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Quadrature-Based Methods of Moments (QBMM). In terms of applications the work is finalised, in order to be applied in the future, to particle production processes (precipitation and crystallisation in particular). An important part of the work concerns the study of the flow field in a Confined Impinging Jets Reactor (CIJR), frequently used in particle production processes. The first part is limited to the comparison and analysis of micro Particle Image Velocimetry (μPIV) experiments, carried out in a previous work, and Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), carried out in this thesis. In particular the effects of boundary and operating conditions are studied and the numerical simulations are used to understand the experimental predictions and demonstrate the importance of unavoidable fluctuations in the experimental inlets. This represents a preparatory work for the LES modelling of the CIJR. Before investigating the accuracy of LES predictions for this particular application, the model and the implementation are studied in a more general context, represented by a well-known test case such as the periodic turbulent channel flow: the LES model implementation in TransAT, the code used in this work, is compared with DNS data and with predictions of other codes. LES simulations for the CIJR, provided with the proper boundary conditions obtained by the previous DNS/μPIV study, are then performed and compared with experiments, validating the model in a more realistic test case. Since particle precipitation and crystallization often result in complex interactions between particles and the continuous phase, in the second part of the work particular attention has been paid in the modelling of the momentum transfer and the resulting velocity of the particles (relative to the fluid). In particular the possibility of describing poly-disperse fluid-solid systems with QBMM together with LES and Equilibrium Eulerian Model (EEM) is assessed. The study is performed by comparing our predictions with DNS Lagrangian data in the turbulent channel flow previously described, seeded with particles corresponding to a realistic Particle Size Distribution (PSD). The last part of the work deals with particle collisions, extending QBMM to the investigation of non-equilibrium flows governed by the Boltzmann Equation with a hard-sphere collision kernel. The evolution of the particle velocity distribution is predicted and compared with other methods for kinetic equations such as Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM), Discrete Velocity Method (DVM) and Grad’s Moment Method (GM). The overall results of this thesis can be extended to a broad range of other applications of single-phase, dispersed multiphase and non-equilibrium flows

    Generalized multirate models for conjugate transfer in heterogeneous materials

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    We propose a novel macroscopic model for conjugate heat and mass transfer between a mobile region, where advective transport is significant, and a set of immobile regions where diffusive transport is dominant. Applying a spatial averaging operator to the microscopic equations, we obtain a multicontinuum model, where an equation for the average concentration in the mobile region is coupled with a set of equations for the average concentrations in the immobile regions. Subsequently, by mean of spectral decomposition, we derive a set of equations that can be viewed as a generalization of the multirate mass transfer (MRMT) model. This new formulation does not require any assumption on local equilibrium or geometry. We then show that the MRMT can be obtained as the leading order approximation, when the mobile concentration is in local equilibrium. The new generalized multirate transfer model (GMRT) has the advantage of providing a direct method for calculating the model coefficients for immobile regions of arbitrary shapes, through the solution of appropriate microscale cell problems. An important finding is that a simple rescaling or reparametrization of the transfer rate coefficient (and thus, the memory function) is not sufficient to account for the flow field in the mobile region and the resulting nonuniformity of the concentration at the interfaces between mobile and immobile regions

    Probability density function (PDF) models for particle transport in porous media

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Mathematical models based on probability density functions (PDF) have been extensively used in hydrology and subsurface flow problems, to describe the uncertainty in porous media properties (e.g., permeability modelled as random field). Recently, closer to the spirit of PDF models for turbulent flows, some approaches have used this statistical viewpoint also in pore-scale transport processes (fully resolved porous media models). When a concentration field is transported, by advection and diffusion, in a heterogeneous medium, in fact, spatial PDFs can be defined to characterise local fluctuations and improve or better understand the closures performed by classical upscaling methods. In the study of hydrodynamical dispersion, for example, PDE-based PDF approach can replace expensive and noisy Lagrangian simulations (e.g., trajectories of drift-diffusion stochastic processes). In this work we derive a joint position-velocity Fokker–Planck equation to model the motion of particles undergoing advection and diffusion in in deterministic or stochastic heterogeneous velocity fields. After appropriate closure assumptions, this description can help deriving rigorously stochastic models for the statistics of Lagrangian velocities. This is very important to be able to characterise the dispersion properties and can, for example, inform velocity evolution processes in continuous time random walk dispersion models. The closure problem that arises when averaging the Fokker–Planck equation shows also interesting similarities with the mixing problem and can be used to propose alternative closures for anomalous dispersion

    On the predictivity of pore-scale simulations : estimating uncertainties with multilevel Monte Carlo

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    A fast method with tunable accuracy is proposed to estimate errors and uncertainties in pore-scale and Digital Rock Physics (DRP) problems. The overall predictivity of these studies can be, in fact, hindered by many factors including sample heterogeneity, computational and imaging limitations, model inadequacy and not perfectly known physical parameters. The typical objective of pore-scale studies is the estimation of macroscopic effective parameters such as permeability, effective diffusivity and hydrodynamic dispersion. However, these are often non-deterministic quantities (i.e., results obtained for specific pore-scale sample and setup are not totally reproducible by another “equivalent” sample and setup). The stochastic nature can arise due to the multi-scale heterogeneity, the computational and experimental limitations in considering large samples, and the complexity of the physical models. These approximations, in fact, introduce an error that, being dependent on a large number of complex factors, can be modeled as random. We propose a general simulation tool, based on multilevel Monte Carlo, that can reduce drastically the computational cost needed for computing accurate statistics of effective parameters and other quantities of interest, under any of these random errors. This is, to our knowledge, the first attempt to include Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) in pore-scale physics and simulation. The method can also provide estimates of the discretization error and it is tested on three-dimensional transport problems in heterogeneous materials, where the sampling procedure is done by generation algorithms able to reproduce realistic consolidated and unconsolidated random sphere and ellipsoid packings and arrangements. A totally automatic workflow is developed in an open-source code [1], that include rigid body physics and random packing algorithms, unstructured mesh discretization, finite volume solvers, extrapolation and post-processing techniques. The proposed method can be efficiently used in many porous media applications for problems such as stochastic homogenization/upscaling, propagation of uncertainty from microscopic fluid and rock properties to macro-scale parameters, robust estimation of Representative Elementary Volume size for arbitrary physics

    Electrochemical transport modelling and open-source simulation of pore-scale solid-liquid systems

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    The modelling of electrokinetic flows is a critical aspect spanning many industrial applications and research fields. This has introduced great demand in flexible numerical solvers to describe these flows. The underlying phenomena is microscopic, non-linear, and often involving multiple domains. Therefore often model assumptions and several numerical approximations are introduced to simplify the solution. In this work we present a multi-domain multi-species electrokinetic flow model including complex interface and bulk reactions. After a dimensional analysis and an overview of some limiting regimes, we present a set of general-purpose finite-volume solvers, based on OpenFOAM(R), capable of describing an arbitrary number of electrochemical species over multiple interacting (solid or fluid) domains. We provide a verification of the computational approach for several cases involving electrokinetic flows, reactions between species, and complex geometries. We first present three one-dimensional verification test-cases for single- and multi-domain cases and then show the capability of the solver to tackle two- and three-dimensional electrically driven flows and ionic transport in random porous structures. The purpose of this work is to lay the foundation of a general-purpose open-source flexible modelling tool for problems in electrochemistry and electrokinetics at different scales

    Computational analysis of transport in three-dimensional heterogeneous materials: An OpenFOAM®-based simulation framework

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Porous and heterogeneous materials are found in many applications from composites, membranes, chemical reactors, and other engineered materials to biological matter and natural subsurface structures. In this work we propose an integrated approach to generate, study and upscale transport equations in random and periodic porous structures. The geometry generation is based on random algorithms or ballistic deposition. In particular, a new algorithm is proposed to generate random packings of ellipsoids with random orientation and tunable porosity and connectivity. The porous structure is then meshed using locally refined Cartesian-based or unstructured strategies. Transport equations are thus solved in a finite-volume formulation with quasi-periodic boundary conditions to simplify the upscaling problem by solving simple closure problems consistent with the classical theory of homogenisation for linear advection–diffusion–reaction operators. Existing simulation codes are extended with novel developments and integrated to produce a fully open-source simulation pipeline. A showcase of a few interesting three-dimensional applications of these computational approaches is then presented. Firstly, convergence properties and the transport and dispersion properties of a periodic arrangement of spheres are studied. Then, heat transfer problems are considered in a pipe with layers of deposited particles of different heights, and in heterogeneous anisotropic materials

    Macroscopic models for filtration and heterogeneous reactions in porous media

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    Derivation of macroscopic models for advection-diffusion processes in the presence of dominant heterogeneous (e.g., surface) reactions using homogenisation theory or volume averaging is often deemed unfeasible (Valdés-Parada et al., 2011; Battiato and Tartakovsky, 2011a) due to the strong coupling between scales that characterise such systems. In this work, we show how the upscaling can be carried out by applying and extending the methods presented in Allaire and Raphael (2007), Mauri (1991). The approach relies on the decomposition of the microscale concentration into a reactive component, given by the eigenfunction of the advection-diffusion operator, the associated eigenvalue which represents the macroscopic effective reaction rate, and a non-reactive component. The latter can be then upscaled with a two-scale asymptotic expansion and the final macroscopic equation is obtained for the leading order. The same method can also be used to overcome another classical assumption, namely of non solenoidal velocity fields, such as the case of deposition of charged colloidal particles driven by electrostatic potential forces. The whole upscaling procedure, which consists in solving three cell problems, is implemented for arbitrarily complex two- and three-dimensional periodic structures using the open-source finite volume library OpenFOAM®. We provide details on the implementation and test the methodology for two-dimensional periodic arrays of spheres, and we compare the results against fully resolved numerical simulations, demonstrating the accuracy and generality of the upscaling approach. The effective velocity, dispersion and reaction coefficients are obtained for a wide range of Péclet and surface Damköhler numbers, and for Coulomb-like forces to the grains. Noticeably, all the effective transport parameters are significantly different from the non-reactive (conserved scalar) case, as the heterogeneity introduced by the reaction strongly affects the micro-scale profiles

    Systematic derivation of hybrid coarse-grained models

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    Molecular dynamics represents a key enabling technology for applications ranging from biology to the development of new materials. However, many real-world applications remain inaccessible to fully-resolved simulations due their unsustainable computational costs and must therefore rely on semi-empirical coarse-grained models. Significant efforts have been devoted in the last decade towards improving the predictivity of these coarse-grained models and providing a rigorous justification of their use, through a combination of theoretical studies and data-driven approaches. One of the most promising research effort is the (re)discovery of the Mori-Zwanzig projection as a generic, yet systematic, theoretical tool for deriving coarse-grained models. Despite its clean mathematical formulation and generality, there are still many open questions about its applicability and assumptions. In this work, we propose a detailed derivation of a hybrid multi-scale system, generalising and further investigating the approach developed in [Español, P., EPL, 88, 40008 (2009)]. Issues such as the general coexistence of atoms (fully-resolved degrees of freedom) and beads (larger coarse-grained units), the role of the fine-to-coarse mapping chosen, and the approximation of effective potentials are discussed. The theoretical discussion is supported by numerical simulations of a monodimensional nonlinear periodic benchmark system with an open-source parallel Julia code, easily extensible to arbitrary potential models and fine-to-coarse mapping functions. The results presented highlight the importance of introducing, in the macroscopic model, non-constant fluctuating and dissipative terms, given by the Mori-Zwanzig approach, to correctly reproduce the reference fine-grained results, without requiring ad-hoc calibration of interaction potentials and thermostats
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