475 research outputs found

    Experimental and Numerical Study on the Hydrodynamic Performance of Suspended Curved Breakwaters

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    The purpose of breakwaters is to protect the ports, beaches, or beach facilities from strong waves and storms, as they help establish calm inside the port and thus achieve safety for ships and ease of operation. This paper presents an experimental and numerical study of unconventional alternatives to the vertical breakwater in order to evaluate the hydrodynamic performance of the proposed models. Two proposed cases for a semi-submerged breakwater were selected in the form of a half-pipe section with an inside diameter of 20 cm and a thickness of 1 cm. Case (a) was of the concave type of semicircular breakwater, while case (b) was of the convex type. Numerical modeling FLOW 3D was used to construct numerous scenarios for numerical simulation of the proposed breakwaters. The obtained results indicates that, when comparing the wave transmission coefficient (Kt) and its reflection coefficient (Kr) with the relative water depth (h/L), the transmission coefficient decreased with the relative height of the wave, while the reflection coefficient was completely reversed. In case (a), Kt was less than in case (b) at a range of 10% to 15%, while Kr in case (a) was bigger than in case (b) at a range of 5% to 10%. When the wave hit the breakwater, it was reflected back as its energy is dissipated in less water depth and its speed decreases as it approaches the port. The velocity of the wave decreases as it approaches the bottom, which means that the wave is affected by the depth of the water, i.e. the lower the water depth, the lower the wave velocity. Case (a) was more efficient and effective in wave dissipation, current velocity, and bed stability than case (b), so it is recommended to use case (a) due to its efficiency in protecting coastal areas and generating electricity

    Smart Date and Time Suggestions for Calendaring

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    A date and time suggestion system is described for autocompleting and suggesting dates and times in an application, for example, a calendar application. The system receives a text input for creating a calendar event from a user of the system. The text input can be an alphabet, a number, combination of letters etc, such as “t”, “to” or “9”, inputted by the user while setting up the calendar event. After receiving the text input, the system resolves the input to generate one or more candidate dates and time for the calendar event. Subsequently, the system scores the candidate dates and times to generate a ranked list of suggested dates and times for the calendar event. The scoring of the suggested dates and times help to provide more relevant results to the user. The system then provides the suggested dates and times to the user based on the ranking made by the system

    L'Exil dans les écrit franco-ontariens

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    Cannabinoid receptor 1 signaling in cardiovascular regulating nuclei in the brainstem: A review

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    Cannabinoids elicit complex hemodynamic responses in experimental animals that involve both peripheral and central sites. Centrally administered cannabinoids have been shown to predominantly cause pressor response. However, very little is known about the mechanism of the cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1R)-centrally evoked pressor response. In this review, we provided an overview of the contemporary knowledge regarding the cannabinoids centrally elicited cardiovascular responses and the possible underlying signaling mechanisms. The current review focuses on the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) as the primary brainstem nucleus implicated in CB1R-evoked pressor response


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    رؤى جديدة لتقنيات التحنيط فى عصرالدولة الوسطى في مصر القديمة (2055-1782 ق.م.) ياستخدام التصوير بالاشعة المقطعيىة للمومياء السيدة أمانيت، كاهنة حتحور. في القرن التاسع عشر وأوائل القرن العشرين كانت طرق فحص ودراسة المومياوات المصرية ، تعتمد على الفحص البصري والطرق غير العلمية المدمرة. ومع تقدم التكنولوجيا في القرن الحادي والعشرين، ظهرت طرق فحص علمية غير تدميرية مثل الفحص بالأشعة المقطعية. CT وتهدف الدراسة إلى إعادة فحص المومياوات وإعادة قراءتها بناءً على أدلة علمية واضحة، ودراسة مدى الارتباط بين الفحص البصري بالفحص بالأشعة المقطعية CT. حيث تم تقسيم جسم المومياء إلى مناطق مختلفة لتتبع التغيرات المورفولوجية بعد التحنيط، حيث كشف الفحص البصري عن مظاهر التلف خارج جسم المومياء، بينما كشف الفحص بالأشعة المقطعية عن حالة الجسم الفيزيائية في الهيكل الداخلي للمومياء. توصلت الدراسة إلى تطابق معلومات الأثرية القديمة في طرق التحنيط في الدولة الوسطى وخاصة في العصر الحادي عشر، حيث استخدم المحنطون طريقة الحقن باستخدام زيت الأرز أو زيت العرعر لإزالة الأحشاء الداخلية. كما أظهرت الدراسة وجود بقايا أعضاء داخلية في تجويف الصدر والبطن، وتأكدت سلامة الحجاب الحاجز دون أي تلف. وقدمت الدراسة طريقة لفحص المومياوات تتفق مع الأساليب العلمية دون أن تتسبب في تلف المومياء. كما أشارت الدراسة إلى قلة عدد المومياوات التي تعود إلى الدولة القديمة مقارنة بالمومياوات في الفترات اللاحقة، نتيجة للسرقة والتعرض للتلف خلال فترات الاضمحلال. وأشارت أيضًا إلى أن التحنيط في تلك الفترة كان مقتصرًا على طبقة محدودة من المجتمع. [EN] The examination and study of Egyptian mummies in the 19th and early 20th centuries relied on visual inspection and non-scientific destructive methods. However, advancements in non-destructive examination techniques, such as Computed Tomography (CT) scanning, have necessitated a re-examination and reinterpretation of mummies based on confirmed scientific evidence. This research aims to reassess and reinterpret mummies using reliable scientific evidence, while also studying the potential correlation between visual examination and CT scanning. This scientific paper presents a contemporary reading of mummification techniques in ancient Egypt through the examination of Lady Amanit\u27s mummy from the 11th dynasty of the Middle Kingdom. The research employs a comparative approach between visual examination and CT scanning, dividing the mummy\u27s body into regions to trace morphological changes post-mummification. Visual examination detects external deteriorations, while CT scanning reveals the internal physical condition, the study aligns with archaeological information on mummification techniques in the Middle Kingdom, indicating the use of injection methods for organ removal. Remnants of internal organs were found within the chest and abdominal cavities, with the intact diaphragm confirming its undamaged state. The non-invasive examination method aligns with scientific approaches without causing harm to the mummies. Moreover, the study highlights the scarcity of mummies from the Old Kingdom compared to later periods, primarily due to theft during periods of decline. It also suggests that mummification during this time was limited to a specific social class. this research provides new insights into mummification techniques and contributes to the field of Egyptology by combining visual examination and CT scanning, resulting in a comprehensive understanding of ancient Egyptian mummies

    Three Dimensional Computational Study for Spiral Dry Gas Seal with Constant Groove Depth and Different Tapered Grooves

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    AbstractThe three dimensional simulation for dry gas seal with constant depth spiral grooves and with different taper grooves is done using ANSYS FLUENT CFD code. Grid independence study and code validation are done with experimental work. The fluid state effect on the gas seal internal flow and performance is studied. The laminar and turbulent flow with RNG K-ɛ turbulence model and LES is examined for the same geometrical and operating conditions. The influence of film thickness for constant depth groove gas seal is simulated for 2, 3 and 4μm film. The effect of different rotational speeds on gas seal performance is examined for 0, 2500, 5000, 7500 and 10380rpm. Three taper spiral grooves are studied each with three different angles, including taper grooves in the radial, circumferential and combined radial-circumferential directions. The laminar flow simulation for the dry gas seal agree well with the experimental results more than the turbulent flow simulation which overestimate the pressure distribution inside the seal. The results indicate that as the rotational speed increases the seal open force and leakage increase. The use of tapered type spiral groove causes a reduction in the seal open force and the leakage rate. Increasing the angle of radial taper groove reduces the temperature distribution inside the gas film. The reduction in seal open force and leakage rate is higher when the combined radial-circumferential taper is more than radial and circumferential taper used

    Gender Disparities in the Diagnosis of Sleep Disordered Breathing

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    Introduction: Current diagnostic guidelines for sleep disordered breathing (SDB) require that apneas and hypopneas be accompanied by a 4% desaturation for it to constitute a respiratory event (AHI-Accepted). However, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends expanding the diagnostic criteria to include apneas and hypopneas accompanied by a 3% desaturation or a cortical arousal for diagnosis (AHI-Recommended). We hypothesized that a clinical sample of both men and women would demonstrate that women are more likely to be misdiagnosed using the accepted criteria compared to the recommended criteria. Methods: The clinical sample consisted of all patients receiving a PSG at the Detroit Medical Center Sleep Clinic in 2019. We used t-test calculations to analyze gender, BMI, AHI-R, and AHI-A. Results: 286 Women and 158 Men were analyzed. For Women, the average AHI-R was 27.0 events/hr (±27.4), and AHI-A was 15.1 events/hr (±21.4). For Men, the average AHI-R was 47.1 events/hr (±35.1), and AHI-A was 32.5 events/hr (±31.9). 19.8% of women had an AHI-A greater than 15 compared to 35.3% of women when using AHI-R (15.5% increase). For men, 20.5% had an AHI-A greater than 15 compared to 27.4% when using AHI-R (6.9% increase). Discussion: There was a significant difference between men and women when comparing AHI-A to AHI-R. Using the AHI-R criteria resulted in a greater increase in women being diagnosed with severe SDB compared to men. This indicates that using the recommended criteria benefits women to a greater extent than men

    Construction project of two-storey cottage in village Novooleksandrivka, Dnipropetrovsk region

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    Qualification work: 63 pages, 2 tables, 1 figure, 1 annex, 7 sources. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING, CONSTRUCTION SCHEME, BUILDING PROJECT, COTTAGE CONSTRUCTION, HOLLOW FLOOR PLATES, CALCULATION OF HOLLOW PLATE SLABS. The object of work is a two-storey cottage building in the village of Novooleksandrivka, Dnipropetrovsk region. The purpose of the work is to design two-storey cottage buildings taking into account the tendencies to the rapid construction of buildings and the development of construction in rural areas. Methods of work - development of working drawings, technical calculations justifying the choice of technology and structural elements of the building, development of technological maps, determination of technical and economic indicators of construction. The results and their novelty - developed and substantiated technology of construction of a two-storey residential building, developed architectural drawings and technological schemes for the arrangement of the foundation of concrete blocks and installation of hollow floor slabs, calculated hollow floor slabs, developed method statement and schemes, calculated economy. Scope - technologies of construction of civil engineering objects. The practical significance of the work is to increase the construction time and the development of rural construction