4,140 research outputs found

    Improved cascade control structure for enhanced performance

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    In conventional single feedback control, the corrective action for disturbances does not begin until the controlled variable deviates from the set point. In this case, a cascade control strategy can be used to improve the performance of a control system particularly in the presence of disturbances. In this paper, an improved cascade control structure and controller design based on standard forms, which was initially given by authors, is suggested to improve the performance of cascade control. Examples are given to illustrate the use of the proposed method and its superiority over some existing design methods

    Smith predictor with sliding mode control for processes with large dead times

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    The paper discusses the Smith Predictor scheme with Sliding Mode Controller (SP-SMC) for processes with large dead times. This technique gives improved load-disturbance rejection with optimum input control signal variations. A power rate reaching law is incorporated in the sporadic part of sliding mode control such that the overall performance recovers meaningfully. The proposed scheme obtains parameter values by satisfying a new performance index which is based on biobjective constraint. In simulation study, the efficiency of the method is evaluated for robustness and transient performance over reported technique


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    The importance of learning multiple languages is accepted universally. Improving language skills of the entire population is a priority for Turkey to increase the international competitiveness and also for the perspective integration to EU. Despite the fact that a long history and extensive efforts devoted to foreign language teaching in Turkey, the success has been noted to be limited. In this study, the potential problems and challenges during foreign language education in the higher education institutions were evaluated based on interviews with undergraduate students who were learning English. The study was conducted with a total of 32 students enrolled to various departments at Kafkas University. The results revealed that the students identified a number of challenges that they face while gaining the language skills along with personal strategies to overcome such challenges. Heavy grammar based teaching strategy and evaluation along with low level of native exposure and inadequate student participation were the main problems suggested by students.   Article visualizations

    Special track on E-business applications

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    The increasing popularity and advances in e-business environment are enabling the development of new classes of applications and the emergence of new trends in the design of online business systems

    Brucellar Testicular Abscess Presenting as a Testicular Mass: Can Color Doppler Sonography be used in Differentiation?

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    SUMMARYBrucellosis is an endemic disease in various regions of the world. Testicular abscess is a very rare complication of brucellosis which can be misdiagnosed as a testicular mass and may lead to unnecessary orchiectomy. To our knowledge there are only eight reported cases in the literature of a brucellar testicular abscess. We present a case of testicular abscess due to brucellosis diagnosed with serologic tests and color Doppler sonography, and treated with antibiotics and fine needle aspiration

    االختالفات بنی النسخ فی مقدمة شرح دیوان حافظ والقطعة التی الفت الرائة اتریخ التالیف

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    Arap harfleriyle telif edilen eserler çok ihtimalli okumalara müsait olduğu gibi, yarıya yakın harflerinin birbirinden ayrılması noktalarla mümkün olmaktadır. Noktaların ihmali, yanlış yere konulması veya müstensihin noktaların konulduğu yeri tam olarak teşhis edememesinden dolayı metin çok değişik bir hüviyetle karşımıza çıkabilmektedir. Ayrıca bazı müstensihlerin ya bir takım ilavelerde bulunarak veya bazı yerleri çıkararak metne müdahalesi de metni çok değişik bir konuma taşımaktadır. Metne müdahale bazen anlam açısından kabul edilebilirlik sınırları içerisinde olsa da kimi zaman bu çerçevenin dışına taşıldığı görülmektedir. Bunun çarpıcı örneklerinden birisi Sûdî tarafından telif edilen Şerh-i Dîvânı Hâfız isimli eserin giriş kısmı ve şerhin telif tarihini gösteren kıtada görülmektedir. Bu makalede bu konu örnekeriyle ele alınacak ve hangi kısımların metne ilave edildiği veya değiştirildiği tartışılarak bir sonuca ulaşılmaya çalışılacaktırThe works written in the old script are suitable for very probable readings and it is possible the separation of half of the letters from each other is with dots. The text may appear with a very different identity because of the neglect of the dots, the misplacement or the failure to identify the exact location of the dots. In addition, the intervention of some copyist either by making some additions or by removing some places carries the text to a very different position. Interference to the text is sometimes within the limits of acceptability in terms of meaning, but sometimes it is seen that it goes beyond this framework. One of the striking examples of this is the introduction of Sharh-i Dîvân-ı Hâfız, which is writted by Sûdî, and can be seen on the verse showing the copyright date of the comment. In this article, this subject will be discussed with examples and it will be tried to reach a conclusion by discussing which parts have been added or changed.امللخص:تعد األعمال املكتوبة ابخلط القدمي مناسبة لقراءات حمتملة للغاية ومن املمكن الفصل ا بسبب إمهال النقاط أو ً بني نصف احلروف عن بعضها البعض بنقط. قد يظهر النص هبوية خمتلفة متام سوء حتديد املوقع أو الفشل يف حتديد املوقع الدقيق للنقاط. ابإلضافة إىل ذلك ، تدخل بعض الناسخني إما عن طريق إجراء بعض اإلضافات أو عن طريق إزالة بعض األماكن حيمل النص إىل موضع خمتلف ا. يكون التدخل يف النص يف بعض األحيان ضمن حدود املقبولية من حيث املعىن ، ولكن يف بعض ً متام رى أنه يتجاوز هذا اإلطار. أحد األمثلة البارزة على ذلك هو مقدمة شرح ديوان حافظ، اليت ُ األحيان ي كتبها سودی وميكن رؤيتها على القطعة اليت تعرض اتريخ أتليف الشرح. يف هذا املقال ، سيتم مناقشة هذا املوضوع مع أمثلة وسيحاول الوصول إىل نتيجة من خالل مناقشة األجزاء اليت متت إضافتها أو تغي

    The Question Of Sources Of Law Concerning International

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    A Brief Summary of EEG Artifact Handling

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    There are various obstacles in the way of use of EEG. Among these, the major obstacles are the artifacts. While some artifacts are avoidable, due to the nature of the EEG techniques there are inevitable artifacts as well. Artifacts can be categorized as internal/physiological or external/non-physiological. The most common internal artifacts are ocular or muscular origins. Internal artifacts are difficult to detect and remove, because they contain signal information as well. For both resting state EEG and ERP studies, artifact handling needs to be carefully carried out in order to retain the maximal signal. Therefore, an effective management of these inevitable artifacts is critical for the EEG based researches. Many researchers from various fields studied this challenging phenomenon and came up with some solutions. However, the developed methods are not well known by the real practitioners of EEG as a tool because of their limited knowledge about these engineering approaches. They still use the traditional visual inspection of the EEG. This work aims to inform the researchers working in the field of EEG about the artifacts and artifact management options available in order to increase the awareness of the available tools such as EEG preprocessing pipelines


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    The reactions and values that individuals possess towards objects or situations reflect their attitudes. A metaphor is to describe a situation or object by establishing an analogy to another situation or object. The aim of this study is to examine the attitudes and perceptions of undergraduate students studying at various faculties towards sports. The present study, in which a mixed method design was used, was conducted with undergraduate students of Gazi University in the 2017-2018 academic year. In this context, the sample of the study was comprised of a total of 481 (241 female, 240 male) undergraduate students studying at various departments, such as Physical Education Teaching, Banking and Insurance, Political Science and Public Administration, Law, Statistics, Finance, Chemical Engineering, Banking, Conservatory, and Psychological Counseling and Guidance (PCG). Data collection tools were "Demographic Information Form" developed by the researchers, "The Sports-Oriented Attitude Scale" developed by Koçak (2014), and "semi-structured form" prepared by researchers to collect qualitative data. In the analysis of the data, frequency, arithmetic mean, and standard deviation values were calculated and t-test and ANOVA were applied to the quantitative data. Besides, content analysis was applied to the qualitative data. Significant positive correlations were found between the subdimensions of the attitudes of university students towards sports and age. It was found that the subdimensions of the attitudes toward sports showed significant differences in favor of female participants, and the subdimensions of psychosocial development and mental development were found to be significantly different in favor of the students’ of departments of teaching. There were significant positive correlations between the subdimensions of the attitudes of university students towards sports and age. In the context of the qualitative data of the study, it was discovered that metaphors obtained from the participants were found to be clustered under the categories as life source, benefit provider, value, food, delighting, professional association, nature, addiction, and necessity. It was concluded that the attitudes of university students towards sports were moderate. It was also determined that metaphors for sports were often composed of positive ones.  Article visualizations