1,033 research outputs found

    Competition, non-financial measures and the effectiveness of management control system

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    This paper reports the results of an empirical study examining the relationship between the emphasis on non-financial measures and two other variables; the intensity of competition and the effectiveness of a management control system, in a manufacturing company. Two important issues focused in the study are: does competition compel managers to utilize more non-financial measures in decision making and is the emphasis given to non-financial measures worthwhile? Data from 105 manufacturing companies throughout Malaysia were analyzed using correlation and regression analysis. The results of both analyses indicate that the emphasis given to non-financial measures in decision making has a positive correlation with the effectiveness of a management control system and secondly, the intensity of competition faced by an organization is positively correlated with the emphasis on non-financial indicators. Descriptive analysis was also performed to evaluate the distribution of emphasis on non-financial measures by the age, location, ownership, size of an organization and its industry


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa pengaruh media sparkol videoscribe terhadap minat belajar siswa pada jurusan TKJ Di SMK Panca Marga.Masalah utama dari penelitian ini yaitu minat belajar siswa masih rendah, aktivitas siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar rendah dan bersifat pasif yang cenderung sebagai penerima saja, siswa tidak semangat karena media yang di gunakan tidak efektif dalam pembelajaran. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskiptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif statitistik. Sampel  penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XII yang berjumlah 20 orang jurusan TKJ di SMK Panca Marga. Instrumen dan teknik pengumpulan data  dalam penelitian ini adalah Tes, Observasi dan angket. Teknik analisis data yang di gunakan deskriptif statistic dengan Uji validitas, uji Reliabilitas dan uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minat belajar siswa dikategorikan meningkat, hal ini ditunjukan dari hasil  analisis data dengan skor rata-rata pretest dari 20 siswa sebelum proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran sparkol videoscribe adalah 30,00 dengan median 29,00 dan modus 23 serta standar deviasi 10,49. Nilai pretest yang dicapai siswa tersebar dari nilai maksimum 50 sampai nilai minimum 17, serta nilai skwerness 0,592 dan kurtosis -0,8152 dan hasil tes siswa setelah penerapan media sparkol video scribe terdapat 9 dari 20 orang siswa atau 40,90 % dari keseluruhan siswa yang memperoleh hasil yang berada pada kategori sedang, 5 siswa atau 30,81% dari keseluruhan siswa yang nilainya berada pada kategori tinggi, 2 siswa atau 18,18% dari keseluruhan siswa yang memperoleh nilai sangat tinggi, 2 siswa atau 9,09% siswa yang memperoleh nilai rendah dan tidak ada siswa yang memperoleh nilai yang sangat rendah sedangkan skor rata-rata posttest adalah 79,30 dengan median 76,00 dan modus 80 serta deviasi 8,97. Nilai Posttest yang dicapai siswa tersebar dari maksimum 97 sampai nilai minmum 67, serta nilai skwernes 0,684 dan kuortosis -0,406. Nilai rata-rata dari observasi adalah 7,3 sedangkan rata-rata dari angket adalah 6,45. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam proses belajar mengajar sangat dibutuhkan sebuah media pembelajaran sebagai fasilitas penunjang pembelajaran yakni media sparkol videoscribe pada siswa kelas XII TKJ SMK Panca Marga berepengaruh terhadapat minat belajar siswa.

    Developing and validating an instrument for the assessment of tourism carrying capacity in Pulau Perhentian marine park

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    Carrying capacity is one of the concepts in tourism management and planning. Though it shows a remarkable solution in controlling the impacts of tourism towards the environment, it involves a very complex process and vagueness in indicating attributes and criteria to govern this framework. This study is carried out to evaluate the relevant indicators for the tourism carrying capacity in Pulau Perhentian marine park. In this paper, a conceptual model based on a study from the current literature was proposed. Data collected from the questionnaire was analyzed to validate and test the reliability of the instruments. The findings of this paper will be used for developing the model in the futur

    A Muslim Seletar family in Malaysia: Negotiating a liminal religious and ethnic identity

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    This article is drawn from ethnographic research undertaken in Johor state in Malaysia, referring also to related historical, theoretical and anthropological literature. I make some key observations about the modern practices and identity of a group of Muslims in Malaysia who can be seen to form a particular subset of their Seletar ethnic group. This is discussed in the context of the ongoing debate and contestation of Muslim / Malay and bumiputera identity and status. The article examines how these Muslim Orang Asli appear to negotiate their Muslim identity in relation to their Seletar identity and how they still subscribe to being Seletar in terms of language and specific aspects of culture which remain important to them. The research draws conclusions about how their agency in their chosen hybridity of cultural practice and religion provides a kind of emblematic model highlighting the potential multiplicity in Malaysian bumiputera indigineity (or Malayness)

    Ising model on the Cayley tree of second order with left and right interactions

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    In this paper we consider Ising model on the semi-infinite Cayley tree of second order with left and right interaction and investigate the problem of phase transition for this model

    Gaya ‘Lukisan Kajian’. Perbandingan Karya Lukisan Pengkaryaan Dan Perekaan: Fenomena Visualisasi

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    Kajian ini meneroka gaya penghasilan‘stroke line’ atau kesan palitan mata pen secara ‘free hand drawing’ dalam menghasilkan bentuk illustrasi 3 Dimensi(3D).Tujuan kajian, adalahmembuat perbandingan ‘Gaya stroke line’(gSLine) antara bidang 'Art'dengan 'Architecture Graphic Presentation Drawing' yang diringkaskan sebagai ‘A+AGPD’. Batasan responden terdiri daripada pelukis artistik dan pelukis illustrasi seni bina yang aktif berkarya dan menghasilkan buku rujukan atau bahan ilmiah.Pengkaji mengkaji perbandingan (gSLine)dikalangan 6 orang responden yang dianggap pakar dalam kajian ini. Isu lukisan ‘free hand’ yang tidak berpekadaran, kejung dan kurang menjadi dikalangan pelajar seni dan seni bina ‘under-graduate’ sering dibincangkan dalam jurnal-jurnal dalam dan luar Malaysia bermula tahun 2001 hingga 2014. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif.Metodologi kajian melalui kaedah secara trangulasi iaitu pemerhatian, rakaman visual serta kajian literature telah digunakan dalam kajian ini.Fenomena (gSLine) dianalisis berdasarkan kepada unsur-unsur seni: garisan, rupa, bentuk, tekstur dan warna dalam menghasilkan illustrasi bentuk 3D secara ‘free hand’. Dapatan kajian secara literatur, mendapati karya artistik dikenali sebagai lukisan pengkaryaan.Manakala lukisan yang dihasilkan oleh pelukis illustrasi grafik seni bina, grafik dikenali sebagai lukisan perekaan.Dapatan kajian daripada 6 orang responden mendapati terdapat tiga perbezaan (gSLine) antara dua disiplin ilmu seni ini iaitu daya visual(perkadaran) ,emosi(seimbang) dan estetik(bernada) yang diringkaskan sebagai (dVEE). Dapatan kajian ini dikumpulkan dalam usaha pengkaji menghasilkan model hibrid ‘Art+Architecture Graphic Presentation Drawing’ (A+AGPD).Teori pemodelan Albert Bandura dan teori gabungan organik dirujuk dalam penghasilan model Proses dalam pembangunan menghasilkan (gSLine) yang berkualiti dalam menjelaskan ‘how’ atau bagaimana lukisan illustrasi 3D yang mempunyai (dVEE) boleh dihasilka

    A Multiparous Woman with Lately Diagnosed Multilevel Left Ventricular Obstruction

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    A 56-year hypertensive, multiparous woman presented to the cardiology unit with Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) class-III angina and worsening dyspnea for the past few weeks. Her clinical examination showed high blood pressure and mid-systolic crescendo-decrescendo murmur radiating to carotids. However, there was no radio-femoral delay or significant blood pressure difference between her arms. Her transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) revealed moderate aortic stenosis (AS) and mid cavity left ventricular outflow (LVO) obstruction. Left heart catheterization (LHC) showed coarctation of aorta with extensive collaterals, mid cavity LVO obstruction, and moderate AS. Thus, she was diagnosed as a case of multi-level LVO obstruction including mid cavity LVO obstruction AS and coarctation of aorta. She underwent stenting of aortic coarctation as the initial step of graded approach to her disease, and is doing well

    Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Pada SMPN 3 Ingin Jaya Kabupaten Aceh Besar

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    : This study aimed to determine the teacher's pedagogical competence in lesson planning, learning process, and in improving students' motivation. To achieve these objectives, this study used descriptive qualitative approach. Data were collected through interview, observation, and documentation. The procedures of data analysis were data reduction data display and data verification. The subjects of this study were the principal, vice-principals and teachers. The results showed that: (1) the teachers' pedagogical competence in lesson planning was done by preparing a lesson plan draft, but some teachers did not bring the lesson plan during the learning process so that the learning objectives were not maximally achieved; (2) the teachers' pedagogical competence in the learning process was done by comprehending and solidifying the understanding on a number of learning materials contained in textbooks. Whereas in the learning process, there were for classroom management and undisciplined use of time: and (3) the teachers' pedagogical competence in improving student motivation was done by providing opportunities for students to be actively involved in the use of information and coomunication technology facilities in the achievementof learning goals, communicating effectively with learners, and conducting reflectieve action to improve the quality of learning

    Trans-radial approach for coronary angiography in an adult postoperative patient with tetralogy of Fallot with complex anatomy

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    2015 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.A 42-year-old, postoperative patient with tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) with right-sided aortic arch, presented with heart failure secondary to left ventricular dysfunction, severe valvular regurgitation and residual ventricular septal defect (VSD). After initial stabilisation, he underwent successful coronary angiography through a trans-radial approach followed by aortic valve replacement, pulmonary valve and VSD repair, and was discharged home in stable condition. This case report highlights the trans-radial approach as a feasible option for coronary angiography in postoperative patients with TOF with right-sided aortic arch