195 research outputs found

    A Low-Cost IoT Based Buildings Management System (BMS) Using Arduino Mega 2560 And Raspberry Pi 4 For Smart Monitoring and Automation

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    This work presents an internet of things (IoT) based building management system (BMS) for monitoring, control, and energy management in buildings to provide an efficient way of energy utilization. Existing systems mainly provide monitoring of different parameters with limited controlling/automation functions. Existing solutions also do not provide automatic decision-making, advanced safety management, and resource tracking. However, the proposed system provides a comprehensive way of monitoring, controlling, and automatic decision making regarding different environmental and electrical parameters in buildings, i.e., temperature, humidity, dust, volt, etc., by using a low-cost wireless sensor network (WSN). The architecture of the proposed system consists of five layers and uses analog sensors which are connected to Arduino Mega 2560 microcontrollers for data collecting, NodeMCUs ESP8266 for wireless communication, Raspberry Pi4 microcomputers for decision making, and nod-RED dashboard which runs locally on a Raspberry Pi 4to provide a friendly end-user interface. The system also uses the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) communication protocol through Wi-Fi and completely relies on the local devices in the architecture and does not need cloud computing services. The proposed system provides two different kinds of automation, i.e., safety automation for the safety of different devices with advanced features, and energy automation. The proposed system is also able to provide humidity control inside a room and to track and count the available resources in any facility. The proposed system is low cost, scalable, and can be used in any building. Simulation results show that the proposed system is highly efficient

    An Optimization Model for Appraising Intrusion-Detection Systems for Network Security Communications:Applications, Challenges, and Solutions

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    Cyber-attacks are getting increasingly complex, and as a result, the functional concerns of intrusion-detection systems (IDSs) are becoming increasingly difficult to resolve. The credibility of security services, such as privacy preservation, authenticity, and accessibility, may be jeopardized if breaches are not detected. Different organizations currently utilize a variety of tactics, strategies, and technology to protect the systems’ credibility in order to combat these dangers. Safeguarding approaches include establishing rules and procedures, developing user awareness, deploying firewall and verification systems, regulating system access, and forming computer-issue management groups. The effectiveness of intrusion-detection systems is not sufficiently recognized. IDS is used in businesses to examine possibly harmful tendencies occurring in technological environments. Determining an effective IDS is a complex task for organizations that require consideration of many key criteria and their sub-aspects. To deal with these multiple and interrelated criteria and their sub-aspects, a multi-criteria decision-making (MCMD) approach was applied. These criteria and their sub-aspects can also include some ambiguity and uncertainty, and thus they were treated using q-rung orthopair fuzzy sets (q-ROFS) and q-rung orthopair fuzzy numbers (q-ROFNs). Additionally, the problem of combining expert and specialist opinions was dealt with using the q-rung orthopair fuzzy weighted geometric (q-ROFWG). Initially, the entropy method was applied to assess the priorities of the key criteria and their sub-aspects. Then, the combined compromised solution (CoCoSo) method was applied to evaluate six IDSs according to their effectiveness and reliability. Afterward, comparative and sensitivity analyses were performed to confirm the stability, reliability, and performance of the proposed approach. The findings indicate that most of the IDSs appear to be systems with high potential. According to the results, Suricata is the best IDS that relies on multi-threading performance

    A comparative study between tramadol and fentanyl in spinal anesthesia in cesarean section

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    Study Objective: Studying the efficacy of adding tramadol to spinal anesthesics for postoperative analgesia. Setting: This study was carried out in the department of anesthesia and reanimation at Tishreen University Hospital, Lattakia, Syria during 2015-2016. Patients: The study included 75 patients classified ASA I and  II, and were scheduled for elective cesarean section under spinal anesthesia. Interventions: Patients were randomly divided into 3 groups (25 in each group): Patients of group (A) received 12.5 mg bupivacaine 0.5% (3ml) + 25 μg fentanyl (½ml) Patients of group (B) received 12.5 mg bupivacaine 0.5% (3ml) + 25 mg tramadol (½ml) Patients of group (C) received 12.5 mg bupivacaine 0.5% (3ml) + normal saline (½ml) Pain relief duration of each group, side effects, Blood pressure, heart rate and O2 saturation, were recorded. Results: Analgesia duration was greatly prolonged in Tramadol group, and side effects were significantly lower than Fentanyl group. Conclusion: 25 mg of intrathecal tramadol with bupivacaine cause a prolonged analgesia duration with no significant side effects. دراسة مقارنة بين الترامادول والفنتانيل في التخدير الشوكي في العملية القيصرية هدف الدراسة: دراسة فعالية مشاركة الترامادول مع أدوية التخدير الشوكي في التسكين بعد العمل الجراحي. مكان الدراسة: أجريت هذه الدراسة في قسم التخدير والإنعاش في مشفى تشرين الجامعي - اللاذقية - سورية خلال عامي 2015 - 2016. عينة البحث: شملت الدراسة 75 مريضة من مراجعي مشفى تشرين لإجراء عملية قيصرية انتخابية تحت التخدير الشوكي ينتمون إلى الصنف I و II حسب تصنيف ASA . طريقة ومواد البحث: تم توزيع المرضى عشوائياً إلى 3 مجموعات (25 في كل مجموعة): عند مرضى المجموعة (A) تم حقن 12.5 ملغ بوبيفاكائين 0.5% (2.5 مل) + 25 مكغ فنتانيل (½مل) عند مرضى المجموعة (B) تم حقن 12.5 ملغ بوبيفاكائين 0.5% (2.5 مل) + 25 ملغ ترامادول (½مل) عند مرضى المجموعة (C) تم حقن 12.5 ملغ بوبيفاكائين 0.5% (2.5 مل) +  نورمال سالين (½مل) تم تسجيل فترة التسكين الخاصة بكل مجموعة، الآثار الجانبية، ضغط الدم، معدل النبض والإشباع الأوكسجيني. نتائج الدراسة: فترة التسكين كانت أطول بشكل كبير لدى مرضى مجموعة الترامادول، والآثار الجانبية المسجلة كانت بنسبة أقل من مجموعة الفنتانيل. الخلاصة: الترامادول داخل القراب بجرعة 25 ملغ مع البوبيفاكائين يسبب إطالة مدة التسكين بدون إحداث تأثيرات جانبية مهمة

    An Improved Binary Grey-Wolf Optimizer with Simulated Annealing for Feature Selection

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    This paper proposes improvements to the binary grey-wolf optimizer (BGWO) to solve the feature selection (FS) problem associated with high data dimensionality, irrelevant, noisy, and redundant data that will then allow machine learning algorithms to attain better classification/clustering accuracy in less training time. We propose three variants of BGWO in addition to the standard variant, applying different transfer functions to tackle the FS problem. Because BGWO generates continuous values and FS needs discrete values, a number of V-shaped, S-shaped, and U-shaped transfer functions were investigated for incorporation with BGWO to convert their continuous values to binary. After investigation, we note that the performance of BGWO is affected by the selection of the transfer function. Then, in the first variant, we look to reduce the local minima problem by integrating an exploration capability to update the position of the grey wolf randomly within the search space with a certain probability; this variant was abbreviated as IBGWO. Consequently, a novel mutation strategy is proposed to select a number of the worst grey wolves in the population which are updated toward the best solution and randomly within the search space based on a certain probability to determine if the update is either toward the best or randomly. The number of the worst grey wolf selected by this strategy is linearly increased with the iteration. Finally, this strategy is combined with IBGWO to produce the second variant of BGWO that was abbreviated as LIBGWO. In the last variant, simulated annealing (SA) was integrated with LIBGWO to search around the best-so-far solution at the end of each iteration in order to identify better solutions. The performance of the proposed variants was validated on 32 datasets taken from the UCI repository and compared with six wrapper feature selection methods. The experiments show the superiority of the proposed improved variants in producing better classification accuracy than the other selected wrapper feature selection algorithms

    Preliminary study for testing the significance of butyl–iso–butyl phthalate in ‎controlling faba bean broomrape

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    Due to deleterious impacts of broomrapes against the host plants, its combating is ‎essential for sustaining crop productivity. Thus, two–year field trail was conducted at ‎El Nubaria experimental farm, National Research Centre, Egypt, on two faba bean ‎genotypes (Misr–3 and Sakha–1) to investigate the importance of butyl–iso–butyl ‎phthalate as an activator for broomrape germination in comparison to glyphosate and ‎unweeded. Findings revealed that glyphosate in 2015/16 and 2016/17 seasons in ‎addition to butyl–iso–butyl phthalate in 2016/17 season caused significant reductions ‎in broomrape biomass and numbers of broomrape–infected faba bean plants plot−1 ‎compared to the unweeded. Plots of Misr–3 genotype treated with butyl–iso–butyl ‎phthalate in both season as well as plots of Misr–3 or Sakha–1 sprayed by glyphosate ‎in the first season achieved the maximum seed yield of faba bean. Since butyl–iso–‎butyl phthalate exhibits suicidal germination of broomrape seeds, it can be exploited ‎as an effective and helpful tool in integrated management programs of broomrape in ‎faba bean fields. ‎ Due to deleterious impacts of broomrapes against the host plants, its combating is ‎essential for sustaining crop productivity. Thus, two–year field trail was conducted on ‎two faba bean genotypes (Misr–3 and Sakha–1) to investigate the importance of ‎butyl–iso–butyl phthalate as an activator for broomrape germination in comparison to ‎glyphosate and unweeded. The trail design was a strip–plot in completely randomized ‎block design in six replications. Genotypes occupied the vertical main plots as well as ‎broomrape control treatments distributed in horizontal ones. Results showed that ‎broomrape biomass and numbers of broomrape–infected faba bean plants plot−1 ‎markedly responded to weed control and genotype and their interaction in both ‎seasons, except numbers of broomrape–infected plants of faba bean genotypes plot−1 ‎in 2016/17 season. Also, findings revealed that glyphosate in 2015/16 and 2016/17 ‎seasons in addition to butyl–iso–butyl phthalate in 2016/17 season caused significant ‎reductions in broomrape biomass and numbers of broomrape–infected faba bean ‎plants plot−1 compared to the unweeded. In plots of Misr–3 or Sakha–1, glyphosate ‎was the potent practice for reducing broomrape biomass and numbers of broomrape–‎infected faba bean plants plot−1 in 2015/16 and 2016/17 seasons, with no significant ‎differences with butyl–iso–butyl phthalate application in 2016/17 season. There were ‎no noticeable variations between weeded practices and genotypes and their interaction ‎on total dry weight of faba bean plants estimated at 105 DAS, in both seasons, except ‎glyphosate x Misr–3 interaction in the first season only. Plots of Misr–3 genotype ‎treated by butyl–iso–butyl phthalate in both season as well as plots of Misr–3 or ‎Sakha–1 sprayed by glyphosate in the first season achieved the maximum seed yield ‎of faba bean. Since butyl–iso–butyl phthalate causing suicidal germination of ‎broomrapes seeds, it can be exploited as an effective and helpful tool in broomrape ‎management programs in faba bean fields. Genotype; Orobanche spp; Parasitic ‎weeds; Suicidal germination; Vicia faba

    Titrated Misoprostol Versus Dinoprostone for Labor Induction

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    Background: Misoprostol is as effective as dinoprostone for labor induction with low cost and temperature stability.Aim: This study designed to compare titrated misoprostol regarding its safety and efficacy with dinoprostone for induction of labor.Subjects and Methods: Women with a single pregnancy, above 37 weeks’ gestation, cephalic presentation, modified Bishop’s score <8, and not in labor with reassuring fetal heart rate, admitted for labor induction enrolled in this randomized controlled study. Studied women were randomized into; Group I: received oral misoprostol titrated in sterile water (200 μg tablet was dissolved in 200 ml sterile water [1 μg/ml]), starting dose of 20 μg misoprostol required, given every 2 h, and stopped if adequate contractions obtained and Group II: received vaginal dinoprostone tablet maximum two doses followed by augmentation of labor by oxytocin ± amniotomy if there is no uterine contractions after two doses of dinoprostone. In Group I, if the contractions were inadequate after two doses of oral titrated misoprostol (20 μg [20 ml]), the starting dose increased to 40 μg (40 ml), escalating the dose from 5 to 10 ml (45–50 μg), and 20 ml (60 μg) maximum ± amniotomy. If the uterine contractions were adequate, the next dose of misoprostol or dinoprostone was omitted. Statistical analysis done using Student’s t‑test for quantitative data and Chi‑square test for qualitative data.Results: Induction‑to‑delivery time was significantly longer in misoprostol than dinoprostone group (975 vs. 670 min, respectively), (P = 0.01). About 20.2% (21/104) of women in misoprostol group did not deliver vaginally within 24 h compared to 7.4% (8/108) in dinoprostone group (significant difference, P = 0.01). Augmentation of labor was significantly high in dinoprostone (37.96% [41/108]) compared to misoprostol group (10.6% [11/104]) (P < 0.01).Conclusion: Titrated misoprostol for induction of labor seems to be associated with significantly longer induction‑to‑delivery time, low incidence of vaginal birth within 24 h, and less need for augmentation of labor compared to vaginal dinoprostone.KEY WORDS: Dinoprostone, labor induction, titrated misoprosto

    Role of static fluid MR urography in detecting post urinary diversion complications

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    Aim of work: The aim of the study was to assess the diagnostic performance of static MR urography in detection of post cystectomy complications & the ability of static fluid MR urography in visualization of urinary tract segments.Material & methods: We prospectively reviewed 21 MR urograms with urinary diversion. The most common surgical procedures included Ileal conduit & Ileocecal neobladder diversion.Material & methods: Magnetic resonance urography examinations were performed with 1.5-T MR scanners. T2 weighted (static fluid) MR urography techniques were done, in addition to conventional T1- and T2-weighted axial and coronal sequences. Urinary tract was divided in different parts: pelvicalyceal systems, upper, mid and lower ureteric segments & the reservoir or conduit Imaging features of the urinary collecting systems were evaluated for their visualization and complications detection.Results: T2-weighted MR urography could demonstrate 95% of urinary tract segments & together with conventional MR sequences all urinary tract segments can be visualized. Urinary diversion related complications were encountered included in 15 patients (71.4%) & no urological complications were seen in 6 patients (28.6%).Conclusion: Comprehensive T2-weighted MR urography is an effective imaging method for the visualization of the urinary system and detection of early and late postoperative complications in patients with urinary diversion.Keywords: MR urography, Urinary diversion, Cancer bladde

    Alterations of 3D acetabular and lower limb parameters in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

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    Purpose: To evaluate the 3D deformity of the acetabula and lower limbs in subjects with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) and their relationship with spino-pelvic alignment. Methods: Two hundred and seventy-four subjects with AIS (frontal Cobb: 33.5° ± 18° [10°-110°]) and 84 controls were enrolled. All subjects underwent full-body biplanar X-rays with subsequent 3D reconstructions. Classic spino-pelvic and lower limb parameters were collected as well as acetabular parameters: acetabular orientation in the 3 planes (tilt, anteversion and abduction), center-edge angle (CEA) and anterior and posterior sector angles. Subjects with AIS were represented by both lower limb sides and classified by elevated (ES) or lowered (LS), depending on the frontal pelvic obliquity. Parameters were then compared between groups. Determinants of acetabular and lower limb alterations were investigated among spino-pelvic parameters. Results: Acetabular abduction was higher on the ES in AIS (59.2° ± 6°) when compared to both LS (55.6° ± 6°) and controls (57.5° ± 3.9°, p < 0.001). CEA and acetabular anteversion were higher on the LS in AIS (32° ± 6.1°, 20.5° ± 5.7°) when compared to both ES (28.7° ± 5.1°, 19.8° ± 5.1°) and controls (29.8° ± 4.8°, 19.1° ± 4°, respectively, p < 0.001). Anterior sector angle was lower on both ES and LS in AIS when compared to controls. CEA, acetabular abduction and acetabular anteversion were found to be mostly determined (adjusted R2: 0.08-0.32) by pelvic tilt and less by frontal pelvic obliquity, frontal Cobb and T1T12. Conclusions: Subjects with AIS had a more abducted acetabulum at the lowered side, more anteverted acetabulum and a lack of anterior coverage of both acetabula. These alterations were strongly related to pelvic tilt.This study was funded by the University of Saint-Joseph (Grant No. FM300)