103 research outputs found

    An ICT-Based E-Collaborative Application for Law Enforcement Agencies in Nigeria

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    ICTs are effectively showing new dimensions to old institutional setups. There is a reinforced thrust for an informed andparticipatory citizenry for efficient e-governance. It goes without saying that impact of ICT on institutional changes is fastspreading across the boundaries of social and political arrangements of societies. This is because ICT is the biggest enabler ofchange and process reforms with minimum resistance. Decades of attempts for government and process reforms fade in the faceof what ICT has achieved in few years. In this paper, the idea to make enterprise applications interoperable via central relationaldatabases to support road safety and crime control system is proposed. The following sections discusses how the notion of onlinedecentralised database can be adopted to structure specific solutions to interoperability problems. Section 5 gives thearchitecture, design and technique for the web-based database implementation; how the database can be processed and accuratestatistics about law enforcement generated and analysed to support planning, decision making and control of operations by theauthorities involved in enforcement of law is shown. The concludes with a summary of the salient points.Keywords: ICT, Government, Collaboration, Law Enforcement Agencies and Interoperabilit

    Non-linear Effect of Socio-spatial features on academic performances of HND Statistics students of the Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti

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    Students’ performances worldwide is a phenomenon that attracts researches since education is considered to be a tool to social and economic advancement of a nation as well as its citizenry. Nigeria situation in the recent time has been considered critical. Many earlier works have shown a general agreed decline in education while that decline has equally been attributed to ranging factors; primary and secondary schools were said to be shambles, while these underperforming schools are mainly considered as public or government school in Nigeria due to many social and economic downturns that are not the subject of this research. An attempt is made in this research work to delve into the general performances of students in higher institution using the the higher national diploma (HND) results of Statistics students of the Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti to examine the context of spatial study, the contribution of factors such as sex (peer effect), state, primary and secondary school type attended as well as the ages of students. Tests show significant effect of the variables and further investigation reveal higher influence between performance and type of primary school attended, however positive relationship declined for secondary school attended. The graphical illustration shows that age is found to have a non-linear influence on the academic performances. Keywords: Students, school attended, age, significant effect, performance

    Evaluation of the Nutritive Importance of Fresh and Dry Cyperus esculentus (Tiger nut) Available in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria

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    Fresh and dried Cyperus esculentus nuts were obtained from a local market (Sabo market) in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria. These nuts are chew, serve as snacks and used as sources of food and medicine in Nigeria. In this study; proximate, mineral content (using AAS), vitamins and sugar compositions were determined using standard methods [1] The results of the proximate composition revealed that the dry nuts contained higher amount of the nutrients present (fat 35.43 %, protein 9.70 % and ash 4.25 %) than the fresh nuts (32.13 %, 7.15 % and 3.97 %). The result of the mineral content shows that, calcium, iron and manganese were higher in the dry nut than the fresh nut.Sugar composition result shows that sucrose and glucose were the prominent sugar present and were higher in the dried nut than in the fresh nut.The result of the vitamin compositions revealed that vitamin A was equally present in both fresh and dried nut, while fresh nut contained higher amount of vitamin B1(2.25 mg/100g) and B3(3.47 mg/100g) other vitamins were in traces in both nuts.The result of this study showed that both fresh and dried nuts of C. esculentus are of high nutritional value based on their proximate, mineral, vitamin and sugar contents. Keywords: Proximate, mineral, vitamin, sugar, nuts DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/11-16-05 Publication date:August 31st 202

    The UEFA model in identification of types, severity and mechanism of injuries among professional footballers in the Nigerian Premier League

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    Background. Association football, otherwise known as soccer, is the most popular sport in the world. The increase in the popularity of the game and the expectations from players make injury risk in football high.Objective. To describe the types, severity, prevalence and mechanism of injuries among professional footballers in the Nigeria Premier League (NPL).Methods. The Union of European Football Association (UEFA) Injury Study Questionnaire was used for data collection. A total of 240 footballers from 11 clubs, who participated in the 2011/2012 NPL premiership season, was selected through proportionate stratified random sampling technique, and the participants were studied using a prospective cohort study design for 6 months. Descriptive statistics of means, percentages and frequency distributions were used to answer the research questions.Results. The mean (standard deviation) age, height and weight of the injured footballers was 22.9 (3.4) years, 1.69 (0.05) m and 71.3 (3.9) kg, respectively. There was a high injury prevalence (78%) associated with actual league games, whereas the incidence rate per 1 000-hour exposure was 300.2 exposure-hours from 19 games within 6 months. Sprain (32%) was the predominant type of injury recorded. The tackle event (34%) was the predominant mechanism of injury recorded, and 63% of the injuries led to 1 - 3 days of player absence from football activities. Most of the injuries were recurrent injuries (63%).Conclusion. This study showed a high occurrence of injuries in the NPL, in particular associated with league (competitive) games. The findings of this study will serve to guide the development and implementation of injury prevention strategies in the NPL

    Fine needle aspiration cytology of breast lumps with histopathologic correlation in Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria: a five-year review

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    Objective: To determine the histopathologic correlation of fine needle aspiration cytology FNAC of breast masses seen in the department of histopathology of the Federal Medical Center Owo, Southwestern Nigeria.Design: This is a 5-year retrospective study of breast lumps seen at Department of Histopathology, Federal Medical Centre Owo, a tertiary health care facility in Southwestern Nigeria between January 1 2010 and December 31 2014.Participants: All patients who had Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Breast lumps with subsequent histological confirmation over this period were included in the study.Results: In the five years under review (2010-2014), a total of 289 FNAC of breast lumps were done. The aspirates were obtained from 275 (95.2%) females and 14 (4.8%) males. There were 161 cases of FNAC with corresponding tissue for histological correlation giving a biopsy rate of 55.7%. The sensitivity of FNAC in determining the final histologic diagnosis was found to be 99.4% while the specificity was 100%. FNAC was able to determine final histologic diagnosis conclusively in 86.3% of cases.Conclusion: We therefore concluded that FNAC is a reliable diagnostic tool of breast lumps in our centre. Being a fast and cheap diagnostic tool as highlighted by previous studies, we advocate that clinicians should continue to embrace this diagnostic technique in the surgical management of breast lumps.Funding: This study was entirely funded by the authors

    Research trends on CAPTCHA: A systematic literature

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    The advent of technology has crept into virtually all sectors and this has culminated in automated processes making use of the Internet in executing various tasks and actions. Web services have now become the trend when it comes to providing solutions to mundane tasks. However, this development comes with the bottleneck of authenticity and intent of users. Providers of these Web services, whether as a platform, as a software or as an Infrastructure use various human interaction proof’s (HIPs) to validate authenticity and intent of its users. Completely automated public turing test to tell computer and human apart (CAPTCHA), a form of IDS in web services is advantageous. Research into CAPTCHA can be grouped into two -CAPTCHA development and CAPTCH recognition. Selective learning and convolutionary neural networks (CNN) as well as deep convolutionary neural network (DCNN) have become emerging trends in both the development and recognition of CAPTCHAs. This paper reviews critically over fifty article publications that shows the current trends in the area of the CAPTCHA scheme, its development and recognition mechanisms and the way forward in helping to ensure a robust and yet secure CAPTCHA development in guiding future research endeavor in the subject domain

    Awareness and use of electronic databases by postgraduates in the University of Ibadan.

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    This study investigated the awareness and use of electronic databases by postgraduates in the University of Ibadan. A descriptive survey research design was adopted and questionnaire was used for data collection. The sample for the study was drawn from the population through simple Random sampling technique, and a total of 131 copies of the questionnaire were retrieved and analyzed with simple percentage, mean, mean ratings and standard deviation. Findings showed that 66.4% of the postgraduate students were generally aware of electronic databases but very few of the students were aware of each of the electronic databases that were available in the university. It was discovered that majority of the respondents used electronic databases to a high extent for carrying research work, literature searching, generate new information and to update knowledge. Results from the analysis also showed that the frequent use of the electronic databases by postgraduate students was low. The major hindrances to using electronic databases were found to be slow internet connectivity, incessant power outrage, no access to full text of citation/abstracts and inadequate infrastructure for accessing electronic resources It was recommended that librarians should make these electronic databases known to postgraduate students by educating them on its uses and benefits and to develop their information retrieval skills

    Awareness and use of electronic databases by postgraduates in the University of Ibadan

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    Globalisation through modern information and communication technology (ICT) is revolutionising the conduct of teaching and research in universities all over the world, particularly in developing countries such as Nigeria. One significant impact of globalisation, information and communication technology on teaching and research in developing countries is access to global information resources by researchers and postgraduate students of the universities. The university remains a centre of excellence, a citadel of learning, and more importantly the epitome of research

    Trip pattern of low density residential area in semi urban industrial cluster: predictive modeling

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    This research elucidates the trip pattern of the low-density residential zone in a semi-urban industrial cluster of southwestern Nigeria. These sets of dwellers are often times neglected in the transportation planning process. To achieve the aim of this research, domiciliary information gathering procedure was employed with 0.82 return rates. It was backed up with the focus group discussion method. Data on frequency of trips, per capita trip, modal choice, and socioeconomic and demographic data were collected, collated, and analysed. Accordingly, a predictive model was formulated for the trip pattern of the low-density area. This was achieved with the aid of statistical software SPSS version 21.Consequently, the results of the multiple regression models showed that both monthly income and car ownership had a significant positive influence on the work trip while only car ownership positively influences non-work trip. R2 values of 0.729 and 0.739 were obtained for the descriptive model at 95% confidence level. This established the robustness of the model, the analysis showed that monthly income and car ownership had a significant positive influence on the work trip with an Rsquare value of 0.729 and 0.739 for work and non-work trip respectively. This indicated that household will embark on more trips with an increase in car ownership and monthly income. However, effective transportation planning and traffic infrastructural development were recommended to meet the demands of the increased number of trips daily
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