176 research outputs found
Some Structural Resuits on Prime Graphs
Given a graph G = (V,E), a subset M of V is a module [17] (or an interval [10] or an autonomous [11] or a clan [8] or a homogeneous set [7] ) of G provided that x ∼ M for each vertex x outside M. So V,φ and {x}, where x ∈ V , are modules of G, called trivial modules. The graph G is indecomposable [16] if all the modules of G are trivial. Otherwise we say that G is decomposable . The prime graph G is an indecomposable graph with at least four vertices. Let G and H be two graphs. Let If G has no induced subgraph isomorphic to H, then we say that G is H-free. In this paper, we will prove the next theore
Aktivismus, Diskurse und Strategien
Title page
Table of contents
Introduction 1
I. Study Subject and Main Questions 1
II. Clarifying Terminology 9
Movement's outcomes 11
Women's Movements Organization 11
Women's activists 12
III. Methodology 13
Study Methods and Tools 13
Study population and sample 14
1 A Gender Sensitive Reading in the Interpretation of the Women's Movement
within the context of Civil Society and New Social Movements Theories 22
The analysis of the women's movements within the context of civil society
1.2 Social movements in the context of the New social Movements Theory
1.3 Women's Movements, Social Movements and Civil Society: Feminist Critique
1.4 Feminist analysis of women's movements 37
1.5 Women's Movement and civil society in the contemporary Jordanian
debates: a gender sensitive review 41
General discussion 51
2 The Women's movement in Jordan 55
2.1 The Life Cycles 55
2.2 Contemporary Developments 61
2.3 External and Internal factors shaping the contemporary developments of
the women's movement 67
2.3.1 Political Developments Since 1989 67 The Parliament dissolved and the elections postponed 70 The application of temporary laws 71 The Campaign of "Jordan First" 73 Jordanian women benefiting from the absence of the conservative
2.3.2 The International interest in women's issues 79 The role of the UN international conferences and conventions 79 International Aid and the role of the international agencies 81
2.3.3 Transformation at the societal level 85
General discussion 89
3 Activism of Contemporary women's Movement 92
3.1 Organizational form of women's collective action 93
3.1.1 Directed Organizations 94 Governmental Initiatives 94
The General Federation of Jordanian women 94 The princess Initiatives 99 The Jordanian National Committee for Women 104 Jordanian National Forum for Women (JNFW) 106 Princess Basma Women's Resource Center (PBWRC) 107
3.1.2 Associational Linkages 109 Arab Women Organization (AWO) 109 The Business and Professional Women?s Club (BPWC) 111 The Human Forum for Women?s Rights (HFWR) 111
3.1.3 Independent Women?s Organizations and Initiatives 113 The Jordanian Women Union (JWU) 114 The National Campaign to Eliminate Crimes of Honor 116
3.2 Members and activists 121
3.2.1 Socioeconomic characteristics of members and activists of women's
3.2.2 Members role in decision-making processes within the context of
women's organizations 123
3.2.3 Members of women's organizations evaluating the general organizational
Performance 129
3.2.4 Types of Member- and Leader-ships within the Women's Movement 131
3.2.5 Leadership Forms and Conditions 133
General Evaluation 136
Women's movement activists 136
Denied activists: the case of Taujan Faisal 137
Organizational form of Activism 143
4 Women's Interests: Programs and Projects of Women's Organizations 146
4.1 Identifying Women's Interests 146
4.1.1 Women's activists identifying women's interests in Jordan 147 Poverty 147 Education and Training 149 Health, Mother and Child Care 152
4..1.1.4 Legal issues 155 Violence against Women 158 Political participation, Positions of Power and Decision-Making
161 Possible implementation of a Quota system and its impact on women's
political participation in Jordan 165
4.2 Projects and the Programs implemented by women's organizations meeting
Women's Interests in Jordan 166 The National Plan of Action for the Advancement of Jordanian Women
167 The National Strategy for Women in Jordan (NSWJ) 168 The Socioeconomic Plan for the Period (1999-2003) 173 The National Information Center for Women (NICW) 173
4.2.2 Projects and programs implemented by independent and associational
women's organizations identifying and meeting women's interests 175
General Discussion 181
5 Limitations and problems facing the women's movement in Jordan 187
5.1 The Role of the State 187
5.1.1 Legal Framework of women's action 188
5.1.2 The Role of the Princess 192
5.2 The societal reaction: the role of Islamism and Tribalism 194
5.3 Autonomy question: A movement mobilizing resources or resources
mobilizing the movement
5.4 Problems related to the general performance of women's organizations and
lack of competence 209
General Evaluations 212
Conclusions: The Women's movement, political transformation and civil society
in Jordan 215
II. Two Approaches of emancipating women 223
III. Determinant factors of the movement's sociopolitical outcomes 225
Final Comments 228
Bibliography 232
Attachment (1) and (2) 244
Attachment (3) 250
Attachment (4) 253
Figures Index
Figure (1): Organizational structure of women's organizations supervised by
the princess 107
Figure (2): Organizational structure of women's organizations 135
Figure (3): Women's educational levels 158
Figure (4): Average of Number of Births Per Woman according to their
Educational Level 162
Tables Index
Table (1): Organizations of the Women's Movement 16
Table (2): Study Population and Sample 18
Table (3): Socioeconomic backgrounds of members of women's organization 124
Table (4): Membership type and condition 126
Table (5): Member's evaluation of the organizations 129
Table (6): Impacts of the projects and programs implemented by women's
organizations on their members 131
Table (7): Types of Membership within the Women's Movement Organizations
Table (8): Socioeconomic characteristics of women's organizational activists
Table (9): Female illiteracy Rate (15+), 1979-1998 151
Table (10): Number of Men and Women Candidates in the Parliamentary
Elections of 1989,1993 and 1997 162
Table (11): Number of elected and appointed members of the Jordanian
Parliament based on gender during the years 1989,
1993, and 1997 163
Table (12): Projects and programs implemented by Independent and
associational women's organizations. 179
Table (13): Two main Approaches for emancipating women in Jordan 183This study examines the developments within the contemporary women's movement
in Jordan. The analysis tried to place these developments within the
mainstream of sociopolitical modernization processes taking place in the
country. Such placement includes viewing the women's movement (one of the most
dynamic elements of civil society) as an active driving force of
sociopolitical change, and looks at sociopolitical outcomes of the women's
movements, in terms of emancipating women, and sensitizing the society and
state's policies to gender issues, and equal rights of women. In specific
terms, the study tried to answer questions related to: What is new in the
women's movement of Jordan today? What are the strategies and politics they
apply to pursue their objectives? to what extent is the women's movement
successful in politicizing women's issues, and in what areas? In addition,
what are the resources of the women's movement and to what extent do these
assist or hinder the movement's success or failure?
To answer these questions the study implemented diverse methods. On one hand,
face-to-face interviews were conducted with the activist women, and on the
other hand, a questionnaire that aimed at collecting data related to the
socioeconomic backgrounds of members and leaders of women's organizations was
distributed. Lastly, documents provided by the organizations were analyzed and
compared with the several field visits to the organizations conducted during
the fieldwork phase.
The study found out that two main phases are to be distinguished with respect
to the analysis of the women's movement: the emergence phase, and renaissance
phase. While the first phase was mainly characterized by charity work, the
contemporary phase is enjoying the emergence of a feminist consciousness,
which set in motion the introduction of a feminist agenda, which deals with
new themes and being carried out by new forms of female activism.
The study closes with investigating the sociopolitical obstacles that hinders
and limit the work of the women's movement and the politicization of women-
specific issues. In this respect, the study evaluated the role of the state
represented by state institutions and state figures such as the princess; the
role of the gender ideology which is being comprised by the religion and
cultural heritage ; and finally the role of structural problems related to the
women's movement itself, namely the decision making process, autonomy question
and participation structures with women's organizations.Die Abfassung dieser Dissertation über der Zeitgenössischen Frauenbewegung in
Jordanien beruhte sich auf zwei Hauptzwecken. Zum Einen, geht es darum die
Entwicklung der Frauenbewegung seit 1974 bis heute darzustellen. Dabei sollen
die Wirkungen verschiedener nationaler und internationaler sozialpolitischer
Faktoren in Betracht gezogen werden.. Gleichzeitig soll gezeigt werden, dass
die Frauenbewegung das dynamischste Element der Zivilgesellschaft und eine
aktive Triebkraft gesellschaftspolitischer Veränderung ist, und nicht nur ein
passiver Empfänger ihrer Auswirkungen. Zweitens hat diese Studie das Ziel, die
gesellschaftspolitischen "Outcomes" der Frauenbewegung zu überprüfen:
hinsichtlich der Wirkung ihres Emanzipationsprojekts und ihres Versuchs, die
Gesellschaft und den Staat für Gender- und Gleichberechtigungspolitik zu
In diesem Kontext versucht die Studie, einige Fragen zu beantworten, nämlich:
Was ist neu an der zeitgenössischen Frauenbewegung hinsichtlich der Formen der
Aktivitäten, der Ziele ihrer Arbeit und der Diskurse über die Frauenfrage?
Welche Strategien und Politik werden bei der Verwirklichung ihrer Ziele
verwendet? Welche Hindernisse und Beschränkungsfaktoren stehen der
Verwirklichung der Fraueninteressen in Jordanien im Weg? Und schließlich, in
welchen Bereichen haben sie es geschafft, ihre Agenda umzusetzen, und in
welchen nicht, und warum?
Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, wurden vielfältige Methoden verwendet.
Organisationen der Frauenbewegung waren der Hauptgegenstand der
Untersuchungen. Da man nicht alle Frauenorganisationen in Jordanien zur
Frauenbewegung rechnen kann, wurden für diese Studie nur Frauenorganisationen
(insgesamt neun) untersucht, bei denen sowohl die Mitglieder als auch die
Zielgruppe Frauen sind. Anhand dieser ausgewählten Organisationen werden
beispielhaft Ziele und Aktivitäten auf der Organisationsebene behandelt. Dazu
wurden die von den Organisationen zur Verfügung gestellten Dokumente
analysiert und mit den Ergebnissen von Besuchen bei diesen Organisationen
Die Studie fand heraus, dass es zwei Hauptphasen in bezug auf die Analyse der
Frauenbewegung zu unterschieden gibt: Eine Formations-, und Renaissancephase.
Während die erste Phase sich auf hauptsächlich von Wohltätigkeitarbeit
beziehet, genießt die zeitgenössische Phase die Entsehung eines feministischen
Bewusstseins. Diese Bewusstsein wurde von der Durchführung einer
feministischen Tagesordnung, charakterisiert, die sich mit neuen Themen wie
Gewalt gegen Frauen, Frauen und Politik beschäftigt.
Zum Schluss bietet die Studie einer Untersuchung der gesellschaftspolitischen
Hindernisse, die die Arbeit der Frauenbewegung und die Politisierung von
Frauenfragen beschränken könnten. In diesem Hinblick untersuchte die Studie
die Rolle der Staatinstitutionen und Staatfiguren wie die Prinzessin (Basma
Bint Talal), die Rolle der Religion und Kulturerbe; Und schließlich die
Hindernisse die sich auf den internen Strukturen der Frauenorganisationen
beziehen, nämlich die Strukturen den Entscheidungsprozessen, und die
The Effect of Computerized Instructional Program in the Intermediate First Grade Students Achievement in Arabic language Grammar in Iraq
The aim of this study was to find out the amount of influence of a Computerized Instructional Program on the achievement for intermediate first grad students in the Arabic language grammar in Iraq. The study focused on students from the first intermediate grade, in the education directorate in the Diqar governorate in Iraq. While the study sample was intentional, that was selected by the researcher from the governorate’s schools that have computers and relevant Instructional means for education. This was represented in four branches in two groups, experimental and control group (60) male and female students in the experimental group and (60) male and female students in the control group. The researcher has utilized the Computerized Instructional Program as he study instrument for the experimental group, while the control group utilized the educational program in the usual way. The achievement test to the two groups, the experimental and the control groups, and the study reached the following results. There are no differences, with statistical significance at significance level (0.5 ≥ α), between the group’s grades average achievement in the Arabic language grammar subject. These two groups are the experimental group students who were taught by using (the Computerized Program) and students of the control group who were taught by the using the (normal) way in education. There are no differences with statistically significance at significance level(0.5 ≥ α) between the grades mean of the experimental group students who were taught by using (the computerized program) and the grades mean of the control group students who were taught by the (normal) way attribute to the gender variable (males, females). Keywords: effectiveness, computerized instructional program, achievement, arabic language, and grammar
The potential application of canine and human mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of spinal cord injury: an in vitro examination of their neurotrophic and angiogenic activities
Traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating event. It causes severe damage to the nervous tissue which can be associated with partial or complete loss of movement and sensation. Recent studies suggested that the benefits of stem cell transplants for SCI may not be restricted to cell restoration alone, e.g. to replace damaged neurons, but also may be due to their capacity to stimulate endogenous cells at wound sites through paracrine activity.Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs), in particular, are thought to have anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, neurotrophic and angiogenic effects and may thus reduce secondary damage and promote neuroregeneration and wound healing after their administration. Experimental studies of small rodent SCI models are currently being used to investigate the MSCs as a promising option for treatments that repair damaged neuronal tissue. However, translation to human patients is still a challenging step. Dogs represent a good large animal model as the causes of SCI in dogs occur naturally and traumatically, and because of the similar scale and heterogeneity of the lesions formed. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate and compare the effects of canine and human MSCs, focused on the effects of MSC conditioned medium (MSC CM) on neurogenesis and angiogenesis using established responder cell lines, i.e. SH-SY5Y neuronal cells and EA.hy926 endothelial cells. All of the MSCs were derived from adipose tissue, and CD271 was used to isolate subset populations from human MSCs. The study has demonstrated for the first time the potentially beneficial effects of canine MSC CM in promoting SH-SY5Y neurite outgrowth and cell proliferation, as well as EA.hy926 endothelial cell proliferation, cell migration and the formation of endothelial tubules. Further experimentation demonstrated that canine and human adipose-derived MSCs exhibited such neurotrophic and angiogenic effects to a similar extent. This may have important implications for the pre-clinical assessment of MSC paracrine activity in the development of cell transplantation protocols both for dogs and humans. Finally, the study compared the neurotrophic and angiogenic effects of MSC CM from selected subpopulations of human MSCs, i.e. CD271+ versus CD271- and plastic adherent MSCs; this was with a view to establishing whether a more homogeneous MSC population might differ in their paracrine activity. There was no significant difference in the neurogenic effects of these various secretomes; however, MSC CM from humanCD271+MSCs was found to be significantly less pro-angiogenic than human CD271- MSCsor non-selected human MSCs. In conclusion, the study supports the use of MSCs to treat naturally occurring SCI in dogs, and suggests that there is no evidence herein to support preselecting CD271+ cells
Rehabilitation of concrete structure using composite materials
In the United Arab Emirates, most of the concrete structures including road, infrastructure and different types of buildings have been reported to be in need of rehabilitation. It is universally acknowledged that the environment of the countries in the Arabian Gulf is extremely severe and very aggressive to construction materials and operations. It is anticipated that the cost of rehabilitation of civil infrastructure will gradually increase over the next decade as a direct consequence of the increase in the number of structures reaching their expected service life.
Accordingly demand on rehabilitation methods will increase. In addition the severe climatic conditions of the country will require additional features for this method such as excellent exposure to high temperature fluctuation, moisture and UV contents. The main reasons of reinforced concrete structure\u27s deterioration are corrosion of the steel bars (because of high temperature and humidity of the UAE environment) or continual upgrading of service loads (increase of the traffic load on bridges for example). The solution to these problems is to either re-build the structure or repair the concrete.
One of the promising solutions to this problem is to use fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) as replacement for the old methods of repair. The advantages of FRP are lightweight, high tensile strength, corrosion resistance, flexibility and electromagnetic resistance. The object cue of this thesis to, investigate the use of FRP as a strengthening method of concrete structures and its long-term performance, especially in the severe climatic conditions prevailing in the Arab Gulf region
The Adoption of Tablet and e-Textbooks: first grade core curriculum and school administration attitude
This study aimed to investigate the effect of using e-textbooks, activities, games, and worksheets that loaded onto students tablets on first grade students’ achievement on their core curriculum (science, math, English, Arabic) compared to the use of the traditional teaching method. It also, investigated the school administration reflection toward the use of Tablet as a teaching tool. The study used a quasi-experimental control group design. The study sample was formed of (80) male and female first grade students who are studying at one private school in the city of Irbid-Jordan, during the first semester of the scholastic year 2014/2015. An open interview was conducted with the school principle and the principle assistants. A selected software and e-textbook for students’ core curriculum were saved on each student’s tablet. Participants of the study were divided into two groups: the control groups (40 students) were taught using the traditional textbook, and the experimental group (40 students) was taught using Tablet. Both groups had given a pre-test and a post-test to measure their achievements in their core subjects. The motive for this research was to move from using traditional teaching tools to use tablet as a new teaching tool that can deliver class materials to improve learning outcomes. The result of the study showed that using e-textbook as a teaching tool had improved students learning and motivated them. School administration reported that using e-textbook on teaching was a good idea. Keywords: core curriculum, tablets, e-learning, elementary education, educational technology, school administration
Most Important Competencies of Cooperating Teachers During the Field-Based Experience: Perceptions of Participants in Two Preschool Teacher Preparation Programs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Cooperating teachers (CTs) are considered one of the most important groups who play a role in the success of student teachers (STs) during their field-based experience (FBE). The literature in the Arabic world about how CTs should fulfill their role has been limited with most of what is available has been conducted in the United States and other western countries. Meanwhile, the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Education has established expectations for the number of pre-school children to be enrolled in schools. To serve these children, the Ministry has mandated that pre-school teachers preparation programs set and meet higher standards of quality. In order to determine what standards may be the most important to implement in these programs, this study was the first to be conducted with samples from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to determine the competencies that those professionals involved in FBE believed were the most important to the success of STs.University faculty members, university supervisors, CTs, and STs from two long-standing preschool teacher preparation programs were surveyed to investigate the most important practices CTs should have in four sets of competencies -personal, interpersonal, cognitive, and instructional-- in order to provide effective FBE for STs. Four themes emerged from the results that were often inconsistent with previous research from the United States: 1) the total sample preferred teacher-centered more than constructivist/student-centered practices; 2) different categories of participants held contrasting views on the relative importance of some various competencies; 3) the communication skills of CTs were rated the least important in the interpersonal competency area by the total sample; and 4) of the subsamples, the university supervisors mentioned most frequently the behavior of student teachers\u27 self-reflection on their teaching but not on their cooperating teachers teaching. Many of these results can be explained from cultural and societal lenses. Replication of this research with other samples from other preschool teacher preparation programs will lead to a deeper understanding of key behaviors that will help improve these programs especially during this period when the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is engaged in reform and renewal
Ab-initio Restricted Hartree-Fock Formalism using for calculations electronic structure of Grey Tin nanocrystals Crystal
Ab initio restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF) method coupled with the large cell method (LUC)is used to simulate relatively large tin nanocrystalls that between 216 and1000 atoms that include Bravais and primitive cell multiples. The properties of core have been investigated. Results revealed that the electronic properties converge to some limit as the size of the nanocrystal increases .Increasing the size of the core of ananocrystal resulted in an increase of energy gap , and cohesive energy in agreement with previous studies
Potato Classification Using Deep Learning
Abstract: Potatoes are edible tubers, available worldwide and all year long. They are relatively cheap to grow, rich in
nutrients, and they can make a delicious treat. The humble potato has fallen in popularity in recent years, due to the interest
in low-carb foods. However, the fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals it provides can help ward off disease and
benefit human health. They are an important staple food in many countries around the world. There are an estimated 200
varieties of potatoes, which can be classified into a number of categories based on the cooked texture and ingredient
functionality. Using a public dataset of 2400 images of potatoes, we trained a deep convolutional neural network to identify
4 types (Red, Red Washed, Sweet, and White).The trained model achieved an accuracy of 99.5% of test set, demonstrating
the feasibility of this approach
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