16 research outputs found

    Adaptation strategies to climate change and impacts on household income and food security: evidence from Sahelian region of Niger

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    Open Access JournalSahelian countries, particularly Niger, are more vulnerable to climate change due to the high dependence of most of their populations on rain-fed agriculture and limited capacities to respond to climate variability and change. This paper examines the factors influencing climate change adaptation strategies and the impacts on household income and food security in rural Niger. For this purpose, we collected data from 1783 valid rural households in four main agricultural regions of Niger. The results showed that crop diversification (72.74%), income diversification (67.97%) and changing planting times (55%) are the main adaptation strategies adopted by households. The majority of respondents had noticed changes in rain patterns (93.21%), in the amount of rain (91.25%) and in the intensity of rain (81.82%) during the last five years. We categorized these adaptation strategies into six major groups namely climate-resilient crop varieties, improved agronomic practices, irrigation and water conservation practices, crop diversification, income diversification, and agroforestry. We ran logit regression to identify the determinants of each individual group. The results show mixed effects of independent variables on these categories of adaptation strategies. Using matching techniques, we found adaptation strategies have positive and significant impact on both household income and food security. The farmers who adopt climate change adaptation strategies are more likely to increase household income by 7721.526 FCFA compared to those households with zero adaptation strategies. Similarly, the adapters have 7% to 9% more chance to be food secure compared to those who did not adopt strategies. These results suggest that strengthening the awareness of the effects of climate change on farmers and the choice of appropriate adaptation strategies are necessary to enhance household resilience. Strengthening institutional factors such as access to credit and market, extension services, and using drought-resilient crop varieties would surely improve agricultural production


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    In Niger, rice cultivation contributes significantly to the food security of populations. The various investments made by the country have made it possible to promote irrigated rice growing in the valley of the river with two crops of rice per year and thus to increase production significantly But it is clear that the technical standards that are supposed to be applied to irrigated rice areas have undergone changes over the years, thus reducing the expected performance of this modern rice crop. The objective of this study was to analyse the evolution of technical standards of rice production and local practices in irrigated areas. The study was carried out on two irrigated rice-producing sites in Niger and was based on survey involving key informants. The results showed that there was a great diversity between technical standards and practices in the fields. In addition to the approved varieties, the choice of producers also covered Community varieties, whereas this practice is prohibited on irrigated areas. Transplanting did not meet the standard of 25 pockets per m\ub2. The herbicide doses used by the producers varied from 80 to 240 g ha-1\ua0; while the recommended one was 80 g ha-1. Mineral fertilisation was different from the prescribed standards ; not only in terms of quantity but also in terms of application frequency. These under performances are due to the inefficiency of technical management which does not reach the greatest number of producers. Technical supervision lacks technical and material resources and is still based on traditional methods for disseminating agricultural advice. The methods applied today are outdated. It would, therefore, be necessary to revise the farm council\u2019s dissemination methods.Au Niger, la riziculture contribue pour beaucoup dans la s\ue9curit\ue9 alimentaire des populations. Les diff\ue9rents investissements effectu\ue9s par le pays ont permis de promouvoir la riziculture irrigu\ue9e dans la vall\ue9e du fleuve avec deux r\ue9coltes de riz par an et donc d\u2019augmenter significativement les productions. Mais, force et de constater que les normes techniques cens\ue9es \ueatre en application sur les p\ue9rim\ue8tres rizicoles irrigu\ue9s ont subi des changements au fil des ann\ue9es r\ue9duisant, ainsi, les performances esp\ue9r\ue9es de cette riziculture moderne. La pr\ue9sente \ue9tude avait pour objectif d\u2019analyser l\u2019\ue9volution des normes techniques de la production du riz et les pratiques locales dans les p\ue9rim\ue8tres irrigu\ue9s. L\u2019\ue9tude s\u2019est d\ue9roul\ue9e sur deux p\ue9rim\ue8tres rizicoles irrigu\ue9s au Niger et s\u2019est bas\ue9e sur des enqu\ueates aupr\ue8s d\u2019informateurs cl\ue9s. Les enqu\ueates se sont bas\ue9es sur un guide-questionnaire o\uf9 il s\u2019agit pour l\u2019informateur-cl\ue9 de r\ue9pondre \ue0 diff\ue9rentes questions en rapport avec les pratiques agricoles li\ue9es \ue0 la culture du riz dans les p\ue9rim\ue8tres rizicoles irrigu\ue9s. L\u2019analyse des donn\ue9es a \ue9t\ue9 effectu\ue9e en utilisant les logiciels Excel, R Commender et le logiciel Nvivo. Les r\ue9sultats obtenus ont montr\ue9 qu\u2019il y a une grande diversit\ue9 entre les normes techniques et les pratiques sur le terrain. En plus des vari\ue9t\ue9s homologu\ue9es, le choix des producteurs a port\ue9 aussi sur les vari\ue9t\ue9s appel\ue9es communautaires alors que les r\ue8gles l\u2019ont interdit sur les p\ue9rim\ue8tres irrigu\ue9s. Les repiquages n\u2019ont pas respect\ue9 la norme qui \ue9tait de 25 poquets par m\ub2. Les doses d\u2019herbicide apport\ue9es par les producteurs ont vari\ue9 de 80 \ue0 240 g ha-1 alors que la dose recommand\ue9e \ue9tait de 80 g ha-1. La fertilisation min\ue9rale \ue9taitloin des normes prescrites non seulement en termes de quantit\ue9 mais aussi en termes de fr\ue9quence d\u2019application. Ces sous performances sont dues \ue0 l\u2019inefficience de l\u2019encadrement technique qui n\u2019arrive pas \ue0 toucher le plus grand nombre de producteurs. L\u2019encadrement technique manque de moyens tant mat\ue9riel que technique et se base encore sur des m\ue9thodes traditionnelles pour diffuser le conseil agricole. Les m\ue9thodes appliqu\ue9es aujourd\u2019hui sont d\ue9pass\ue9es. Il serait donc n\ue9cessaire que les m\ue9thodes de diffusion du conseil agricole soient r\ue9vis\ue9es. L\u2019utilisation des nouvelles technologies de l\u2019information et de la communication peut \ueatre une bonne opportunit\ue9 pour une diffusion efficace du conseil agricole

    Evaluation technique et economique des formules alimentaires de blocs multi nutritionnels d’embouche ovine au Niger

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    L’essai conduit en 75 j à la station de recherche de Kollo visait l’évaluation des performances de croissance des béliers nourris avec 5 formules alimentaires à base des ressources locales associées au tourteau de coton et son de blé. Le matériel biologique était constitué de 50 béliers de race Ara-Ara, âgés de 18 à 24 mois et de poids moyen de 25,00 ±3,02 kg. Les rations ont été distribuées en 2 repas/jour et les refus ont été collectés chaque jour. La pesée des béliers a été faite par quinzaine en 2 jours successifs. Les prix des différents ingrédients ont été suivis sur les marchés de Kollo et Niamey durant l’essai. Les GMQ obtenus étaient de 95g/j pour la formule 1 ; 79 g/j pour la formule 2 ; 59 g/j pour la formule 3 ; 118 g/j pour la formule 4 et 75g/j pour la formule 5. Les meilleures performances ont été réalisées par les béliers ayant reçu les formules 1 et 4, avec des marges nettes/ bélier de 4623 FCFA pour la formule 1 et 4763 FCFA pour la formule 4. Les formules 4, 1 et 2, ayant été les plus rentables, sont recommandées aux emboucheurs et fabricants d’aliments pour le bétail.Mots clés: Blocs multi-nutritionnels, embouche, ovins, performancesEnglish Title: Technical and economical evaluation of feeds blocks in sheep fattening in NigerEnglish AbstractA ram’s feeding trial was conducted at Kollo Regional Center for Agricultural Research, with the objective to evaluate growth performance of Ara-Ara breed rams fed 5 feed formulas based on local feedstuffs associated with cottonseed meal and wheat bran. They were 50 Ara Ara breed rams old from18 to 24 months with an average weight of 25 ± 3.02 kg. Rams were allotted into 5 treatments (feed formulas, FF1 to FF5) with ten animals/treatment. Rams were dewormed, vaccinated and kept in individual pens for 75 days. Animals were fed 2 times/day and refusals collected daily. Sheep were weighted two-weekly during 2 successive days. Ingredient prices and labor cost were collected at Kollo and Niamey during the test period, for the economic evaluation. ADG was 95 for FF1, 79 for FF2, 59 for FF3, 118 for FF4 and 75g/day for FF5. Best ADG and feed conversion were achieved by rams fed FF4 and FF1. Results showed that best net margins/ram were 4,763 FCFA for formula 4 and 4,459 FCFA for formula 1. The best rate for financial and economic profitability was for formulas 4, 1 and 2 which. Consequently, farmers and feed processors can use formulas 4, 1 and 2.Keywords: Fattening, sheep, multi-nutritional blocks, performanc

    Assessing rice production sustainability performance indicators and their gaps in twelve sub-Saharan African countries

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    The benchmarking and monitoring of rice production performance indicators are essential for improving rice production self-sufficiency, increasing profitability, reducing labor requirements, optimizing fertilizer inputs, engaging youths in rice production, and increasing the overall sustainability of smallholder rice production systems in countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). In this paper, we quantified five sustainability performance indicators (grain yield, net profit, labor productivity, and nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) use efficiencies) to benchmark rice production systems in SSA. Data were collected between 2013–2014 from 2907 farmers from two rice production systems (irrigated and rainfed lowlands) across five agroecological zones (arid, semiarid, humid, subhumid and highlands) in 12 countries (Benin, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Togo). The exploitable gap for each indicator (the difference between the mean of 10 % highest-yielding farms and the mean-yielding farms) was calculated across the countries, the two production systems and agroecological zones. The mean yield varied widely between 2.5 to 5.6 t ha−1 and 0.6 to 2.3 t ha−1 in irrigated and rainfed lowlands, respectively, with an average yield of 4.1 and 1.4 t ha−1, respectively. Across the country-production system combinations, there were yield gaps of 29–69 %, profit gaps of 10–89 %, and labor productivity gaps reaching 71 %. Yield, profit, and labor productivity were positively correlated. They were also positively correlated with N and P fertilizer application rate, but not with N and P use efficiencies. Only between 34–44 % of farmers had desirable ranges in N- or P-use efficiencies in the two production systems. All sites for rainfed lowlands were characterized by low-yield and large gaps in yield, profit, and labor productivity, whereas irrigated lowlands in some countries (Madagascar, Mali, and Togo) have similar characteristics as rainfed ones. We conclude that there is an urgent need to disseminate precision nutrient management practices for optimizing nutrient use efficiency and enhancing rice performance indicators especially in rainfed lowlands as well as low-yielding irrigated lowlands. Furthermore, we propose recommendations for specific categories (i.e. farmer, rice production system, agroecological zone and country) to close performance indicator gaps and to allow the production at scale to achieve rice self-sufficiency in SSA

    Farmer preferences for groundnut traits and varieties in West Africa: Cases of Mali, Niger and Nigeria.Working Paper Series no. 27

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    Participatory varietal selection trials were implemented in Mali, Niger and Nigeria and were used to assess farmers’ preferences for plant and seed traits of selected groundnut varieties. Using a panel of farmers in every country, plant and seed traits were assessed and found to be statistically associated with the varieties tested. Ordered probit models were used to identify plant and seed traits liked by panelists. Color of the leaves, maturity (short cycle), number of pods, pod size, constriction, pod yield, pod filling and taste were the important attributes explaining farmers ranking for varieties in Mali. In Niger, the color of the leaves, the number of pods per plant, pod filling, pod beak, and pod yield were the most important traits sought by farmers. In Nigeria, plant vigor, plant maturity, plant type, number of pods per plant, pod size, haulm yield and pod yield were the preferred traits. These traits should be used to identify varieties (from large germplasm collections) most likely to be adopted by farmers. Varieties with traits sought by farmers should be promoted and used to build sustainable seed supply systems. Attributes such as color of leaves, pod reticulation and pod beak tend to be overlooked and should be included in future breeding programs Ndjeunga J, Ntare BR, Abdoulaye A, Ibro A, Zarafi MA, Cisse Y, Moutari A, Kodio O, Echekwu CA, Mohammed SG and Micko

    Micro-entrepreneurship in Niger: factors affecting the success of women street food vendors

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    Micro-entrepreneurship in the informal sector plays a vital role in generating employment and income in West Africa. In this article, the authors examine business success factors for micro-entrepreneurs involved in the production and sale of street foods in Niger, drawing on the resource-based view theory. Business success was measured by size of firm and vendor's perception of enterprise growth. Their results indicate that business experience is an important success factor, while the need for cash is a constraint for business success. A rare resource, limited access to financial assets translates into limited opportunities for growth of these informal micro-enterprises into viable businesses

    Mise en oeuvre des plateformes d'innovation: cas du project CDAT

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    Utilisation of wastewater for fuel and fodder production and environmental and social benefits in semi-arid, peri-urban zones of sub-Saharan Africa. Final Report 1/12/2002 - 30/11/2007 Contract number ICA4-CT-2002-10017

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    The overall objective was to develop low-tech water treatment and irrigation systems and test their use for the production of fuel wood and fodder in semi-arid sub-Saharan Africa. Sites for waste water treatment plants and irrigation systems were identified and the systems were constructed in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. Project partners were trained in how to use and maintain the systems. The irrigation sites were characterised in advance of tree planting, and soil and water analyses are being conducted regularly. Tree species with potential for use in irrigated conditions in each country were identified and experimental designs for the trials produced. Some species were used in common in all three countries. Nursery screening trials were conducted and plants were then planted at the irrigation sites. Trees grew quickly under the irrigated conditions and many species performed well. Species which were selected for their good performance in the nursery were not necessarily the best performers in the field. Biomass production was determined and the effects of different coppicing treatments on regrowth were assessed. Parameters of planting stock quality were assessed and incidence of pest attacks determined. Partners were also trained in the use of sap flow and associated equipment. Considerable variation between tree species in water use was noted, together with differential effects according to the inoculation history of the plants. Working in controlled glasshouse conditions, using sterilised soil media, considerable variation in effectiveness of different mycorrhizal strains on different tree species was detected. When plant response to simulated irrigation water was measured, uninoculated plants grew very poorly irrespective of whether they are receiving the simulated irrigation water or not. Thus mycorrhizal infection enabled plants to make use of the nutrients in the irrigation water. Initially, nursery and field studies gave much less clear results. However, assessments during the final year of the project demonstrated positive effects of inoculation on tree growth in Mali and Niger. These observations were reinforced on the rhizobial side by molecular studies, using strain-specific probes for nodule analysis. In Ouagadougou it was estimated that 225,004 tons of fuel wood and 6708 tons of charcoal per year are transported to the city. The average price of firewood was approximately 21 F CFA per kg, and charcoal was 60 – 110 F CFA per kg. Sellers can achieve a substantial income from sales. The large quantities of fuel imported into Ouagadougou highlight the pressure on fuel resources. This is further indicated by the observations in Niger and Mali. Dissemination to stakeholders has been conducted and is continuing. The irrigation sites are continuing to be run. An important development is the formation of a partnership with representative farmers’ organizations regrouped under the umbrella of ROPPA (Réseau des Organisations Paysannes et des Producteurs Agricoles d’Afrique de l’Ouest, who federates millions of farmers through twelve west African countries, with the objective of bringing symbionts to farmers