332 research outputs found

    Mitigation Strategies for 42{}^{42}Ar/42{}^{42}K Background Reduction using Encapsulation with Ultra-Pure Plastic for the LEGEND Experiment

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    Neutrinoless double-beta (0νββ\nu\beta\beta) decay is the most compelling approach to determine the Majorana nature of neutrino and measure effective Majorana neutrino mass. The LEGEND collaboration is aiming to look for 0νββ\nu\beta\beta decay of 76{}^{76}Ge with unprecedented sensitivity. If underground-sourced argon is not available, the cosmogenically-induced isotope 42{}^{42}Ar and its decay progeny 42{}^{42}K in the liquid argon active veto could create a challenging background for the 0νββ\nu\beta\beta signal. We are studying methodologies to mitigate the 42{}^{42}K background. In order to achieve this, encapsulation of germanium detectors with 3D-printed technologies using low background material are currently under investigation. Simulation results of Poly(ethylene 2,6- naphthalate) (PEN) encapsulation of germanium detectors and plans to study other potential materials are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, conferenc

    Chemical Castration Sanction Against Crimes Of Sexual Violence In Children Reviewing From Criminal Law Aspects

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    AbstractChemical castration is an effort to enforce the law against perpetrators of violence against children by injecting anti-testosterone into perpetrators whose purpose is to suppress sexual desire to prevent and provide a deterrent effect to perpetrators of crime so as not to repeat similar crimes in the future. The existence of Government Regulation Number 70 of 2020 reaped various reactions, both pros and cons. This research method is normative juridical by examining secondary data as a primary material to research by searching for regulations, literature, and research journals. Chemical castration sanctions in terms of criminal law aspects include the purpose of punishment based on combined theory and paralysis theory, data on crimes of violence against children, legal protection in the form of restitution and compensation, counseling services, medical services, or assistance to children as victims and criminal responsibility for perpetrators. The obstacle to implementing additional sanctions for chemical castration in terms of the criminal law aspect is the executor or executor of the chemical castration action. The executor of chemical castration, in this case, the Doctor through the Indonesian Medical Association (Ikatan Dokter Indonesia, IDI), rejects the act of chemical castration against the perpetrator for violating the Doctor’s Oath and the Medical Code of Ethics.Keywords: Sexual Violence, Chemical Castration, Executor AbstrakTindakan kebiri kimia merupakan upaya penegakan hukum terhadap pelaku kejahatan kekerasan seksual pada anak dengan cara menyuntikan anti-testosteron kepada pelaku yang tujuannya adalah untuk menekan nafsu seksual, mencegah dan memberikan efek jera kepada pelaku kejahatan agar tidak mengulangi kejahatan yang serupa di masa yang akan datang. Adanya Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 70 Tahun 2020 menuai reaksi yang beragam baik pro maupun kontra. Metode Penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif dengan cara meneliti data sekunder sebagai bahan dasar untuk diteliti dengan cara mengadakan penelusuran terhadap peraturan-peraturan, literatur, dan jurnal penelitian. Sanksi kebiri kimia ditinjau dari aspek hukum pidana meliputi tujuan pemidanaan berdasarkan teori gabungan dan teori pelumpuhan, data kejahatan kekerasan terhadap anak, perlindungan hukum berupa pemberian restitusi dan kompensasi, pelayanan konseling, pelayanan atau bantuan medis terhadap anak sebagai korban dan pertanggungjawaban pidana terhadap pelaku. Kendala pelaksanaan sanksi tambahan kebiri kimia ditinjau dari aspek hukum pidana adalah eksekutor atau pelaksana tindakan kebiri kimia. Eksekutor kebiri kimia dalam hal ini Dokter melalui lembaga Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI) menolak adanya tindakan kebiri kimia terhadap pelaku karena melanggar Sumpah Dokter dan Kode Etik Kedokteran. Kata Kunci : Kekerasan Seksual, Kebiri Kimia, Eksekutor

    Electronic public distribution system e- government food department

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    Bu tez, "Elektronik Kamu Dağıtım Sistemi", vatandaşlar için hazırlanmış web tabanlı çevrimiçi bir uygulamadır. Bu tezin asıl problemi "Gıda Dairesi (FDO)" nın otomatikleştirilmesi ve teslimat hizmetlerinin ağırlıklı olarak vatandaşlara ve kamu sektörlerine dijitalleştirilmesidir. (FDO), Süleymaniye Valiliği için özel olarak otomatikleştirilmiştir. Bu sistemin ana hedefleri, günlük sorunları çözmek için kullanıcıları etkileşimli ve kolaylaştırmaktır. Vatandaşlar, bu sistemi, sorunlarını çözmek için müşteri tarafında Ticaret Bakanlığına elektronik hükümet içinde bilgi aramak ve gerekli belgeleri göndermek için kullanabilirler. Ayrıca, sisteme girmek için ailenin tam adı ve rasyon kartı numarasını kullanarak veri tabanında bilgilerini tamamlamak için kullanılır. Vatandaş bu davayı takip edebilir ve bu isteğin sonucunu sistemden bulabilir. Bu sorunun üstesinden gelmek için C2G ve G2C gibi hükümet türleri kullanılmıştır. "vatandaş için hükümet ve hükümet için vatandaş" kullanıcıları, taleplerini Elektronik Kamu Dağıtım Sistemine doğrudan gönderebilir ve sistemin E-merkezi, bu özel durumlarda kullanıcıya özel bir kullanıcı adı ve parola veren personel tarafından güncelleme ve artırma yapabilir. Aile, kişi ve aracı gibi veritabanı dosyalarında. Sistemi değerlendirirken "Usablity test Modeli" sistemi kullanırken kullanıcıların memnuniyetini değerlendirmek için kullanılmıştır ve bu nedenle sistemin dört yöneticisi ve 300 üç yüz çevrimiçi kullanıcı güvenilirliğin ölçümünü test etmek için görev yapmışlardır, Kullanılabilirlik ve sistemin kullanılabilirliği. Sonuçlar, Usablity test Modelini kullanarak elde edilen kullanıcı memnuniyeti geri bildirimlerini göstermektedir

    Challenges in Neutrino Mass Measurements

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    Neutrino masses are yet unknown. We discuss the present state of absolute neutrino mass from β\beta decay experiments; effective Majorana neutrino mass from neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments; neutrino mass squared differences from neutrino oscillation: solar, atmospheric, reactor and accelerator based experiments; sum of neutrino masses from cosmological observations. Current experimental challenges in the determination of neutrino masses are briefly discussed. The main focus is devoted to contemporary experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis besarnya kontribusi pendapatan karet terhadap pendapatan total petani karet di Kabupaten Muara Enim dan untuk menganalisis harga minimum bahan olahan karet berdasarkan harga pokok produksi, pengeluaran konsumsi, dan jumlah produksi karet di Kabupaten Muara Enim. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Muara Enim, Kecamatan Gelumbang dan Kecamatan Rambang Niru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dan wawancara yang terstruktur, menggunakan kuesioner yang dibuat sesuai kebutuhan tema. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah petani karet sebanyak 92 responden, yang berfokus kepada 2 kecamatan yang memiliki produktivitas tertinggi, di sini di 1 kecamatan akan diambil 2 desa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada kontribusi pendapatan usahatani karet besarnya rata-rata total pendapatan petani karet sebesar Rp 24.040.402/th dengan kontribusi pendapatan di luar usahatani sebesar Rp 7.526.087/th atau dengan persentase 31,3% lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan usahatani karet sebesar Rp 16.514.315. atau dengan persentase 68,7% dengan selisih sebesar 37,4%. Sedangkan, pada hasil penelitian, harga minimum didapatkan dari rata-rata pengeluaran konsumsi rumah tangga Rp 8.908.370 dibagi dengan jumlah produksi karet 2.312/kg ditambah dengan harga pokok produksi Rp1.039, sehingga menghasilkan harga minimum sebesar Rp 4.892/kg

    Does Spending Matter in Improving Healthcare Across MENA Region

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    This study addresses the impact of healthcare spending on quality of health. Particularly, it investigates the impact of health budget allocation, health system performance, a nation’s income, and demographic aspects on prompting health quality across the MENA region. The yearly data sample used covers the period 1995–2016. The estimated model is tested using the appropriate GLS random effects method. The findings do not show support for public spending on healthcare to improve healthcare quality across the MENA region. However, higher private spending on healthcare leads to lower infant mortality rates, thus improving healthcare quality. The results also show that the improvement in income per-capita for oil-exporting countries leads to improved quality of healthcare as well as in non-oil-exporting countries, however the marginal benefit is lower for oil-exporting countries, compared to non-oil-exporting countries. This might suggest that oil-exporting countries have already reached a significant floor level of infant mortality rate that cannot be improved. However, non-oil-exporting countries still have potential to reduce the infant mortality rate and improve the quality of healthcare

    Separatism Movement and Contemporary Reconciliation: Causes and its Impact towards Political Development in Papua

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    The separatism occurs in Papua that comes from the root of complex problems, resulting in ongoing conflict between the Free Papua Organization (OPM) and the state. Separatism and conflict in Papua have had a significant impact on political development. This research uses Tedd Robert Gurr's theory of relative deprivation and Lucian Pye's theory of political development as well as qualitative methods. This research examines conflicts and separatism that occur in Papua and their relation to Papuan political development. The result of this research indicates that political development in Papua has not been successful. The discrepancy between expectations for progress and realities can lead to significant political violence. The strengthening of collective discontent can be politicized and produce radical and even separatist resistance movements. These conditions can hinder the course of the political development process, because of the difficulty of building integration and creating political stability

    Morphological And Molecular Characterization Of Eggplant Lines For Resistant To Phomopsis Blight And Fruit Rot

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    The F4 lines of eggplant derived from the crosses of Dohazari G x BAU Begun-1 and Laffa S x BAU Begun-1 were evaluated for resistance to phomopsis blight and fruit rot under confined field conditions. The inoculated plants exhibited differential disease reactions. Among the parents, BAU Begun-1 was resistant whereas Dohazari G and Laffa S were susceptible to Phomopsis vexans. All the phenotypes of F4 progenies showed resistant reaction to the disease. Significant differences were observed among the phenotypes in all the yield components. High genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation, heritability and per cent genetic advance were estimated for number of fruits per plant, number of secondary branch per plant, fruit length and fruit breadth. Significant positive correlation was observed between yield contributing characters. Random amplified polymorphic DNA technique was used for assessing genetic variation and relationship among parent cultivars and their F4 progenies of eggplant. Amplification with five decamer primers generated 69.0% polymorphic bands. Comparatively higher genetic distance was observed between Laffa S vs. green globose (Dohazari G x BAU Begun-1). The dendogram constructed from Neis genetic distance produced two main clusters, the parent cultivars and six F4 lines formed cluster 1 and one line in cluster 2. F4 lines of the tested phenotypes showed similar disease reaction and divided into same sub cluster. The parent cultivars were different in case of disease reaction and finally divided into two groups, susceptible cultivars Laffa S and Dohazari G belonged to group 1 and the resistant parent BAU Begun-1 formed another group. Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 3 (1): 35-46, June, 2013 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v3i1.1605

    The review of health system of the Kingdom of Denmark and United Kingdom

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    The paper deals with the functioning and development of national health systems in the Kingdom of Denmark, which is a very stable member of the European Union (EU) and United Kingdom, regardless of its recent outbreak (Brexit) from a large European family. The main goal is to make a review of the necessity of creation of professional health personnel, their mobility, financing of business processes and medical procedures, and also on general problems that the health systems are facing every day. As these are highly developed European economies, it is known that the creators of their health policies are continuously working on the improvement of health systems, ensuring adequate health care and raising and maintaining a high level of collective health for the population. Lately, in these kingdoms, many people believe that for the proper functioning of health sector in general, the way of obtaining of necessary financial resources, their amounts and sustainability of the sources have no big importance, while as far more significant emerge the influences of globalization processes which like hurricane destroy systems (insufficient professional staff) without legal and economic-medical arrangements. Given that the authors are not fully in agreement with this statement, they pledge to the invited authorities to pay more attention on the policy of financing, human capital, its improvement and elimination of health inequality, especially in the field of primary health care

    Economic and legal review on marital community ad family

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    The aim of this paper is to look at the basic characteristics of the marital community and family and to formulate differences that exist among them. Legal science considers that marriage is a community regulated by law in which enter, under the same conditions, male and female persons after consciously giving the statements of consent in front of the authorized person, or before the priest of any confession. From once usual manifestation it evolved into a form of life in which the specific relationships (common life, education of the offspring, expansion of family) are regulated by the law. Due to the complexity of legal and social content and moral values in many societies, it is perceived as a monogamous social institution or as a special form of contract of civil law concluded by spouses, otherwise the molecules for the future emergence of extended family. According to all scientific theories, family is a universal human community composed of adult reproductive partners and their offspring. These are usually parents and their children, although they can be supplemented with persons who can be, but not necessarily, blood related with spouses (adoptees, grandfathers, grandmothers, grandchildren). The highest quality of marital community and family are reproductive, social-educational and psychological role