33 research outputs found

    Islamic Economic and Financial Practices in Indonesia: From Local to a Potential Global Framework

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    This issue continues to showcase the distinctiveness of Islamic economic and financial practices in Indonesia and their potential relevance globally. It covers various aspects, including emerging trends in Islamic economics research, the significance of Islamic economics and finance in the modern economy, institutional performance, financial stability, waqf institutions, and the societal role of Islamic economics and finance. The selection process for the articles followed several rigorous steps. Upon receiving each submission, an initial check was conducted to assess its suitability with the journal's aim and scope. Subsequently, the manuscripts were sent to two appropriate reviewers for a double-blind peer review process. In some cases, manuscripts required multiple rounds of evaluation before final acceptance. The feedback provided by the reviewers played a crucial role in making the final decisions. Upon acceptance, the manuscripts proceeded to the editing stages, where they underwent meticulous proofreading and layout design. Throughout this stage, close and constant communication between our editors and the respective authors was maintained to ensure the clarity and coherence of the final articles. From the numerous submissions received, only 12 outstanding papers were selected for publication. Each of these articles offers valuable contributions to the field of Islamic economics and finance, and they have been carefully chosen for their originality, relevance, and potential impact on the scholarly community. We believe that these selected papers will enrich the understanding and discourse surrounding Islamic economics and finance, both in Indonesia and beyond

    Editorial Notes: The Uniqueness of Islamic Economic and Financial Practices in Indonesia

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    This issue highlights the global success against Covid-19 during the last three years. Let us pray that Allah SWT protects us and our loved ones from harm and blesses us with good health constantly. We are delighted to witness the academic community's commitment to carry on their research and other scholarly endeavors. This issue mostly publishes articles on Islamic economics and finance with unique practices throughout Indonesia that can be summarized on a variety of topics, including accounting, the zakat system, halal tourism, Islamic banking, capital market, and microeconomics. We have selected the 13 top papers to present to you, and we are certain that each one stands out in its own unique manner

    Editorial Notes: Perspectives on the Islamic Economic and Financial System in the Contemporary World

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    The majority of submissions for this issue focused on the challenges faced by IBFIs as a result of the global spread of Covid-19. They discuss the trends in Islamic economics research, the importance of Islamic economics and finance to the modern economy, the performance of institutions and their employees, financial stability, waqf institutions, and the role of Islamic economics and finance in society. Only 12 of the dozen papers submitted for consideration were eventually chosen for publication. As usual, each manuscript will have to pass an initial review from our editor(s) before forwarding it to suitable reviewers. Some manuscripts would have to go through several rounds before being accepted. The reviewers' feedback was taken into consideration to provide the final decisions. Following that, the manuscripts would have to pass the editing stages, including proofreading and layout, where our editor(s) will intensely communicate with the authors if needed. It is to ensure that each published manuscript has undergone a quality check


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    This study was motivated by the polemic on the importance of class attendance in a learning process in the institutions of higher education. This article aims to examine the influence of class attendance on students’ grades using quantitative approach. Primary data was collected from four classes of Department of Islamic Banking Diploma (D-III PS) and Department of Islamic Economics of State Islamic University (UIN) Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh. Data was then analysed using several stastistical techniques from the SPSS. The result showed that statistically there was a significant positive correlation between class attendance and students’ grades. The findings clearly demonstrated the importance of class attendance in attaining the good grades among university students within the two departments. Nevertheless, analyzing the results more closely indicated that class attendance was not a direct factor in enhancing the students’ grades. It only functioned as a mediator and trigger for the emergence of other factors, i.e. motivation, persistence, and cognitive abilit

    A Comparative Analysis of DSN-MUI Fatwas Regarding Murabahah Contract and the Real Context Application (A study at Islamic Banking in Aceh)

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    The National Sharia Council-Indonesian Ulama Council (DSN-MUI) has issued 11 fatwas (a formal ruling on a point of Islamic law) related to murabahah for parties in economic transactions. However, in the initial study, several indications of the dissonance between the clauses in the fatwa and the practice of Islamic banking were found. This study aims to analyze the application of murabahah contracts in Islamic banking in Aceh. Several Fatwas declared by the National Sharia Council - Indonesian Ulama Council (DSN-MUI) that are related to murabahah were used as an analytical tool to assess the shariah value of the contract in financing practice at Islamic banking in Aceh. This study used a descriptive qualitative method, particularly, a critical study approach. Data were collected using: 1) interviews with bank employees and customers, 2) participant observation in which researchers were directly involved in the process of financing application at several Islamic banks, and 3) documentation studies of resources related to the fatwas. The results showed that the practice of murabahah financing conducted by Islamic banking in Aceh was not fully in accordance with the fatwas stipulated by the DSN-MUI. The results of the analysis showed that the discrepancy lies in the following matters such as ownership of goods, 'coercion' in the use of murabahah contracts, and the inappropriate use of 'wakalah'or contract assistant. The study also revealed that the practice of murabahah in this method has both positive and negative economic implications for banking customers and the banks, especially with regards to profits, calculations of credit ceiling, and customers’ image and trust


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    Pertumbuhan perbankan syariah relatif lebih kecil dibandingkan perbankan nasional yang berarti masih ada hambatan-hambatan atau kendala-kendala yang harus ditaklukkan perbankan syariah. Begitupun halnya di Aceh yang dijuluki daerah serambi Makkah, seharunya menjadi potensi besar dalam pengembangan perbankan syariah. Namun faktanya hingga saat ini, perkembangan perbankan syariah di Aceh juga masih tertinggal disbanding perbankan konvensional. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui apa saja hambatan yang dialami oleh perbankan syariah di Aceh dalam pertumbuhannya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, untuk mendapatkan hasil penelitian digunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, hambatan pertumbuhan perbankan syariah di Aceh antara lain berupa kurangnya SDM yang memahami perbankan syariah secara mendalam, kurangnya sosialisasi yang didapatkan masyarakat, sedikitnya literasi yang diterima masyarakat terkait perbankan syariah, kurangnya minat dan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap perbankan syariah, serta keterlambatan adanya regulasi yang khusus mengatur tentang perbankan syariah. Dan hal tersebut tidak hanya berlaku bagi keterlambatan atau hambatan pertumbuhan perbankan syariah di Aceh saja, akan tetapi hambatan tersebut juga dialami oleh perbankan syariah secara nasional

    Prospek Pemanfaatan Tanah Wakaf Di Aceh: Suatu Analisis Untuk Sektor Pendidikan

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    In Islamic law known as waqf property are ibdal and istibdal. Three schools namely, Shafi'i, Maliki, Ja'fari impressed and very cautious in allowing the sale and replacement of goods endowments. Basically, the community hold the principle that the waqf land should only be attempted or managed by the trust Wakif, in general, because the donated land is handed over to the mosque, then using or utilization should also be utilized for mosques. Perwakafan circumstances contained in Aceh Besar district, especially in the two sub objects once the research potential to be developed primarily to finance the education sector


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    Gala is a term used by the society of Aceh, "a formal Islamic state in Indonesia” referring to an economic transaction similar to the concept of the pawn in Western. The concept has long been practiced in society and left many unsolved problems. Lately, academic scholars have questioned the implementation of the concept. Although it has roots in Islam, some scholars suspect that the concept has been misguiding in its practices. This paper intends to analyze the implementation of the Gala concept in Acehnese society through their economic transactions. It also aims to make a comparison to an Islamic economic’s concept known as Rahn. The primary data is mainly gathered through observation in the length of 5 years in the selected areas in Aceh. To support the data, an in-depth interview technique with relevant people was also used. In addition, the secondary data from journal’s articles, books, and other related literature were also utilized. Data were analyzed using content and comparative analysis. The findings show that the basic purpose of Gala in the Acehnese society is relevant to the Rahn scheme. At the implementation level, however, the concept is closely related to the interest lending scheme which is considered as riba (usury) in Islam. Consequently, the balanced economy as one of the core concepts in the Islamic economic is not achieved. It is reflected from the continuance benefits gaining for one party while another party gaining nothing except the core objects which have to be repaid. In Islam, the principal meaning of Rahn is helping each other among Islamic society (ummah). Thus, it is prohibited of gaining any material benefit which leads to riba practices. Finally, this article suggests the related parties return to the core concept of the Gala which is actually the same as Rahn, or else they should abandon it to avoid harming the ummah. ========================================================================================================Gala adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak bentuk praktik ekonomi yang berkembang dalam masyarakat Aceh sejak lama. Konsep tersebut pada dasarnya tercipta dari nilai-nilai yang dianut oleh masyarakat Aceh dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sejak lama. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi konsep Gala yang dipraktikkan masyarakat Aceh dalam transaksi-transaksi ekonomi dari sudut pandang ekonomi Islam yang menggunakan skema Rahn. Data utama artikel ini diperoleh dari hasil observasi penulis selama beberapa tahun di daerah-daerah yang melakukan praktik Gala dalam beberapa transaksi ekonominya sehari-hari. Selain itu, untuk mendukung hasil observasi, in-depth interview dengan para pihak yang terlibat juga dilakukan. Untuk memperkuat temuan lapangan, penulis juga melakukan kajian literatur terhadap hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan praktik Gala. Analisis data dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan content dan comparative analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktik Gala dalam masyarakat Aceh pada dasarnya relevan dengan skema Rahn (gadai), akan tetapi pada tahap implementasi masih sarat dengan unsur riba dimana balanced-economy tidak terjadi. Hal ini terlihat dari adanya pengambilan manfaat oleh pihak tertentu yang mengakibatkan tertindasnya satu pihak oleh pihak lainnya. Dalam ekonomi Islam, konsep dasar gadai adalah tolong menolong sehingga tidak dihalalkan mengambil manfaat sebagai efek dari tolong menolong tadi. Pengambilan manfaat ini dapat menjerumuskan transaksi tersebut ke dalam riba. Artikel ini merekomendasikan pihak-pihak berwenang untuk melakukan banyak sosialisasi dengan melibatkan semua para tokoh masyarakat untuk meluruskan kembali praktik Gala sesuai dengan konsep ekonomi dalam ajaran Islam

    Pengaruh Teknologi Informasi dan Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah Bank Syariah Banda Aceh

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    This study aims to determine the effect of information technology and service quality on customer satisfaction at BNI Syariah Banda Aceh Branch Office. Quantitative research method with multiple linear regression analysis using IBM SPSS software version 25. The results showed that information technology and service quality variables had a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction at BNI Syariah Banda Aceh Branch Office. customer satisfaction variable can be explained by information technology and service quality variables 53.6%, while the effect is influenced by other variables outside the study


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    Pasar modal merupakan salah satu sarana investasi untuk semua kalangan, tidak terkecuali mahasiswa. Minat berinvestasi mahasiswa dipengaruhi beberapa faktor seperti sosialisasi dan pengetahuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh sosialisasi dan pengetahuan terhadap minat investasi  mahasiswa di pasar modal syariah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Sosialisasi berpengaruh terhadap minat berinvestasi mahasiswa Banda Aceh (2) Pengetahuan berpengaruh terhadap minat berinvestasi mahasiswa Banda Aceh (3) Secara simultan keduanya berpengaruh terhadap minat berinvestasi mahasiswa di Banda Aceh. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi bagi pemangku kepentingan di dunia pasar modal untuk meningkatkan sosialisasi dan literasi dalam menarik minat investor yang berasal dari kalangan mahasiswa