14 research outputs found

    The uncontrolled cooking test : measuring three-stone fire performance in northern Mozambique

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    The assessment of cooking system performance in developing countries is a continued area of interest, with laboratory testing methods often being unrepresentative of real world use, and field based methods tending to be resource intensive with high levels of variability. This paper presents the Uncontrolled Cook Test (UCT), a relatively low cost field testing protocol that assesses the task-based performance of the system when cooking any meal and operated as per local conditions and practice. A total of 29 UCTs were conducted in households in a study village in rural northern Mozambique, all on wood-burning three stone fires. The UCT proved a capable method for the assessment of cooking system performance and, critically, returned a data set with less variation than is typically reported by existing field test methods, so offering the potential to use fewer resources to detect a statistically significant difference between baseline and ‘improved’ stove results

    Ordinal Welfare Comparisons with Multiple Discrete Indicators: A First Order Dominance Approach and Application to Child Poverty

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    We develop an ordinal method for making welfare comparisons between populations with multidimensional discrete well-being indicators observed at the micro level. The approach assumes that, for each well-being indicator, the levels can be ranked from worse to better; however, no assumptions are made about relative importance of any dimension nor about complementarity/substitutability relationships between dimensions. The method is based on the concept of multidimensional first order dominance. We introduce a rapid and reliable algorithm for empirically determining whether one population dominates another on the basis of available binary indicators by drawing upon linear programming theory. These approaches are applied to household survey data from Vietnam and Mozambique with a focus on child poverty comparisons over time and between regions.

    Mozambique's Future: Modeling Population and Sustainable Development Challenges

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    What are the prospects for sustainable development over the next 20 years in Mozambique? Although it looks as if much of the development prospects are determined by such inherently unpredictable events as war, peace, and weather calamities, there are also many changes and patterns which have a long-term stability and which change only slowly over time. For example, socio-demographic changes, such as labor force skills, and population health have a long momentum. These are very important indicators for the economic development potential of a country. Also, although it is impossible to predict a particular year of heavy rains or droughts, there are long time series of weather from which we can calculate the country's vulnerability to single- or multiple-year weather disasters. To focus our efforts in answering this bold question, we concentrate on four issues: (1) Can poverty be erased in the next 20 years? (2) How will school enrollment lead to higher skills in the labor force by 2020? (3) What role will water play in development, in particular, water provision by rain to rural areas, and infrastructure to cities? (4) And, most importantly, what will be the impacts of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the next decades

    Ordinal Welfare Comparisons with Multiple Discrete Indicators:A First Order Dominance Approach and Application to Child Poverty

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    Abstract: We develop an ordinal method for making welfare comparisons between populations with multidimensional discrete well-being indicators observed at the micro level. The approach assumes that, for each well-being indicator, the levels can be ranked from worse to better; however, no assumptions are made about relative importance of any dimension nor about complementarity/substitutability relationships between dimensions. The method is based on the concept of multidimensional first order dominance. We introduce a rapid and reliable algorithm for empirically determining whether one population dominates another on the basis of available binary indicators by drawing upon linear programming theory. These approaches are applied to household survey data from Vietnam and Mozambique with a focus on child poverty comparisons over time and between regions

    Eficácia e tolerância da azitromicina versus claritromicina no tratamento das infecções do tracto respiratório inferior

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    ABSTRACTSeventy one patients were enrolled to an opened, comparative and randomized study to evalute the safety and efficacy of azitbromycin administered during 3 days versus clarithromycin during 10 days in the out treatment of lower respiratory tract infections. Azithromycin was given 500mg once daily and clarithromycin 250mg twice daily. A total of 51 patients (25 to azithromycin and 26 to clarythromycin) were eligible for efficacy assessment. Mean age was 42.3years (19-25), 29 (57%) patients were male and diagnosis were the following:40 (78%) exacerbations of COPD and 11 (22%) pneumonia. Both groups were similar in terms obasic details. Clinical success or improvement on final evaluation was noted in 92% of patients in the azithromycin group and in 85% in the claritbromycin group. There were no clinical failures on the azithromycin group and there were 3 on the clarithromycin group (on one of these patients there was a superinfection with E. coil). Safety was assessed in all patients randomized to the treatment groups (71 patients; 40 received azitbromycin and 31 received clarythromycin). One azitbromycin treated patient with lung cancer died with fulminating haemoptysis on the second day of treatment which was norelated to the study drug. Adverse events were reported in 3 patients all treated with clarythromycin. Regarding laboratory values there was an hematologic change related with infection resolution (leucocytes and neutrophils reduction and limphocytes increase) and there was no significant chemistry changes. Thirteen patients (8 of azithromycin group and 5 of clarithromycin group) showed laboratory abnormalities with no attributable clinical significance. In conclusion, Ibis study showed a high effectiveness of both azithromycin and clarithromycin in the treatment of lower respiratory tract infections. The study was inconclusive about the superiority of one drug over the other.REV PORT PNEUMOL 1999; V (2): 216-22

    Adsorção de fósforo, superfície específica e atributos mineralógicos em solos desenvolvidos de rochas vulcânicas do Alto Paranaíba (MG)

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    Muitos solos tropicais com grau avançado de intemperismo, apesar de apresentarem teores totais de P relativamente elevados, mostram-se deficientes em P disponível, pela baixa solubilidade das principais formas de P encontradas. Neste trabalho, estudou-se o processo de adsorção de P em solos desenvolvidos de rochas vulcânicas básicas e ultrabásicas do Alto Paranaíba em Minas Gerais, algumas das quais ricas em apatita, estabelecendo-se relações com atributos de solo, como superfície específica (SE) e mineralogia. Foram estudados onze horizontes B diagnósticos de perfis de solos da região, por meio de análises químicas, físicas e mineralógicas; foram determinadas as capacidades máximas de adsorção do fósforo (CMAF), SE pelo método direto BET-N2 e indiretamente por cálculos, bem como foi feita a quantificação dos minerais de argila pelo método de alocação. Os valores da SE obtidos indiretamente de cada mineral, foram superestimados em relação à SE determinada pelo método BET-N2 na fração argila total. Nos Latossolos estudados, com texturas e materiais de origem variáveis, desde rochas básico-alcalinas até ultrabásicas, a proporção e a área superficial da gibbsita e goethita têm participação destacada na adsorção de P. A faixa de valores de CMAFTFSA encontrada está consistente com os valores na literatura reportados para Latossolos, embora os valores de CMAFTFSA e CMAFARG corrigida, de 2,98 e 4,38 mg g-1, respectivamente, do Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo de rocha ultrabásica (P6), sejam comparáveis àqueles de solos subtropicais alofânicos derivados de cinzas vulcânicas. A CMAFARG corrigida para percentagem de argila evidenciou expressivos valores nos Cambissolos de rochas vulcânicas ultrabásicas (4,32 e 5,52), com valor menor naquele derivado do tufito (3,16 mg g-1). Os valores de substituição isomórfica de Al na goethita são mais elevados que nas hematitas. Em contraste com os Latossolos, os Cambissolos mostraram variações grandes nos atributos químicos, mineralógicos e na CMAF, em virtude da natureza diversificada de materiais de origem e do menor grau de intemperismo.Despite relatively high levels of total P, most deeply-weathered tropical soils have very low levels of available P due to the low solubility of most P forms found in these soils. In this research we studied P adsorption of soils, some of which were rich in apatite, developed from basic to ultrabasic volcanic rocks in the Upper Paranaíba region of Minas Gerais State, in relation to the specific surface and clay mineralogy. Samples of eleven B horizons from representative Latosols (Oxisols) and Cambisols (Inceptisols) were used. Standard chemical, physical, and mineralogical characterizations were realized, as well as the determination of maximum P adsorption capacity (PMAC), specific surface (SS) by the BET-N2 and indirect methods, and the quantification of individual clay minerals by allocation. The sum of the SS values obtained by the indirect method for each mineral overestimated the results, compared with the SS values obtained by the BET-N2 method for the total clay fraction. Among the studied Latosols, exhibiting varying textures and basic-alkaline to ultrabasic parent materials, the proportion and surface area of gibbsite and goethite appeared closely related to P adsorption. The range of PMAC values for the fine earth (< 2 mm) fraction was also consistent with values reported in literature, although the Red-Yellow Latosol derived from ultrabasic rock (fine earth PMAC = 2.98 mg g-1 and PMACclay = 4.38 mg g-1) was similar to values of alophanic subtropical soils derived from volcanic ash. The PMACclay values were greater in the Cambisols derived from ultrabasic volcanics (4.32 and 5.52) than in those derived from tuffites (3.16 mg g-1). Al-isomorphic substitution in goethites was found to be higher than in hematites. In contrast to the Latosols, the Cambisols presented larger variations in chemical and mineralogical attributes, as well as in PMAC values; this is attributed to their varied parent materials and lower weathering degree of the Cambisols

    Gênese e micromorfologia de solos sob vegetação xeromórfica (caatinga) na região dos Lagos (RJ)

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    Na região dos Lagos do Rio de Janeiro, a existência de um clima mais seco condiciona um ambiente peculiar no sudeste brasileiro, com forte tendência à salinização e xerofitismo. Foram realizados estudos físicos, químicos, mineralógicos e micromorfológicos em transectos de solos da região. Os solos são eutróficos, considerando a ciclagem de nutrientes, o baixo grau de intemperismo e a presença de minerais primários com reserva de nutrientes. Os perfis mais desenvolvidos e latolizados são eutróficos e mostram evidências de pré-intemperismo em condições mais úmidas, nos topos mais conservados da região. Estes Latossolos (P2 e P7) são cauliníticos, com microestrutura granular, e apresentam índice Ki, feições micromorfológicas e submicroscópicas, relação Fe o/Fe d e valores de Fe-ataque sulfúrico típicas da classe. Apresentam também goethita, ilita e gibbsita, subordinadamente. A presença de ilita, a reserva em K e o caráter "intergrade" indicam menor grau de evolução dos Latossolos da região em relação aos Latossolos típicos da região Sudeste. Todos os solos estudados são geneticamente policíclicos e revelam uma tendência atual à acidificação superficial, mostrando que, em tempos subatuais relativamente recentes, prevaleceram condições de sazonalidade mais pronunciadas. Em subsuperfície, a acidificação provoca a desestabilização dos minerais 2:1 expansíveis e liberação de Al e Mg estruturais para formas mais solúveis, originando desbalanço da relação Ca:Mg no horizonte B. Há um papel destacado do Na e, ou, Na + Mg na dispersão de colóides, tendo como conseqüências os valores de argila dispersa nos solos e o gradiente textural observados. Teores elevados de Na e K trocáveis são atribuíveis a "sprays" salinos da laguna nos horizontes superficiais, além do intemperismo de plagioclásios de Na e Ca e feldspatos potássicos em subsuperfície. Pelo fracionamento de substâncias húmicas, observou-se uma tendência à formação e migração de complexos orgânicos por soluções ricas em sódio, como fulvatos e humatos de sódio, conforme mostram as altas e significativas correlações entre o Na trocável e as frações fúlvicas e húmicas