4,968 research outputs found

    Modeling of Fracturing Half-length and Spacing in Shale Reservoir

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    Shale gas reservoirs are proven to be of increasing importance day after another supported by the increase in the energy demand and the drop in the conventional reservoirs hydrocarbon reserves. This project is executed to investigate the effect of the fracture half-length and spacing in shale gas reservoir expressed in production rates and pressure drop rates. The study is to understand the factors that affect the flow behavior in the shale gas reservoir as Knudsen, Klinkenberg effects and non-Darcy flow nonetheless the dual porosity due to fractured system. By analyzing different proposed mathematical models for shale gas reservoir modeling. The most suitable mathematical model is to be selected similarly suitable parameters for the reservoir system, simulation model is to be created to investigate and model the suitable half-length and spacing for the shale gas reservoir. The project is aimed to investigate the effect of matrix permeability and natural fracture network permeability on the design of the fracture parameters

    Assessment of Sudanese sunflower hybrids for yield, yield components and stability

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    Development of local sunflower hybrids with superior yields and stable across different environments is the main objective in our breeding program. For this purpose, ten local Sudanese sunflower hybrids designated as SFH32, SFH36, SFH37, SFH310, SFH313, SFH314, SFH341, SFH345, SFH302, and SFH325 were evaluated against Hysun-33 for yield potential and its components at Sennar, Wad Medani, Rahad, New Halfa and Suki. The experiment over all irrigated environments was laid out in RCBD with three replicates during the winter season of 2008. There was considerable variation for yield and its components among hybrids and locations. Genotype-environment interactions through different parameters and the performance of six traits of hybrids were studied. The six traits were plant height (cm), number of seeds per head, percentage of empty seeds,    100-seed weight (g),seed yield (kg ha-1) and oil yield (kg ha-1).Significant differences were observed for hybrids (G), locations (E) and G xE interaction for these six traits. Stability analysis after Eberhart and Russell’s model suggested that the hybrids used in this study were all, more or less, responsive to environmental changes. Most of the hybrids performed better in E4 (New Halfa). Stability analysis identified SFH37 and SFH310 as stable hybrids for plant height, SFH345 and SFH302 were identified as stable for number of seeds per head, whereas, Hysun-33, SFH310 and SFH341 were found stable for low percentage of empty seeds and heavy seed weight, respectively. Three hybrids; SFH310, SFH313 and SFH341 performed better than Hysun-33 and other hybrids across five environments and were considered as most stable hybrids for seed and oil yields. In contrast, hybrids such as SFH32 and SFH37 with regression coefficients greater than one were regarded as sensitive to environmental changes for seed and oil yields. The hybrid SFH310 was identified as stable hybrid for various yield components. The three promising local hybrids were released in June 2009 for commercial production and the local seed production of the hybrid SFH310 (Bohooth-1) was adopted by some seed producers in the country. تطوير هجن محلية من محصول زهرة الشمس ذات إنتاجية عالية وثابته  فى مختلف البيئات ، يعتبر من أهم أهداف برنامج التربية. أجريت هذه التجربة للتقييم عشرة هجن محلية بالرموز SFH32، SFH36 ، SFH37، SFH310، SFH313، SFH314، SFH341، SFH345، SFH3302، و25SFH3 واختبارها مع الشاهد Hysun-33 فى خمسة بيئات مروية هى سنار ، واد مدني، الرهد، حلفا الجديدة، والسوكي لمعرفة مقدرتها الإنتاجية الكامنة. أستخدم تصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة بثلاثة مكررات لتنفيذ التجربة فى كل موقع خلال الموسم الشتوي 2008/2009. أوضحت النتائج وجود فروقات كبيرة فى الإنتاجية و مكوناتها بين الهجن والمواقع. كما أوضح تفاعل الطرز الوراثية مع البيئة ((genotype x environment interactions وجود فروقات معنوية عالية لسته صفات تمت دراستها وهى أطوال النباتات (سنتمترات) وعدد البذور بالقرص والنسبة المئوية للبذور الفارغة ووزن المائة بذرة (جرامات) وإنتاجية البذور(كيلوجرامات/هكتار) وإنتاجية الزيت (كيلوجرامات/هكتار).أوضح تحليل ثبات الإنتاجية  stability analysis بإســـــــتخدام نموذج Eberhart and Russell’s model بان جميع الهجن لها استجابات متباينة مع المتغيرات البيئية فى المواقع الخمسة وكان أفضل الأداء فى حلفا الجديدة (.(E4 كما أوضح التحليل بان الهجينين SFH37  و SFH310 هما من الهجن المستقرة و الثابتة الأداء لصفة أطوال النباتات و الهجينين SFH345  و SFH302 لصفة عدد البذور بالقرص ، بينما الهجن Hysun-33  ، SFH310، وSFH341 لصفتي النسبة المنخفضة من البذور الفارغة والوزن المرتفع للمائة بذرة علي التوالي. أوضحت الدراسة ان ثلاثة هجن محلية  (SFH310، SFH313 و SFH341) وخاصة الهجين SFH310 ، لها مقدرة إنتاجية عالية من البذور والزيت وثبات الإنتاجية فى البيئات الخمسة مقارنة مع الشاهد Hysun-33 وباقي الهجن ، بينما هجن اخرى مثل الهجينين SFH32  وSFH37  تعتبر حساسة للتغيرات البيئة فى إنتاجيتها من البذور والزيت. تم التعرف على الهجين SFH310 بأنه أكثر ثباتاً للإنتاجية ومكوناتها. الهجن السودانية الثلاثة الواعدة تمت إجازتها في يونيو 2009 للإنتاج التجاري والأنتاج المحلي لبذور الهجين SFH310 (بحوث-1= Bohooth-1) تم تبنيه من بعض منتجي البذور فى السودان. &nbsp

    Do playstation5 product attributes drive console upgrading?

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    The number of times players must wait for a game to update its data before playing can detract from their console gaming experience. This article focuses on the decision­making processes that can be inferred from the product qualities that people seek before upgrading their gaming consoles. Apart from that, the benefits of upgrading. As a result, a detailed interview was conducted before the focus groups. To put the theories to the test, an online cross­sectional survey was used. The results revealed that physical product attributes such as image quality, processing speed, and product compatibility had a significant impact on the game's update to the PS5. When purchasing new game consoles, gamers place a high value on a variety of product characteristics such as user interface and gameplay experience. Furthermore, gamers prefer a combination of tangible and intangible attributes in their gaming console because it is difficult to determine which attribute is the most desiredO tempo de espera para carregar o jogo guardado, da própria consola, pode diminuir o valor da experiência enquanto jogador. Com a presente análise, pretendemos focarmo­nos no processo de decisão associado as características do produto que a maior parte dos jogadores procura ao carregar os seus jogos guardados. Para além disso, indicámos quais os benefícios de guardar o jogo na memória da consola. Antes de conduzirmos esta abordagem em grupos de foco, agendámos uma entrevista. E, de modo a colocar em prática as teorias estudadas, realizámos um questionário “cross­sectional”. Os resultados indicaram que as qualidades físicas do produto, tais como a qualidade da imagem, a velocidade de processamento, e a compatibilidade da consola têm um impacto significativo na gravação de jogos na PS5. Ao comprar um novo jogo, os jogadores têm expetativas altas quanto à variedade das características do produto, tais como a interface do usuário ou a experiência de jogar. Ademais, há uma preferência pela mistura de atributos tangíveis e intangíveis, pois têm dificuldade em determinar qual o atributo mais significativo, quando forçados a escolher apenas um único atributo tangível

    Untersuchungen zur Diagnostik und Bedeutung der Fettleber bei klinisch kranken Milchkühen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung möglicher Beziehungen zur Hypophosphatämie

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    Title page, Table of Contents, Abbreviations, Acknowledgements 1. Introduction 1 2. Literature Review 4 3. Materials and Methods 27 4. Results 39 5. Discussion 65 6. Conclusion 74 7. Summary 75 8. Zusammenfassung 77 9. References 77Liver biopsy and blood samples were taken from four-hundred-eighty dairy cows from the clinic of cattle, faculty of veterinary medicine, Free University, Berlin. The cows were classified according to clinical manifestations into left abomasal displacement (71.9%), right abomasal displacement (19.8%) and other diseases, like pneumonia, mastitis, claws affection and metabolic disorders (8.3%). The fat content of livers was estimated either by the copper sulphate test or by gravimetrical methods. According to the fat content, the cows were classified into normal liver (0-15.5%), mild (>15.5-26%), moderate (>26-33%) and severe fatty liver (>33%) groups. Statistical comparison between the results of the two methods revealed a highly significant correlation (p<0.01) between them (r=0.98). Tissue lysine buffer (ATL) was used in the gravimetric method to achieve a high percentage of liver cell destruction and subsequant accurate measurement of total lipid contents of livers. Triglyceride was measured in the liver and livers were classified according to their triglyceride contents into normal, mild, moderate and severe fatty livers with triglyceride contents 0-10%, >10%-15%, 15%-15%, 20%, respectively. In addition a good correlation between total triglyceride and total fat content could be demonestrated (r=0.94). While the correlation between triglyceride content of total lipid and total lipid was weaker (r=0.76). The clinical signs of severe fatty liver can be summarized as being yellow mucus membranes, anorexia, ketosis and nervous manifestation like stargazing, holding of the head, recumbancy and coma. Moreover, the mortality rate in cows increased when the fat content of livers was higher than 33% or the total triglyceride content above 20%. The relationship between fatty liver and different disease conditions revealed that the prevalence of fatty liver increased with LDA more than with RDA and other diseases. In addition, an increase in the prevalence of endometritis did occur with an increase in the fat content of livers. For serum chemistry a significant decrease of phosphorus was associated with an increase in total lipid contents of liver, triglyceride content of livers and triglyceride contents of total lipid (r=-0.35, -0.37, -0.34 respectively) due to a decrease in food intake resulting from fatty liver. A significant decrease of potassium (r=-0.34, -0.37, -0.29) and of urea (r=-0.12, -0.10, -0.10) was observed with an increase in total fat content, triglyceride content and triglyceride content of total fat content, respectively. On the other hand, significantly increased in ASAT (r=0.31, 0.34, 0.30) and bilirubin (r=0.44, 0.49, 0.45) with increase total fat content, triglyceride content and triglyceride content of total fat content, respectively. Blood pictures showed a significant reduction of total leucocytes with increasing fat contents of livers. Blood indices revealed a macrocytic normochromic anaemia which resulted from disturbance in the cobalt metabolism due to liver dysfunction. Ultrasonography of the liver was performed in hundred-forty dairy cows using a 3.5 MHZ transducer with a linear array. The hepatic ultrasonogram was evaluated according to the presence of bright and dark patterns and vascular blurring. In severe fatty livers, a higher percentage of bright pattern, deep attenuation, vascular blurring and blurring of edges was visible when compared with normal liver. The portal vein diameter was reduced with an increase in the fat content of liver, while the size of the gall bladder increased when the fat content of livers increased.Von ingesamt 480 Milchkühen aus dem Patientengut der Klinik für Klauentiere der Veterinärmedizinischen Fakultat der Freie Universität Berlin wurden Leberbiopsien und Blutproben gewonnen. Die Probanden wurden auf Grundlage der Klinischen Diagnosen in drei Gruppen klassifiziert: linksseitige Labmagenverlagerung (71,9 %), rechtsseitige Labmagenverlagerung (19,8%), andere Erkrankungen wie Pneumonia, Mastitis, Klauenerkrankungen, Stoffwechselstörungen (8,3%). Der Leberfettgehalt wurde sowohl mittels Kupfersulfatschwimmtest als auch mit der gravimetrischen Methode bestimmt. Nach dem Fettgehalt wurden die Kühe wie folgt eingeteilt: physiologischer Leberfettgehalt 0%-15,5%, geringgradige Leberverfettung >15,5% - 26%, mittelgradige Leberverfettung >26% - 33%, hochgradige Leberverfettung >33%. Die Ergebnisse der beiden Methoden zur Bestimmung des Leberfettgehaltes korrelierten hochsignifikant (p<0.001) miteinander (r=0.98). Die spezielle Pufferlösung (tissue lysine buffer ATL) hat sich als sehr wirksam erwiesen, um einen hohen Gewebeaufschluß für die gravimetrische Bestimmung des Leberfettgehaltes sicherzustellen. Zusätzlich wurden enzymatisch der Gehalt an Triglyceriden im Lebergewebe bzw. Der Anteil an Triglyceriden an den Gesamtleberlipiden analysiert. Auf Grundlage des Triglyceridgehaltes wurde nachfolgende Gruppierung vorgenommen: physiologischer Triglyceridgehalt 0%-10%, geringgradige Erhöhung >10%-15%, mittelgradige Erhöhung >15%-20%, hochgradige Erhöhung >20%. Zwischen dem Gesamtfettgehalt und dem Triglyceridgehalt in der Leber bestand eine sehr enge und hochsignifikante Korrelation (r = 0,94). Zwischen dem Triglycridgehalt im Lebergewebe und dem Anteil der Triglyeride an den Gesamtleberlipiden war die Korrelation zwar signifikant, aber deutlich niedriger ausgeprägt (r = 0,76). Die Klinischen Symptome einer schweren Leberverfettung sind durch gelbe Schleimhäüte, Inappetenz bis Anorexia, Hypoketonämie und zunehmend nervale Symptome wie starrer Blick, Kopfschiefhaltung, Festliegen und schließlich Koma gekennzeichnet. Die Letalität steigt signifikant bei einem Leberfettgehalt über 33% oder einem Lebertriglyceridgehalt über 20%. Die Auswertung der Beziehungen der Leberverfettung zu anderen Erkrankung zeigte, dass Kühe mit einer linksseitigen Labmagenverlagerung signifikant häufiger als Kühe mit einer rechtsseitigen Labmagenverlagerung oder mit anderen Erkrankungen von einer Fettleber betroffen sind. Weiterhin ist eine Endometritiserkrankung mit einem signifikant höheren Leberfettgehalt verbunden. Von allen Probanden wurden verschiedene klinisch-chemische und hämatologische Parameter im Blut bzw. im Blutserum bestimmt. Zwischen der Serumkonzentration an anorganischem Phosphate und dem Gesamtlipidgehalt der Leber, dem Triglyceridgehalt und dem Anteil an Triglyceriden an den Gesamtleberlipiden bestanden signifikant negative Korrelationen (r = -0.35, r = -0.37, r = -0.34). Die Ursache für diesen Zusammenhang wird in der verminderten Futteraufnahme bei einer Leberverfettung gesehen. Weiterhin zeigten der Leberfettgehalt bzw. der Lebertriglyceridgehalt bzw. der Anteil an Triglyceriden an den Lebergesamtlipiden eine signifikant negative Korrelation zur Serumkaliumkonzentration (r = -0,34, -0,37, -0,29) und zur Serumharnstoffkonzentration (r = -0,12, -0,10, -0,10). Zur Enzymaktivität der ASAT (r = 0,31, 0,34, 0,30) und zur Serumbilirubinkonzentration (r = 0,44 , 0,49, 0,45) wurden signifikant positive Korrelationen nachgewiesen. Im Blutbild sank die Gesamtzahl der Leukozyten signifikant mit steigendem Leberfettgehalt. Die hämatologischen Blutindizes offenbarten die Entwicklung einer normochromen markrozytären Anämie, die wahrscheinlich durch Störungen des Kobalt- bzw. Vitamin-B12- Haushaltes auf Grund der Leberfunktionsstörung ausgelöst worden ist. Bei 140 Milchkühen wurde die Leber ultrasonographisch mit einem 3,5 MHz Linearschallkopf untersucht. Im Ultraschallbild wurden die Grauabstufung sowie die Kontrastierung der Gefäße beurteilt. Eine schwere Fettleber stellte sich im ultraschallbild durch einen höheren Anteil an aufgehellten Zonen, stärkere Abschwächung und verwaschen dargestellte Gefäße und Leberränder dar. Weiterhin wurde der Durchmesser der Portalvene und der Gallenblase vermessen. Ein höherer Leberfettgehalt war signifikant mit einem geringeren Durchmesser der Portalvene und umgekehrt mit einem größeren Durchmesser der Gallenblasen verbunden

    A comprehensive comparison between design for testability techniques for total dose testing of flash-based FPGAs

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    Radiation sources exist in different kinds of environments where electronic devices often operate. Correct device operation is usually affected negatively by radiation. The radiation resultant effect manifests in several forms depending on the operating environment of the device like total ionizing dose effect (TID), or single event effects (SEEs) such as single event upset (SEU), single event gate rupture (SEGR), and single event latch up (SEL). CMOS circuits and Floating gate MOS circuits suffer from an increase in the delay and the leakage current due to TID effect. This may damage the proper operation of the integrated circuit. Exhaustive testing is needed for devices operating in harsh conditions like space and military applications to ensure correct operations in the worst circumstances. The use of worst case test vectors (WCTVs) for testing is strongly recommended by MIL-STD-883, method 1019, which is the standard describing the procedure for testing electronic devices under radiation. However, the difficulty of generating these test vectors hinders their use in radiation testing. Testing digital circuits in the industry is usually done nowadays using design for testability (DFT) techniques as they are very mature and can be relied on. DFT techniques include, but not limited to, ad-hoc technique, built-in self test (BIST), muxed D scan, clocked scan and enhanced scan. DFT is usually used with automatic test patterns generation (ATPG) software to generate test vectors to test application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), especially with sequential circuits, against faults like stuck at faults and path delay faults. Despite all these recommendations for DFT, radiation testing has not benefited from this reliable technology yet. Also, with the big variation in the DFT techniques, choosing the right technique is the bottleneck to achieve the best results for TID testing. In this thesis, a comprehensive comparison between different DFT techniques for TID testing of flash-based FPGAs is made to help designers choose the best suitable DFT technique depending on their application. The comparison includes muxed D scan technique, clocked scan technique and enhanced scan technique. The comparison is done using ISCAS-89 benchmarks circuits. Points of comparisons include FPGA resources utilization, difficulty of designs bring-up, added delay by DFT logic and robust testable paths in each technique

    A Study of DAS delays and their Impact on the Wireless Channels with Application to Indoor Localization

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    This research evaluates the Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) introduced delays and their effects on the indoor channel in simulcast situations where the effect of delays is most prevalent. Different simulcast cases that form the basic building blocks are analyzed to form an understanding of the problem. Two case studies of important indoor environments are presented. Importance of improving ray tracing simulations to include propagation and DAS delays is highlighted. The paper also introduces a DAS element representation and delay mapping model and explores techniques of engineering DAS delays to optimize location estimation by ranging and RF fingerprinting to achieve E911 mandated accuracy. A brief description is introduced for a Software Defined Radio (SDR) implementation of a Correlation Channel Sounder and the possible application of channel sounding for indoor DAS. The paper suggests procedures to produce a full DAS delay profile and ways to optimize it for location estimation

    Axially and Peripherally Substituted Phthalocyanine and Azaphthalocyanine Complexes for Heterojunction Design

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    The aim of this work was to synthesize novel phthalocyanines and pyrazinoporphyrazines with the main group elements and transition metals. The conformational rigidity and the steric bulk of their peripherally annelated cyclohexene rings tend to reduce the degree of aggregation, thus enhancing the solubility of these 42 π- Hückel aromatic system without inhibiting their tendencies to form crystalline phases. For central metals having an oxidation state > II, the possibility of introducing anionic axial ligands Lax, at the metal center was investigated and the optical properties of these chromophores were determined. In addition to their high solubility, some of the synthesized chromophores were found to be sublimable. Phthalocyanines and related compounds are interesting materials for optoelectronic applications; thus, a study of the electronic HOMO and LUMO alignment and coupling of these new chromophores at different heterojunction interfaces is outlined

    Effect of nitrogen fertilization and cultivar on growth and grain yield of maize (Zea mays L.), Gezira State, Sudan

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    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Maize (Zea mays L.) is the world's third leading cereal crop after wheat and rice. In the last two decades, maize gained more importance as a forage and food crop in the Sudan. The objective of this study was to determine the optimum level of nitrogen that maximizes grain yield of maize. This study was conducted at the Experimental Farm, University of Gezira, during the summer and winter seasons of 2016/2017. Eight treatments, namely, four nitrogen levels (0, 43, 86 and 129 kg N/ha) and two cultivars, namely, Hudeiba 1 and Hudeiba 2 were used. A randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates was used.&nbsp; Results indicated that nitrogen had a significant (P≤0.05) effect on leaf area index, number of days to 80% silking and number of rows/ear in the winter season only, and number of grains/ear in the summer season only. Cultivars had significant effects (P≤0.05) on number of grains/ear and number of days to 80% silking in the summer and winter seasons, respectively.&nbsp; The results also showed that nitrogen had a significant (P≤0.05) effect on grain yield in both seasons. The highest grain yield (2.4 and 2.1 t/ha) was obtained when 86 kg N/ha was applied to Hudeiba1 and Hudeiba 2 in summer and winter seasons, respectively. To maximize grain yield of maize, it could be recommended that 86 kg N/ha should be applied to Hudeiba1 and Hudeiba 2 in both seasons. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; محصول الذرة الشامية هو ثالث محصول عالمي يتصدر محاصيل الغلال بعد القمح&nbsp; والأرز. وفي العقدين الأخيرين أصبح أكثر أهمية في السودان كمحصول غذاء وعلف. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تحديد الجرعة المثلى للسماد النتروجينى لزيادة معدل إنتاج محصول الذرة الشامية. أجريت هذه الدراسة بالمزرعة التجريبية جامعة الجزيرة في موسمي صيف وشتاء (2016/2017) تم استخدام صنفي الذرة الشامية حديبة1 وحديبة 2, بتصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة, بثلاث مكررات. استعملت أربعة مستويات من النتروجين (صفر و43 و86 و129 كجم نتروجين/هكتار) ليكون العدد الكلي ثمانية معاملات. أوضحت النتائج ان النتروجين له تأثيراً معنوياً على دليل مساحة الورقة وعدد أيام الإزهار للزهرة المؤنثة وعدد الصفوف في الكوز في موسم الشتاء فقط وكان له تأثيراً معنويا على عدد الحبوب في الكوز في فصل الصيف فقط. كما أظهرت الأصناف تأثيراً معنوياً على عدد الحبوب في الكوز وعدد أيام الأزهار للزهرة المؤنثة في موسمي الصيف والشتاء على التوالي. النتروجين كان له أثراً معنوياً على إنتاجية الحبوب في كلا الموسمين, تحققت أعلى إنتاجية من الحبوب (2.4 و2.1 طن/هكتار) عند إضافة 86 كجم نتروجين/هكتار في فصلي الصيف والشتاء لحديبة 1 وحديبة 2 على التوالي. بناءً على هذه النتائج لتحقيق أعلى إنتاجية من حبوب الذرة الشامية توصي الدراسة بإضافة 86 كجم نتروجين/هكتار لصنفي حديبة 1 وحديبة 2 &nbsp;في كلا الموسمين

    Synthesis and characterization of new chromeno[2,3-b]pyridines via the Friedländer reactions of 8-allyl-2-amino-4-oxo-4H-chromene-3-carboxaldehyde

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    New series of chromeno[2,3-b]pyridines, 2-8, have been obtained from 1,8-diazabicyclo [5.4.0]undec-7-ene catalyzed Friedländer reaction of 8-allyl-2-aminochromone-3-carboxaldehyde (1) with some carbonyl compounds containing a reactive α-methyl or methylene group namely 2-acetylthiophene, 3-acetylpyridine, 4-chloroacetophenone, 4,6-diacetylresorcinol, acetylacetone, dibenzoyl methane and acetoacetanilide. Heteroannulated chromones, 13-16, were prepared from Friedländer reaction of 1 with some cyclic α-methylene ketones namely 2-phenyliminothiazolidin-4-one, pyrazoline-3,5-dione, 5,5-dimethylcyclohexane-1,3-dione and thiobarbituric acid. Structures of the newly synthesized compounds have been established from elemental analysis and spectroscopic data