535 research outputs found

    Criminal Acts of Violence by Children against Parents According to Islamic Criminal Law

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    Penganiayaan merupakan masalah sering terjadi baik di tengah-tengah masyarakat dan di lingkup keluarga. Tindakan penganiayaan yaitu salah satu kejahatan yang seiring bejalannya berkembang dari waktu ke waktu. Salah satu contohnya dapat dilihat dari pelakunya yang bukan hanya orang dewasa tetapi juga tidak di pungkiri dilakukan oleh anak-anak, pelakunya bukan hanya orang lain namun dapat terjadi di di lingkungan keluarga. Pokok permasalahan dalam penilitian ini adalah tentang 1). Bagaimana dasar pertimbangan hakim terhadap putusan Nomor 63/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Pin tentang penganiayaan anak terhadap orang tuanya? 2). Bagaimana analisis fiqih jinayah terhadap pertimbangan hakim dalam putusan Nomor 63/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Pin tentang tindak pidana penganiayaan anak terhadap orang tuanya? Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana dasar pertimbangan hakim dalam putusan perkara Nomor 63/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Pin tentang tindak pidana penganiayaan anak kepada orang tua, dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana analisis fiqih jinayah terhadap pertimbangan hakim dalam putusan Nomor 63/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Pin tentang tindak pidana penganiayaan anak terhadap orang tuanya. Dari hasil penelitian ini berdasarkan pertimbangan hakim di dalam putusan Pengadilan Negeri Pinrang Nomor: 63/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Pin tentang tindak pidana penganiayaan yang dilakukan anak terhadap ibunya ini sudah ditetapkan oleh Majelis Hakim berdasarkan dakwaan alternatif kedua Jaksa Penuntut Umum yaitu yang melanggar pasal 351 ayat (1) KUHP. Hakim memberikan hukuman kepada terdakwa berupa pidana penjara selama 10 (sepuluh) bulan atas perbuatan penganiayaan yang dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan hal yang meringankan serta hal yang memberatkan. Berdasarkan analisis dalam hukum Islam fiqih jinayah terdakwa diberikan saksi ĵarimah penganiayaan yang dilakukan oleh anak kepada ibunya adalah hukum tâ’zir. Dimana hukum takzir ditujukan agar pelaku jera terhadap tindakan yang dilakukan dan tidak mengulanginya. Juga dalam perkara ini, majelis hakim memberikan sanksi berupa tâ’zir barkaitan dengan kemerdekaan yang berupa hukuman penjara selama 10 (sepuluh) bulan. Jadi majelis hakim merampas kemerdekaan dan kebebasan terdakwa sebagai wujud pertanggungjawaban pidana atas ĵarimah penganiayaan yang dilakukan oleh terdakwa

    Pengorganisasian kelompok ternak dalam upaya pemanfaatan limbah kotoran ternak menjadi pupuk organik ramah lingkungan di Kampung Tubanan RT 02 RW 09 Kelurahan Karangpoh Kecamatan Tandes Kota Surabaya

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    Kampung Tubanan Makmur RT 02 RW 09 Kelurahan Karangpoh, Surabaya Barat memiliki kondisi alam yang masih cukup banyak terdapat ruang terbuka hijau. Sehingga banyak dari masyarakat yang memilih berternak sebagai pekerjaan sampingan dengan jenis ternak meliputi kambing dan sapi, selama ini hewan ternak hanya dimanfaatkan dagingnya saja dan belum ada upaya untuk pemanfaatan hasil ternak yang lain seperti kotorannya. sehingga penelitian dan pendampingan ini dilakukan untuk mengajak masyarakat memanfaatkan aset berupa kotoran ternak menjadi pupuk organik ramah lingkungan sebagai upaya untuk menambah keberdayaan dan pendapatan bagi para peternak sehingga tidak hanya bergantung pada penjualan daging ternak. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Asset Based Community Development dengan tahapan Apreciative Inquiries yang dikenal dengan 5D yakni Discovery, Dream, Design, Define, dan Destiny. Penelitian pendampingan ini menghasilkan : (1) kesadaran masyarakat bahwa limbah ternak juga merupakan potensi yang selama ini dapat dikembangkan. (2) adanya tekad untuk menuju hal yang lebih baik. (3) Muncul kerja sama kolektif berupa kelompok ternak yang selama ini memang belum ada di Kampung Tubanan RT 02 RW 09. (4) Kelompok ternak memiliki keahlian dalam memanfaatkan kotoran ternak menjadi pupuk organik ramah lingkungan berupa pupuk cair dan padat

    Instrument for Testing Organizational Citizenship Behavior among University Lecturers in Nigeria: A Pilot Study

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    This report is centered upon a pilot research carried out to assess, from a methodological perspective, the mediating effect of self-efficacy on the relationship between work-family conflict, family-work conflict and organizational citizenship behavior among university academicians in Northern Nigeria. The goal of the pilot study was to assess the viability, length of time, cost, and negative consequences of self-efficacy on the long-term survival of OCB among universities in Nigeria with the aim of improving the questionnaire's design before it’s full implementation. Three experts from Management, Accounting, and Strategic Management carried out an evaluation of the research instrument, with the goal of ensuring that the questionnaires were consistent so that responders would not have problems while filling them out. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA); which checks for reliability, and the Cronbach alpha values, were used to analyze the content and face validity of the instrument, using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) Version 26. The model's components and elements used in this study were all derived from earlier research. A sample size of 36 respondents was used in this study. These respondents were drawn from several Universities from across northern Nigeria. According to the data, all of the constructs in the model had a Cronbach alpha value of greater than 0.7. Consequently, all of the instrument's components were kept. This research is vital in contributing to literature on methodological multivariate studies, quantitative OCB research, and university’s long-term growth and survival

    Wabah Pandemi Covid 19 dan Angka Perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Sleman Tahun 2020 dalam Perspektif Sosiologi Hukum Islam

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    Tulisan ini berupaya untuk menjelaskan pengaruh wabah pandemi covid 19 terhadap fluktuasi angka perceraian khususnya di Pengadilan Agama Sleman tahun 2020. penelitian ini menjadi penting mengingat dampak dari pandemi Covid 19 salah satunya adalah menimbulkan kelesuan di bidang perekonomian, bahkan banyak terjadi PHK (pemutusan Hubungan Kerja). Untuk itu terdapat dua hal yang dilihat dalam tulisan ini, yaitu (1) Fluktuasi angka perceraian sebagai dampak dari terjadinya pandemi Covid 19, serta faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhinya? (2) Tinjauan Sosiologi Hukum Islam terhadap faktor-faktor terjadinya fluktuasi angka perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Sleman. Penelian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan yang bersifat deskriptif analitis, dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif dan pendekatan Sosiologi Hukum Islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada awal terjadinya pandemi sempat mengalami penurunan selama kurang lebih dua bulan pertama sejak pertengahan bulan Maret 2020. Hal tersebut terjadi karena dibatasinya jumlah para pihak yang akan mendaftarkan perkara oleh pihak PA Sleman, maksimal 6 perkara setiap harinya. Selanjutnya secara makro, faktor penyebab terjadinya perceraian tidak terdapat perbedaan secara signifikan antara sebelum dan pada waktu terjadinya pandemi Covid 19. Terlihat dari beberapa faktor penyebab terjadinya perceraian yang cenderung tidak berbeda, yaitu faktor ekonomi, tidak bertanggungjawab, akhlak, selingkuh dan ketidakcocokan antara suami dan istri

    Impromptu: great impromptu speaking is never just impromptu

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    Great impromptu speaking, reciting and singing are never just an isolated impromptu act. It is the result of endless practice to perfect performance that can then be given impromptu. One of the main objectives of learning English as a Second Language (ESL) is to be able to speak English impromptu, not just on the stage or in front of an audience but also in a casual meeting, on the street or during a formal meeting in a board-room. In fact to be able to speak “impromptu” should be the Holy Grail of teaching and learning ESL, more important than reading, writing and listening. So how come it is not given the priority it deserves – and how come it seems such a difficult goal? We believe it is because teachers and learners neglect to emphasize and practice the key to learning impromptu speaking. That key we believe is practice, practice and more practice. We can remember songs from our kindergarten years and we can still sing them because we practiced, practiced and practiced them. We believe that the teaching of ESL often overlooks the critical importance of lots of practice to create depth of learning and that creative methods of practicing need to be taught and practiced in ESL courses until such methods become deeply habitual, in fact they become a new personal paradigm. If our students aim to become great at ESL, they, too, must take continuous never-ending practice to heart

    Do repeated surgical interventions in patients with lumbar paraspinal Ewing's sarcoma increase survival by supporting pharmacological treatment? A comprehensive systematic review

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    Aim: To present the medical and surgical treatment of a patient who was diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma (EWS) in the paraspinal region and was operated on, in line with a comprehensive systematic literature review. Method: A comprehensive and systematic literature search of electronic databases was performed. Keywords used were “EWS” and “EWS treatment”. Randomized, controlled clinical trials were included in the study. Letters to the editor, bibliographies, reviews, and meta-analyses were excluded. In addition, our EWS case was presented in full detail. Results As a results of a comprehensive and systematic literature search of electronic databases, the full texts of the appropriate 323 studies conducted between the years 1786 to 2021 were retrieved and evaluated. In the case we present here, the expandable mass was largely excised together with the invasive skin tissue. Immunohistochemical examination of the excised tumor tissue using vimentin antibody revealed that the mass was compatible with EWS, a mesenchymal malignant tumor. Conclusion: Many different pharmacological agents can be administered in different posologies and different combinations before and after paraspinal/paravertebral lumbar surgery of EWS.  Further studies containing more cases from different races, gender must be performed to comprehensively evaluate the effects of repeated surgical interventions of patients with EWS  due to recurrence and/or residue, which may positively contribute to patient's survival and prognosis by giving more time to standard chemotherapy

    Measuring the Impact of Knowledge Management, Leadership, Employee Commitment, and Employee Engagement on the HEIs Sustainability in Iraq

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    This paper aims to emphasize how the behavioural factors offered at Iraqi higher education institutions can influence sustainability performance. The conclusions are based on a pilot questionnaire conducted by the authors on the level of Iraqi academics in public universities. A sample of 100 respondents served as the basis for the results. Based on Cronbach's alpha coefficient test, the results show that all of the measures above the 0.70 benchmark and had high reliability coefficients that varied from 0.80 to 0.96 with no appreciable variation of skewness values from zero. The study's findings also showed that sustainability performance was highly influenced by knowledge management, leadership, employee commitment, and employee engagement. The study confirmed the effectiveness of the instrument used to analyze various particular predicators of HEI sustainability in Iraq. This model is promising since it demonstrates an increase in behavioral variance in an explanatory manner. Keywords: Sustainability Performance, Behavioural Factors, Higher Education, Academics, Iraq DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-16-07 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Konya İli Örneğinde Çocuk Suçluluğu Üzerine Kriminolojik Bir İnceleme

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    Sapma, suç ve bunların toplumsal yansımaları hayatımızda ağırlık dereceleri hissedilir şekilde karşımıza çıkan olgulardır. Özellikle aile yapısında meydana gelen değişimler ile suç- özelde çocuk suçluluğu- tartışılması ve üzerinde dikkatle çalışılması gereken bir konudur. Çocuk ve aile toplumun temel taşları olup buralarda meydana gelen ufak bir kırılma toplumun tamamına yayılmaktadır. Bu bağlamda kriminolojik bir perspektiften sapma, suç ve suça sürüklenen çocuk kavramları ile çocuk suçluluğuna ilişkin teoriler incelenmiş, istatistikî veriler ile aile yapıları ve suç arasındaki bağlantılar Konya özelinde 2017 verileri dikkate alınarak değerlendirilmiştir. Suça sürüklenmiş çocukların demografik aile yapısı incelenmiş ve sonuç bölümünde önerilerde bulunulmuştur

    The Impact of R&D Expenditures on Economic Growth in Türkiye: New Evidence from Machine Learning Method

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    Purpose: This study analyzes the impacts of R&D expenditures on economic growth in Türkiye. Methodology: In this study, we explore the impact of R&D expenditure on economic growth in Türkiye. Annual time series from 1990 to 2021 are considered for this research examination based on the data availability. R&D expenditure, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita, gross fixed capital formation, labor force, and tertiary ratio variables are used for the analysis and obtained from the World Bank. Based on machine learning, analyses were conducted using the Kernel Regularized Least Square method. Findings: The empirical analysis using KRLS shows that higher spending on research and development leads to a significant boost in economic growth. Furthermore, labor force participation, school enrolment (tertiary) ratio, and gross fixed capital formation are all significantly and positively associated with economic growth in Türkiye. Originality: The contribution of the paper is twofold: (1) it provides new scientific evidence based on the machine learning econometric method, the Kernel Regularized Least Square (KRLS); (2) many papers in the literature have only examined the relationship between R&D expenditures and economic growth, without controlling for other variables. We have used possible control variables such as labor force participation rate, school enrolment (tertiary) ratio, and gross fixed capital formation, which are also linked to economic growth models