15,470 research outputs found

    Corrosion study of pipeline material for seabed sediment in tropical climate

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    Corrosive environments such as marine sediments can cause corrosion to steel pipelines at any time when certain conditions are met. Seabed sediment could cause severe corrosion damage due to its corrosiveness to the pipelines buried under it. Many consequences could take place in case if there is incident in oil/gas pipelines. Successfully identifying elements of corrosion in marine sediment would enhance the future of steel structure protection and monitoring systems. This article focuses on the behaviour of corrosion rate of steel located near shore environment and the aim is to determine the effect of sediment on corrosion of steel. To investigate that, simulated near shore sediment conditions have been used where the steel coupons buried in sediments which have different characteristics. Weight loss technique has been implemented to determine the weight loss rate of the steel specimens. Based on the results of this study, metal weight loss increases as the duration of exposure to seabed sediment environment become longer. The sea sediment simulated condition has given significant levels of corrosion. Conclusively, the corrosion rate of steel in seabed sediment located in tropical region is complicated and further studies are suggested


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    تكنولوجيا صناعة وقود إضاءة المسارج بالعصر الهلينستي «دراسة تطبيقية من خلال مكتشفات مشروع جبانة الشاطبي بالإسكندرية 2020-2023 [Ar] يقدم هذا البحث دراسة تطبيقية وتجريبية لما تم الكشف عنه من بقايا مادة وقود الإضاءة التى كانت تستخدم للمسارج فى الفترة الهلّينستية، وكذلك دراسة بقايا لفتيل محترق عثر عليه ضمن مشروع ترميم وتطوير وحماية جبانة الشاطبى الأثرية، والذى نفذته جمعية الآثار بالإسكندرية بتمويل من مؤسسة أ.ج. لفنتيس القبرصية فى الفترة من 2020-2023م. تضمن المشروع إعادة استكشاف الجبانة الأثرية بإزالة الرديم المتراكم بها عبر الزمن. وجادت الجبانة بالعديد من القطع الأثرية تمثلت فى مسارج وأطباق فخارية وأوانى الحضرة وبقايا عظام بشرية. أثبتت التحاليل والفحوص أن الصخر الذى نحتت فيه الجبانة الأثرية أحد أنواع الحجر الجيرى، وأن المياه الجوفية الموجودة بالجبانة هى مياه تترواح نسبة المعادن الذائبة بها بين 1,7جم/لتر ودرجة أس هيدروجينى pH 7.1 . تم تحليل مادة الوقود بالتحليل الكروماتوجرافى الغازى المزود بمطياف الكتلة، حيث أثبت أن مادة الوقود ذات أصل بترولى. واستخدم الفحص بالميكروسكوب الإلكترونى الماسح لفحص بقايا عينة الفتيل المتفحم، وتبين أنها جزء من ساق نبات البوط، وتم تأكيد النتيجة بفحص التركيب التشريحى لساقى نباتى البردى والبوط كجانب تجريبى. [En] This paper is an applied and experimental study on the remains of the fuel material that was used in oil lamps in the Hellenistic period, as well as the remains of a burning fuel and oil lamp wick. These remains are among the finds of the project of restoration, development, and protection of the archaeological cemetery of Shatby, conducted by the archaeological Society of Alexandria (2020-2023), funded by the A.G. Leventis foundation, Cyprus. The entire cemetery of Shatby is hewn in the a type of limestone called Calcarenite, which is a sedimentary rock. The groundwater at the site is slightly alkaline (pH 7.1), with the total dissolved solids (TDS) at 1.7 g/L. Remains of lighting fuel were found during the removal of the accumulated rubble in the ancient cemetery, where they were analyzed using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis which proved that they are composed of crude oil. Using a scanning electron microscope to examine the traces of wick ash, it appeared that the wick was made of the culm of Cyperus articulate. Based on experimental work, this was also proven by light microscopy examination of the culms of Cyperus articulate and Cyperus papyrus

    Preliminary phytochemical screening and antioxidant activity of leave extract of Albizia chevalieri harms (Leguminoseae-Mimosoideae)

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    Antioxidant evaluation of Albizia chevalieri used in Northern Nigerian traditional medicine, was carried out using the free radical scavenging activity of the 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH), total phenolics content and reducing power assay on the methanol leave extract. The results of the DPPH scavenging activity study indicate a concentration dependent antioxidant activity with 59.588, 68.477, 77.240, 85.925 and 94.732% of various concentrations of 10, 25, 50, 125 and 250μg/ml of the extract respectively. The total phenolic content was found to be 60.20 mg/g Gallic acid equivalent (GAE) and the reducing power of 0.071±0.03nm was obtained. The DPPH scavenging activity of the extract was found to be promising. There is no significant difference (

    Carrier-induced ferromagnetism in n-type ZnMnAlO and ZnCoAlO thin films at room temperature

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    The realization of semiconductors that are ferromagnetic above room temperature will potentially lead to a new generation of spintronic devices with revolutionary electrical and optical properties. Transition temperatures in doped ZnO are high but, particularly for Mn doping, the reported moments have been small. We show that by careful control of both oxygen deficiency and aluminium doping the ferromagnetic moments measured at room temperature in n-type ZnMnO and ZnCoO are close to the ideal values of 5mB and 3mB respectively. Furthermore a clear correlation between the magnetisation per transition metal ion and the ratio of the number of carriers to the number of transition metal donors was established as is expected for carrier induced ferromagnetism for both the Mn and Co doped films. The dependence of the magnetisation on carrier density is similar to that predicted for the transition temperature for a dilute magnetic semiconductor in which the exchange between the transition metal ions is through the free carriers.Comment: 14 pages pd

    Water treatment of selected water wells of Al- Muqdadiyah town-Iraq using burned initiated bentonite as a granulated Natural ion- exchanger via columnar method.

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    The aim of this study was to find a general method, cheap and easy to deal with water wells. Treatment of selected water wells of  Al – Muqdadiyah town was carried out at (25­± 0.1) ºC, using natural granulated Iraqi  Na – montmorillonite clay ( initiated burned bentonite), in known flow packed columns. The Na – montmorillonite clay mineral was characterized by FT – IR spectroscopy. [Total dissolved solids (TDS), Electrical conductivity (EC), Total hardness (T.H.CaCo3), Ca+2, Mg+2, Na+, and pH] quantification was done before and after treatment of water samples using (MI – 180 Multi – Bench meter MARTINI – Instruments). Calcium Ca+2, Magnesium Mg+2, and Sodium Na+ were measured using flame photometer [PFP7 flame photo meter from (JENWAY)], Total Hardness was measured using titration method using UniVer1 hardness reagent. The results indicated that the values of these parameters are within or lower than the international drinking  water supplies average, , and Iraq drinking water standards. Keywords: natural ion exchanger, wells water treatment, burned Na – montmorillonite clay, packed column

    The top quark electric dipole moment in an MSSM extension with vector like multiplets

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    The electric dipole moment (EDM) of the top quark is calculated in a model with a vector like multiplet which mixes with the third generation in an extension of the MSSM. Such mixings allow for new CP violating phases. Including these new CP phases, the EDM of the top in this class of models is computed. The top EDM arises from loops involving the exchange of the W, the Z as well as from the exchange involving the charginos, the neutralinos, the gluino, and the vector like multiplet and their superpartners. The analysis of the EDM of the top is more complicated than for the light quarks because the mass of the external fermion, in this case the top quark mass cannot be ignored relative to the masses inside the loops. A numerical analysis is presented and it is shown that the top EDM could be close to 1019ecm10^{-19} ecm consistent with the current limits on the EDM of the electron, the neutron and on atomic EDMs. A top EDM of size 1019ecm10^{-19}ecm could be accessible in collider experiments such as the ILC.Comment: 21 pages and 5 figues. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Thermomechanical treatment of austempered ductile iron

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    The production of lightweight ferrous castings with increased strength properties became unavoidable facing the serious challenge of lighter aluminum and magnesium castings. The relatively new ferrous casting alloy ADI offers promising strength prospects, and the thermo-mechanical treatment of ductile iron may suggest a new route for production of thin-wall products. This work aims at studying the influence of thermomechanical treatment, either by ausforming just after quenching and before the onset of austempering reaction or by cold rolling after austempering. In the first part of this work, ausforming of ADI up to 25% reduction in height during a rolling operation was found to add a mechanical processing component compared to the conventional ADI heat treatment, thus increasing the rate of ausferrite formation and leading to a much finer and more homogeneous ausferrite product. The kinetics of ausferrite formation was studied using both metallographic as well as XRD-techniques. The effect of ausforming on the strength was quite dramatic (up to 70% and 50% increase in the yield and ultimate strength respectively). A mechanism involving both a refined microstructural scale and an elevated dislocation density was suggested. Nickel is added to ADI to increase hardenability of thick section castings, while ausforming to higher degrees of deformation is necessary to alleviate the deleterious effect of alloy segregation on ductility. In the second part of this work, the influence of cold rolling (CR) on the mechanical properties and structural characteristics of ADI was investigated. The variation in properties was related to the amount of retained austenite (γr) and its mechanically induced ransformation. In the course of tensile deformation of ADI, transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) takes place, indicated by the increase of the instantaneous value of strain-hardening exponent with tensile strain. The amount of retained austenite was found to decrease due to partial transformation of γr to martensite under the CR strain. Such strain-induced transformation resulted in higher amounts of mechanically generated martensite. The strength and hardness properties were therefore increased, while ductility and impact toughness decreased with increasing CR reduction

    Hepatocurative Potentials of Camel (Camelus dromedarius) Urine and Milk on Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Hepatotoxicity in Albino Rats

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    Damage to the liver cells caused by diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis can lead to dysfunction of the liver, which can later result in hepatic or liver failure. The present study was carried out to investigate the hepatocurative effects of camel urine and milk on carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats. Three different treatments (camel urine, camel milk and a 1:1 mixture of camel milk and urine) were administered to three different CCl4-induced hepatotoxic rats (Groups A,B and C) and also to three different subgroups (D,E and F) of normal rats for two weeks. A positive control (Group G) was neither induced nor treated while negative control group (H) received no treatment after CCl4-hepatotoxicity induction. Serum Alanine Amino Transferase (ALT), Aspartate Amino Transferase (AST) and Albumin (ALB) and histopathological findings all confirmed liver steatosis forty eight hours after CCl4 hepatotoxicity induction on randomly selected rats. A significant weight gain was recorded for rats that received camel milk and urine mixture in the CCl4 induced hepatotoxic group (P<0.05).A significant decrease in serum AST was observed in all test groups (P<0.05). Groups that received 1:1 urine and milk mixture showed a significant decrease at p<0.05 in serum ALT, AST and ALB than when treatments were administered singly. Camel urine resulted in periportal inflammation; camel milk resulted in vascular congestion while the 1:1 mixture of the two eliminated these side effects. In rats that received no treatment after hepatotoxicity induction, the condition of the liver deteriorated from liver steatosis to fibrosis and onset of cirrhosis. All these indicated that camel urine, camel milk and to a greater extent a mixture of the two, may have hepatocurative effects on CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats. Keywords: Camel, Liver, Toxicity, Safety, Alternative medicine, hepatocurative